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Mapping the Śaiva Landscape

  • Peter Bisschop
  • Elizabeth Cecil
woensdag 18 oktober 2017
All welcome! Entrance is free. No prior registration required.
Cleveringaplaats 1
2311 BD Leiden

Text and Temple

In this combined lecture Peter Bisschop and Elizabeth Cecil will introduce the study of religious landscapes in South Asia using ancient Sanskrit texts and the remains of temples and other important archaeological sites. The first half of the lecture will focus on a text called the Skandapurāṇa, dedicated to the mythology and ritual worship of the Hindu god Śiva. The second half will work to connect the textual and the historical landscape by sharing fieldwork done on key sites associated with this text.

The speakers
Peter Bisschop
, Professor of Sanskrit and Ancient Cultures of South Asia, LIAS, Leiden University
Dr Elizabeth Cecil, Postdoctoral Researcher in South Asian Religions and Material Culture, LIAS, Leiden University

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