Universiteit Leiden

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Wilma Resing

Professor Emeritus Diagnostics and Research of Intelligence and Potential for Learning

Prof.dr. W.C.M. Resing
+31 71 527 2727


Prof. Wilma C. M. Resing holds the chair for "Research and implementation of the diagnostics of intelligence and learning potential of children in primary and special education" granted by the 'Stichting OnderwijsAdvies' and the 'Haags Centrum voor Onderwijsbegeleiding' (both federations of Dutch educational advisory services).   

Wilma obtained her master’s degree in Psychology at the University of Amsterdam and she did research and obtained her PhD at the VU University of Amsterdam before she came to Leiden University. The title of her dissertation is:  'Intelligentie en Leerpotentieel. Een onderzoek naar het leerpotentieel van jonge leerlingen uit het basis- en speciaal onderwijs'. 

Curriculum Vitae

Teaching by Wilma Resing

She teaches cognitive development, psychodiagnostics, and dynamic assessment. She co-ordinates and teaches post-doctoral courses on intelligence, as part of the PASP ('post-academisch onderwijs voor schoolpsychologen') in Amsterdam and Nijmegen.

Research by Wilma Resing

Her current research interests include intelligence theories and testing, focusing on inductive reasoning, microgenetic and dynamic assessment of children’s cognitive development. Her new work focuses on the measurement of children's cognitive activities while they are trained and assessed. She uses electronic equipments, for example a tangible electronic interface ( TagTiles), and in her newest research a table robot ( MyRo) for the assessment of (improvements in) cognitive skills.


She serves as Chair of the Stichting Abbas, is member of the COTAN, and is the president of the International Association for Cognitive Education (IACEP).  Wilma Resing is also one of the initiators of the new European Network on Psychoeducational Assessment, Intervention and Rehabilitation (ENPAIR).

Inaugural speech

The topic of her inaugural speech was:  Zicht op potentieel. Over dynamisch testen, variabiliteit in oplossingsgedrag en leerpotentieel van kinderen (2006)

Professor Emeritus Diagnostics and Research of Intelligence and Potential for Learning

  • Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
  • Instituut Psychologie
  • Ontwikkelings- & Onderwijspsychologie


  • SPON Postacademisch onderwijs schoolpsychologen Nijmegen
  • RINO Coordinatie en lesgeven PASP
  • Stichting Abbas Fonds Voorzitter en lid beoordelingscommissie
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