How can Feminist Foreign Policy contribute to National Security in an Age of Domestic Terror Threats?
- Date
- Wednesday 17 March 2021
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- Online
Can a gendered national security policy offer solutions to domestic terror threats?
The threats emerging from domestic far-right terrorism in democracies such as Germany and the US suggests there is a new ‘enemy’ emerging from within democracies. How can states deal with heightened internal security threats and avoid militarising the state?
Increasingly states around the world are adopting a feminist foreign policy. The principles underlying feminist foreign policy include: stepping 'outside the black box approach of traditional foreign policy thinking and its focus on military force, violence, and domination by offering an alternate and intersectional rethinking of security from the viewpoint of the most vulnerable'. As such the goals of a feminist foreign policy are in part to develop policy recommendations that challenge current conceptions of how security should be managed and ensure security is not maintained at the expense of marginalised groups.
Women in International Security Netherlands (WIIS-NL) has organised this virtual round table to explore how a feminist foreign policy conceives of security, and how that might translate into national security policies. At this event we explore what we might learn from the principles that undergird feminist foreign policy in the national context. We ask if applying the principles of a feminist foreign policy to national security issues will provoke new ways of thinking about national security institutions.
Speakers at this event will address these questions:
- In what ways should feminist foreign policy contribute to our thinking on national security?
- What are the greatest impediments to implementing a feminist national security policy – in practice or theoretically - at state or regional levels?
- How should we conceive of national security institutions using a feminist approach?
- How can the militarization of the state be prevented from a feminist point of view?
- In what ways can the WPS agenda contribute to national security?
- Dr. Hannah Neumann - Member of the European Parliament (Alliance 90/The Greens)
- Dr. Cristopher Ballinas Valdés - Director General for Human Rights and Democracy, Mexican Ministry of Foreign Affairs
- Dr. Annika Bergman Rosamond - Associate Professor of Political Science, Lund University.
Sign up
Please register for this event via this link.
If you have any questions about this event, please contact Anne Peterscheck.
WIIS-NL was launched in March 2020 as a formal chapter of the Women in International Security (WIIS) network which hosts 44 chapters across the world. Our website can be found here: and we can be located on Twitter @WIIS_NL. For information on how to join WIIS-NL click HERE.