Anticipated format of the online ICEHL
The ICEHL committee is currently exploring the options for online formats of ICEHL.
We anticipate that the conference will take the following form:
- Pre-recorded 20-minute-papers will be made available on a platform, accessible only by ICEHL attendees, a week prior to the conference proper, so as to allow attendees to watch papers at their own leisure and avoid 'Zoom fatigue'.
- On the days of the conference, speakers will be able to give 5-minute live pitches about their papers and these will be followed by 10-minute live discussions. These live sessions will be moderated and take place in an online form (e.g., Zoom, Teams or Kaltura).
- Note: The workshops may have a different format and the keynote lectures will be live-streamed during the conference.
We hope to confirm the fee of the conference, as well as decide on the actual format by March 2021.