Una Europa
Building the university of the future
Our university is part of Una Europa: an alliance of 11 leading European research universities.
The alliance provides all students and employees at Leiden University with international opportunities for collaboration and development. Think, for example, of:
- Summer and winter schools;
- Seed funding grants;
- International exchange programmes (for staff and students);
- Webinars.
Many enthusiastic colleagues also participate in Una Europa Self-Steering Committees, Clusters, and Strategic Task Forces. The Una Europa Project Team Leiden supports and coordinates all Una Europa activities at Leiden.

'The goals, thematic focus and partners of Una Europa closely align with our ambitions for international engagement. Synergy in our international portfolio, our research and our teaching agendas is of great importance to us because this will make it possible to create significant impact and will open up new horizons for our students and staff.'
- Hester Bijl, Rector Magnificus of Leiden University