Universiteit Leiden

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The Continuity and Discontinuity of Fundamental Military Concepts in Russian Military Thought Between 1856 and 2010

  • E. Yüksel
dinsdag 24 januari 2023
Rapenburg 73
2311 GJ Leiden


  • Prof.dr. I.G.B.M. Duijvesteijn
  • Prof.dr. A.W.M. Gerrits


This dissertation will demonstrate that there is a significant degree of continuity in Russian military thought over the 20th century due to the resilience of fundamental military concepts. To be conceptually fundamental is inextricably linked to historical continuity. The primary objective of this study, then, is to investigate the historical continuity of fundamental military concepts in Russian military thought between 1856 and 2010.

In this regard, this dissertation attempts to show that fundamental military concepts ensured continuity rather than change, despite the changing strategic, political, and historical contexts. Ultimately, this research argues that socio-political and strategic ruptures have had a marginal impact on Russian fundamental military concepts. Thus, the present study seeks to provide new insights into 'conceptual continuity in Russian military thought by using the military history of ideas between the late 19th and early 21st centuries.


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