The Future of Work: Opportunities and challenges of digitalization, the platform economy and flexibilization of European labour markets
- Datum
- donderdag 14 juli 2022
- Tijd
- Locatie
- Breestraat 60
2311 CJ Leiden - Zaal
- Stadsgehoorzaal, Aalmarktzaal
Over het panel
The context of work has changed rapidly. Over the past decades, many jobs have been replaced by new technologies, like artificial intelligence and robotics. In this panel, we will present and discuss novel insights on the impact of new technologies on European labour markets from various disciplinary angles, namely economics, sociology, law and political science.
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Over het onderzoeksproject
Meer informatie over het onderzoeksproject is te lezen op de website.
Zie ook: ESOF-congres: EuroScience Open Forum Leiden 13 t/m 16 juli