SAILS Lunch Time Seminar: 21 June
- Date
- Monday 21 June 2021
- Time
- Address
- Online
Natural Language Processing for Translational Data Science in Mental Healthcare
In this overview talk, I will first position the research domain of Translational Data Science, in the context of the COVIDA research programme on Dutch NLP for healthcare. Then, I will present our prognostic study on inpatient violence risk assessment by applying natural language processing techniques to clinical notes in patients’ electronic health records (Menger et al, 2019). Finally, I will discuss followup work where we try to better understand the performance of the best performing RNN model using LDA as a text representation method among others, which reminds us once more of the lingering issue of data quality in EHRs.
Meeting link
Please contact Mischa Hautvast for the meeting link.