Yamila Miguel
Associate professor
- Name
- Dr. Y. Miguel
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 8457
- ymiguel@strw.leidenuniv.nl
- 0000-0002-0747-8862

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Former PhD Candidates
Associate professor
- Science
- Sterrewacht
- Sterrewacht
- Powell D., Feinstein A.D., Lee E.K.H., Zhang M., Tsai S.-M., Taylor J., Kirk J., Bell T., Barstow J.K., Gao P., Bean J.L., Blecic J., Chubb K.L., Crossfield I.J.M., Jordan S., Kitzmann D., Moran S.E., Morello G., Moses J.I., Welbanks L., Yang J., Zhang X., Ahrer E.-M., Bello-Arufe A., Brande J., Casewell S.L., Crouzet N.M., Cubillos P.E., Demory B.-O., Dyrek A., Flagg L., Hu R., Inglis J., Jones K.D., Kreidberg L., López-Morales M., Lagage P.-O., Meier Valdés E.A., Miguel Y., Parmentier V., Piette A.A.A., Rackham B.V., Radica M., Redfield S., Stevenson K.B., Wakeford H.R., Aggarwal K., Alam M.K., Batalha N.M., Batalha N.E., Benneke B., Berta-Thompson Z.K., Brady R.P., Caceres C., Carter A.L., Désert J.-M., Harrington J., Iro N., Line M.R., Lothringer J.D., MacDonald R.J., Mancini L., Molaverdikhani K., Mukherjee S., Nixon M.C., Oza A.V., Palle E., Rustamkulov Z., Sing D.K., Steinrueck M.E., Venot O., Wheatley P.J. & Yurchenko S.N. (2024), Sulfur dioxide in the mid-infrared transmission spectrum of WASP-39b, Nature 626(8001): 979-983.
- Diamant S.J.M., Bahia R.S., Sefton-Nash E. & Miguel Y. (2024), Martian paleolake outlet canyons: evidence for controls on valley network formation, Icarus 408: 115835.
- Hu R., Bello-Arufe A., Zhang M., Paragas K., Zilinskas M., Buchem C. van, Bess M., Patel J., ito Y., Damiano M., Scheucher M., Oza A., Knutson H., Miguel Y., Dragomir D., Brandeker A. & Demory B.-O. (2024), A CO2/CO-rich atmosphere on the rocky exoplanet 55 Cnc e, AASTCS10: Extreme Solar Systems V. AASTC10: Extreme Solar Systems V 16 March 2024 - 21 March 2024. Bulletin of the AAS no. 56. Washington: AAS Publishing . 201.06.
- Piaulet-Ghorayeb C., Benneke B., Radica M., Raul E., Coulombe L.-P., Ahrer E.-M., Kubyshkina D., Howard W.S., Krissansen-Totton J., MacDonald R.J., Roy P.-A., Louca A.J., Christie D., Fournier-Tondreau M., Allart R., Miguel Y., Schlichting H.E., Welbanks L., Cadieux C., Dorn C., Evans-Soma T.M., Fortney J.J., Pierrehumbert R., Lafrenière D., Acuña L., Komacek T., Innes H., Beatty T.G., Cloutier R., Doyon R., Gagnebin A., Gapp C. & Knutson H.A. (2024), JWST/NIRISS reveals the water-rich "Steam World'' atmosphere of GJ 9827 d, Astrophysical Journal Letters 974(1): L10.
- Thao P.C., Mann A.W., Feinstein A.D., Gao P., Thorngren D., Rotman Y., Welbanks L., Brown A., Duvvuri G.M., France K., Longo I., Sandoval A., Schneider P.C., Wilson D.J., Youngblood A., Vanderburg A., Barber M.G., Wood M.L., Batalha N.E., Kraus A.L., Murray C.A., Newton E.R., Rizzuto A., Tofflemire B.M., Tsai S.-M., Bean J.L., Berta-Thompson Z.K., Evans-Soma T.M., Froning C.S., Kempton E.M.-R., Miguel Y. & Pineda J.S. (2024), The featherweight giant: unraveling the atmosphere of a 17 Myr planet with JWST, Astronomical Journal 168(6): 297.
- Cesario L., Lichtenberg T., Alei E., Carrión-González Ó., Dannert F.A., Defrère D., Ertel S., Fortier A., García Muñoz A., Glauser A.M., Hansen J.T., Helled R., Huber P.A., Ireland M.J., Kammerer J., Laugier R., Lillo-Box J., Menti F., Meyer M.R., Noack L., Quanz S.P., Quirrenbach A., Rugheimer S., Tak F. van der, Wang H.S., Anger M., Balsalobre-Ruza O., Bhattarai S., Braam M., Castro-González A., Cockell C.S., Constantinou T., Cugno G., Davoult J., Güdel M., Hernitschek N., Hinkley S., Itoh S., Janson M., Johansen A., Jones H.R.A., Kane S.R., van Kempen T.A., Kislyakova K.G., Korth J., Kovačević A.B., Kraus S., Kuiper R., Mathew J., Matsuo T., Miguel Y., Min M., Navarro R., Ramirez R.M., Rauer H., Vow Ricketti B., Romagnolo A., Schlecker M., Sneed E.L., Squicciarini V., Stassun K.G., Tamura M., Viudez-Moreiras D. & Wordsworth R.D. (2024), Large Interferometer For Exoplanets (LIFE): XIV. Finding terrestrial protoplanets in the galactic neighborhood, Astronomy & Astrophysics 692: A172.
- Diamond-Lowe H., King G.W., Youngblood A., Brown A., Howard W.S., Winters J.G., Wilson D.J., France K., Mendonça J.M., Buchhave L.A., Corrales L., Kreidberg L., Medina A.A., Bean J.L., Berta-Thompson Z.K., Evans-Soma T.M., Froning C., Duvvuri G.M., Kempton E.M.-R., Miguel Y., Pineda J.S. & Schneider C. (2024), High-energy spectra of LTT 1445A and GJ 486 reveal flares and activity, Astronomy and Astrophysics 689: A48.
- Li C., Allison M., Atreya S., Brueshaber S., Fletcher L.N., Guillot T., Li L., Lunine J., Miguel Y., Orton G., Steffes P., Waite J.H., Wong M.H., Levin S. & Bolton S. (2024), Super-adiabatic temperature gradient at Jupiter's equatorial zone and implications for the water abundance, Icarus 414: 116028.
- Piaulet C., Ahrer E.-M., Benneke B., Mikal-Evans T., Coulombe L.-P., Radica M., Roy P.-A., Acuna L., Allart R., Beatty T., Cadieux C., Christie D., Cloutier R., Doyon R., Fortney J., Gagnebin A., Gapp C., Innes H., Knutson H., Komacek T., Krissansen-Totton J., Lafreniere D., MacDonald R., Miguel Y., Mollière P., Pierrehumbert R. & Welbanks L. (2024), Revealing the nature of small-planet atmospheres: JWST tests the water world hypothesis for GJ 9827d, AASTCS10, Extreme Solar Systems V. AASTCS 10: Extreme Solar Systems V 16 March 2024 - 21 March 2024. Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society no. 56 502.03.
- Miguel Y. (2024), The next-generation models for Giant Exoplanet Interiors in the JWST era, AASTCS10, Extreme Solar Systems V. AASTCS 10: Extreme Solar Systems V 16 March 2024 - 21 March 2024. Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society no. 56 501.06.
- Li C., Allison M., Atreya S., Fletcher L., Ingersoll A., Guillot T., Li L., Lunine J., Miguel Y., Orton G., Oyafuso F., Steffes P., Waite H., Wong M., Zhang Z., Levin S. & Bolton S. (2024), Super-adiabatic temperature gradient at Jupiter's Equatorial Zone and implications for the water abundance, EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts. EGU24 General Assembly 14 April 2024 - 19 April 2024 14359.
- Longo B., Wilson D., Youngblood A., Bean J., Behr P., Berta-Thompson Z., Brown A., Duvvuri G., France K., Froning C., Kempton E., Miguel Y., Mikal-Evans T., Pineda J.S. & Schneider C. (2024), Ultraviolet spectral analysis of JWST planet host targets, American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts. American Astronomical Society Meeting #243 7 January 2024 - 11 January 2024. Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society no. 243 410.03.
- Youngblood A., Bean J., Behr P., Berta-Thompson Z., Brown A., Duvvuri G., France K., Froning C., Kempton E., Longo I., Miguel Y., Mikal-Evans T., Pineda J.S., Sandoval A., Schneider C. & Wilson D. (2024), Ultraviolet and X-ray properties of the Cycle 1 JWST transiting planet host stars, American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts. American Astronomical Society Meeting #243 7 January 2024 - 11 January 2024. Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society no. 243 202.16.
- Hu R., Bello-Arufe A., Zhang M., Paragas K., Zilinskas M., Buchem C.P.A. van, Bess M., Patel J., Ito Y., Damiano M., Scheucher M., Oza A.V., Knutson H.A., Miguel Y., Dragomir D., Brandeker A. & Demory B.-O. (2024), A secondary atmosphere on the rocky exoplanet 55 Cancri e, Nature 630(8017): 609-612.
- Dang L., Zieba S., Nguyen G., Hammond M., Lewis N., Buchem C. van, Zilinskas M., Lupu R., Cowan N., Pierrehumbert R., Miguel Y. & Kreidberg L. (2024), A hell of a phase curve: Mapping the surface and atmosphere of a lava planet, AASTCS10, Extreme Solar Systems V. AASTCS 10: Extreme Solar Systems V 16 March 2024 - 21 March 2024. Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society no. 56 103.02.
- Kecskeméthy V., Louca A.J. & Miguel Y. (2024), Temporal variability in transmission spectra of H2-dominated exoplanets: the influence of thermal evolution and stellar irradiation on atmospheric composition, New Astronomy 113: 102296.
- Bloot S., Miguel Y., Bazot M. & Howard S. (2023), Exoplanet interior retrievals: core masses and metallicities from atmospheric abundances, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 523(4): 6282-6292.
- Buchem C.P.A. van, Miguel Y., Zilinskas M. & Westrenen W. van (2023), LavAtmos: an open-source chemical equilibrium vaporization code for lava worlds, Meteoritics and Planetary Science 58(8): 1149-1161.
- Alderson L., Wakeford H.R., Alam M.K., Batalha N.E., Lothringer J.D., Adams Redai J., Barat S., Brande J., Damiano M., Daylan T., Espinoza N., Flagg L., Goyal J.M., Grant D., Hu R., Inglis J., Lee E.K.H., Mikal-Evans T., Ramos-Rosado L., Roy P.-A., Wallack N.L., Batalha N.M., Bean J.L., Benneke B., Berta-Thompson Z.K., Carter A.L., Changeat Q., Colón K.D., Crossfield I.J.M., Désert J.-M., Foreman-Mackey D., Gibson N.P., Kreidberg L., Line M.R., López-Morales M., Molaverdikhani K., Moran S.E., Morello G., Moses J.I., Mukherjee S., Schlawin E., Sing D.K., Stevenson K.B., Taylor J., Aggarwal K., Ahrer E.-M., Allen N.H., Barstow J.K., Bell T.J., Blecic J., Casewell S.L., Chubb K.L., Crouzet N.M., Cubillos P.E., Decin L., Feinstein A.D., Fortney J.J., Harrington J., Heng K., Iro N., Kempton E.M.-R., Kirk J., Knutson H.A., Krick J., Leconte J., Lendl M., MacDonald R.J., Mancini L., Mansfield M., May E.M., Mayne N.J., Miguel Y., Nikolov N.K., Ohno K., Palle E., Parmentier V., Petit dit de la Roche D.J.M., Piaulet C., Powell D., Rackham B.V., Redfield S., Rogers L.K., Rustamkulov Z., Tan X., Tremblin P., Tsai S.-M., Turner J.D., de Val-Borro M., Venot O., Welbanks L., Wheatley P.J. & Zhang X. (2023), Early Release Science of the exoplanet WASP-39b with JWST NIRSpec G395H, Nature 614(7949): 664-669.
- Rustamkulov Z., Sing D.K., Mukherjee S., May E.M., Kirk J., Schlawin E., Line M.R., Piaulet C., Carter A.L., Batalha N.E., Goyal J.M., López-Morales M., Lothringer J.D., MacDonald R.J., Moran S.E., Stevenson K.B., Wakeford H.R., Espinoza N., Bean J.L., Batalha N.M., Benneke B., Berta-Thompson Z.K., Crossfield I.J.M., Gao P., Kreidberg L., Powell D.K., Cubillos P.E., Gibson N.P., Leconte J., Molaverdikhani K., Nikolov N.K., Parmentier V., Roy P., Taylor J., Turner J.D., Wheatley P.J., Aggarwal K., Ahrer E., Alam M.K., Alderson L., Allen N.H., Banerjee A., Barat S., Barrado D., Barstow J.K., Bell T.J., Blecic J., Brande J., Casewell S., Changeat Q., Chubb K.L., Crouzet N.M., Daylan T., Decin L., Désert J., Mikal-Evans T., Feinstein A.D., Flagg L., Fortney J.J., Harrington J., Heng K., Hong Y., Hu R., Iro N., Kataria T., Kempton E.M.-R., Krick J., Lendl M., Lillo-Box J., Louca A.J., Lustig-Yaeger J., Mancini L., Mansfield M., Mayne N.J., Miguel Y., Morello G., Ohno K., Palle E., Petit dit de la Roche D.J.M., Rackham B.V., Radica M., Ramos-Rosado L., Redfield S., Rogers L.K., Shkolnik E.L., Southworth J., Teske J., Tremblin P., Tucker G.S., Venot O., Waalkes W.C., Welbanks L., Zhang X. & Zieba S. (2023), Early Release Science of the exoplanet WASP-39b with JWST NIRSpec PRISM, Nature 614(7949): 659-663.
- Ahrer E.-M., Alderson L., Batalha N.M., Batalha N.E., Bean J.L., Beatty T.G., Bell T.J., Benneke B., Berta-Thompson Z.K., Carter A.L., Crossfield I.J.M., Espinoza N., Feinstein A.D., Fortney J.J., Gibson N.P., Goyal J.M., Kempton E.M.-R., Kirk J., Kreidberg L., López-Morales M., Line M.R., Lothringer J.D., Moran S.E., Mukherjee S., Ohno K., Parmentier V., Piaulet C., Rustamkulov Z., Schlawin E., Sing D.K., Stevenson K.B., Wakeford H.R., Allen N.H., Birkmann S.M., Brande J., Crouzet N.M., Cubillos P.E., Damiano M., Désert J.-M., Gao P., Harrington J., Hu R., Kendrew S., Knutson H.A., Lagage P.-O., Leconte J., Lendl M., MacDonald R.J., May E.M., Miguel Y., Molaverdikhani K., Moses J.I., Murray C.A., Nehring M., Nikolov N.K., Petit dit de la Roche D.J.M., Radica M., Roy P.-A., Stassun K.G., Taylor J., Waalkes W.C., Wachiraphan P., Welbanks L., Wheatley P.J., Aggarwal K., Alam M.K., Banerjee A., Barstow J.K., Blecic J., Casewell S.L., Changeat Q., Chubb K.L., Colón K.D., Coulombe L.-P., Daylan T., de Val-Borro M., Decin L., Dos Santos L.A., Flagg L., France K., Fu G., García Muñoz A., Gizis J.E., Glidden A., Grant D., Heng K., Henning T., Hong Y.-C., Inglis J., Iro N., Kataria T., Komacek T.D., Krick J.E., Lee E.K.H., Lewis N.K., Lillo-Box J., Lustig-Yaeger J., Mancini L., Mandell A.M., Mansfield M., Marley M.S., Mikal-Evans T., Morello G., Nixon M.C., Ortiz Ceballos K., Piette A.A.A., Powell D., Rackham B.V., Ramos-Rosado L., Rauscher E., Redfield S., Rogers L.K., Roman M.T., Roudier G.M., Scarsdale N., Shkolnik E.L., Southworth J., Spake J.J., Steinrueck M.E., Tan X., Teske J.K., Tremblin P., Tsai S.-M., Tucker G.S., Turner J.D., Valenti J.A., Venot O., Waldmann I.P., Wallack N.L., Zhang X. & Zieba S. (2023), Identification of carbon dioxide in an exoplanet atmosphere, Nature 614: 649-652.
- Gandhi S.N., Kesseli A., Zhang Y., Louca A.J., Snellen I.A.G., Brogi M., Miguel Y., Casasayas-Barris N., Pelletier S., Landman R., Maguire C. & Gibson N.P. (2023), Retrieval survey of metals in six ultrahot Jupiters: trends in chemistry, rain-out, ionization, and atmospheric dynamics, Astronomical Journal 165(6): 242.
- Louca A.J., Miguel Y. & Kubyshkina D. (2023), Metallicity and spectral evolution of WASP 39b: the limited role of hydrodynamic escape, Astrophysical Journal Letters 956(1): L19.
- Howard S., Guillot T., Markham S., Helled R., Müller S., Stevenson D.J., Lunine J.I., Miguel Y. & Nettelmann N. (2023), Exploring the hypothesis of an inverted Z gradient inside Jupiter, Astronomy and Astrophysics 680: L2.
- Miguel Y. (2023), A modern view on giant exoplanet interiors, AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting abstracts. 55th Annual Meeting of the Division for Planetary Sciences 1 October 2023 - 6 October 2023. Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society no. 55. San Antonio: AAS Publishing. 410.10.
- Behr P.R., France K., Brown A., Duvvuri G., Bean J.L., Berta-Thompson Z., Froning C., Miguel Y., Pineda J.S., Wilson D.J. & Youngblood A. (2023), The MUSCLES extension for atmospheric transmission spectroscopy: UV and X-ray host-star observations for JWST ERS & GTO targets, Astronomical Journal 166(1): 35.
- Tsai S.-M., Lee E.K.H., Powell D., Gao P., Zhang X., Moses J., Hébrard E., Venot O., Parmentier V., Jordan S., Hu R., Alam M.K., Alderson L., Batalha N.M., Bean J.L., Benneke B., Bierson C.J., Brady R.P., Carone L., Carter A.L., Chubb K.L., Inglis J., Leconte J., Line M., López-Morales M., Miguel Y., Molaverdikhani K., Rustamkulov Z., Sing D.K., Stevenson K.B., Wakeford H.R., Yang J., Aggarwal K., Baeyens R., Barat S., de Val-Borro M., Daylan T., Fortney J.J., France K., Goyal J.M., Grant D., Kirk J., Kreidberg L., Louca A.J., Moran S.E., Mukherjee S., Nasedkin E., Ohno K., Rackham B.V., Redfield S., Taylor J., Tremblin P., Visscher C., Wallack N.L., Welbanks L., Youngblood A., Ahrer E.-M., Batalha N.E., Behr P., Berta-Thompson Z.K., Blecic J., Casewell S.L., Crossfield I.J.M., Crouzet N.M., Cubillos P.E., Decin L., Désert J.-M., Feinstein A.D., Gibson N.P., Harrington J., Heng K., Henning T., Kempton E.M.-R., Krick J., Lagage P.-O., Lendl M., Lothringer J.D., Mansfield M., Mayne N.J., Mikal-Evans T., Palle E., Schlawin E., Shorttle O., Wheatley P.J. & Yurchenko S.N. (2023), Photochemically produced SO2 in the atmosphere of WASP-39b, Nature 617: 483-487.
- Howard S., Guillot T., Bazot M., Miguel Y., Stevenson D.J., Galanti E., Kaspi Y., Hubbard W.B., Militzer B., Helled R., Nettelmann N., Idini B. & Bolton S. (2023), Jupiter's interior from Juno: equation-of-state uncertainties and dilute core extent, Astronomy and Astrophysics 672: A33.
- Feinstein A.D., Radica M., Welbanks L., Murray C.A., Ohno K., Coulombe L.-P., Espinoza N., Bean J.L., Teske J.K., Benneke B., Line M.R., Rustamkulov Z., Saba A., Tsiaras A., Barstow J.K., Fortney J.J., Gao P., Knutson H.A., MacDonald R.J., Mikal-Evans T., Rackham B.V., Taylor J., Parmentier V., Batalha N.M., Berta-Thompson Z.K., Carter A.L., Changeat Q., dos Santos L.A., Gibson N.P., Goyal J.M., Kreidberg L., López-Morales M., Lothringer J.D., Miguel Y., Molaverdikhani K., Moran S.E., Morello G., Mukherjee S., Sing D.K., Stevenson K.B., Wakeford H.R., Ahrer E.-M., Alam M.K., Alderson L., Allen N.H., Batalha N.E., Bell T.J., Blecic J., Brande J., Caceres C., Casewell S.L., Chubb K.L., Crossfield I.J.M., Crouzet N.M., Cubillos P.E., Decin L., Désert J.-M., Harrington J., Heng K., Henning T., Iro N., Kempton E.M.-R., Kendrew S., Kirk J., Krick J., Lagage P.-O., Lendl M., Mancini L., Mansfield M., May E.M., Mayne N.J., Nikolov N.K., Palle E., Petit dit de la Roche D.J.M., Piaulet C., Powell D., Redfield S., Rogers L.K., Roman M.T., Roy P.-A., Nixon M.C., Schlawin E., Tan X., Tremblin P., Turner J.D., Venot O., Waalkes W.C., Wheatley P.J. & Zhang X. (2023), Early Release Science of the exoplanet WASP-39b with JWST NIRISS, Nature 614(7949): 670-675.
- Angerhausen D., Ottiger M., Dannert F., Miguel Y., Sousa-Silva C., Kammerer J., Menti F., Alei E., Konrad B.S., Wang H.S. & Quanz S.P. (2023), Large interferometer for exoplanets: VIII. Where is the phosphine? Observing exoplanetary PH3 with a space-based mid-infrared nulling interferometer, Astrobiology 23(2): 183-194.
- Polman J., Waters L.B.F.M., Min M., Miguel Y. & Khorshid N. (2023), H2 and SO2 detectability in hot Jupiters: sulphur species as indicators of metallicity and C/O ratio, Astronomy and Astrophysics 670: A161.
- Behr P., France K., Youngblood A., Duvvuri G., Brown A., Bean J., Froning C., Berta-Thompson Z., Pineda J.S. & Miguel Y. (2023), The MUSCLES extension for atmospheric transmission spectroscopy, American Astronomical Society meeting abstracts. American Astronomical Society Meeting #241 8 January 2023 - 12 January 2023. Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society no. 55. Seattle: AAS Publishing. 439.07.
- Hendrix J.L.A.M., Louca A.J. & Miguel Y. (2023), Using a neural network approach to accelerate disequilibrium chemistry calculations in exoplanet atmospheres, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 524(1): 643-655.
- Rodgers-Lee D., Rimmer P.B., De Almeida Vidotto A., Louca A.J., Taylor A.M., Mesquita A.L., Miguel Y., Venot O., Helling C., Barth P. & Lacy E. (2023), The energetic particle environment of a GJ 436 b-like planet, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 521(4): 5880-5891.
- Ahrer E.-M., Stevenson K.B., Mansfield M., Moran S.E., Brande J., Morello G., Murray C.A., Nikolov N.K., Petit dit de la Roche D.J.M., Schlawin E., Wheatley P.J., Zieba S., Batalha N.E., Damiano M., Goyal J.M., Lendl M., Lothringer J.D., Mukherjee S., Ohno K., Batalha N.M., Battley M.P., Bean J.L., Beatty T.G., Benneke B., Berta-Thompson Z.K., Carter A.L., Cubillos P.E., Daylan T., Espinoza N., Gao P., Gibson N.P., Gill S., Harrington J., Hu R., Kreidberg L., Lewis N.K., Line M.R., López-Morales M., Parmentier V., Powell D.K., Sing D.K., Tsai S.-M., Wakeford H.R., Welbanks L., Alam M.K., Alderson L., Allen N.H., Anderson D.R., Barstow J.K., Bayliss D., Bell T.J., Blecic J., Bryant E.M., Burleigh M.R., Carone L., Casewell S.L., Changeat Q., Chubb K.L., Crossfield I.J.M., Crouzet N.M., Decin L., Désert J.-M., Feinstein A.D., Flagg L., Fortney J.J., Gizis J.E., Heng K., Iro N., Kempton E.M.-R., Kendrew S., Kirk J., Knutson H.A., Komacek T.D., Lagage P.-O., Leconte J., Lustig-Yaeger J., MacDonald R.J., Mancini L., May E.M., Mayne N.J., Miguel Y., Mikal-Evans T., Molaverdikhani K., Palle E., Piaulet C., Rackham B.V., Redfield S., Rogers L.K., Roy P.-A., Rustamkulov Z., Shkolnik E.L., Sotzen K.S., Taylor J., Tremblin P., Tucker G.S., Turner J.D., de Val-Borro M., Venot O. & Zhang X. (2023), Early Release Science of the exoplanet WASP-39b with JWST NIRCam, Nature 614(7949): 653-658.
- Stefánsson G., Mahadevan S., Miguel Y., Robertson P., Delamer M., Kanodia S., Cañas C.I., Winn J.N., Ninan J.P., Terrien R.C., Holcomb R., Ford E.B., Zawadzki B., Bowler B.P., Bender C.F., Cochran W.D., Diddams S., Endl M., Fredrick C., Halverson S., Hearty F., Hill G.J., Lin A.S.J., Metcalf A.J., Monson A., Ramsey L., Roy A., Schwab C., Wright J.T. & Zeimann G. (2023), A Neptune-mass exoplanet in close orbit around a very low-mass star challenges formation models, Science 382(6674): 1031-1035.
- Louca A.J., Miguel Y., Tsai S.-M., Froning C.S., Loyd R.O.P. & France K. (2023), The impact of time dependent stellar activity on exoplanet atmospheres, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 521(3): 3333-3347.
- Miguel Y. & Vazan A. (2023), Interior and evolution of the giant planets, Remote Sensing 15(3): 681.
- Zilinskas M., Miguel Y., Buchem C.P.A. van & Snellen I.A.G. (2023), Observability of silicates in volatile atmospheres of super-Earths and sub-Neptunes: exploring the edge of the evaporation desert, Astronomy and Astrophysics 671: A138.
- Buchem C.P.A. van, Miguel Y., Westrenen W. van & Zilinskas M. (2022), Modeling silicate atmospheres on hot rocky exoplanets, Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society. American Astronomical Society Meeting #240 12 June 2022 - 16 June 2022 no. 54. Washington: AAS Publishing. 102.161.
- Diamant S., Bahia R., Miguel Y. & Sefton-Nash E. (2022), Martian paleolake outlet canyons: evidence for controls on valley network formation and a waning water cycle, EPSC abstracts. 16th Europlanet Science Congress 2022 18 September 2022 - 23 September 2022 no. 16. Goettingen: Copernicus Meetings. EPSC2022-268.
- Zilinskas M., Buchem C.P.A. van, Miguel Y., Louca A.J., Lupu R., Zieba S. & Westrenen W. van (2022), Observability of evaporating lava worlds, Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society. American Astronomical Society Meeting #240 12 June 2022 - 16 June 2022 no. 54. Washington: AAS Publishing. 503.05.
- Zieba S., Zilinskas M., Kreidberg L., Nguyen T.G., Miguel Y., Cowan N., Pierrehumbert R., Carone L., Dang L., Hammond M., Louden T., Lupu R., Malavolta L. & Stevenson K. (2022), K2 and Spitzer phase curves of the rocky ultra-short-period planet K2-141 b hint at a tenuous rock vapor atmosphere. American Astronomical Society Meeting #240, Pasadena. 12 June 2022 - 16 June 2022. [conference poster].
- Zilinskas M., Buchem C.P.A. van, Miguel Y., Louca A., Lupu R., Zieba S. & Westrenen W. van (2022), Observability of evaporating lava worlds, Astronomy and Astrophysics 661: A126.
- Zieba S., Zilinskas M., Kreidberg L., Nguyen T.G., Miguel Y., Cowan N.B., Pierrehumbert R., Carone L., Dang L., Hammond M., Louden T., Lupu R., Malavolta L. & Stevenson K.B. (2022), K2 and Spitzer phase curves of the rocky ultra-short-period planet K2-141 b hint at a tenuous rock vapor atmosphere, Astronomy and Astrophysics 664: A79.
- Louca A.J., Miguel Y., Tsai S.-M., Froning C., Loyd P. & France K. (2022), The impact of time-dependent stellar activity on exoplanet atmospheres, Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society. American Astronomical Society: Exoplanets IV 1 May 2022 - 6 May 2022. Bulletin of the AAS no. 54. Las Vegas: AAS Publishing. 102.171.
- Brown A., Froning C.S., Youngblood A., France K., Wilson D.J., Duvvuri G., Miguel Y. & Diamond-Lowe H. (2022), X-ray emission from the exoplanet hosting LTT 1445 triple star system, Astronomical Journal 164(5): 206.
- Militzer B., Hubbard W.B., Wahl S., Lunine J.I., Galanti E., Kaspi Y., Miguel Y., Guillot T., Moore K.M., Parisi M., Connerney J.E.P., Helled R., Cao H., Mankovich C., Stevenson D.J., Park R.S., Wong M., Atreya S.K., Anderson J. & Bolton S.J. (2022), Juno spacecraft measurements of Jupiter's gravity imply a dilute core, The Planetary Science Journal 3(8): 185.
- Miguel Y., Bazot M., Guillot T., Howard S., Galanti E., Kaspi Y., Hubbard W.B., Militzer B., Helled R., Atreya S.K., Connerney J.E.P., Durante D., Kulowski L., Lunine J.I., Stevenson D. & Bolton S. (2022), Jupiter's inhomogeneous envelope, Astronomy and Astrophysics 662: A18.
- Gupta P., Atreya S.K., Steffes P.G., Allison M.D., Bolton S.J., Fletcher L.N., Guillot T., Helled R., Levin S., Li C., Lunine J.I., Miguel Y., Orton G.S., Waite J.H. & Withers P. (2022), Jupiter's temperature structure: a reassessment of the voyager radio occultation results, EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts. EGU22, the 24th EGU General Assembly 23 May 2022 - 27 May 2022: EGU. EGU22-966.
- Moses J.I., Tremblin P., Venot O. & Miguel Y. (2022), Chemical variation with altitude and longitude on exo-Neptunes: predictions for Ariel phase-curve observations, Experimental Astronomy 53(2): 279-322.
- Turrini D., Codella C., Danielski C., Fedele D., Fonte S., Garufi A., Guarcello M.G., Helled R., Ikoma M., Kama M., Kimura T., Kruijssen J.M.D., Maldonado J., Miguel Y., Molinari S., Nikolaou A., Oliva F., Panić O., Pignatari M., Podio L., Rickman H., Schisano E., Shibata S., Vazan A. & Wolkenberg P. (2022), Exploring the link between star and planet formation with Ariel, Experimental Astronomy 53(2): 225-278.
- Helled R., Stevenson D.J., Lunine J.I., Bolton S.J., Nettelmann N., Atreya S., Guillot T., Militzer B., Miguel Y. & Hubbard W.B. (2022), Revelations on Jupiter's formation, evolution and interior: challenges from Juno results, Icarus 378: 114937.
- Zilinskas M., Miguel Y., Lyu Y.P. & Bax M. (2021), Temperature inversions on hot super-Earths: the case of CN in nitrogen-rich atmospheres, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 500(2): 2197-2208.
- Louca A., Miguel Y. & Tsai S.-M. (2021), The impact of time-dependent stellar activity on the atmospheric chemistry and observability of exoplanets, EPSC Abstracts. Europlanet Science Congress 2021 13 September 2021 - 24 September 2021 no. 15: Europlanet Society.
- Turrini D., Codella C., Danielski C., Fedele D., Fonte S., Garufi A., Guarcello M.G., Helled R., Ikoma M., Kama M., Kimura T., Kruijssen J.M.D., Maldonado J., Miguel Y., Molinari S., Nikolaou A., Oliva F., Panić O., Pignatari M., Podio L., Rickman H., Schisano E., Shibata S., Vazan A. & Wolkenberg P. (2021), Exploring the link between star and planet formation with Ariel, Experimental Astronomy : .
- Howard S., Guillot T., Bazot M. & Miguel Y. (2021), Exploration of the structure of giant planets with fast calculations and a bayesian approach. In: AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts. no. 53: AAS. 314.01.
- Bourgalais J., Carrasco N., Miguel Y., Venot O. & Pernot P. (2021), Ion-driven organic chemistry for Titan-like atmospheres: implications for N-dominated super-Earth exoplanets, Astronomy and Astrophysics 654: A171.
- Helled R., Werner S., Dorn C., Guillot T., Ikoma M., Ito Y., Kama M., Lichtenberg T., Miguel Y., Shorttle O., Tackley P.J., Valencia D. & Vazan A. (2021), Ariel planetary interiors White Paper, Experimental Astronomy : .
- Moses J.I., Tremblin P., Venot O. & Miguel Y. (2021), Chemical variation with altitude and longitude on exo-Neptunes: predictions for Ariel phase-curve observations, Experimental Astronomy : .
- Duvvuri G.M., Pineda J.S., Berta-Thompson Z.K., Brown A., France K., Kowalski A.F., Redfield S., Tilipman D., Vieytes M.C., Wilson D.J., Youngblood A., Froning C.S., Linsky J., Parke Loyd R.O., Mauas P., Miguel Y., Newton E.R., Rugheimer S. & Schneider P.C. (2021), Reconstructing the extreme ultraviolet emission of Cool Dwarfs using differential emission measure Polynomials, The Astrophysical Journal 913(1): 40.
- Miguel Y., Bazot M., Guillot T., Galanti E., Kaspi Y. & Howard S. (2021), Jupiter's envelope is not homogeneous, EGU General assembly conference abstracts. EGU General Assemblu 2021 19 April 2021 - 30 April 2021: EGU.
- Wilson D.J., Froning C.S., Duvvuri G.M., France K., Youngblood A., Schneider P.C., Berta-Thompson Z., Brown A., Buccino A.P., Hawley S., Irwin J., Kaltenegger L., Kowalski A., Linsky J., Parke Loyd R.O., Miguel Y., Pineda J.S., Redfield S., Roberge A., Rugheimer S., Tian F. & Vieytes M. (2021), The Mega-MUSCLES Spectral Energy Distribution of TRAPPIST-1, The Astrophysical Journal 911(1): 18.
- Linsky J., Wood B.E., Youngblood A., Brown A., Froning C.S., France K., Buccino A.P., Cranmer S.S., Mauas P., Miguel Y., Pineda J.S., Rugheimer S., Vieytes M., Wheatley P.J. & Wilson D.J. (2021), The relative emission from chromospheres and coronae: dependence on spectral type and age. The 20.5th Cambridge Workshop on Cool Stars, Stellar Systems, and the Sun, Virtual. 2 March 2021 - 4 March 2021. [conference poster].
- Snellen I.A.G., Snik F., Kenworthy M.A., Albrecht S., Anglada-Escudé G., Baraffe I., Baudoz P., Benz W., Beuzit J.-L., Biller B., Birkby J.L., Boccaletti A., Boekel R. van, Boer J. de, Brogi M., Buchhave L., Carone L., Claire M., Claudi R., Demory B.-O., Désert J.-M., Desidera S., Gaudi B.S., Gratton R., Gillon M., Grenfell J.L., Guyon O., Henning T., Hinkley S., Huby E., Janson M., Helling C., Heng K., Kasper M., Keller C.U., Krause O., Kreidberg L., Madhusudhan N., Lagrange A.-M., Launhardt R., Lenton T.M., Lopez-Puertas M., Maire A.-L., Mayne N., Meadows V., Mennesson B., Micela G., Miguel Y., Milli J., Min M., Mooij E. de, Mouillet D., N'Diaye M., D'Orazi V., Palle E., Pagano I., Piotto G., Queloz D., Rauer H., Ribas I., Ruane G., Selsis F., Sozzetti A., Stam D., Stark C.C., Vigan A. & Visser P. de (2021), Detecting life outside our solar system with a large high-contrast-imaging mission, Experimental Astronomy : .
- Buchem C.P.A. van, Miguel Y. & Westrenen W. van (2021), Modeling volatile species in magma ocean-atmosphere interactions on hot rockyexoplanets, European Planetary Science Congress. 15th Europlanet Science Congress 13 September 2021 - 24 September 2021 no. 15: Europlanet Society. EPSC2021-687.
- Zieba S., Zilinskas M., Kreidberg L., Cowan N., Nguyen G., Miguel Y., Pierrehumbert R., Lupu R., Dang L., Hammond M., Malavolta L. & Carone L. (2021), Optical and infrared phase curves of the lava planet K2-141 b, EPSC Abstracts. 15th Europlanet Science Congress 13 September 2021 - 24 September 2021 no. 15: Europlanet Society. EPSC2021-476.
- Quanz S.P., Absil O., Benz W., Bonfils X., Berger J.-P., Defrère D., Dishoeck E.F. van, Ehrenreich D., Fortney J., Glauser A., Grenfell J.L., Janson M., Kraus S., Krause O., Labadie L., Lacour S., Line M., Linz H., Loicq J., Miguel Y., Pallé E., Queloz D., Rauer H., Ribas I., Rugheimer S., Selsis F., Snellen I.A.G., Sozzetti A., Stapelfeldt K.R., Udry S. & Wyatt M. (2021), Atmospheric characterization of terrestrial exoplanets in the mid-infrared: biosignatures, habitability, and diversity, Experimental Astronomy : .
- France K., Duvvuri G., Egan H., Koskinen T., Wilson D.J., Youngblood A., Froning C.S., Brown A., Alvarado-Gómez J.D., Berta-Thompson Z.K., Drake J.J., Garraffo C., Kaltenegger L., Kowalski A.F., Linsky J.L., Parke Loyd R.O., Mauas P.J.D., Miguel Y., Pineda J.S., Rugheimer S., Schneider P.C., Tian F. & Vieytes M. (2020), The high-energy radiation environment around a 10 Gyr M dwarf: habitable at last?, Astronomical Journal 160(5): 237.
- Buchem C.P.A. van, Huybrighs H, Blöcker A., Dols V., Witasse O. & Miguel Y. (2020), Energetic proton depletion near Io: atmospheric charge exchange and inhomogeneous magnetic and electric fields, EPSC Abstracts. Europlanet Science Congress 2020 21 September 2020 - 9 October 2020 no. 14 EPSC2020-588.
- Dash S. & Miguel Y. (2020), Planet formation and disc mass dependence in a pebble-driven scenario for low-mass stars, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 499(3): 3510-3521.
- Zilinskas M., Miguel Y., Mollière P.M. & Tsai S.M. (2020), Atmospheric compositions and observability of nitrogen-dominated ultra-short-period super-Earths, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 494(1): 1490-1506.
- Mol Lous M.A.S. & Miguel Y. (2020), Inflation of migrated hot Jupiters, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 495(3): 2994-3001.
- Moses J., Tremblin P., Venot O. & Miguel Y. (2020), Predicted ARIEL phase-curve observations of Neptune-class exoplanets from 2D chemical and thermal modeling, AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts. 52nd Annual Meeting of the Division for Planetary Sciences 26 October 2020 - 30 October 2020 no. 52: AAS. 210.03.
- Molano G.C., Bautista F. & Miguel Y. (2020), Transitional disk archeology from exoplanet population synthesis. Elmegreen B.G., Tóth L.V. & Güdel M. (Eds.), Origins: From the Protosun to the First Steps of Life. IAU S345: Origins: From the Protosun to the First Steps of Life 20 August 2018 - 23 August 2018 no. 345. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 152-155.
- Cavalié Th., Venot O., Miguel Y., Fletcher L.N., Wurz P., Mousis O., Bounaceur R., Hue V., Leconte J. & Dobrijevic M. (2020), The deep composition of Uranus and Neptune from in situ exploration and thermochemical modeling, Space Science Reviews 216(4): 58.
- Linsky J.L., Wood B.E., Youngblood A., Brown A., Froning C.S., France K., Buccino A.P., Cranmer S.R., Mauas P., Miguel Y., Pineda J.S., Rugheimer S., Vieytes M., Wheatley P.J. & Wilson D.J. (2020), The relative emission from chromospheres and coronae: dependence on spectral type and age, The Astrophysical Journal 902(1): 3.
- Boccaletti A., Chauvin G., Mouillet D., Absil O., Allard F., Antoniucci S., Augereau J.C., Barge P., Baruffolo A., Baudino J.L., Baudoz P., Beaulieu M., Benisty M., Beuzit J.L., Bianco A., Biller B., Bonavita B., Bonnefoy M., Bos S., Bouret J.C., Brandner W., Buchschache N., Carry B., Cantalloube F., Cascone E., Carlotti A., Charnay B., Chiavassa A., Choquet E., Clenet Y., Crida A., Boer J. de, Caprio V. de, Desidera S., Desert J.M., Delisle J.B., Delorme P., Dohlen K., Doelman D.S., Dominik C., Orazi V.D., Dougados C., Doute S., Fedele D., Feldt M., Ferreira F., Fontanive C., Fusco T., Galicher R., Garufi A., Gendron E., Ghedina A., Ginski C., Gonzalez J.F., Gratadour D., Gratton R., Guillot T., Haffert S.Y., Hagelberg J., Henning T., Huby E., Janson M., Kamp I., Keller C., Kenworthy M.A., Kervella P., Kral Q., Kuhn J., Lagadec E., Laibe G., Langlois M., Lagrange A.M., Launhardt R., Leboulleux L., Coroller H.Le., Causi G.Li., Loupias M., Maire A.L., Marleau G., Martinache F., Martinez P., Mary D., Mattioli M., Mazoyer J., Meheut H., Menard F., Mesa D., Meunier N., Miguel Y., Milli J., Min M., Molliere P.M., Mordasini C., Moretto G., Mugnier L., Arena G.Muro., Nardetto N., Diaye M.N., Nesvadba N., Pedichini F., Pinilla P., Por E.H., Potier A., Quanz S., Rameau J., Roelfsema R., Rouan D., Rigliaco E., Salasnich B., Samland M., Sauvage J.F., Schmid H.M., Segransan D., Snellen I.A.G., Snik F., Soulez F., Stadler E., Stam D., Tallon M., Thebault P., Thiebaut E., Tschudi C., Udry S., Holstein R.G. van, Vernazza P., Vidal F., Vigan A., Waters R., Wildi F., Willson M., Zanutta A., Zavagno A. & Zurlo A. (2020), SPHERE+: imaging young Jupiters down to the snowline. arXiv. [white paper].
- Miguel Y., Cridland A., Ormel C.W., Fortney J.J. & Ida S. (2020), Diverse outcomes of planet formation and composition around low-mass stars and brown dwarfs, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 491(2): 1998-2009.
- Bosman A.D., Cridland A.J. & Miguel Y. (2019), Jupiter formed as a pebble pile around the N_2 ice line, 632: L11.
- Miguel Y. & Guillot T. (2019), Revealing Jupiter's interior with Juno, EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts. EGU General Assemblies 7 April 2019 - 12 April 2019. Munich, Germany: European Geosciences Union. 5236.
- Danielache S., Takahashi Y., Miguel Y., Simoncini E. & Grassi T. (2019), Hot Rocky Super-Earths atmospheres, a revision of gas phase metal chemistry and the relevance of reverse chemistry, EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts. EGU General Assemblies 7 April 2019 - 12 April 2019 no. 21. Munich, Germany: European Geosciences Union (EGU). 13044.
- Cilibrasi M., Szulagyi J., Mayer L., Drazkowska J., Miguel Y. & Inderbitzi C. (2019), Satellites Form Fast and Late: a Population Synthesis for the Galilean Moons, EPSC-DPS Joint Meeting 2019. EPSC-DPS Joint Meeting 2019 15 September 2019 - 20 September 2019 no. 13: AAS. EPSC-DPS2019-60.
- Galanti E., Kaspi Y., Miguel Y., Guillot T., Durante D., Racioppa P. & Iess L. (2019), Saturn's Deep Atmospheric Flows Revealed by the Cassini Grand Finale Gravity Measurements, Geophysical Research Letters 46(2): 616-624.
- Miguel Y., Cridland A., Ormel C.W., Fortney J.J. & Ida S. (2019), Diverse outcomes of planet formation and composition around low-mass stars and brown dwarfs, Monthly Notices of the RAS (0035-8711) 491(2): 1998-2009.
- Froning C.S., Kowalski A., France K., Loyd R.O.P., Schneider P.C., Youngblood A., Wilson P.A., Brown A., Berta-Thompson Z., Pineda J.S., Linsky J., Rugheimer S. & Miguel Y. (2019), A Hot Ultraviolet Flare on the M Dwarf Star GJ 674, Astrophysical Journal Letters 871(2): L26.
- Wilson D., Froning C., France K., Youngblood A., Duvvuri G.M., Brown A., Schneider P., Kowalski A., Loyd R., Berta-Thompson Z., Pineda J., Linsky J., Rugheimer S., Newton E., Miguel Y., Roberge A., Buccino Andrea.P., Irwin J., Kaltenegger L., Vieytes M., Mauas P., Redfield S., Hawley S. & Tian F. (2019), Measurements of the Ultraviolet Spectral Characteristics of Low-mass Exoplanetary Systems (Mega-MUSCLES), AAS/Division for Extreme Solar Systems Abstracts. AAS Meeting Extreme Solar Systems IV 19 August 2019 - 23 August 2019 no. 51: American Astronomical Society. 319.06.
- Zilinskas M. & Miguel Y. (2019), Exploring atmospheres of hot roky exoplanets, EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts. 21st EGU General Assembly 7 April 2019 - 12 April 2019: EGU. 9907.
- Miguel Y. (2019), Observability of molecular species in a nitrogen dominated atmosphere for 55 Cancri e, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 482(3): 2893-2901.
- Turrini D., Miguel Y., Zingales T., Piccialli A., Helled R., Vazan A., Oliva F., Sindoni G., Panić O., Leconte J., Min M., Pirani S., Selsis F., Coudé Du Foresto V., Mura A. & Wolkenberg P. (2018), The contribution of the ARIEL space mission to the study of planetary formation, Experimental Astronomy 46(1): 45-56.
- Loyd R.O.P., France K., Youngblood A., Schneider C., Brown A., Hu R., Segura A., Linsky J., Redfield S., Tian F., Rugheimer S., Miguel Y. & Froning C.S. (2018), The MUSCLES Treasury Survey. V. FUV Flares on Active and Inactive M Dwarfs, 867(1): 71.
- Kaspi Y., Galanti E., Hubbard W.B., Stevenson D.J., Bolton S.J., Less L., Guillot T., Bloxham J., Connerney J.E.P., Cao H., Durante D., Folkner W.M., Helled R., Ingersoll A.P., Levin S.M., Lunine J.I., Miguel Y., Militzer B., Parisi M. & Wahl S.M. (2018), Jupiter's atmospheric jet streams extend thousands of kilometres deep, Nature 555: 223-226.
- Cilibrasi M., Szulágyi J., Mayer L., Drążkowska J. & Miguel Y. (2018), Satellites form fast & late: a population synthesis for the Galilean moons, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 480(4): 4355-4368.
- Galanti E., Kaspi Y., Miguel Y., Guillot T., Durante D., Racioppa P. & Iess L. (2018), Saturn's deep atmosphere revealed by the Cassini Grand Finale gravity measurements, European Planetary Science Congress 2018. European Planetary Science Congress 2018 16 September 2018 - 21 September 2018 EPSC2018-111.
- Miguel Y. & Guillot T. (2018), Unveiling Jupiter interior with Juno, European Planetary Science Congress 2018. European Planetary Science Congress 2018 16 September 2018 - 21 September 2018 EPSC2018-1185.
- Miguel Y. & Guillot T. (2018), Jupiter internal structure: the role of the equations of state, European Planetary Science Congress 2018. European Planetary Science Congress 2018 16 September 2018 - 21 September 2018 EPSC2018-1195.
- Venot O., Drummond B., Miguel Y., Waldmann I.P., Pascale E. & Zingales T. (2018), A better characterization of the chemical composition of exoplanets atmospheres with ARIEL, Experimental Astronomy 46(1): 101-134.
- Guillot T., Miguel Y., Militzer B., Hubbard W.B., Kaspi Y., Galanti E., Cao H., Helled R., Wahl S.M., Iess L., Folkner W.M., Stevenson D.J., Lunine J.I., Reese D.R., Biekman A., Parisi M., Durante D., Connerney J.E.P., Levin S.M. & Bolton S.J. (2018), A suppression of differential rotation in Jupiter's deep interior, Nature 555: 227-230.
- Iess L., Folkner W.M., Durante D., Parisi M., Kaspi Y., Galanti E., Guillot T., Hubbard W.B., Stevenson D.J., Anderson J.D., Buccino D.R., Gomez Casajus L., Milani A., Park R., Racioppa P., Serra D., Tortora P., Zannoni M., Cao H., Helled R., Lunine J.I., Miguel Y., Militzer B., Whal S., Connerney J.E.P., Levin S.M. & Bolton S.J. (2018), Measurement of Jupiter’s asymmetric gravity field, Nature 555: 220-222.
- Snellen I.A.G., Miguel Y. & et al (2018), A chemical survey of exoplanets with ARIEL, Experimental Astronomy 46(1): 135-209.