Academic Staff Member and University Lecturer for LDE (Leiden-Delft-Erasmus Universities)
The Office of Leiden University in Indonesia has a vacancy for an Academic Staff Member and University Lecturer for LDE (Leiden-Delft-Erasmus Universities)
Leiden University, Erasmus University, and Delft University of Technology or in short LDE have formed a strategic alliance in 2013 with the aim to collaborate on the basis of a shared vision and shared objectives in specific thematic areas in research and education. This cooperation also extends to the joint international collaboration with Indonesia.
Leiden University Permanent Representative Office in Indonesia has been established at the premises of the KITLV-Jakarta office at the compound of the Embassy of the Netherlands in Jakarta. KITLV (Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land-en Volkenkunde/Royal Netherlands Institute of Southeast Asian and Caribbean Studies)-Jakarta is part of Leiden University Libraries (UBL).
The main activities of the Leiden University Representative office are:
- Supporting ongoing and initiating new academic cooperation with Indonesian Higher Education and Research Institutes;
- Identify potential funding schemes and agencies for research and education cooperation;
- Maintain close relationships with the universities, research center and relevant govermental institutions in Indonesia;
- Promotion and branding of Leiden University and KITLV-Jakarta in Indonesia;
- Provide information and counseling to potential students;
- Maintain and increase the Leiden Alumni network in Indonesia.
As Academic Staff Member and University Lecturer LDE you will be part of the Office of Leiden University Team and will collaborate with as well report to the Deputy Director and the Director.
Specific responsibilities as Academic Staff Member and University Lecturer for LDE:
- Identify, delevop, and implement strategies for academic cooperation, joint research, and educational programs for LDE in Indonesia in close cooperation with relevant faculties and staff of LDE;
- Support the already ongoing academic cooperation with selected Indonesia Higher Education and Research Institutes focusing on LDE priority reseach focus areas;
- Initiate or establish new collaborations in line with LDE's internationalisation strategy;
- Identify funding sources for research, education, and for academic mobility;
- Maintain and expand relationships in Indonesia with relevant counterparts, scientists and researchers, international relations offices, goverment officials, and other relevant counterparts;
- Organize and support academic educational programs such as the LDE minor in Indonesia and the LDE Thesis Lab;
- Teaching selected modules within the LDE minor and develop modules in collaboration with relevant LDE departements;
- Organize and support other academic events such as lectures, workshops, and seminars.
- Indonesian national;
- Obtained a PhD degree in the field of socio-humanities;
- Alumnus from a Dutch reseach university. Preference will be given to graduates from Leiden University, Erasmus University, or Delft University of Technology;
- Experienced researcher and university lecturer, affinity with the social sciences and experience in doing ethnographic fieldwork;
- Experienced in program management, academic networking, and event management;
- Proven previous exposure to international collaborations or programs, preferably in the context of higher education and research;
- Thorough and proven understanding of the Indonesian and Dutch higher education and reseach landscapes;
- Excellent English communication skill in speaking and writing, knowledge of Dutch language will be an asset but is not a prerequisite;
- Strong networking, organizational, and problem-solving skills;
- Computer literate especially in MS Office applications;
- Able to work in a team and independently.
Please send your application (which must include CV, motivation letter, and recommendation letter) by email to kitlv.jkt@library.leidenuniv.nl stating Academic Coordinator LDE as the subject of your email before Friday 29 March 2024. For questions about this vacancy, please contact our Office Manager, Mrs. Paulina Nainggolan on telephone number 021-5275988.
Only applicants who have submitted all above mentioned documents completely will be taken into consideration. Only short-listed candidates will be invited for an interview.