Universiteit Leiden

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Multilayer porous scaffold for cartilage tissue engineering

  • Y. Campos Mora
woensdag 7 september 2022
Rapenburg 73
2311 GJ Leiden


  • Prof.dr. J.L. Bloem


In spite of all advances in the articular cartilage tissue engineering reached in the last years, the search for an ideal scaffold is still ongoing. For that reason, the general aim of this doctoral thesis is to design, develop and improve a novel tri-layered porous scaffold, having similar chemical composition and structure as articular cartilage. It needs to be grafted in the knee to replace and restore osteoarthritic damaged tissue next to the subchondral bone. The specific objectives are described in the following chapters:

Chapter 1: Introduction
The composition of articular cartilage is explained. Osteoarthritis risk factors and its prevalence and treatment strategies are summarized.

Chapter 2: Tissue Engineering: An Alternative for Repairing Cartilage
The main components of the articular cartilage are mentioned and its complex structure is explained. The use of various biomaterials like fibrous and porous multilayered scaffolds are suggested in tissue engineering with the purpose of restoring the soft tissue damaged.

Chapter 3: Design, construction, and biological testing of an implantable porous tri-layer scaffold for repairing osteoarthritic cartilage (Objective 1)
We designed and constructed a porous tri-layer scaffold based on natural polymers like chitosan and type II collagen and an articular cartilage component like hyaluronic acid to mimic the native tissue. The physicochemical properties of this novel biomaterial were evaluated in vitro and in vivo to find out if it was suitable for the growth and proliferation of cells as well as for repairing damaged cartilage.

Chapter 4: The Effects of Crosslinking on the Rheology and Cellular Behavior of Polymer-Based 3D-Multilayered Scaffolds for Restoring Articular Cartilage (Objective 2)
The rheological properties of tri-layered scaffolds under different crosslinking treatments were compared. The cellular behavior of chondrocytes in the presence of theses biomaterials has been also addressed.

Chapter 5: The incorporation of Etanercept into a porous tri-layered scaffold for restoring and repairing the cartilage tissue (Objective 3)
A drug Etanercept (ETA) was incorporated into the porous tri-layered scaffold to improve its anti-inflammatory properties as a substitute of damaged cartilage tissue. The effectiveness of the drug inside the biomaterial was in vitro and in vivo evaluated. The tri-layered scaffold was also crosslinked to compare the mechanical properties of both materials. The physicochemical and biological properties of both biomaterials were evaluated as well. Ex vivo study was also performed to investigate whether OA in the articular cartilage diminished after grafting the scaffolds.

Chapter 6: Summary, General discussion and Future perspectives
In this chapter, the main outcomes of the research are summarized and put into perspective.


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