Wilma Resing
Professor Emeritus Diagnostics and Research of Intelligence and Potential for Learning
- Name
- Prof.dr. W.C.M. Resing
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 2727
- resing@fsw.leidenuniv.nl
- 0000-0003-3864-4517
Prof. Wilma C. M. Resing holds the chair for "Research and implementation of the diagnostics of intelligence and learning potential of children in primary and special education" granted by the 'Stichting OnderwijsAdvies' and the 'Haags Centrum voor Onderwijsbegeleiding' (both federations of Dutch educational advisory services).
Wilma obtained her master’s degree in Psychology at the University of Amsterdam and she did research and obtained her PhD at the VU University of Amsterdam before she came to Leiden University. The title of her dissertation is: 'Intelligentie en Leerpotentieel. Een onderzoek naar het leerpotentieel van jonge leerlingen uit het basis- en speciaal onderwijs'.
Curriculum Vitae
Teaching by Wilma Resing
She teaches cognitive development, psychodiagnostics, and dynamic assessment. She co-ordinates and teaches post-doctoral courses on intelligence, as part of the PASP ('post-academisch onderwijs voor schoolpsychologen') in Amsterdam and Nijmegen.
Research by Wilma Resing
Her current research interests include intelligence theories and testing, focusing on inductive reasoning, microgenetic and dynamic assessment of children’s cognitive development. Her new work focuses on the measurement of children's cognitive activities while they are trained and assessed. She uses electronic equipments, for example a tangible electronic interface ( TagTiles), and in her newest research a table robot ( MyRo) for the assessment of (improvements in) cognitive skills.
She serves as Chair of the Stichting Abbas, is member of the COTAN, and is the president of the International Association for Cognitive Education (IACEP). Wilma Resing is also one of the initiators of the new European Network on Psychoeducational Assessment, Intervention and Rehabilitation (ENPAIR).
Inaugural speech
The topic of her inaugural speech was: Zicht op potentieel. Over dynamisch testen, variabiliteit in oplossingsgedrag en leerpotentieel van kinderen (2006)
Professor Emeritus Diagnostics and Research of Intelligence and Potential for Learning
- Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
- Instituut Psychologie
- Ontwikkelings- & Onderwijspsychologie
- Vogelaar B., Veerbeek J., Splinter S.E. & Resing W.C.M. (2021), Computerized dynamic testing of children's potential for reasoning by analogy: the role of executive functioning, Journal of Computer Assisted Learning 37: 632–644.
- Vogelaar B., Resing W.C.M. & Stad F.E. (2020), Dynamic testing of children's solving of analogies: differences in potential for learning of gifted and average-ability children, Journal of Cognitive Education and Psychology 19(1): 43-64.
- Touw K.W.J., Vogelaar B., Thissen F., Rovers S. & Resing W.C.M. (2020), Progression and individual differences in children's series completion after dynamic testing, British Journal of Educational Psychology 90(1): 184-205.
- Veerbeek J., Vogelaar B. & Resing W.C.M. (2019), Process-oriented dynamic testing in a complex figure task, Journal of Cognitive Education and Psychology 18(1): 67-80.
- Resing W.C.M., Bakker M., Elliott J.G. & Vogelaar B. (2019), Dynamic testing: Can a robot as tutor be of help in assessing children's potential for learning?, Journal of Computer Assisted Learning 35(4): 540-554.
- Vogelaar B., Resing W.C.M., Stad F.E. & Sweijen S.W. (2019), Is planning related to dynamic testing outcomes? Investigating the potential for learning of gifted and average-ability children, Acta Psychologica 196: 87-95.
- Touw K.W.J., Vogelaar B., Bakker M. & Resing W.C.M. (2019), Using electronic technology in the dynamic testing of young primary school children: Predicting school achievement, Educational Technology Research and Development 67(2): 443-465.
- Resing W.C.M., Vogelaar B. & Elliott J.G. (2019), Children's solving of 'Tower of Hanoi' tasks: dynamic testing with the help of a robot, Educational Psychology 40(9): 1136-1163.
- Veerbeek J., Vogelaar B., Verhaegh J. & Resing W.C.M. (2019), Process assessment in dynamic testing using electronic tangibles, Journal of Computer Assisted Learning 35(1): 127-142.
- Stad F.E., Wiedl K.H., Vogelaar B., Bakker M. & Resing W.C.M. (2019), The role of cognitive flexibility in young children's potential for learning under dynamic testing conditions, European Journal of Psychology of Education 34(1): 123-146.
- Vogelaar B., Resing W.C.M., Stad F.E. & Verdel R. (2018), Dynamische tests en hoogbegaafden: ook zij hebben individuele instructie nodig, Tijdschrift voor Remedial Teaching 26(1): 20-23.
- Vogelaar B. & Resing W.C.M. (2018), Changes over time and transfer of analogy-problem solving of gifted and non-gifted children in a dynamic testing setting, Educational Psychology 38(7): 898-914.
- Stad F.E., Van Heijningen C.J.M., Wiedl K.H. & Resing W.C.M. (2018), Predicting school achievement: Differential effects of dynamic testing measures and cognitive flexibility for math performance, Learning and Individual Differences 67: 117-125.
- Elliott J.G., Resing W.C.M. & Beckmann J.F. (2018), Dynamic assessment: A case of unfulfilled potential?, Educational Review 70(1): 7-17.
- Bongers-Schokking J.J., Resing W.C.M., Oostdijk W., Rijke Y.B. de & Muinck Keizer-Schrama S.M.P.F. de (2018), Relation between early over- and undertreatment and behavioural problems in preadolescent children with congenital hypothyroidism, Hormone Research in Paediatrics 90(4): 247–256.
- Touw K.J.W., Vogelaar B., Verdel R., Bakker M. & Resing W.C.M. (2017), Children’s progress in solving figural analogies: Are outcomes of dynamic testing helpful for teachers?, Educational and Child Psychology 34(1): 21-38.
- Resing W.C.M., Lauchlan F. & Elliott J. (Eds.) (2017), Bridging the gap between psychological assessment and educational instruction. Educational and Child Psychology: The British Psychological Society.
- Resing W.C.M., Lauchlan F. & Elliott J. (2017), Guest Editorial: Bridging the gap between psychological assessment and educational instruction, Educational and Child Psychology 34(1): 6-8.
- Vogelaar B., Bakker M., Elliott J.G. & Resing W.C.M. (2017), Dynamic testing and test anxiety amongst gifted and average-ability children, British Journal of Educational Psychology 87(1): 75-89.
- Resing W.C.M., Touw K.W.J., Veerbeek J. & Elliott J.G. (2017), Progress in the inductive strategy-use of children from different ethnic backgrounds: A study employing dynamic testing, Educational Psychology 37(2): 173-191.
- Resing W.C.M., Bakker M., Pronk C.M.E. & Elliott J.G. (2017), Progression paths in children's problem solving: The influence of dynamic testing, initial variability, and working memory, Journal of Experimental Child Psychology 153: 83-109.
- Bosma T., Stevenson C.E. & Resing W.C.M. (2017), Differences in need for instruction: Dynamic testing in children with arithmetic difficulties, Journal of Education and Training Studies 5(6): 132-145.
- Vogelaar B., Bakker M., Hoogeveen A.J.M. & Resing W.C.M. (2017), Dynamic testing of gifted and average-ability children’s analogy problem-solving: Does executive functioning play a role?, Psychology in the Schools 54(8): 837-851.
- Veerbeek J., Verhaegh J., Elliott J.G. & Resing W.C.M. (2017), Process oriented measurement using electronic tangibles, Journal of Education and Learning 6(2): 155-170.
- Laughlan F., Boyle C., Gibbs S. & Resing W.C.M. (Eds.) (2017), Labelling and diagnoses. Educational and Child Psychology.
- Veerbeek J., Hessels M.G.P., Vogelaar S. & Resing W.C.M. (2017), Pretest versus no pretest: An investigation into the problem-solving processes in a dynamic testing context, Journal of Cognitive Education and Psychology 16(3): 260-280.
- Stad F.E., Vogelaar B., Veerbeek J. & Resing W.C.M. (2017), Young children’s transfer of series completion in a dynamic test setting: does cognitive flexibility play a role?, International Journal of School and Cognitive Psychology 4(4): 199.
- Laughlan F., Boyle C., Gibbs S. & Resing W.C.M. (2017), Labelling and diagnoses, Educational and Child Psychology 34(4): 5-8.
- Smeets-Van Veldhoven J.C.M., Bosma T. & Resing W.C.M. (2017), Klaar voor groep 3? Het perspectief van de leerkracht, Pedagogische Studien 94(5): 406-417.
- Cole R., Resing W. & Gibbs S. (Eds.) (2016), Neuroscience and Educational Psychology. Educational and Child Psychology.
- Stevenson C.E., Heiser W.J. & Resing W.C.M. (2016), Dynamic testing of analogical reasoning in 5-to 6-year-olds: Multiple-choice versus constructed-response training items, Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment 34(6): 550-565.
- Resing W.C.M., Bakker M., Pronk C.M.E. & Elliott J.G. (2016), Dynamic testing and transfer: An examination of children's problem-solving strategies, Learning and Individual Differences 49: 110-119.
- Stad F.E., Wiedl K.H. & Resing W.C.M. (2016), Dynamic testing of children’s series completion ability: Cognitive flexibility as a predictor of performance, Journal of Educational and Developmental Psychology 6(2): 143-154.
- Stevenson C.E., Heiser W.J. & Resing W.C. (2016), Dynamic testing: Assessing cognitive potential of children with culturally diverse backgrounds, Learning and Individual Differences 47: 27-36.
- Vogelaar B. & Resing W.C.M. (2016), Gifted and average-ability children’s progression in analogical reasoning in a dynamic testing setting, Journal of Cognitive Education and Psychology 15(3): 349-367.
- Resing W.C.M. (2016), Dynamisch en statisch testen: Onmisbaar in psychodiagnostisch onderzoek, Tijdschrift voor Neuropsychologie 11(1): 52-64.
- Resing W.C.M. & Vogelaar B. (2016), Dynamisch testen: Ook begaafde leerlingen verschillen in instructiebehoefte. In: Gerven E.W.H.M. van (Ed.), De Gids: begaafdheid in het basisonderwijs. Nieuwolda: Leuker.nu. 47-58.
- Resing W.C.M. (2016), Leervermogen. In: Verschueren K. & Koomen H.M. (Eds.), Handboek Diagnostiek in de Leerlingenbegeleiding: Kind en context. Apeldoorn: Garant. 131-147.
- Resing W.C.M. & Verschueren K. (2016), Intelligentie. In: Verschueren K. & Koomen H.M. (Eds.), Handboek Diagnostiek in de Leerlingenbegeleiding: Kind en context. Apeldoorn: Garant. 109-129.
- Bongers-Schokking J.J., Resing W.C.M., Rijke Y.B. de, Ridder M.A.J. de & Muinck Keizer-Schrama S.M.P.F. de (2016), Individualized initial treatment to optimize eventual cognitive outcome in congenital hypothyroidism, Pediatric Research 80: 816–823.
- Cole R., Resing W. & Gibbs S. (2016), Guest editorial: Neuroscience and educational psychology, Educational and Child Psychology 33(1): 5-7.
- Elliott J.G. & Resing W.C.M. (2015), Can Intelligence Testing Inform Educational Intervention for Children with Reading Disability?, Journal of Intelligence 3(4): 137-157.
- Resing W.C.M., Tunteler E. & Elliott J.G. (2015), The Effect of Dynamic Testing With Electronic Prompts and Scaffolds on Children's Inductive Reasoning: A Microgenetic Study, Journal of Cognitive Education and Psychology 14(2): 231-251.
- Verschueren K. & Resing W.C.M. (2015), Intelligentiediagnostiek volgens het CHC model: Van theorie naar praktijk. In: Resing W.C.M. (Ed.), Handboek intelligentietheorie en testgebruik. Amsterdam: Pearson. 63-84.
- Resing W.C.M. (2015), Intelligentiemeting: theorie en psychologische modelvorming. In: Resing W.C.M. (Ed.), Handboek intelligentietheorie en testgebruik. Amsterdam: Pearson. 19-40.
- Resing W.C.M. (2015), Tot slot. In: Resing W.C.M. (Ed.), Handboek intelligentietheorie en testgebruik. Amsterdam: Pearson. 397-401.
- Resing W.C.M. & Bleichrodt N. (2015), RAKIT-2: Intelligentiemeting bij kinderen in de basisschoolleeftijd. In: Resing W.C.M. (Ed.), Handboek intelligentietheorie en testgebruik. Amsterdam: Pearson. 141-167.
- Resing W.C.M. (2015), Praktische aspecten van intelligentiemeting: Afname, scoring en interpretatie. In: Resing W.C.M. (Ed.), Handboek intelligentietheorie en testgebruik. Amsterdam: Pearson. 41-62.
- Resing W.C.M. & Bleichrodt N. (2015), WNV: Non-verbale intelligentiemeting voor een brede leeftijdsrange. In: Resing W.C.M. (Ed.), Handboek intelligentietheorie en testgebruik. Amsterdam: Pearson. 225-247.
- Resing W.C.M. (Ed.) (2015), Handboek intelligentiemeting en testgebruik. Amsterdam: Pearson.
- Stevenson C.W., Bergwerff C., Heiser W.J. & Resing W.C.M. (2014), Working memory and dynamic measures of analogical reasoning as predictors of children's math and reading achievement, Infant and Child Development 23(1): 51-66.
- Cline T., Lauchlan F. & Resing W.C.M. (2014), Guest editorial: Bilingualism and language diversity, Educational and Child Psychology 31(2): 5-7.
- Cline T., Lauchlan T. & Resing W.C.M. (Eds.) (2014), Bilingualism and language diversity. Educational and Child Psychology.
- Resing W.C.M., Bleichrodt N., Drenth P.J.D.D. & Zaal J.N. (2014), Revisie Amsterdamse Kinder Intelligentie Test-2 (RAKIT-2). Supplement scoringshandleiding. Amsterdam: Pearson.
- Stevenson C.E., Hickendorff M., Resing W.C.M., Heiser W.J. & De Boeck P.A.L. (2013), Explanatory item response modeling of children's change on a dynamic test of analogical reasoning, Intelligence 41(3): 157-168.
- Stevenson C.E., Heiser W.J. & Resing W.C.M. (2013), Working memory as a moderator of training and transfer of analogical reasoning in children, Contemporary Educational Psychology 38(3): 159-169.
- Resing W.C.M., Lauchlan F. & Elliott J.G. (Eds.) (2013), . Educational and Child Psychology.
- Smeets J. & Resing W.C.M. (2013), De overgang van najaarskleuters naar groep 3, Tijdschrift voor Orthopedagogiek 52: 442-453.
- Resing W.C.M., Lauchlan F. & Elliott J.G. (2013), Guest editorial, Educational and Child Psychology 30(2): 5-6.
- Verhaegh J., Fontijn W.F.J., Aarts E.H.L. & Resing W.C.M. (2013), In-game assessment and training of nonverbal cognitive skills using TagTiles, Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 17(8): 1637-1646.
- Resing W.C.M. (2013), Dynamic testing and individualized instruction: Helpful in cognitive education?, Journal of Cognitive Education and Psychology 12(1): 81-95.
- Verhaegh J., Fontijn W.F.J. & Resing W.C.M. (2013), On the correlation between children's performances on electronic board tasks and nonverbal intelligence test measures, Computers & Education 69: 419-430.
- Bongers-Schokking J.J., Resing W.C.M., De Rijke Y.B., De Ridder M.A.J. & De Muinck Keizer-Schrama S.M.P.F. (2013), Cognitive development in congenital hypothyroidism: Is overtreatment a greater threat than undertreatment?, The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 98(11): 4499-4506.
- Bosma T., Hessels M.G.P. & Resing W.C.M. (2012), Teachers' preferences for educational planning: Dynamic testing, teaching' experience and teachers' sense of efficacy, TEACHING AND TEACHER EDUCATION 28(4): 560-567.
- Resing W.C.M., Bleichrodt N., Drenth P.J.D. & Zaal J. (2012), Revisie Amsterdamse Kinder Intelligentie Test-2 (RAKIT-2). Verantwoording. Amsterdam: Pearson.
- Resing W.C.M., Bleichrodt N., Drenth P.J.D. & Zaal J. (2012), Revisie Amsterdamse Kinder Intelligentie Test-2 (RAKIT-2). Afname handleiding. Amsterdam: Pearson.
- Elliott J.G. & Resing W.C.M. (2012), Cross-cultural factors in learning and motivation. In: Seel N.M. (Ed.), Encyclopedia of the Sciences of Learning. US: Springer. 850-853.
- Resing W.C.M., Elliott J.G. & Grigorenko E.L. (2012), Dynamic testing and assessment. In: Seel S. (Ed.), Encyclopedia of the Sciences of Learning. US: Springer. 1055-1058.
- Resing W.C.M., Xenidou-Dervou I., Steijn W.M.P. & Elliott J.G. (2012), A "picture" of children's potential for learning: Looking into strategy changes and working memory by dynamic testing, Learning and Individual Differences 22(1): 144-150.
- Resing W.C.M., Bosma T. & Stevenson C.E. (2012), Dynamic testing: Measuring inductive reasoning in children with developmental disabilities and mild cognitive impairments, Journal of Cognitive Education and Psychology 11(2): 159-178.
- Resing W.C.M., Touw K.W.J., Verdel R.J., Slootjes M.M.A.J., Reiss S.A.J.A.P. & Vluggen Y.R. (2012), Dynamisch testen met de AnimaLogica: Van theorie naar praktijk. Leiden/Den Haag.
- Bosma T. & Resing W.C.M. (2012), Need for Instruction: Dynamic Testing in Special Education, European Journal of Special Needs Education 27(1): 1-19.
- Henning J.R., Verhaegh J. & Resing W.C.M. (2011), Creating an individualized learning situation using scaffolding in a tangible electronic series completion task, Educational and Child Psychology 28(2): 85-100.
- Resing W.C.M., Steijn W.M.P., Xenidou-Dervou L., Stevenson C.E. & Elliott J.G. (2011), Testing with an electronic console: Do children listen to the computer?, Journal of Cognitive Education and Psychology 10(2): 178-194.
- Lauchlan F., Resing W.C.M. & Elliott J.G. (Eds.) (2011), Computerised approaches to assessment. Educational and Child Psychology: British Psychological Society.
- Stevenson C.E., Touw K.W.J. & Resing W.C.M. (2011), Computerized dynamic testing: A study of the potential of an approach using sensor technology, Journal of Cognitive Education and Psychology 110(2): 178-194.
- Stevenson C.E., Resing W.C.M., Bosma T., Verdel R.J., Stad F.E., Touw K.W.J. & Slootjes M.M.A.J. (2011), Dynamisch testen met Animalogica: Onderzoek naar het potentieel om te leren in de klas. Leiden/Den Haag: Interne publicatie Universiteit Leiden (Ontwikkelings- en Onderwijspsychologie) en Haags Centrum voor Onderwijsbegeleiding.
- Resing W.C.M., Lauchlan F. & Elliott J.G. (2011), Guest Editorial, Educational and Child Psychology 28(2): 6-7.
- Resing W.C.M. & Elliott J.G. (2011), Dynamic testing with tangible electronics: Measuring children’s change in strategy use with a series completion task, British Journal of Educational Psychology 81: 579-605.
- Stevenson C.E., Touw K.W.J. & Resing W.C.M. (2011), Computer or Paper Analogy Puzzles: Does Assessment Mode Influence Young Children’s Strategy Progression?, Educational and Child Psychology 28(2): 67-84.
- Tunteler E. & Resing W.C.M. (2010), The effects of self- and other-scaffolding on progression and variation in children’s geometric analogy performance: A microgenetic research, Journal of Cognitive Education and Psychology 9(3): 251-272.
- Elliott J.G., Grigorenko E.L. & Resing W.C.M. (2010), Dynamic Assessment: The need for a dynamic approach. In: Peterson P., Baker E. & McGaw B. (Eds.), International Encyclopedia of Education, Volume 3. Oxford: Elsevier. 220-225.
- Resing W.C.M. (2010) Book review. Review of: Kaufman J.C. (2009), Intelligent Testing: Integrating psychological theory and clinical practice. Journal of Cognitive Education and Psychology. New York: Cambridge University Press. Journal of Cognitive Education and Psychology 9(9): 298-300.
- Bosma T. & Resing W.C.M. (2010), Teacher’s appraisal of dynamic assessment outcomes: Recommendations for weak math-performers, Journal of Cognitive Education and Psychology 9(2): 91-115.
- Resing W.C.M., Jong F.M. de, Bosma T. & Tunteler E. (2009), Learning during dynamic testing: Variability in strategy use by indigenous and ethnic minority children, Journal of Cognitive Education and Psychology 8(1): 22-37.
- Verhaegh J., Resing W.C.M., Fontijn W. & Jacobs A. (2009), Playing with blocks or the computer? Solving complex visual-spatial reasoning tasks: Comparing children’s performances on tangible and virtual puzzles, Educational and Child Psychology 26(3): 18-39.
- Stevenson C.E., Resing W.C.M. & Froma M.N. (2009), Analogical reasoning skill acquisition with self-explanation in 7-8 year olds: Does feedback help?, Educational and Child Psychology 26(3): 6-17.
- Bongers-Schokking J.J., Resing W.C.M. & Muinck Keizer-Schrama S.M.P.F. de (2009), Is over-treatment a greater threat for cognitive development in congenital hypothyroidism than under-treatment?, Hormone Research 72(Suppl. 3): 166-166.
- Resing W.C.M., Tunteler E., Jong F.M. de & Bosma T. (2009), Dynamic testing in indigenous and ethnic minority children, Learning and Individual Differences 19(4): 445-450.
- Resing W.C.M., Tunteler E., Jong F.M. de & Velt A.E. (2008), Dynamic testing in children: Individual differences and learning patterns in indigenious and ethnic minority children, International Journal of Psychology 43(3-4): 734-734.
- Bosma T. & Resing W.C.M. (2008), Bridging the gap between diagnostic assessment and classroom practice, Journal of Cognitive Education and Psychology 7: 174-196.
- Tunteler E., Pronk C.M.E. & Resing W.C.M. (2008), Inter- and intra-individual variability in the process of change in the use of analogical strategies to solve geometric tasks in children: A microgenetic analysis, Learning and Individual Differences 18(1): 44-60.
- Resing W.C.M., Evers A., Koomen H.M.Y. & Bleichrodt N. (2008), Indicatiestelling leerlinggebonden financiering MBO: Instrumentarium. Amsterdam: Boom Test Uitgevers.
- Resing W.C.M., Evers A., Koomen H.M.Y., Pameijer N.K. & Bleichrodt N. (2008), Indicatiestelling speciaal onderwijs en leerlinggebonden financiering: Condities en instrumentarium. Amsterdam: Boom Test Uitgevers.
- Ebersbach M. & Resing W.C.M. (2008), Implicit and explicit knowledge of linear and exponential growth in 5-and 9-year-olds, Journal of Cognition and Development 9(3): 286-309.
- Ebersbach M., Dooren W., Noortgate W. van den & Resing W.C.M. (2008), Understanding linear and exponential growth: Searching for the roots in 6- to 9-year-olds, Cognitive Development 23(2): 237-257.
- Ebersbach M., Lehner M., Resing W.C.M. & Wilkening F. (2008), Forecasting exponential growth and exponential decline: Similarities and differences, Acta Psychologica 127(2): 247-257.
- Evers A. & Resing W.C.M. (2007), Het drijfzand van didactische leeftijdsequivalenten, Psychometrika 42(9): 466-472.
- Resing W.C.M. & Drenth P.J.D. (2007), Intelligentie: Weten en meten. Amsterdam: Nieuwezijds.
- Resing W.C.M. (2007), Intelligentie en leervermogen: Statisch en dynamisch testen. In: Verschueren K. & Koomen H.M.Y. (Eds.), Handboek diagnostiek in de leerlingenbegeleiding. Antwerpen/Apeldoorn: Garant. 105-124.
- Botting N. & Resing W.C.M. (Eds.) (2007), . Educational and Child Psychology.
- Tunteler E., Pronk C.M.E. & Resing W.C.M. (2007), Scaffolding and analogical reasoning in young children: A microgenetic study, Developing potentials for learning. Abstracts 12th Biennal Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction : 197-197.
- Botting N. & Resing W.C.M. (2007), Editorial: Language impairments: Their impact on educational progress, Educational and Child Psychology 24: 6-8.
- Tunteler E. & Resing W.C.M. (2007), Change in spontaneous analogical transfer in young children: A microgenetic study, Infant and Child Development 16(1): 71-94.
- Tunteler E. & Resing W.C.M. (2007), Effects of prior assistance in using analogies on young children's unprompted analogical problem solving over time: A microgenetic study, British Journal of Educational Psychology 77(1): 43-68.
- Ebersbach M. & Resing W.C.M. (2007), Shedding new light on an old problem: The estimation of shadow sizes in children and adults, Journal of Experimental Child Psychology 97(4): 265-285.
- Resing W.C.M. & Tunteler E. (2007), Children becoming more intelligent: Can the Flynn effect be generalized to other child intelligence tests?, International Journal of Testing 7(2): 191-208.
- Resing W.C.M. (2006), Using children’s “ability to learn” in diagnosis and assessment, Educational and Child Psychology 23(3): 6-11.
- Resing W.C.M. (2006), Intelligentieonderzoek en dynamisch testen in de klas: Zicht op het niveau van cognitieve ontwikkeling van kinderen. In: Taal M.H. & Dudink A.C.M. (Eds.), Schoolpsychologie: De school als context voor ontwikkeling. Amsterdam: Boom. 36-70.
- Resing W.C.M. & Figgs J. (Eds.) (2006), . Educational and Child Psychology.
- Resing W.C.M. (2006), Editorial, Educational and Child Psychology 23(3): 4-5.
- Bosma T. & Resing W.C.M. (2006), Dynamic assessment and a reversal task: A contribution to needs-based assessment, Educational and Child Psychology 23(3): 81-98.
- Resing W.C.M., Evers A., Koomen H.M.Y., Pameijer N.K. & Bleichrodt N. (2005), Indicatiestelling speciaal onderwijs en leerlinggebonden financiering: Condities en instrumentarium. Amsterdam: Boom Test uitgevers.
- Resing W.C.M. (2005), Intelligence testing. In: Kempf-Leonard K. (Ed.), Encyclopedia of social measurement, Vol. 3. San Diego, CA: Academic press. 307-315.
- Resing W.C.M. & Aalsvoort G.M. van der (2005), Symposium. [other].
- Nijenhuis J. te, Resing W.C.M., Tolboom E. & Bleichrodt N. (2004), Short-term memory as an additional predictor of school achievement for immigrant children?, Intelligence 32: 203-213.
- Resing W.C.M. & Tunteler E. (2004), Zicht op het leerpotentieel van jonge kinderen: de rol van dynamische assessmentprocedures en variabel oplossingsgedrag. In: Aalsvoort G.M. van der (Ed.), Eén kind, één plan. Leuven: Acco. 79-89.
- Nijenhuis J. te, Resing W.C.M., Tolboom E. & Bleichrodt N. (2004), Does cultural background influence the intellectual performance of children from immigrant groups? The RAKIT Intelligence Test for immigrant children, European Journal of Psychological Assessment 20: 10-26.
- Tunteler E. & Resing W.C.M. (2004), Age differences in patterns of strategy production for analogy problems among five- to eight-year-old children, Educational and Child Psychology 21: 74-88.
- Schittekatte M., Kort W., Resing W.C.M., Vermeir G. & Verhaeghe P. (2003), The Netherlands and Flemish speaking Belgium. In: Georgas J., Weiss L., Vijver F.J.R. van de & Saklofske D.H. (Eds.), Cultures and Children's intelligence: A cross-cultural analysis of the WISC-III. New York: Academic Press. 109-119.
- Resing W.C.M. & Wubbe F.M.D. (2003), Dynamic testing: Preliminary results of a meta-analysis on test effects, Improving learning: Fostering the will to learn : 708-708.
- Resing W.C.M. & Roth-Van der Werf G.J.M. (2003), Teaching children to think inductively: Looking through the theoretical mirror, Educational and Child Psychology 20: 52-63.
- Resing W.C.M. & Blok J.B. (2002), De classificatie van intelligentiescores. Voorstel voor een eenduidig systeem, Psychometrika 37: 244-249.
- Resing W.C.M. & Blok J.B. (2002), De classificatie van intelligentiescores. Een eerste stap, Psychometrika 37(10): 525-527.
- Resing W.C.M., Evers A., Koomen H.M.Y., Pameijer N.K., Bleichroth N. & Boxtel H. van (2002), Indicatiestelling: Condities en instrumentarium. Amsterdam/Meppel: NDC/Boom.
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- Resing W.C.M., Ruijssenaars A.J.J.M. & Bosma T. (2002), Dynamic assessment: Using measures for learning potential in the diagnostic process. In: Aalsvoort G.M. van der, Resing W.C.M. & Ruijssenaars A.J.J.M. (Eds.), Learning potential assessment and cognitive training: Actual research and perspectives in theory building and methodology. Oxford: Elsevier Science. 29-64.
- Resing W.C.M. & Roth-Van der Werf G.J.M. (2002), Learning potential assessment and cognitive training in inductive reasoning: Emergent relationship?. In: Aalsvoort G.M. van der, Resing W.C.M. & Ruijssenaars A.J.J.M. (Eds.), Advances in Cognition and Educational Practice Volume 7. Learning Potential Assessment and Cognitive Training. New York: Elsevier Science Ltd.. 175-208.
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- Resing W.C.M. & Roth-Van der Werf G.J.M. (2002), Measuring the concept validity of a learning potential test for inductive reasoning. [other].
- Roth-Van der Werf G.J.M., Resing W.C.M. & Slenders A.P.A.C. (2002), Task similarity and transfer of an inductive reasoning training, Contemporary Educational Psychology 27: 296-325.
- Resing W.C.M. & Nijland M.I. (2002), Een kwart eeuw onderzoek met de Leidse Diagnostische Test, Eurasian Journal of Business and Economics 23: 42-59.
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- Resing W.C.M. (1998), Intelligence and learning potential: Theoretical and research issues. In: Tomic W. & Kingma J. (Eds.), Advances in cognition and educational practice. Greenwich, Connecticut: JAI Press. 227-259.
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- Resing W.C.M. & Bleichrodt N. (1997), Schoolgedrag opnieuw gemeten, Pedagogische Studiën 74(5): 313-327.
- Slenders A.P.A.C. & Resing W.C.M. (1997), Leerpotentieel-onderzoek bij allochtone leerlingen: Een eerste verkenning met de Leerpotentieeltest voor Inductief Redeneren, Pedagogische Studiën 74: 183-195.
- Resing W.C.M. (1997), Learning potential assessment: The alternative for measuring intelligence?, Educational and Child Psychology 14(4): 68-82.
- Resing W.C.M., Bosma T. & Iedema R. (1997), Assessing inductive thinking skills in ethnic minority groups. In: Vosniadou S., Matsagouras E., Maridaki-Kassotaki K. & Kotsanis S. (Eds.), Abstracts: 7th European Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction. Athens: Gutenberg University Publications. 179-179.
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- Hosenfeld B., Boom D.C. van den & Resing W.C.M. (1997), Constructing geometric analogies for the longitudinal testing of elementary school-children, Journal of Educational Measurement Winter: .
- Resing W.C.M., Verbraeken J.C. & Slenders A.P.A.C. (1997), Denktraining: Kinderen leren hoe te redeneren, Nederlands Tijdschrift voor de Psychologie en haar Grensgebieden 52(5): 207-219.
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