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Call for Workshops and Abstracts (closed)

We are happy to announce that the Call for Papers for ICEHL-21 is now out.

There are two calls, one for workshops and the other one for individual papers, with different deadlines, as follows.

  1. Workshop proposals: deadline 1 May 2019 (notification of acceptance 15 June 2019)
  2. Abstracts for papers: deadline 15 August 2019 (notification of acceptance 1 November 2019).

Details on the Call for Papers may be found here or in this document. Please note that before being able to see the Call for Papers itself, you will need to create an EasyChair account, which is a very simple procedure. Proposals and abstracts can only be submitted through EasyChair.

We hope te receive many proposals for workshops as well as abstracts for papers, and are looking forward to hearing from you. Meanwhile, we all wish you a happy Christmas and an inspiring new year!

The Conference Organisers

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