Wim de Grip
Professor emeritus of Membrane-bound receptors
- Name
- Prof.dr. W.J. de Grip
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 2727
- w.j.de.grip@umail.leidenuniv.nl
- 0000-0001-7637-4920

Professor emeritus of Membrane-bound receptors
- Science
- Leiden Institute of Chemistry
- LIC/Energy & Sustainability
- Grip W.J. de & Ganapathy S. (2022), Rhodopsins: an excitingly versatile protein species for research, development and creative engineering, Frontiers in Chemistry 10: 879609.
- Grip W.J. de & Lugtenburg J. (2022), Isorhodopsin: an undervalued visual pigment analog, Colorants 1(3): 256-279.
- Mei G., Cavini C.M., Mamaeva N., Wang P., Grip W.J. de & Rothschild K.J. (2021), Optical switching between long-lived states of opsin transmembrane voltage sensors, Photochemistry and Photobiology 97(5): 1001-1015.
- Ganapathy S., Opdam L.V., Hontani Y., Frehan S., Chen Q., Hellingwerf K.J., Groot H.J.M. de, Kennis J.T.M. & Grip W.J. de (2020), Membrane matters: The impact of a nanodisc-bilayer or a detergent microenvironment on the properties of eubacterial rhodopsins: the impact of a nanodisc-bilayer or a detergent microenvironment on the properties of two eubacterial rhodopsins, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Biomembranes 1862(2): 183113.
- Mei G.X., Mamaeva N., Ganapathy S., Wang P., Grip W.J. de & Rothschild K.J. (2020), Analog Retinal Redshifts Visible Absorption of QuasAr Transmembrane Voltage Sensors into Near-infrared, Photochemistry and Photobiology 96(1): 55-66.
- Chen Q., Arents J., Schuurmans J.M., Ganapathy S., Grip W.J. de, Cheregi O., Funk C., Branco Dos Santos F. & Hellingwerf K.J. (2019), Functional Expression of Gloeobacter Rhodopsin in PSI-Less Synechocystis sp. PCC6803, Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology 7: 67.
- Ganapathy S., Kratz S., Chen Q., Hellingwerf K.J., Groot H.J.M. de, Rothschild K.J. & Grip W.J. de (2019), Red-shifted and near-infrared active analog pigments based upon archaerhodopsin-3, Photochemistry and Photobiology 95(4): 959-968.
- Hontani Y., Ganapathy S., Frehan S., Kloz M., Grip W.J. de & Kennis J.T.M. (2019), Photoreaction Dynamics of Red-Shifting Retinal Analogues Reconstituted in Proteorhodopsin, Journal of Physical Chemistry B 123(19): 4242-4250.
- Lee H.J., Huang K.C., Mei G., Zong C., Mamaeva N., Grip W.J. de, Rothschild K.J. & Cheng J.X. (2019), Electronic Preresonance Stimulated Raman Scattering Imaging of Red-Shifted Proteorhodopsins: Toward Quantitation of the Membrane Potential, Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 10(15): 4374-4381.
- Chen Q., Arents J., Schuurmans J.M., Ganapathy S., Grip W.J. de, Cheregi O., Funk C., Dos Santos F.B. & Hellingwerf K.J. (2019), Combining retinal-based and chlorophyll-based (oxygenic) photosynthesis: Proteorhodopsin expression increases growth rate and fitness of a ∆PSI strain of Synechocystis sp. PCC6803, Metabolic Engineering 52: 68-76.
- Chen Q., Steen J.B. van der, Arents J.C., Hartog A.F., Ganapathy S., Grip W.J. de & Hellingwerf K.J. (2018), Deletion of sll1541 in Synechocystis sp. Strain PCC 6803 Allows Formation of a Far-Red-Shifted holo-Proteorhodopsin In Vivo, Applied and Environmental Microbiology 84(9): e02435.
- Hontani Y., Ganapathy S., Frehan S., Kloz M., Grip W.J. de & Kennis J.T.M. (2018), Strong pH-Dependent Near-Infrared Fluorescence in a Microbial Rhodopsin Reconstituted with a Red-Shifting Retinal Analogue, Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 9: 6469-6474.
- Brinkmann A., Sternberg U., Bovee-Geurts P.H.M., Fernández Fernández I., Lugtenburg J., Kentgens A.P.M. & Grip W.J. de (2018), Insight into the chromophore of rhodopsin and its Meta-II photointermediate by 19F solid-state NMR and chemical shift tensor calculations, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 20(48): 30174-30188.
- Mei G., Mamaeva N., Ganapathy S., Wang P., Grip W.J. de & Rothschild K.J. (2018), Raman spectroscopy of a near infrared absorbing proteorhodopsin: Similarities to the bacteriorhodopsin O photointermediate, PLoS ONE 13(12): e0209506.
- Bovee-Geurts P.H.M., Lugtenburg J. & Grip W.J. de (2017), Coupled HOOP signature correlates with quantum yield of isorhodopsin and analog pigments, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Bioenergetics 1858(2): 118-125.
- Ganapathy S., Venselaar H., Chen Q., Groot H.J.M. de, Hellingwerf K.J. & Grip W.J. de (2017), Retinal-Based Proton Pumping in the Near Infrared, Journal of the American Chemical Society 139(6): 2338-2344.
- Chen Q., Arents J., Ganapathy S., Grip J.W. de & Hellingwerf K.J. (2017), Functional Expression of Gloeobacter Rhodopsin in Synechocystis sp. PCC6803, Photochemistry and Photobiology 93: 772–781.
- Buda F., Keijer T., Ganapathy S. & Grip W.J. de (2017), A Quantum-mechanical Study of the Binding Pocket of Proteorhodopsin: Absorption and Vibrational Spectra Modulated by Analogue Chromophores, Photochemistry and Photobiology 93(6): 1399-1406.
- Yi A., Li H., Mamaeva N., Fernandez de Cordoba R.E., Lugtenburg J., Grip W.J. de, Spudich J.L. & Rothschild K.J. (2017), Structural Changes in an Anion Channelrhodopsin: Formation of the K and L Intermediates at 80 K, Biochemistry 56(16): 2197-2208.
- Shirzad-Waser N. & Grip W.J. de (2016), Heterologous expression of melanopsin: Present, problems and prospects, Progress in Retinal and Eye Research 52: 1-21.
- Chen Q., Steen J.B. van der, Dekker H.L., Ganapathy S., Grip W.J. de & Hellingwerf K.J. (2016), Expression of holo-proteorhodopsin in Synechocystis sp PCC 6803, Metabolic Engineering 35: 83-94.
- Malmerberg E., Bovee-Geurts P.H.M., Katona G., Deupi X., Arnlund D., Wickstrand C., Johansson L.C., Westenhoff S., Nazarenko E., Schertler G.F.X., Menzel A., Grip W.J. de & Neutze R. (2015), Conformational activation of visual rhodopsin in native disc membranes, Science Signaling 8(367): ra26.
- Yi A., Ogren J.I., Mamaev S., Li H., Lugtenburg J., Grip W.J. de, Spudich J.L. & Rothschild K.J. (2015), Vibrational Studies of Channelrhodopsin-1 from Chlamydomonas Augustae: Protonation Changes during the Early Photocycle, Biophysical Journal 108(2): 460A-460A.
- Baker G.E., Grip W.J. de, Turton M., Wagner H.J., Foster R.G. & Douglas R.H. (2015), Light sensitivity in a vertebrate mechanoreceptor?, The Journal of Experimental Biology 218(18): 2826-2829.
- Adawy A., Corbeek W., Ronde E. de, Enckevort W.J.P. van, Grip W.J. de & Vlieg E. (2015), A practical kit for micro-scale application of the ceiling crystallisation method, CrystEngComm 17(13): 2602-2605.
- Adawy A., Heijden E.G.G. van der, Hekelaar J., Enckevort W.J.P. van, Grip W.J. de & Vlieg E. (2015), A comparative study of impurity effects on protein crystallization: Diffusive versus convective crystal growth, Crystal Growth & Design 15(3): 1150-1159.
- Shirzad-Wasei N., Oostrum J. van, Bovee-Geurts P.H.M., Kusters L.J.A., Bosman G.J.C.G.M. & Grip W.J. de (2015), Rapid transfer of overexpressed integral membrane protein from the host membrane into soluble lipid nanodiscs without previous purification, Biological Chemistry 396(8): 903-915.
- Ogren J.I., Yi A., Mamaev S., Li H., Lugtenburg J., Grip W.J. de, Spudich J.L. & Rothschild K.J. (2015), Comparison of the Structural Changes Occurring during the Primary Phototransition of Two Different Channelrhodopsins from Chlamydomonas Algae, Biochemistry 54(2): 377-388.
- Ganapathy S., Becheau O., Venselaar H., Frolich S., Steen J.B. van der, Chen Q., Radwan S., Lugtenburg J., Hellingwerf K.J., Groot H.J.M. de & Grip W.J. de (2015), Modulation of spectral properties and pump activity of proteorhodopsins by retinal analogues, Biochemical Journal 467(2): 333-343.
- Adawy A., Enckevort W.J.P. van, Pierson E.S., Grip W.J. de & Vlieg E. (2014), Illuminating protein crystal growth using fluorophore-labelled proteins, CrystEngComm 16(42): 9800-9809.
- Frick A., Eriksson U.K., Mattia F. de, Oberg F., Hedfalk K., Neutze R., Grip W.J. de, Deen P.M.T. & Tornroth-Horsefield S. (2014), X-ray structure of human aquaporin 2 and its implications for nephrogenic diabetes insipidus and trafficking, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111(17): 6305-6310.
- Isayama T., Chen Y., Kono M., Fabre E., Slavsky M., De Grip W.J., Ma J.X., Crouch R.K. & Makino C.L. (2014), Coexpression of Three Opsins in Cone Photoreceptors of the Salamander Ambystoma tigrinum, Journal of Comparative Neurology 522(10): 2249-2265.
- Adawy A., Marks K., Grip W.J. de, Enckevort W.J.P. van & Vlieg E. (2013), The development of the depletion zone during ceiling crystallization: phase shifting interferometry and simulation results, CrystEngComm 15(12): 2275-2286.
- Adawy A., Rebuffet E., Tornroth-Horsefield S., Grip W.J. de, Enckevort W.J.P. van & Vlieg E. (2013), High Resolution Protein Crystals Using an Efficient Convection-Free Geometry, Crystal Growth & Design 13(2): 775-781.
- Shirzad-Wasei N., Oostrum J. van, Bovee-Geurts P.H., Wasserman M., Bosman G.J. & Grip W.J. de (2013), Large scale expression and purification of mouse melanopsin-L in the baculovirus expression system, Protein Expression and Purification 91(2): 134-146.
- Concistre M., Johannessen O.G., McLean N., Bovee-Geurts P.H.M., Brown R.C.D., Grip W.J. de & Levitt M.H. (2012), A large geometric distortion in the first photointermediate of rhodopsin, determined by double-quantum solid-state NMR, Journal of Biomolecular NMR 53(3): 247-256.
- Pandit A., Shirzad-Wasei N., Wlodarczyk L.M., Roon H., Boekema E.J., Dekker J. & Grip W.J. de (2011), Assembly of the Major Light-Harvesting Complex II in Lipid Nanodiscs, Biophysical Journal 101(10): 2507-2515.
- Bejarano-Escobar R., Blasco M., De Grip W.J., Oyola-Velasco J.A., Martin-Partido G. & Francisco-Morcillo J. (2011), Erratum: Eye development and retinal differentiation in an altricial fish species, the senegalese sole (vol 314, pg 580, 2010), Journal of Experimental Zoology 316B(2): 162-163.
- Grip W.J. de, Bovee-Geurts P.H., Wang Y., Verhoeven M.A. & Lugtenburg J. (2011), Cyclopropyl and isopropyl derivatives of 11-cis and 9-cis retinals at C-9 and C-13: subtle steric differences with major effects on ligand efficacy in rhodopsin, Journal of Natural Products 74(3): 383-390.
- Egorova-Zachernyuk Tatiana A., Bosman Giel J.C.G.M. & Grip W.J. de (2011), Uniform stable-isotope labeling in mammalian cells: formulation of a cost-effective culture medium, Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 89(2): 397-406.
- Shirzad-Wasei N., Saint Clair E., Ogren J.I., Stanzel C., Navarro J., Grip W.J. de & Rothschild K.J. (2011), Expression and Spectroscopic Characterization of Melanopsin and Squid Rhodopsin, Biophysical Journal 100(3): 420-420.
- Pistorius A.M.A., Luten M., Bosman G.J.C.G.M. & Grip W.J. de (2010), A single assay for multiple storage-sensitive red blood cell characteristics by means of infrared spectroscopy, Transfusion 50(2): 366-375.
- Pistorius A.M.A. & Grip W.J. de (2010), IR, Biological Applications. In: Lindon J.C. (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Spectroscopy and Spectrometry. Reference Module in Chemistry, Molecular Sciences and Chemincal Engineering. Oxford: Elsevier Science &Technology. 469-478.
- Egorova-Zachernyuk T.A., Bosman G.J.C.G.M., Grip W.J. de & Shvets V.I. (2010), Stable isotope labelling of human histamine receptor H1R: Prospects for structure-based drug design, Doklady Biochemistry and Biophysics 433(1): 164-167.
- Bejarano-Escobar R., Blasco M., Grip. W.J. de, Antonio Oyola-Velasco J., Martin-Partido G. & Francisco-Morcillo J. (2010), Eye Development and Retinal Differentiation in an Altricial Fish Species, the Senegalese Sole (Solea senegalensis, Kaup 1858), Journal of Experimental Zoology 314B(7): 580-605.
- Bovee-Geurts P., Fernandez Fernandez I., Liu R.S., Mathies R.A., Lugtenburg J. & Grip W.J. de (2009), Fluoro derivatives of retinal illuminate the decisive role of the C(12)-H element in photoisomerization and rhodopsin activation, Journal of the American Chemical Society 131(49): 17933-17942.
- Bejarano-Escobar R., Blasco M., Grip W.J. de, Martin-Partido G. & Francisco-Morcillo J. (2009), Cell differentiation in the retina of an epibenthonic teleost, the Tench (Tinca tinca, Linneo 1758), Experimental Eye Research 89(3): 398-415.
- Concistre M., Gansmuller A., McLean N., Johannessen O.G., Montesinos I.M., Bovee-Geurts P., Brown R., Grip W.J. de & Levitt M.H. (2009), Light Penetration and Photoisomerization in Rhodopsin studied by Numerical Simulations and Double-Quantum Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy, Journal of the American Chemical Society 131(17): 6133-6140.
- Egorova-Zachernyuk T.A., Bosman G.J.C.G.M., Pistorius A.M.A. & Grip W.J. de (2009), Production of yeastolates for uniform stable isotope labelling in eukaryotic cell culture, Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 84(3): 575-581.
- Gansmüller A., Concistre M., McLean N., Johannessen O.G., Marin-Montesinos I., Bovee-Geurts P.H.M., Verdegem P., Lugtenburg J., Brown R.C.D., Grip W.J. de & Levitt M.H. (2009), Towards an interpretation of C-13 chemical shifts in bathorhodopsin, a functional intermediate of a G-protein coupled receptor, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Biomembranes 1788(6): 1350-1357.
- Pistorius A.M.A., Grip W.J. de & Egorova-Zachernyuk T.A. (2009), Monitoring of Biomass Composition From Microbiological Sources by Means of FT-IR Spectroscopy, Biotechnology and Bioengineering 103(1): 123-129.
- Concistre M., Gansmüller A., McLean N., Johannessen O.G., Marín Montesinos I., Bovee-Geurts P.H.M., Verdegem P, Lugtenburg J., Brown R.C.D., Grip W.J. de & Levitt M.H. (2008), Double-quantum (13)C nuclear magnetic resonance of bathorhodopsin, the first photointermediate in mammalian vision, Journal of the American Chemical Society 130(32): 10490-10491.
- Klaasse E.C., IJzerman A.P., Grip W.J. de & Beukers M.W. (2008), Internalization and desensitization of adenosine receptors, Purinergic Signalling 4(1): 21-37.
- Wang Y., Bovee-Geurts P.H., Lugtenburg J. & De Grip W.J. (2008), Alpha-retinals as rhodopsin chromophores - Preference for the 9-Z configuration and partial agonist activity, Photochemistry and Photobiology 84(4): 889-894.
- Sansuk K., Balog C.I.A., Does A.M. van der, Booth R., Grip W.J. de, Deelder A.M., Bakker R.A., Leurs R. & Hensbergen P.J. (2008), GPCR proteomics: mass spectrometric and functional analysis of histamine H1 receptor after baculovirus-driven and in vitro cell free expression, Journal of Proteome Research 7(2): 621-629.
- Giesbers M.E., Bosman G.J.C.G.M., Bovee-Geurts P.H.M. & Grip W.J. de (2007), Introduction of a rod pigment aromatic cluster does not improve the structural stability of the human green cone pigment, Journal of Structural Biology 159(2): 222-227.
- Ratnala V.R.P., Kiihne S.R., Buda F., Leurs R., Groot H.J.M. de & Grip W.J. de (2007), Solid-state NMR Evidence for a protonation switch in the binding pocket of the H1 receptor upon binding of the agonist histamine, Journal of the American Chemical Society 129(4): 867-872.
- Grip W.J. de, Bovee-Geurts P.H.M., Hoef K. van der & Lugtenburg J. (2007), 7,8-dihydro retinals outperform the native retinals in conferring photosensitivity to visual opsin, Journal of the American Chemical Society 129(43): 13265-13269.
- Lai W.C., McLean N., Gansmüller A., Verhoeven M.A., Antonioli G.C., Carravetta M., Duma L., Bovee-Geurts P.H.M., Johannessen O.G., Groot H.J.M. de, Lugtenburg J., Emsley L., Brown S.P., Brown R.C.D., Grip W.J. de & Levitt M.H. (2006), Accurate measurements of 13C-13C J-couplings in the rhodopsin chromophore by double quantum solid state NMR spectroscopy, Journal of the American Chemical Society 128(12): 3878-3879.
- Verhoeven M.A., Bovee-Geurts P.H.M., Groot H.J.M. de, Lugtenburg J. & Grip W.J. de (2006), Methyl substituents at the 11 or 12 position of retinal profoundly and differentially affect photochemistry and signalling activity of rhodopsin, Journal of Molecular Biology/JMB Online 363(1): 98-113.
- Isayama T., Chen Y., Kono M., De Grip W.J., Ma J.X. & Crouch R.K. (2006), Differences in the pharmacological activation of visual opsins, Visual Neuroscience 23(6): 899-908.
- Klaasse E.C., Hout G. van den, Roerink S.F., Grip W.J. de, IJzerman A.P. & Beukers M.W. (2005), Allosteric modulators affect the internalization of human adenosine A1 receptors, European Journal of Pharmacology 522(1-3): 1-8.
- Kiihne S.R., Creemers A.F.L., Grip W.J. de, Bovee-Geurts P.H.M., Lugtenburg J. & Groot H.J.M. de (2005), Selective interface detection: mapping binding site contact in membrane proteins by NMR-spectroscopy, Journal of the American Chemical Society 127(16): 5734-5735.
- Spooner P.J.R., Sharples J.M., Goodall S.C., Bovee-Geurts P.H.M., Verhoeven M.A., Lugtenburg J., Pistorius A.M.A., De Grip W.J. & Watts A. (2005), Corrigendum to "The ring of the rhodopsin chromophore in a hydrophobic activation switch within the binding pocket" (J. Mol. Biol. (2004) 343, 719-730], Journal of Molecular Biology/JMB Online 345(5): 1295-1295.
- Candal E., Anadon R., Grip W.J. de & Rodriguez-Moldes I. (2005), Patterns of cell proliferation and cell death in the developing retina and optic tectum of the brown trout, Developmental Brain Research 154(1): 101-119.
- Montiani-Ferreira F., Fischer A., Cernuda-Cernuda R., Kiupel M., Grip W.J. de, Sherry D., Cho S.S., Shaw G.C., Evans M.G., Hocking P.M. & Petersen-Jones S.M. (2005), Detailed histopathologic characterization of the retinopathy, globe enlarged (rge/rge) chick phenotype, Molecular Vision 11(2-4): 11-27.
- Ruether K.W., Janssen J.W.H., Bovee-Geurts P.H.M., Skosyrski S. & Grip W.J. de (2004), Typical rod-cone degeneration with moderate progression in a rhodopsin knock-in mouse model, Journal of Clinical Investigation 45(13): 5154.
- Wang Y.J., Bovee-Geurts P.H.M., Lugtenburg J. & Grip W.J. de (2004), Constraints of the 9-methyl group binding pocket of the rhodopsin chromophore probed by 9-halogeno substitution, Biochemistry 43(46): 14802-14810.
- Spooner P.J.R., Sharples J.M., Goodall S.C., Bovee-Geurts P.H.M., Verhoeven M.A., Lugtenburg J., Pistorius A.M.A., De Grip W.J. & Watts A. (2004), The ring of the rhodopsin chromophore in a hydrophobic activation switch within the binding pocket, Journal of Molecular Biology/JMB Online 343(3): 719-730.
- Pistorius A.M.A. & Grip W.J. de (2004), Deconvolution as a tool to remove fringes from an FT-IR spectrum, Vibrational Spectroscopy 36(1): 89-95.
- Ratnala V.R.P., Swarts H.G.P., Oostrum J. van, Leurs R., Groot H.J.M. de, Bakker R.A. & Grip W.J. de (2004), Large-scale overproduction, functional purification and ligand affinities of the His-tagged human histamine H1 receptor, European Journal of Biochemistry 271(13): 2636-2646.
- Peirson S.N., Bovee-Geurts P.H.M., Lupi D., Jeffery G., De Grip W.J. & Foster R.G. (2004), Expression of the candidate circadian photopigment melanopsin (Opn4) in the mouse retinal pigment epithelium, Molecular Brain Research 123(1-2): 132-135.
- Seydewitz V., Rothermel A., Fubrmann S., Schneider A., Grip W.J. de, Layer P.G. & Hofmann H.D. (2004), Expression of CNTF receptor-a in chick violet-sensitive cones with unique morphologic properties, Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 45(2): 655-661.
- Creemers A.F.L., Bovee-Geurts P.H.M., Grip W.J. de, Lugtenburg J. & Groot H.J.M. de (2004), Solid-state NMR analysis of ligand-receptor interactions reveals an induced misfit in the binding site of isorhodopsin, Biochemistry 43(51): 16011-16018.
- Carravetta M., Zhao .X, Johannessen O.G., Lai W.C., Verhoeven M.A., Bovee-Geurts P.H.M., Verdegem P.J.E., Kiihne S., Luthman H., Groot H.J.M. de, Grip W.J. de, Lugtenburg J. & Levitt M.H. (2004), Protein-induced bonding perturbation of the rhodopsin chromophore detected by double-quantum solid-state NMR, Journal of the American Chemical Society 126(12): 3948-3953.
- Janssen J.W.H., David-Gray Z.K., Bovee-Geurts P.H.M., Nevo E., Foster R.G. & Grip W.J. de (2003), A green cone-like pigment in the 'blind' mole-rat Spalax ehrenbergi: functional expression and photochemical characterization, Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences 2(12): 1287-1291.
- Spooner P.J.R., Sharples J.M., Goodall S.C., Seedorf H., Verhoeven M.A., Lugtenburg J., Bovee-Geurts P.H.M., Grip W.J. de & Watts A. (2003), Conformational similarities in the beta-ionone ring region of the rhodopsin chromophore in its ground state and after photoactivation to the metarhodopsin-1 intermediate, Biochemistry 42(46): 13371-13378.
- Alvarez-Viejo M., Cernuda-Cernuda R., Grip W.J. de, Alvarez-Lopez C. & Garcia-Femdndeza J.M. (2003), Co-localization of mesotocin and opsin immunoreactivity in the hypothalamic preoptic nucleus of Xenopus laevis, Brain Research 969(1-2): 36-43.
- Cernuda-Cernuda R., Garcia-Fernandez J.M., Gordijn M.C.M., Bovee-Geurts P.H.M. & Grip W.J. de (2003), The eye of the African mole-rat Cryptomys anselli: to see or not to see?, European Journal of Neuroscience 17(4): 709-720.
- Foster R.G., Provencio I., Bovee-Geurts P.H.M. & Grip W.J. de (2003), The photoreceptive capacity of the developing pineal gland and eye of the golden hamster (Mesocricetus auratus), Journal of Neuroendocrinology 15(4): 355-363.
- Ratnala V.R.P., Hulsbergen F.B., Groot H.J.M. de & Grip W.J. de (2003), Analysis of histamine and modeling of ligand-receptor interactions in the histamine H-1 receptor for Magic Angle Spinning NMR studies, Inflammation Research 52: 417-423.
- Panda S., Sato T.K., Castrucci A.M., Rollag M.D., Grip W.J. de, Hogenesch J.B., Provencio I. & Kay S.A. (2002), Melanopsin (Opn4) requirement for normal light-induced circadian phase shifting, Science 298(5601): 2213-2216.
- Chiquet C., Dkhissi-Benyahya O., Chounlamountri N., Szel A., Grip W.J. de & Cooper H.M. (2002), Characterization of calbindin-positive cones in primates, Neuroscience 115(4): 1323-1333.
- Melendez-Ferro M., Villar-Cheda B., Abalo X.M., Perez-Costas E., Rodriguez-Munoz R., Grip W.J. de, Yanez J., Rodicio M.C. & Anadon R. (2002), Early development of the retina and pineal complex in the sea lamprey: Comparative immunocytochemical study, Journal of Comparative Neurology 442(3): 250-265.
- Breikers G., Portier-VandeLuytgaarden M.J.M., Bovee-Geurts P.H.M. & Grip W.J. de (2002), Retinitis pigmentosa-associated rhodopsin mutations in three membrane-located cysteine residues present three different biochemical phenotypes, Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 297(4): 847-853.
- Cernuda-Cernuda R., Grip W.J. de, Cooper H.M., Nevo E. & Garcia-Fernandez J.M. (2002), The retina of Spalax ehrenbergi: novel histologic features supportive of a modified photosensory role, Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 43(7): 2374-2383.
- Creemers A.F.L., Kiihne S.R., Bovee-Geurts P., Grip W.J. de, Lugtenburg J. & Groot H.J.M. de (2002), 1H and 13C MAS NMR Evidence for Pronounced Ligand-Protein Interactions Involving the Ionone Ring of the Retinylidene Chromophore in Rhodopsin, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 99(14): 9101-9106.
- Dkhissi-Benyahya O., Szel A., Grip W.J. de & Cooper H.M. (2001), Short and mid-wavelength cone distribution in a nocturnal Strepsirrhine primate (Microcebus murinus), Journal of Comparative Neurology 438(4): 490-504.
- Breikers G., Bovee-Geurts P.H.M., Decaluwe G.LJ. & Grip W.J. de (2001), A structural role for Asp83 in the photoactivation of rhodopsin, Biological Chemistry 382(8): 1263-1270.
- Verhoeven M.A., Creemers A.F.L., Bovee-Geurts P.H.M., Grip W.J. de, Lugtenburg J. & Groot H.J.M. de (2001), Ultra-high-field MAS NMR assay of a multispin labeled ligand bound to its G-protein receptor target in the natural membrane environment: electronic structure of the retinylidene chromophore in rhodopsin, Biochemistry 40(11): 3282-3288.
- Klaassen C.H.W. & Grip W.J. de (2000), Baculovirus expression system for expression and characterization of functional recombinant visual pigments, Methods in Enzymology 315: 12-29.
- Janssen J.W.H., Bovee-Geurts P.H.M., Peeters Z.P.A., Bowmaker J.K., Cooper H.M., David-Gray Z.A., Nevo E. & Grip W.J. de (2000), A fully functional rod visual pigment in a blind mammal - A case for adaptive functional reorganization?, Journal of Biological Chemistry 275(49): 38674-38679.
- Feng X., Verdegem P.J.E., Edén M., Sandstrom D., Lee Y.K., Bovee-Geurts P.H.M., Grip W.J. de, Lugtenburg J., Groot H.J.M. de & Levitt M.H. (2000), Determination of a molecular torsional angle in the metarhodopsin-I photointermediate of rhodopsin by double-quantum solid-state NMR, Journal of Biomolecular NMR 16(1): 1-8.
- Chiquet C., Dkissi-Benyahya O., Szel A., Grip W.J. de & Cooper H.M. (1999), Characterization of calbindin-positive cones in primates, Neuroscience 115(4): 1323-1333.
- Lange F. de, Bovee-Geurts P.H.M., Pistorius A.M.A., Rothschild K.J. & Grip W.J. de (1999), Probing intramolecular orientations in rhodopsin and metarhodopsin II by polarized infrared difference spectroscopy, Biochemistry 38(40): 13200-13209.
- Klaassen C.H.W., Bovee-Geurts P.H.M., DeCaluwe G.L.J. & Grip W.J. de (1999), Large-scale production and purification of functional recombinant bovine rhodopsin with the use of the baculovirus expression system, Biochemical Journal 342(2): 293-300.
- Grip W.J. de, Klaassen C.H.W. & Bovee-Geurts P.H.M. (1999), Large-scale functional expression of visual pigments: towards high-resolution structural and mechanistic insight, Biochemical Society Transactions 27(6): 937-944.
- Creemers A.F.L., Klaassen C.H.W., Bovee-Geurts P., Kelle R., Kragl U., Raap J., Grip W.J. de, Lugtenburg J. & Groot H.J.M. de (1999), Solid state N-15 NMR evidence for a complex Schiff base counterion in the visual G-protein-coupled receptor rhodopsin, Biochemistry 38(22): 7195-7199.
- Grip W.J. de, Lange F. de, Klaassen C.H.W., Verdegem P.J.E., Wallace-Williams S., Creemers A.F.L., Bergo V., Bovee-Geurts P.H.M., Raap J., Rothschild K.J., Groot H.J.M. de & Lugtenburg J. (1999), Photoactivation of rhodopsin: Interplay between protein and chromophore Rhodopsins and Phototransduction. In: Takeuchi I., Bock G. & Goode J.A. (Eds.), Rhodospins and Phototransduction: Rhodospins and Phototransduction: Novartis Symposium 224. Novartis Foundation Symposia no. 224: Wiley. 102-123.
- Verdegem P.J.E., Bovee-Geurts P.H.M., Grip W.J. de, Lugtenburg J. & Groot H.J.M. de (1999), Retinylidene ligand structure in bovine rhodopsin, metarhodopsin-I and 10 methylrhodopsin from internuclear distance measurements using 13C labelling and 1-D rotational resonance MAS NMR, Biochemistry 38(35): 11316-11324.
- DeLange F., Klaassen C.H.W., Bovee-Geurts P.H.M., Wallace-Williams S.E., Liu X.M., Grip W.J. de & Rothschild K.J. (1998), Tyrosine structural changes detected in the photoactivation of rhodopsin, Journal of Biological Chemistry 273(37): 23735-23739.
- Grip W.J. de, Oostrum J. van & Bovee-Geurts P.H.M. (1998), Selective detergent-extraction from mixed detergent/lipid/protein micelles, using cyclodextrin inclusion compounds: a novel generic approach for the preparation of proteoliposomes, Biochemical Journal 330(2): 667-674.
- Rath P., Delange F., Grip W.J. de & Rothschild K.J. (1998), Hydrogen bonding changes of internal water molecules in rhodopsin during metarhodopsin I and metarhodopsin II formation, Biochemical Journal 329(3): 713-717.
- David-Gray Z.K., Janssen J.W.H., Grip W.J. de, Nevo E. & Foster R.G. (1998), Light detection in a 'blind' mammal, Nature Neuroscience 1(8): 655-656.
- Vissers P.M.A.M., Bovee-Geurts P.H.M., Portier M.D., Klaassen C.H.W. & Grip W.J. de (1998), Large-scale production and purification of the human green cone pigment: characterization of late photo-intermediates, Biochemical Journal 330(3): 1201-1208.
- Rath P., Grip W.J. de & Rothschild K.J. (1998), Photoactivation of rhodopsin causes an increased hydrogen-deuterium exchange of buried peptide groups, Biophysical Journal 74(1): 192-198.
- Wilkie S.E., Vissers P.M.A.M., Das D., Grip W.J. de, Bowmaker J.K. & Hunt D.M. (1998), The molecular basis for UV vision in birds: spectral characteristics, cDNA sequence and retinal localization of the UV-sensitive visual pigment of the budgerigar (Melopsittacus undulatus), Biochemical Journal 330(1): 541-547.
- Lange F. de, Bovee-Geurts P., Oostrum J. van, Portier M.D., Verdegem P.J.E., Lugtenburg J. & Grip W.J. de (1998), An Additional Methyl Group at the 10-Position of Retinal Dramatically Slows Down the Kinetics of the Rhodopsin Photocascade, Biochemistry 37(5): 1411-1420.
- Sherry D.M., Bui D.D. & Grip W.J. de (1998), Identification and distribution of photoreceptor subtypes in the neotenic tiger salamander retina, Visual Neuroscience 15(6): 1175-1187.
- Beukers M.W., Klaassen C.H.W., Grip W.J. de, Verzijl D., Timmerman H. & Leurs R. (1997), Heterologous expression of rat epitope-tagged histamine H-2 receptors in insect Sf9 cells, British Journal of Pharmacology 122(5): 867-874.
- Grip W.J. de, Lange F. de, Bovee P., Verdegem P.J.E. & Lugtenburg J. (1997), Photo-excitation by a half-carotenoid: Symbiosis between retinal and the visual protein opsin, Pure and Applied Chemistry 69(10): 2091-2098.
- Bosman G.J.C.G.M., Renkawek K., Workum F.P.A. van, Bartholomeus I.G.P. & Grip W.J. de (1997), Involvement of neuronal anion exchange proteins in cell death in Alzheimer's disease, Gerontology 43(1-2): 67-78.
- Bosman G.J.C.G.M., Janzing J.G.E., Bartholomeus I.G.P., Man A.J.M. de, Zitman F.G. & Grip W.J. de (1997), Erythrocyte aging characteristics in elderly individuals with beginning dementia, Neurobiology of Aging 18(3): 291-295.
- Bosman G.J.C.G.M., Renkawek K., ReijnenAalbers A. & Grip W.J. de (1997), Anion exchange proteins and regulation of intracellular pH in cultured rat astrocytes and neurones, Neuroreport 8(2): 427-430.
- Rothermel A., Willbold E., Grip W.J. de & Layer P.G. (1997), Pigmented epithelium induces complete retinal reconstitution from dispersed embryonic chick retinae in reaggregation culture, Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 264(1386): 1293-1302.
- Layer P.G, Rothermel A., Hering H., Wolf B., Grip W.J. de, Hicks D. & Willbold E. (1997), Pigmented epithelium sustains cell proliferation and decreases expression of opsins and acetylcholinesterase in reaggregated chicken retinospheroids, European Journal of Neuroscience 9(9): 1795-1803.
- Grobner G., Taylor A., Williamson P.T.F., Choi G., Glaubitz C., Watts J.A., Grip W.J. de & Watts A. (1997), Macroscopic orientation of natural and model membranes for structural studies, Analytical Biochemistry 254(1): 132-138.
- Geusz M.E., Foster R.G., Grip W.J. de & Block G.D. (1997), Opsin-like immunoreactivity in the circadian pacemaker neurons and photoreceptors of the eye of the opisthobranch mollusc Bulla gouldiana, Cell and Tissue Research 287(1): 203-210.
- Hofs H.P., Wagener T.D.J., Valk-Bakker V. de, Rennes H. van, Doesburg W.H., Ottenheijm H.C.J. & Grip W.J. de (1997), The effect of ethyldeshydroxy-sparsomycin and cisplatin on the intracellular glutathione level and glutathione S-transferase activity, Anti-Cancer Drugs 8(4): 349-357.
- Feng X., Verdegem P.J.E., Lee Y.K., Sandström D., Edén M., Bovee-Geurts P., Grip W.J. de, Lugtenburg J., Groot H.J.M. de & Levitt M.H. (1997), Direct determination of a molecular torsional angle in the membrane protein rhodopsin by solid-state NMR, Journal of the American Chemical Society 119(29): 6853-6857.
- Caluwe G.L.J. de & Grip W.J. de (1996), Point mutations in bovine opsin can be classified in four groups with respect to their effect on the biosynthetic pathway of opsin, Biochemical Journal 320(3): 807-815.
- Vissers P.M.A.M. & Grip W.J. de (1996), Functional expression of human cone pigments using recombinant baculovirus: Compatibility with histidine tagging and evidence for N-glycosylation, FEBS Letters 396(1): 26-30.
- Bosman G.J.C.G.M., Engbersen A., Vollaard C.H., Bartholomeus I.G.P., Pistorius A.M.A., Renkawek K. & Grip W.J. de (1996), Implications of aging- and degeneration-related changes in anion exchange proteins for the maintenance of neuronal homeostasis, Cellular and Molecular Biology 42(7): 905-918.
- Timmers A.M., Wintjes E.T. & Grip W.J. de (1996), Is vitamin A metabolism in RPE involved in the regulation of photoreceptor specific gene expression during retinal development?, Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 37(3): 3166-3166.
- Hofs H.P., Wagener D.J.T., Vos D. de, Ottenheijm H.C.J., Winkens H.J., Bovee P.H.M. & Grip W.J. de (1995), Antitumor activity and retinotoxicity of ethyldeshydroxy-sparsomycin in mice, European Journal of Cancer 31A(9): 1526-1530.
- Janssen J.J., Bovee-Geurts P.H., Merkx M. & Grip W.J. de (1995), Histidine tagging both allows convenient single-step purification of bovine rhodopsin and exerts ionic strength-dependent effects on its photochemistry, Journal of Biological Chemistry 270(19): 11222-11229.
- Caluwe G.L.J. de, Bovee-Geurts P.H.M., Rath P., Rothschild K.J. & Grip W.J. de (1995), Effect of carboxyl mutations on functional-properties of bovine rhodopsin, Biophysical Chemistry 56(1-2): 79-87.
- Hofs H.P., Wagener D.J.T., Valk-Bakker V. de, Rennes H. van, Vos D. de, Doesburg W.H., Ottenheijm H.D. & Grip W.J. de (1995), Preclinical antitumor activity of ethyldeshydroxysparsomycin in combination with cisplatin, Investigational New Drugs 13(1): 23-32.
- Hofs H.P., Wagener D.J.T., Valk-Bakker V. de, Rennes H. van, Vos D. de, Doesburg W.H., Ottenheijm H.C.J. & Grip W.J. de (1995), Schedule-dependent enhancement of antitumor activity of ethyldeshydroxy-sparsomycin in combination with classical antineoplastic agents, Anti-Cancer Drugs 6(2): 277-284.
- Grip W.J. de & Watts A. (1995), Retinal proteins - Proceedings of the 6th international-congress on retinal proteins held in Leiden, the Netherlands, 20-24 june, 1994 - preface, Biophysical Chemistry 56(1-2): 1-1.
- Bosman G.J.C.G.M., Steetzel B.D., Man A.J.M. de, Kalmthout P.J.C. van, Visser F.E. & Grip W.J. de (1995), Influence of aging and neurodegenerative disease on changes in band 3-like proteins in white blood cells, Mechanisms of Ageing and Development 80(1): 43-52.
- Bosman G.J.C.G.M., Bartholomeus I.G.P., Grip W.J. de & Horstink M.W.I.M. (1994), Erythrocyte anion transporter and antibrain immunoreactivity in chorea-acanthocytosis. A contribution to etiology, genetics, and diagnosis, Brain Research Bulletin 33(5): 523-528.
- Pistorius A.M.A. & Grip W.J. de (1994), Rhodopsin′s Secondary Structure Revisited: Assignment of Structural Elements, Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 198(3): 1040-1045.
- Pistorius A.M.A., Stekhoven F.M.A.H.S., Bovee-Geurts P.H.M. & Grip W.J. de (1994), Quantitative Analysis of Residual Detergent in Proteoliposomes by Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy, Analytical Biochemistry 221(1): 48-52.
- Foster R.G., Grace M.S., Provencio I., Grip W.J. de & Garcia Fernandez J.M. (1994), Identification of vertebrate deep brain photoreceptors, Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews 18(4): 541-546.
- Rath P., Bovee-Geurts P.H.M., Grip W.J. de & Rothschild K.J. (1994), Photoactivation of rhodopsin involves alterations in cysteine side chains: detection of an S-H band in the Meta I-->Meta II FTIR difference spectrum, Biophysical Journal 66(6): 2085-2091.
- Havenga M.J.E., Bosman G.J.C.G.M., Appelhans H. & Grip W.J. de (1994), Expression of the anion exchanger (AE) gene family in human brain. Identification of a new AE protein: AE0, Molecular Brain Research 25(1-2): 97-104.
- Hofs H.P., Wagener D.J.T., Valk-Bakker V. de, Rennes H. van, Ottenheijm H.C.J. & Grip W.J. de (1994), Concentration and sequence dependent synergism of ethyldeshydroxy-sparsomycin in combination with antitumor agents, Anti-Cancer Drugs 5(1): 35-42.
- Rath P., Caluwe L.L.J. de, Bovee-Geurts P.M., Grip W.J. de & Rothschild K.J. (1993), Fourier transform infrared difference spectroscopy of rhodopsin mutants: Light activation of rhodopsin causes hydrogen-bonding change in residue aspartic acid-83 during meta II formation, Biochemistry 32(39): 10277-10282.
- Renkawek K., Bosman G.C.G.M., Workum F.P.A. van, Grip W.J. de & Gabreels F.J.M. (1993), Erythrocyte Band 3-Like Protein Immunoreactivity in the Human Brain Cortex, Developmental Neuroscience 15(1): 27-30.
- Foster R.G., Argamaso S., Grip W.J. de, Garcia Fernandez J.M. & Provencio I. (1993), Circadian photoreception in reptiles and mammals, Frontiers of Photobiology 1021: 267-272.
- Foster R.G., Garciafernandez J.M., Provencio I. & Grip W.J. de (1993), Opsin localization and chromophore retinoids identified within the basal brain of the lizard Anolis carolinensis, Journal of Comparative Physiology A 172(1): 33-45.
- Bosman G.J.C.G.M., Visser F.E., Man A.J.M. de, Bartholomeus I.G.P. & Grip W.J. de (1993), Erythrocyte membrane changes of individuals with Down's Syndrome in various stages of Alzheimer-type dementia, Neurobiology of Aging 14(3): 223-228.
- Bosman G.J.C.G.M., Workum F.P.A. van, Renkawek K., Kalmthout P.J.C. van, Bartholomeus I.G.P. & Grip W.J. de (1993), Proteins immunologically related to erythrocyte anion transporter band 3 are altered in brain areas affected by Alzheimer's disease, Acta Neuropathologica 86(4): 353-359.
- Bosmann G.J.C.G.M., Stoffels A.P., Bartholomeus I.G.P., Workum F.P.A. van, Renkawek K. & Grip W.J. de (1993), Changes in structure and function of neuronal membrane-proteins of the anion-exchange family in Alzheimers-disease, Alzheimers Disease and Related Disorders: Selected Communications 87: 171-172.
- Kramm C.M., Grip W.J. de & Korf H.W. (1993), Rod-opsin immunoreaction in the pineal organ of the pigmented mouse does not indicate the presence of a functional photopigment, Cell and Tissue Research 274(1): 71-78.
- Bosman G.J.C.G.M., Stekhoven J.H.S., Melenhorst J.J., Vanzuylen A.J., Batholomeus I.G.P., Kalmthout P.J.C. van & Grip W.J. de (1992), Are thrombocyte membranes altered in Alzheimer's disease? A morphometric and biochemical study, Neurobiology of Aging 13(6): 711-716.
- Zuylen A.J. van, Bosman G.J.V.G.M., Ruitenbeek W., Kalmthout P.J.C. van & Grip W.J. de (1992), No evidence for reduced thrombocyte cytochrome oxidase activity in Alzheimer's disease, Neurology 42(6): 1246-1247.
- Grip W.J. de, Caluwe L.L.J. de, Foster R.G., Janssen J.J.M., Korf H.W., Bousche O. & Rothschild K.J. (1992), Identification and molecular analysis of vertebrate visual and nonvisual photoreceptor proteins, Structures and Functions of Retinal Proteins 221: 59-61.
- Wood P., Partridge J.C. & Grip W.J. de (1992), Rod visual pigment changes in the elver of the eel Anguilla anguilla L. measured by microspectrophotometry, Journal of Fish Biology 41(4): 601-611.
- Gonzalez-Fernandez F., Lopes M.B.S, Garciafernandez J.M., Foster R.G., Grip W.J. de, Rosemberg S., Newman S.A. & Berg S.R van den (1992), Expression of developmentally defined retinal phenotypes in the histogenesis of retinoblastoma, The American Journal of Pathology 141(2): 363-375.
- Caluwe L.L.J. de, Aalten D.M.F. van, Oostrum J. van & Grip W.J. de (1992), Studies towards the molecular mechanism of rhodopsin - protein engineering and molecular modeling, Structures and Functions of Retinal Proteins 221: 63-66.
- Timmers A.M., Groningenluyben D.AH.M. van & Grip W.J. de (1991), Uptake and isomerization of all-trans retinol by isolated bovine retinal-pigment epithelial cells: Further clues to the visual cycle, Experimental Eye Research 52(2): 129-138.
- Bosman G.J.C.G.M., Bartholomeus I.G.P., Man A.J.M. de, Kalmthout P.J.C van & Grip W.J. de (1991), Erythrocyte-membrane characteristics indicate abnormal cellular aging in patients with Alzheimers disease , Neurobiology of Aging 12(1): 13-18.
- Jansen J.J.M., Mulder W.R., Caluwe G.L.J. de, Vlak J.M. & Grip W.J. de (1991), Invitro expression of bovine opsin using recombinant baculovirus. The role of glutamic acid-(134) in opsin biosynthesis and glycosylation , Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1089(1): 68-76.
- Partridge J.C. & Grip W.J. de (1991), A new template for rhodopsin (vitamin A1 based) visual pigments, Vision Research 31(4): 619-630.
- Foster R.G, Provencio I., Hudson D., Fiske S., De Grip W.J. & Menaker M. (1991), Circadian photoreception in the retinally degenerate mouse (rd/rd), Journal of Comparative Physiology A 169(1): 39-50.
- Kramm C.M., Korf H.W., Czerwionka M., Schachenmayr W. & Grip W.J. de (1991), Photoreceptor differentiation in cerebellar medulloblastoma: evidence for a functional photopigment and authentic S-antigen (arrestin), Acta Neuropathologica 81(3): 296-302.
- Lopes M.B.S., Gonzalez Fernandez F., Rosemberg S., Garcia Fernandez J.M., Foster R.G., Grip W.J. de, Newman S. & Berg S.R. van den (1991), Expression of temporally specific and divergent cell lineages in retinoblastoma , Journal of Neuropathology and Experimental Neurology 50(3): 292-292.
- Bosman G.J.C.G.M., Bartholomeus I.G.P. & Grip W.J. de (1991), Alzheimers-disease and cellular aging - membrane-related events as clues to primary mechanisms, Gerontology 37(1-3): 95-112.
- Kaune R., Broek van de L.A.M., Corven van, E.J.J.M., Grip W.J. de & Os C.H. van (1990), The intracellular compartment in transcellular Ca2+ transport: effects of vitamin D deficiency, Progress in Clinical and Biological Research 332: 143-162.
- Sanyal S., Jansen H.G., Grip W.J. de, Nevo E. & Jong W.W. de (1990), The eye of the blind mole rat, Spalax-ehrenbergi. Rudiment with hidden function?, Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 31(7): 1398-1404.
- Bosman G.J.C.G.M., Bartholomeus I.G.P., De Man A.J., Van Kalmthout P.J.C. & Grip W.J. de (1990), Specific changes in erythrocyte-membrane characteristics indicate disturbance of the cellular aging process in Alzheimers disease, Neurobiology of Aging 11(3): 334-334.
- Grip W.J. de, Oostrum J. van, Bovee Geurts P.H.M., Steen R. van der, Amsterdam L.J.P. van, Groesbeek M. & Lugtenburg J. (1990), 10,20-Metanorhodopsins: (7E,9E,13E)-10,20-methanorhodopsin and (7E,9Z,13Z)-10,20-methanorhodopsin: 11-cis-locked rhodopsin analog pigments with unusual thermal and photo-stability, European Journal of Biochemistry 191(1): 211-220.
- Grip W.J. de & Daemen F.J.M. (1990), Exchange of retinoids between lipid vesicles and rod outer segment membranes , Methods in Enzymology 189: 402-411.
- Schalken J.J., Janssen J.J.M., Sanyal S., Hawkins R.K. & Grip W.J. de (1990), Development and degeneration of retina in RDS mutant mice - immunoassay of the rod visual pigment rhodopsin , Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1033(1): 103-109.
- Janssen J.J.M., Caluwe G.L.J. de & Grip W.J. de (1990), ASP83, GLU113 and GLU124 are not specifically involved in Shiff-base protonation or wavelength regulation in bovine rhodopson , FEBS Letters 260(1): 113-118.
- Zylicz Z., Grip W.J. de, Wagener D.J.T., Rennes H. van, Kleijn E. van der, Broek van den L.A.G.M. & Ottenheijm H.C.J. (1989), Studies on retinotoxic potential of a novel antitumor antibiotic sparsomycin in rats, Anticancer Research 9(4): 923-927.
- Foster R.G., Schalken J.J., Timmers A.M. & Grip W.J de (1989), A comparison of some photoreceptor characteristics in the pineal and retina .1. The Japanese quail (Coturnix-coturnix) , Journal of Comparative Physiology A 165(4): 553-563.
- Schalken J.J., Winkens H.J., Vugt A.H.M. van, Grip W.J. de & Broekhuyse R.M. (1989), Rhodopsin-induced experimental autoimmune uveoretinitis in monkeys, British Journal of Ophthalmology 73(3): 168-172.
- Steen R. van der, Groesbeek M., Amsterdam L.J.P van, Lugtenburg J., Oostrum J. van & Grip W.J. de (1989), All E-10,20-methanoretinolylopsin, light-stable rhodopsin - synthesis and spectroscopy of all E-10,20-methano fluoride and all E-retinoyl fluoride and their relation with bovine opsin, Recueil des Travaux Chimiques des Pays-Bas = Journal of the Royal Netherlands Chemical Society 108(1): 20-27.
- Muller B., Peichl L., Grip W.J. de, Gery I. & Korf H.W. (1989), Opsin-antigen and S-antigen-like immunoreactions in photoreceptors of the tree shrew retina , Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 30(3): 530-535.
- Foster R.G., Timmers A.M., Schalken J.J. & Grip W.J. de (1989), A comparison of some photoreceptor characteristics in the pineal and retina .2. The djungarian hamster (phodopus-sungorus) , Journal of Comparative Physiology A 165(4): 565-572.
- Broekhuyse R.M., Schalken J.J., Winkens H.J. & Grip W.J. de (1988), Rhodopsin-induced Experimental Autoimmune Uveoretinitis: Dose-Dependent Clinicopathological Features and Pathogenicity of C-Terminal Deprived Rhodopsin, Ophthalmic Research 20(2): 96-96.
- Janssen J.J.M., Ven W.J.M. van de, Groningenluyben W.A.H.M. van, Roosien J., Vlak J.M. & Grip W.J. de (1988), Synthesis of functional bovine opsin in insect cells under control of the baculovirus polyhedrin promoter, Molecular Biology Reports 13(2): 65-71.
- Schalken J.J., Vugt A.H.M., Winkens H.J., Boveegeurts P.H.M., Grip W.J. de & Broekhuyse R.M. (1988), Experimental autoimmune uveoretinitis in rats induced by rod visual pigment rhodopsin is more pathogenic than opsin , Graefes Archive for Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology 226(3): 255-261.
- Grip W.J. de (1988), Recent chemical studies related to vision, Photochemistry and Photobiology 48(6): 799-810.
- Broekhuyse R.M., Winkens H.J. & Grip W.J. de (1988), Effect of light conditions on the development of rhodopsin-induced eau in rats, Ophthalmic Research 20(2): 95-95.
- Grip W.J. de, Gray D., Gillespie J., Bovee P.H.M., Berg E.M.M. van den, Lugtenburg J. & Rotschild K.J. (1988), Photexcitation of rhodopsin: Conformation changes in the Chromophore, protein and associated lipids as determined by FTIR difference spectroscopy, Photochemistry and Photobiology 48(4): 497-504.
- Broekhuyse R.M., Schalken J.J., Winkens H.J., Kuhlmann E.D. & Grip W.J. de (1988), Rhodopsin-induced and opsin-induced experimental autoimmune uveoretinitis (eau) in monkeys, Ophthalmic Research 20(2): 96-96.
- Schalken J.J., Winkens H.J., Van Vugt A.H.M., Boveegeurts P.H.M., Grip W.J. de & Broekhuyse R.M. (1988), Rhodopsin-induced experimental autoimmune uveoretinitis: Dose-dependent clinicopathological features, Experimental Eye Research 47(1): 135-145.
- Rothschild K.J., Gillespie J. & Grip W.J. de (1987), Evidence for rhodopsin refolding during the decay of Meta-II , Biophysical Journal 51(2): 345-350.
- Coryen F.J.J.M. van, Groningen Luyben D.A.H.M. van, Grip W.J. de & Vanos C.H (1987), Lipid composition of basolateral membranes from rat enterocytes effects of vitamin D deficiency and cell isolation methods , Zeitschrift für Gastroenterologie 25(9): 651-651.
- Mollevanger L.C.P.J., Kentgens A.P.M., Pardoen J.A., Courtin J.M.L., Veeman W.S., Lugtenburg J. & Grip W.J. de (1987), High resolution solid state C13 NMR study of carbons C5 and C12 of the chromophore of bovine rhodopsin. Evidence for a 6S CIS conformation with negative charge perturbation near C12, European Journal of Biochemistry 163(1): 9-14.
- Zylicz Z., wagener D.J.T., Rennes H. van, Wessels J.M.C., Kleijn E. van der, Grip W.J. de, Broek L.A.G.M. van den & Ottenheijm H.C.J. (1987), Invitro modulation of cisplatin cytotoxicity by sparsomycin inhibition of protein-synthesis, Journal of the National Cancer Institute 78(4): 701-705.
- Jansen H.G., Sanyal S., Grip W.J. de & Schalken J.J. (1987), Development and degeneration of retina in rds mutant mice: ultraimmunohistochemical localizatioin of opsin , Experimental Eye Research 44(3): 347-361.
- Korf H., Czerwionka M., Reiner J., Schachenmayr W., Schalken J.J., Grip W.J. de & Gery I. (1987), Immunocytochemical evidence of molecular photoreceptor markers in cerebellar medulloblastomas , Cancer 60(8): 1763-1766.
- Schalken J.J. & Grip W.J. de (1986), Enzyme-linked-immunosorbent-assay for quantitative-determination of the visual pigment rhodopsin in totaoy-eye extracts , Experimental Eye Research 43(3): 431-439.
- Rotschild K.J. & Grip W.J. de (1986), FTIR studies of the rhodopsin transduction mechanism , Photobiochemistry and Photobiophysics 13(3-4): 245-258.
- Schalken J.J., Vugt A.H.M. van, Winkens H.J., Grip W.J. de & Broekhuyse R.M. (1986), Experimental autoimmune uveoretinitis in rat induced by rod visual pigment - rhodopsin is more pathogenic than opsin , Ophthalmologica 193(3): 188-188.
- Timmers A.M.M., Groningen-Luyben D.A.H.M. van, Daemen F.J.M. & Grip W.J. de (1986), A rapid versatile microassay for cellular retinol-binding protein using Lipidex-1000 microcolumns , Journal of Lipid Research 27(9): 979-987.
- Mollevanger L.C.P.J., Dratz E.A., Kruijff B. de, Hilbers C.W. & Grip W.J. de (1986), 31P‐NMR investigation of magnetically oriented rod outer segments: Spectral analysis and identification of individual phospholipids, European Journal of Biochemistry 156(2): 383-390.
- Sheves M., Albeck A., Ottolenghi M., Bovee- Geurts P.H.M., Grip W.J. de, Einterz C.M., Lewis J.W., Schaechter L.E. & Kliger D.S. (1986), An artificial visual pigment with restricted carbon-9-carbon-11 motion forms normal photolysis intermediates, Journal of the American Chemical Society 108(20): 6440-6441.
- Kamps K.M.P., Dratz E.A., Daemen F.J.M. & Grip W.J. de (1986), Phosphorylation reactions in bovine rod outer segments studied by P-32 labeling of intact retina , Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 881(2): 185-195.
- Zylicz Z., Wagener D.J.T., Rennes H. van, Wessels J.M.C., Kleijn E. van der, Grip W.J. de, Ottenheijm H.C.J. & Broek L.A.G.M. van den (1986), Invivo potentiation of cis-diamminedichloroplatinum(II) antitumor-activity by pretreatment with sparsomycin , Cancer Letters 32(1): 53-59.
- Gruner S.M., Rothschild K.J., Grip W.J. de & Clark N.A. (1985), Co-existing lyotropic liquid crystals commensurate, faceted and co-planar single hexagonal (HII) domains in lamellar photoreceptor membranes , Journal de Physique 46(2): 193-201.
- Schalken J.J., Janssen J.J.M., Grip W.J. de, Hawkins R.K. & Sanyal S. (1985), Immunoassay of rod visual pigment (opsin) in the eyes of rds mutant mice lacking receptor outer segments, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 839(1): 122-126.
- Grip W.J. de, Gillespie J. & Rothschild K.J. (1985), Carboxyl group involvement in the meta-I and Meta-II stages in rhodopsin bleaching. A Fourier transform infrared spectroscopic study , Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 809(1): 97-106.
- Schalken J.J., Verrijp C.N., Grip W.J. de & Daemen F.J.M. (1984), An enzyme-labeled immunoabsorbent assay (Elisa) for rhodopsinoids, comparison with radioommunoassay , Vision Research 24(11): 1693-1693.
- Timmers A.M.M., Dratz E.A., Grip W.J de & Daemen F.J.M. (1984), A new isolation procedure for retinal-pigment epithelium , Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 25(9): 1013-1018.
- Grip W.J. de, Gillespie J. & Rothschild K.J. (1984), FTIR study of rhodopsin recombinants - evidence for protein conformational-changes, Vision Research 24(11): 1694-1694.
- Timmers A.M.M., Dratz E.A., Grip W.J. de & Daemen F.J.M. (1984), A new isolation technique for retinal-pigment epithelium , Vision Research 24(11): 1693-1693.
- Liu R.S.H., Matsumoto H., Kini A., Asato A.E., Denny M., Kropf A. & Grip W.J. de (1984), Seven new hindered isomeric rhodopsins: A reexamination of the stereospecificity of the binding site of bovine opsin, Tetrahedron 40(3): 473-482.
- Groenendijk G.W.T., Grip W.J. de & Daemen F.J.M. (1984), Rod outer segment membranes: Good acceptors for retinoids?, Vision Research 24(11): 1623-1627.
- Mollevanger L.C.P.J. & Grip W.J. de (1984), Phase-behavior of isolated photoreceptor membrane-lipids is modulated by bivalent-cations , FEBS Letters 169(2): 256-260.
- Stavenga D.G. & Grip W.J. de (1983), Progress in phototransduction, Biophysics of structure and mechanism 9(4): 225-230.
- Grip W.J. de, Olive J. & Bovee-Geurts P.H.M. (1983), Reversible modulation of rhodopsin photolysis in pure phosphatidylserine membranes, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 734(2): 168-179.
- Schalken J.J., Margry R.J.C.F., Grip W.J. de & Daemen F.J.M. (1983), A radioimmunoassay specific for opsin , Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 742(3): 471-476.
- Margry R.J.C.F., Jacobs C.W.M., Bonting S.l., Grip W.J. de & Daemen F.J.M. (1983), Detergent-induced specificity of an antirhodopsin serum for opsin microcomplement fixation , Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 742(3): 463-470.
- Margry R.J.C.F., Jacobs C.W.M., Grip W.J. de & Daemen F.J.M. (1982), Interference of detergents in immunoassays of rhodopsin , Vision Research 22(12): 1447-1449.
- Kamps K.M.P., Grip W.J. de & Daemen F.J.M. (1982), Use of a density modification technique for isolation of the plasma membrane of rod outer segments, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 687(2): 296-302.
- Grip W.J. de (1982), [38] Thermal-stability of rhodopsin and opsin in some novel detergents, Methods in Enzymology 81: 256-265.
- Grip W.J. de & Daemen F.J.M. (1982), [33] Sulfhydryl chemistry of rhodopsin, Methods in Enzymology 81: 223-236.
- Grip W.J. de (1982), [30] Purification of bovine rhodopsin over concanavalin A-sepharose, Methods in Enzymology 81: 197-207.
- Sudhoelter E.J.R., Grip W.J. de & Engberts J.B.F.N. (1982), Rhodopsin reconstitution in vesicles formed from simple, fully synthetic amphiphiles, Journal of the American Chemical Society 104(4): 1069-1072.
- Regan C.M., Grip W.J. de, Daemen F.J.M. & Bonting S.L. (1980), Degradation of rhodopsin by a lysosomal fraction of retinal pigment epithelium. Biochemical aspects of the visual process XLI, Experimental Eye Research 30(2): 183-191.
- Rothschild K.J., Grip W.J. de & Sanches R. (1980), Fourier transformation infrared study of photoreceptor membrane .1. group assignments based on rhodopsin delipidation and reconstitution , Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 596(3): 338-351.
- Groenendijk G.W.T., Grip W.J. de & Daemen F.J.M. (1980), Quantitative determination of retinals with complete retention of their geometric configuration, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 617(3): 430-438.
- Grip W.J. de, Drenthe E.H.S., Echteld C.J.A. van, Kruijff B. de & Verkleij A.J. (1979), A possible role of rhodopsin in maintaining bilayer structure in the photoreceptor membrane, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 558(3): 330-337.
- Grip W.J. de & Bovee-Geurts P.H.M. (1979), Synthesis and properties of alkylglucosides with mild detergent action: improved synthesis and purification of β-1-octyl-, -nonyl-, and -decyl-glucose. Synthesis of β-1-undecylglucose and β-1-dodecylmaltose, Chemistry and Physics of Lipids 23(4): 321-335.
- Groenendijk G.W.T., Grip W.J. de & Daemen F.J.M. (1979), Identification and characterization of syn-isomers and anti-isomers of retinaloximes , Analytical Biochemistry 99(2): 304-310.
- Regan C.M., Grip W.J. de, Daemen F.J.M. & Bonting S.L. (1978), Biochemical aspects of the visual process: XXXIX. Sulfhydryl group reactivity as a probe of transient protein conformational changes during rhodopsin photolysis, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 537(1): 145-152.
- Grip W.J. de, Liu R.S.H., Ramamurthy V. & Asato A. (1976), Rhodopsin analogues from highly hindered 7-cis isomers of retinal, Nature 262(5567): 416-418.
- Rothschild K.J., Andrew J.R., Grip W.J. de & Stanley H.E. (1976), Opsin structure probed by Raman-spectroscopy of photoreceptor membranes, Science 191(4232): 1176-1178.
- Grip W.J. de, Bonting S.l. & Daemen F.J.M. (1975), Biochemical aspects of the visual process XXVIII. Classification of sulfhydryl groups in rhodopsin and other photoreceptor membrane proteins, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 396(1): 104-115.
- Grip W.J. de, Bonting S.L. & Daemen F.J.M. (1975), Biochemical aspects of the visual process. XXXI. Chemical modification studies on rod outer segment retinol dehydrogenase, Experimental Eye Research 21(6): 549-555.
- Bonting S.L., Grip W.J. de, Rotmans J.P. & Daemen F.J.M. (1974), Use of photoreceptor membrane suspensions for the study of rhodopsin and associated enzyme activities, Experimental Eye Research 18(1): 77-88.
- Grip W.J. de, Daemen F.J.M. & Bonting S.L. (1973), Biochemical aspects of the visual process XXII. Amino group modification in bovine rod photoreceptor membranes , Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 323(1): 125-142.
- Grip W.J. de, Bonting S.L. & Daemen F.J.M. (1973), Binding-site of retinaldehyde in cattle rhodopsin , Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 303(1): 189-193.
- Grip W.J. de, Daemen F.J.M. & Bonting S.L. (1973), Biochemical aspects of the visual process. XXIII. Sulfhydryl groups and rhodopsin photolysis, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 325(2): 315-322.
- Wanka F., Joosten H.F.P. & Grip W.J. de (1970), Composition and synthesis of DNA in synchronously growing cells of Chlorella pyrenoidosa, Archives of Microbiology 75: 25-36.
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