Zane Kripe
- Name
- Drs. Z. Kripe
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 2727
Short CV
Zane Kripe is a PhD candidate at the Institute of Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology of Leiden University, researching geek culture and ideas about technological futures in Southeast Asia, in particular Singapore and Indonesia. Her PhD research project is part of the NWO funded project 'Towards a Comparative History of Digital Futurities'. She holds an MSc in Media Technology (Leiden University) and BA in Political Science (Riga Stradins University).
Her PhD research focuses on what it means to be a geek in contemporary Southeast Asia, in order to understand the various experiences and aspirations linked to the unfolding of the so-called digital revolution. Following the geek quest of building 'Asian technology for Asia' and the 'Silicon Valleys of Southeast Asia', she examines the position of geeks in Southeast Asia in relation to state, economy and globalization.
Geeks form an non-governmental and non-activist elite group, yet they play an important role in the development plans of the societies. Zane researches what the future will look like for them. By focusing on popular forms of gathering, such as BarCamps and Hackerspaces, Zane researches the ways in which the young technology enthusiasts try to influence and create their own futures.
Zane's research interests also include the theoretical and practical consequences that arise from online ethnography, on which she has taught the course ‘Anthropology of Information Society’ at Leiden University.
Relevant links
- Kripe Z. (2011) The making of Southeast Asian silicon valleys: the perspective of the geeks. In: The Newsletter, International Institute of Asian Studies, 58: 14-15.
- Science
- Leiden Inst of Advanced Computer Science
- Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
- Culturele Antropologie/ Ontw. Sociologie
- Pels P., Boog I., Florusbosch H.J., Kripe Z., Minter T., Postma M., Sleeboom‐Faulkner M., Simpson B., Dilger H., Schönhuth M., Poser A., Castillo R.C., Lederman R. & Richards‐Rissetto H. (2018), Data management in anthropology: The next phase in ethics governance?, Social Anthropology 26(3): 391-413.
- Kripe Z. (16 January 2017), 48 hours of digital detox: Can you survive without your digital devices?. 48 hours of digital detox: can you survive without your digital devices?. Leiden University: Leiden Anthropology Blog. [blog entry].
- Bähre E. & Kripe Z. (27 May 2015), From Beyoncé to Markets – Anthropologists Studying Elites. From Beyoncé to Markets – Anthropologists Studying Elites. Leiden: Leiden Anthropology Blog. [blog entry].
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