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Exploring the Medieval Archive (5 ECTS)

Archives contain a wealth of material that provides new insights, not only to historians but also to literary historians and art historians. However, the texts are often written in difficult-to-decipher handwriting and interpreting the content is not always easy. Six instructors have teamed up to provide practical training for Research Master's students and PhD candidates in the skill of reading late medieval archival documents in Middle Dutch and Medieval Latin (accounts, city charters and regulations, court records, etc.) and understanding the text (including its typical structure, specific dating systems, or particular ways of authentication). On the other hand, they will also discuss and reflect on these texts within the broader context of late medieval written culture (both at the court and in the city – with a focus on the Low Countries). The programme consists of two introductory sessions, a four-day stay on location, and two archival visits.

More information

  • Aimed at: Research MA-students and PhD students.
  • Period: April-May 2025
  • Location: Leiden / Utrecht / Dominican Convent Huissen
  • Course Coordinator: Dr R. Stein (Leiden)
  • Language of instruction: Dutch / English – elementary knowledge of Middle Dutch or Medieval Latin is, of course, helpful when transcribing the primary sources, but not required
  • Course load: 5 ECTS
  • Maximum number of participants: 12



To register, please send an email to: ozsmed@hum.leidenuniv.nl

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