Our community stays connected online
In these crazy Corona times we all work from home, and therefore we connect less with colleagues and our community. Since this way of working will remain the standard for a while, the coordinators of OSCL aim to stay connected with you, and facilitate contact between members in a new online way.
We have set up a Team using Microsoft Teams to organize talks and workshops, and ensure that members can stay connected, ask questions, and help each other. Everyone from Leiden University can join this Open Science Community Leiden Team. Join us, ask questions about any Open Science-related topic, stay updated, follow talks, and join meetings. It is an extra service we offer, to facilitate contact among our community during home-work times and beyond. We will still also update you about events through our website, newsletters, and twitter.
Trouble finding our Team? Find info about Microsoft Teams here, send us an email, or send us a DM through twitter. No OSCL member yet? Join us here.