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Second call for papers (deadline: 15 October, 2020)

ICEHL is a conference on all aspects and subjects relating to English Historical Linguistics. Having started in Durham, in 1979, its twenty-first edition will be held at Leiden University Centre for Linguistics, 7-11 June, 2021.

We invite abstracts for full papers (20 + 10 mins discussion), to be submitted before October 15, 2020.

Abstracts for papers should be no longer than a single page A4 (font size 12, line space 1, submitted as a PDF document), including title and references. Please make sure that the document you submit is entirely anonymous. You will be able to submit a revised, de-anonymised abstract, including your full name, contact details and affiliation (if any), after reviews and notifications of acceptance have been sent out. Abstracts will be reviewed by both the conference organising committee and additional invited referees. Conference participants can present no more than a single paper each (workshops excluded).

Notifications of acceptance will be sent out in November 2020.

!!! Please note that if you submitted an accepted abstract for the original date of ICEHL-21 (8-12 June, 2020) and you have let us know that you will attend the 2021 edition, your abstract will retain its accepted status and there is no need to resubmit your abstract. !!!

Abstract submission link

Please submit your abstract via this link:


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