Important Practical Information about ICEHL-21
In 2020, the organizing committee of ICEHL-21 made the decision to host the conference in 2021 as an online conference. After careful consideration, and taking the feedback of participants into account, the organizing committee has made the following practical decisions:
The conference will be hosted online between 7-11 June, 2021, with 7 June being reserved for workshops. During the main conference (8-11 June), each participant has been allocated a 20-minute slot between 13:00 and 16:45 (GMT+1). During the 20-minute time slot, speakers may either play a pre-recorded lecture video, or give a live presentation of 10-15 minutes, followed by 5-10 minutes of discussion.
The keynote lectures (45 minutes + 15 minutes discussion) will be live at the following times:
Tuesday, 8 June, 17:00-18:00 (GMT+1): Claudia Clardige
Wednesday, 9 June, 17:00-18:00 (GMT+1): Bettelou Los
Thursday, 10 June, 17:00-18:00 (GMT+1): Peter Petré
Friday, 11 June, 17:00-18:00 (GMT+1): George Walkden
The full, updated programme of ICEHL-21 will be published on our website and e-mailed to participants in due course.
Fees and registration
The new registration fee will be 50 EUR for the full conference; the fee covers a range of costs, including technical support before and during the conference. Payment and registration will take place via Paylogic and the link to Paylogic will be made available on the website in due course.
We kindly ask conference participants and attendees to register before 12 May, 2021.
Please note: if you had already registered and paid for ICEHL-21 in 2020, you will be fully reimbursed automatically (this should happen soon); if you want to participate in 2021, you will need to register and pay again, we apologize for this inconvenience.
To allow attendees to watch or read papers at their own leisure and avoid ‘Zoom fatigue’, we will make the papers available on a platform, accessible only to ICEHL-21 attendees, one week prior to the conference.
Participants are given the option to submit either a pre-recorded presentation video, or a written working paper. The video file (format: MP4, MPEG4, AVI, WMV) or working paper (format: PDF) should be sent to icehl21@hum.leidenuniv.nl before 12 May, 2021. Make sure to give your file includes your own name and the name of your paper. Please use WeTransfer to send the video files.
Pre-recorded presentation video
Length: 10-15 minutes
Format: MP4, MPEG4, AVI, WMV
At conference: the pre-recorded video may be used during the conference in lieu of a live presentation
Written working paper (PDF)
Length: 2000-2500 words
Format: Times New Roman, double spaced, font size 12, to be submitted as a PDF file
At conference: speakers have 10-15 minutes to give a live presentation accompanying the written paper.
The workshops take place online on 7 June, 2021. The format of the workshops will be determined by the workshop organizers, in consultation with the conference organizers.