Multifocal approach of wrist related injuries
- R.H. van Leerdam
- Datum
- dinsdag 22 november 2022
- Tijd
- Locatie
Rapenburg 73
2311 GJ Leiden
- Prof.dr. I.B. Schipper
With so many bones, ligaments, tendons and joints keeping the hand and wrist functioning, it is susceptible to a variety of injuries. Hand and wrist injuries are among the most common injuries in all age groups and contribute considerably to the burden of somatic handicaps. These injuries can be debilitating if not treated correctly and can be both time-consuming and fraught with medicolegal risk. The description of wrist related injury is multifocal due to its broad definition and the complexity of the anatomy. Better understanding of injury mechanisms, improvements in diagnostic methods, advances in surgical treatment can all be beneficial to advance the care of these injuries. This thesis describes a multifocal approach on wrist related injuries following trauma, addressing its complexity in diagnosis and treatment strategies.
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