International seminar: “Indonesian Heritage and Library Collections”
- Date
- Tuesday 25 June 2019
- Time
- Address
- LIPI, Jl. Gatot Subroto no.10 Jakarta

2019 marks the fiftieth anniversary of KITLV-Jakarta in Indonesia. It was established in 1969 as part of the Cultural Agreement between Indonesia and the Netherlands. At that time the KITLV office was located at LIPI (Indonesian Institute of Sciences). Since 2014 the office is under the management of Leiden University.
The highlight of KITLV-Jakarta’s anniversary will be held on June 25th, with opening and welcome by Chairman of LIPI – Dr. Laksana Tri Handoko, Leiden University’s Rector Magnificus – Prof. mr. C.J.J.M. Stolker, Dean of Faculty of Humanities Universitas Indonesia – Dr. Adrianus Waworuntu, Director of Leiden University Libraries – Mr. Kurt de Belder, and from KITLV Leiden – Prof. dr. Henk Schulte Nordholt will present the keynote speech “On future of Indonesian Dutch academic cooperation”.
Following the opening, a special edition of Wacana, Journal of the Humanities of Indonesia will be launched. The second part of the program is the international seminar on “Indonesian Heritage and Library Collections” with presentations from amongst others Dr. Roger Tol (Researcher and former KITLV-Jakarta Director), Dr Ali Akbar (Archeologist and lecturer at the Humanities Faculty, Universitas Indonesia), Drs. Liesbeth Ouwehand (Conservator at the Museum Volkenkunde) and Prof. Dr Gerry van Klinken (Senior researcher at KITLV and professor of Southeast Asian history at the University of Amsterdam).
The anniversary reception and seminar will be held in June 25th, 2019 at the Indonesian Institute of Sciences, Jl. Jend Gatot Subroto Kav. 10, Jakarta. The program for the international seminar can be downloaded here.
Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI)