Universiteit Leiden

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Yena Kim

Guest Postdoc

Dr. Y. Kim
+31 71 527 2727

Yena Kim is a researcher at the Institute of Psychology, Leiden University. She received her PhD in comparative psychology at the Primate Research Institute, Kyoto University, Japan in September 2017. Her research interest includes prosociality, cooperation, and its underlying psychological mechanisms in human and nonhuman great apes. Currently, she is involved in a project, “Evolutionary insights into social intelligence: a comparison between humans, bonobos, and chimpanzees” directed by Dr. Mariska Kret, as well as a chimpanzee face perception research in collaboration with Dr. Masaki Tomonaga at the Primate Research Institute, Kyoto University, Japan.


Guest Postdoc

  • Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
  • Instituut Psychologie
  • Cognitieve Psychologie
  • No relevant ancillary activities
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