Universiteit Leiden

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Willem Drees

Professor emeritus Religious Philosophy

Prof.dr. W.B. Drees
+31 71 527 2171

Professor emeritus Religious Philosophy

  • Faculty of Humanities
  • Leiden Institute for Area Studies
  • LUCSoR
  • Drees W.B., Swart J. de, Muller F.A. & Wal Koo. van der (2014), "Debat Fysica en metafysica." Transcriptie in: Wijsgerig Festival Drift 2013: De dingen de baas, redactie Deva Waal, Gertjan Buijs et al. Online: www.festivaldrift.nl (Wijsgerig Festival Drift). [other]. Overig
  • Drees W.B. (2014), Insiders and Outsiders in 'Religion and Science'. In: Welker M. (Ed.), The Science and Religion Dialogue: Past and Future. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang. 157-170. Boekdeel
  • Drees W.B. (Ed.) (2014), . Zygon. Boekredactie
  • Drees W.B. (2014) Review of "Light from Light". Review of: O Collins Gerald & Meyers Mary Ann (2012), Light from Light: Scientists and Theologians in Dialogue. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans. Journal of Reformed Theology 8(3): 339-341.
  • Drees W.B. (2014), Grootvadertje Drees, Leids Universitair Weekblad Mare (37 (23)): 9. 'Non-refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Drees W.B. (2014), Zygon: 49 Years Young (editorial), Zygon 49(2): 277-280. 'Non-refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Drees W.B. (2014), Zygon @ 49: Almost Half a Century (editorial), Zygon 49(1): 3-5. 'Non-refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Drees W.B. (2013), Emergence and Reduction: The Same Coin? (editorial), Zygon 48(2): 247-250. 'Refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Drees Willem B. (2013), God as Ground? Cosmology and Non-Causal Conceptions of the Divine. In: Ellis George F.R., Heller Michael & Pabjan Tadeusz (Eds.), The Causal Universe. Kraków: Copernicus Center Press. 291-321. Boekdeel
  • Drees W.B. (Ed.) (2013), . Zygon. Boekredactie
  • Drees Willem B. (2013) Hitto Kruyswijk, Baas in eigen boek? Evolutietheorie en Schriftgezag bij de Gereformeerde Kerken in Nederland (1991-1981). Review of: Hittjo Kruyswijk, Baas in eigen boek? Evolutietheorie en Schriftgezag bij de Gereformeerde Kerken in Nederland (1881-1981.). Church History and Religious Culture 93: 646-648.
  • Drees W.B. (2013), Geen ziel, maar niet zielig!, AdRem 24(4): 4-6. 'Non-refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Drees W.B. (2013), Constructive Theology, Bioethics, and Bodily Existence (editorial), Zygon 48(3): 511-513. 'Non-refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Drees W.B. (2013), Islam and Bioethics in the Context of 'Religion and Science', Zygon 48(3): 732-744. 'Refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Drees Willem B. (2013), Rich Religion and Science: Asian Religions, Ian Barbour, and Much More (editorial), Zygon 48(4): 853-858. 'Refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Drees W.B. (2013), Science, Realism, Galileo, Morality and More (editorial), Zygon 48(1): 3-4. 'Refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Drees W.B. (2013), Techno-secularity and Techno-sapiens: Editorial for Zygon's First Real Virtual Issue, Zygon 48(1): 5-8. 'Refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Drees W.B. (2012), Practices, Approaches, and Agendas in Plural (editorial), Zygon 47(2): 254-255. 'Non-refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Drees W.B. (2012), Verbeelding van een wereld met wetenschap. In: Holtzappel Koen, Magliano-Tromp Johannes & Tolsma Marijke (Eds.), Kerk en Buitenwereld: Opstellen over de kerk in de samenleving. Zoetermeer: Meinema. 179-188. Boekdeel
  • Drees W.B. (2012), Human Insignificance? Cosmology and Creation Stories. In: McNamara P. & Wildman W.J. (Eds.), Science and the World's Religions, Volume 1: Origins and Destinies. Santa Barbara, CA: Praeger. 185-207. Boekdeel
  • Drees W.B. (Ed.) (2012), . Boekredactie
  • Drees W.B. (Ed.) (2012), . Zygon. Boekredactie
  • Drees W.B. (2012), Review of: Ward Keith (2008), The Big Questions in Science and Religion, by Keith Ward. West Conshohocken: Templeton Foundation Press. Scottish Journal of Theology 64: 491-493.
  • Drees W.B. (2012), Review of: (2010), The Double Truth Controversy: An Analytical Essay, by Bartosz Brozek no. 3. Krakow: Copernicus Center Press. Zygon 47: 643-643.
  • Drees W.B. (2012), Review of: (2010), The Sense of Life and the Sense of the Universe: Studies in Contemporary Theology, by Michael Heller no. 3. Krakow: Copernicus Center Press. Zygon 47: 644-644.
  • Drees W.B. (2012), Review of: (2010), Piercing the Veil: Comparing Science and Mysticism as Ways of Knowing Reality, by Richard H. Jones. no. 3. New York: Jackson Square Books. Zygon 47: 645-645.
  • Drees W.B. (2012), Mystery? (editorial), Zygon 47(1): 3-6. 'Refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Drees W.B. (2012), Humans in the center? (editorial), Zygon 47(4): 659-661. 'Refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Drees W.B. (2012), Science and the Religions of the World (editorial), Zygon 47(3): 477-480. 'Refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Drees W.B. (2011), Vulkanen en vruchtbaarheid: De Merapi een natuurlijk kwaad?. In: Musschenga Bert & Siertsema Bettine (Eds.), Het Kwaad: Reflecties op de zwarte zijde van ons bestaan. Vught: Skandalon. 141-151. Boekdeel
  • Drees W.B. (Ed.) (2011), . Zygon. Boekredactie
  • Drees W.B. (2011) The Selfish Gene? It's all in the mind. Review of: Tallis Raymond (2011), Aping Mankind no. (30 June): Acumen. Times Higher Education Supplement 2,005: 48-49. Boekbespreking
  • Drees W.B. (2011) Quantum Cosmology and the Laws of Nature. Review of: Russell Robert J. & Murphy Nancey C. (1996), Quantum Cosmology and the Laws of Nature: Scientific Perspectives on Divine Action. A Companion to the JSSR Library of Science and Religion. Vatican City State: Vatican Observatory Publ.. A Companion to the JSSR Library of Science and Religion : 241-242. Boekbespreking
  • Drees W.B. (2011) Understanding Religion and Science. Review of: Barnes Michael (2010), Understanding Religion and Science: Introducing the Debate. London: Continuum. Ars Disputandi 11: 61-62. Boekbespreking
  • Drees W.B. (2011) Alone in the World?. Review of: Huyssteen J.Wentzel (2003), Alone in the World? Human Uniqueness in Science and Theology. Pranab K, Das II (2011), A Companion to the JSSR Library of Science and Religion. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans. A Companion to the JSSR Library of Science and Religion : 205-206. Boekbespreking
  • Drees W.B. (2011) God and Design: The Telological Argument and Modern Science. Review of: Manson Neil A. (2003), God and Design: The Teleological Argument and Modern Science. London: Routledge. A Companion to the ISSR Library of Science and Religion . Boekbespreking
  • Drees W.B. (2011), History, Hinduism, and Christian Humanism (editorial), Zygon 46(3): 515-516. 'Refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Drees W.B. (2011), Classifications in Context (editorial), Zygon 46(1): 3-4. 'Refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Drees W.B. (2011), Worlds of Ideas in a Single World (editorial), Zygon 46(4): 775-776. 'Refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Drees W.B. (2011), Informed Intellect and Integrity (editorial), Zygon 46(2): 261-264. 'Refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Drees W.B. (2010), Ideas Have Real-Life Consequences (Editorial), Zygon 45(2): 297-300. 'Refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Drees W.B. (2010), Religion and Science in Context: A Guide to the Debates. London: Routledge. Boek
  • Drees W.B. (2010), Reflecting upon Religion, Zygon 45(2): 517-522. 'Refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Drees W.B. (2010), Change and continuity (editorial), Zygon 45(4): 787-790. 'Refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Drees W.B. (2010), Twee zaken (16 februari), De morele wet (17 februari). In: , God aan: Vrijzinnig Dagboek. Zoetermeer: Meinema. 59-60. Boekdeel
  • Drees W.B. (2010), Presentación. In: Baró J.M.R. & Doncel M.G. (Eds.), Ciencias y teología en la dínamica de las culturas. ?Corrientes de sabiduriá?. Barcelona: Seminari de Teologia i Ciències de Barcelona (STICB) & European Society for the Study of Science and Theology (ESSSAT). 9-10. Boekdeel
  • Drees W.B. (2010), Religions and the Natural Sciences: Appeals to Science as Religious Advocacy?. In: Christoffersen Lisbet, Iversen Hans Raun, Petersen Hanne & Warburg Margit (Eds.), Religions in the 21st Century: Challenges and Transformations. Farnham: Ashgate. 103-110. Boekdeel
  • Drees W.B. (2010), The Multiplicity of Purposes of 'Religion and Science'. In: Evers Dirk, Jackelén Antje & Smedes Taede A. (Eds.), How Do We Know? Understanding in Science and Theology. London: T&T Clark. 121-141. Boekdeel
  • Drees W.B. (Ed.) (2010), . Zygon. Boekredactie
  • Drees W.B. (2010) The Solitary Self. Review of: (2010), Mary Midgley, The Solitary Self: Darwin and the Selfish Gene no. 9 december: Acumen Publishing. Times Higher Education Supplement 1977: 55. Boekbespreking
  • Drees W.B. (2010) Alister E. McGrath, Science and Religion: A New Introduction. Review of: (2010), Science and Religion: A New Introduction no. 3. Chichester: Wiley Blackwell. Theology and Science 8: 333-336. Boekbespreking
  • Drees W.B. (2010) Wesley J. Wildman, Science and Religious Anthropology. Review of: (2009), Science and Religious Anthropology: A Spiritually Evocative Naturalist Interpretation of Religious Life no. 3. Farnham, UK: Ashgate. ESSSAT News 20: 6-7. Boekbespreking
  • Drees W.B. (2010) Response (to 'Letter to the Editor' by Steve Fuller). Review of: Fuller Steve (2007), Science vs Religion? Intelligent Design and the problem of evolution. no. 2. Cambridge: Polity Press. International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 24: 220-221. Boekbespreking
  • Drees W.B. (2010), De mens is een gelovig dier (of niet), in Leidraad, Najaar 2010, pp. 28-32. [other]. Overig
  • Drees W.B. (2010), Goed bedoeld, Albert Schweitzer Magazine 8(1 (mei 2010)): 20. 'Non-refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Drees W.B. (2010), Response to Alister E. McGrath's Review of Religion and Science in Context: A Guide to the Debates, Theology and Science 8(3): 340-341. 'Non-refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Drees W.B. (2010), Understanding, Empathy, and Explanation (editorial), Zygon 45(3): 541-543. 'Refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Drees W.B. (2010), Mystery, Values, and Meaning: Religious Options that Respect Science, Theology and Science 8(1): 25-38. 'Refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Drees W.B. (2010), Who Speaks? (Editorial), Zygon 45: 3-6. 'Refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Drees W.B. (2010), Robert J. Russell's Eschatological Theology in the Context of Cosmology, Zygon 45(1): 228-236. 'Refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Drees W.B. (2009), Putting "Religion and Science" in Its Place: Diversity, Zygon 44(4): 755-756. 'Refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Drees W.B. (2009), Technology, Trust, and Religion. In: Drees W.B. (Ed.), Technology, Trust, and Religion: Roles of Religions in Controversies on Ecology and the Modification of Life. Leiden: Leiden University Press. 9-22. Boekdeel
  • Drees W.B. (2009), Review of: (2006), Marcel Sarot, De goddeloosheid van de wetenschap: Theologie, geloof, en het gangbare wetenschapsbegrip. Zoetermeer: Meinema. Biology of Mood & Anxiety Disorders 63: 84-84. Boekbespreking
  • Drees W.B. (2009), The Nature of Visions of Nature: Packages to be Unpacked. In: Proctor J.D. (Ed.), Envisioning Nature, Science, and Religion. West Conshocken: Templeton Press. 36-58. Boekdeel
  • Drees W.B. (Ed.) (2009), Zygon: Journal of Religion and Science. Zygon: Wiley-Blackwell. Boekredactie
  • Drees W.B. (2009), Not an Iota, Not a Dot Will Pass from the Law: On Religious and Legal Interpretation. In: Kwak A.-J. (Ed.), Holy Writ: Interpretation in Law and Religion. Farnham, UK: Ashgate. 47-65. Boekdeel
  • Drees W.B. (2009), Originalism, Wijsgerig perspectief op maatschappij en wetenschap 49(2): 42-43. 'Non-refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Drees W.B. (Ed.) (2009), Technology, Trust, and Religion: Roles of Religions in Controversies on Ecology and the Modification of Life. Leiden: Leiden University Press. Boekredactie
  • Drees W.B. (2009), Review of: Lopez D.S. & Numrich P.D. (2008), Buddhism and Science: A Guide for the Perplexed|The Boundaries of Knowledge in Buddhism, Christianity, and Science. Chicago|Göttingen: University of Chicago Press|Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht. ESSSAT News 19 (1): 8-9. Boekbespreking
  • Drees W.B. (2009), Review of: Fuller S., Science vs Religion? Intelligent Design and the problem of Evolution. Cambridge, UK: Polity Press. International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 23 (1): 115-118. Boekbespreking
  • Drees W.B. (2009), Review of: Coyne G.V. & Heller M. (2008), A Comprehensible Universe: The Interplay of Science and Theology. New York: Springer-Verlag. ESSSAT News 19: 7-8. Boekbespreking
  • Drees W.B. (2009), Review of: Mol A. (2002|2006), The Body Multiple: Ontology in Medical Practice|De logica van het Zorgen: Actieve patiënten en de grenzen van het kiezen.. Durham|Amsterdam: Duke University Press|Van Gennep. Biology of Mood & Anxiety Disorders 63: 175-177. Boekbespreking
  • Drees W.B. (2009), Review of: Huyssteen J.W. van & Shults F.L. (2006|2006), Alone in the World? Human Uniqueness in Science and Theology|The Evolution of Rationality: Interdisciplinary Essays in Honor of J. Wentzel Van Huyssteen. Grand Rapids|Grand Rapids: Eerdmans|Eerdmans. Biology of Mood & Anxiety Disorders 63: 357-359. Boekbespreking
  • Drees W.B. (2009), Review of: Brümmer V. (2006), Vincent Brümmer, Brümmer on Meaning and the Christian Faith: Collected Works: Ashgate. Biology of Mood & Anxiety Disorders 63: 83-84. Boekbespreking
  • Drees W.B. (2009), Filosofie als bezemwagen: Nuttig, met mate, Doopsgezind NL 4(3): 1-1. 'Non-refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Drees W.B. (2009), Review of: Huyssteen J.W. van (2006), Alone in the World? Human Uniqueness in Science and Theology. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans. Interpretation: Journal of Bible and Theology 63: 204-205. Boekbespreking
  • Drees W.B. (2009), Is Explaning Religion Naturalistically Explaining Religion Away?, Omega: Indian Journal of Science and Religion 8(1): 7-23. 'Non-refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Drees W.B. & Hefner P. (2009), Zygon, Evolving, Zygon 44(3): 497-509. 'Refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Drees W.B. (2008), Religies in een pluriforme samenleving. In: Geerts I. (Ed.), Wat ons bindt. Amsterdam: De Rode Hoed & VU Podium. 35-44. Boekdeel
  • Drees W.B. (2008), Creation's Diversity: Voices from Theology and Science. In: Drees W.B., Meisinger H. & Smedes T.A. (Eds.), Creation's Diversity: Voices from Theology and Science. London: T&T Clark. 1-6. Boekdeel
  • Drees W.B. (2008), Religion in Public Debates: Who Defines, for What Purposes?. In: Vries H. de (Ed.), The Future of the Religious Past. New York: Fordham Press. 464-472. Boekdeel
  • Drees W.B. & Koningsveld P.S. van (2008), Academic and Religious Freedom: An Introduction. In: Drees W.B. & Koningsveld P.S. van (Eds.), The Study of Religion and the Training of Muslim Clergy in Europe: Academic and Religious Freedom in the 21st Century. Boekdeel
  • Drees W.B. (2008), Our Universe - A Contingent Cosmos?. In: Grube Dirk-Martin & Jonkers Peter (Eds.), Religions Challenged by Contingency: Theological and Philosophical Approaches to the Problem of Contingency. Leiden: Brill. 221-243. Boekdeel
  • Drees W.B. (2008), Academic Freedom and the Symbolic Significance of Evolution. In: Drees W.B. & Koningsveld P.S. van (Eds.), The Study of Religion and the Training of Muslim Clergy in Europe: Academic and Religious Freedom in the 21st Century. Leiden: Leiden University Press. 59-90. Boekdeel
  • Drees W.B. & Koningsveld P.S. van (Eds.) (2008), The Study of Religion and the Training of Muslim Clergy in Europe: Academic and Religious Freedom in the 21st Century. Leiden: Leiden University Press. Boekredactie
  • Drees W.B., Meisinger H. & Smedes T.A. (Eds.) (2008), Creation’s Diversity: Voices from Theology and Science. London: T&T Clark. Boekredactie
  • Drees W.B. (2007), Cosmology as Contact Between Science and Theology, Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 63(1-3): 533-553. 'Non-refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Drees W.B. (2007), Inleiding: Wereldgodsdiensten in Leiden. In: Berghuijs J. & Rots A. (Eds.), Bezield Leiden: Wereldgodsdiensten aan de Rijn. Leiden: kosmikos. 11-15. Boekdeel
  • Drees W.B. (2007), Is Cosmology Religiously Significant?. In: Eisen A. & Lederman G. (Eds.), Science, Religion and Society: An Encyclopedia of History, Culture, and Controversy, Volume 1. Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe. 406-414. Boekdeel
  • Drees W.B. (2007), Understanding and Action in Science and Religion. In: Drees W.B., Meisinger H. & Smedes T.A. (Eds.), Humanity, the World and God: Understandings and Actions. Lund: ESSSAT. 1-6. Boekdeel
  • Drees W.B. (2007), Some words in favour of reductionism, pantheism, theism and more. In: Peacocke A. & Clayton P. (Eds.), All That Is: A Naturalistic Faith for the 21st Century, with responses. Minneapolis: Fortress Press. 70-80. Boekdeel
  • Drees W.B. (2007), Should we ‘teach the controversy’? Intelligent Design, science and religion. In: Groen A. 't (Ed.), Knowledge in Ferment: Dilemmas in Science, Scholarship and Society. Amsterdam: Leiden University Press. 155-169. Boekdeel
  • Drees W.B. (2007), Partner of the Sciences or Object of Study? Theology and Religion in Relation to the Sciences. In: Sweet W. & Feist R. (Eds.), Religion and the Challenges of Science. Ashgate: Aldershot. 169-183. Boekdeel
  • Drees W.B., Meisinger H. & Smedes T.A. (Eds.) (2007), Humanity, the World and God: Understandings and Actions. Lund: ESSSAT. Boekredactie
  • Drees W.B. (2007) Review of Guus Labooy, Waar Geest is, is vrijheid. Review of: Labooy G., Waar Geest is, is vrijheid no. 4. ESSSAT News 17: 11-12. Boekbespreking
  • Drees W.B. (2007) Review of Alan G. Padgett, Science and the Study of God. Review of: Padgett A.G., Science and the Study of God no. 1. Journal of Theological Studies 58: 377-379. Boekbespreking
  • Drees W.B. (2006), Schöpfungserzhlung, Naturwissenschaft und Poesie. In: Meinsinger H. & Schmidt J.C. (Eds.), Physik, Kosmologie und Spiritualität: Dimensionen des Dialogs zwischen Naturwissenschaft und Religion (Darmstädter Theologische Beitrge zu Gegenwartsfragen). Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang. 179-199. Boekdeel
  • Drees W.B. (2006), Wat is religie? Wat is onmisbaar?. In: Drayer E. (Ed.), Met of zonder God? De onmisbaarheid van religie. Kampen: Ten Have. 53-72. Boekdeel
  • Drees W.B. (2006), Is Cosmology Religiously Significant?. In: Eisen A. & Lederman G. (Eds.), Science, Religion, and Society. Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe. 406-414. Boekdeel
  • Drees W.B. (2006), Religious Naturalism and Science. In: Clayton Ph. & Simpson Z. (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Religion and Science. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 108-123. Boekdeel
  • Drees W.B. (2006), Dialog oder etwas Anderes? Selbstkritsiche Betrachtungen zum gespräch zwischen Theologie und Naturwissenschaft. In: Vogelsung F. (Ed.), Theologie und Naturwissenschaften: Eine interdisziplinäre Werkstatt (Begegnungen18/2005). Bonn: Evangelische Akademie im Rheinland. 11-30. Boekdeel
  • Drees W.B. (2006), Vocabularies of Creation and Creativity in Debates on Genetics and Ecology. In: Tichele C. van der & Hunter A.G. (Eds.), Creation & Creativity: From Genesis to Genetics. Amsterdam / Sheffield: / Sheffield Phoenix Press. 96-111. Boekdeel
  • Drees W.B., Meisinger H. & Liana Z. (Eds.) (2006), Wisdom or Knowledge? Science, Theology and Cultural Dynamics. London: T&T Clark. Boekredactie
  • Drees W.B. (2005), Kan God de evolutietheorie overleven?. In: Tallo Irena (Ed.), Evolutie: Hoe de dingen ontstaan en waarom ze veranderen. Brussel: VUBPress. 305-329. Boekdeel
  • Drees W.B. (2005), Religion and Science as Advocacy of Science and as Religion Versus Religion, Zygon 40: 545-553. 'Refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Drees W.B. (2004), Where to Look for Guidance? On the Nature of ‘Religion and Science’, Zygon 39(2): 367-378. 'Refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Drees W.B. (2003), Religion and Science Without Symmetry, Plausibility, and Harmony, Theology and Science 1: 25-38. 'Refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Drees W.B. (2003), Evolutie en schepping?. In: , Schepping, wereldbeeld en levensbeschouwing. Utrecht: Studium Generale. Boekdeel
  • Drees W.B. (2003), Ten geleide. In: , Arthur Peacocke, Sporen in de wetenschap naar God?. Kampen: Kok. Boekdeel
  • Drees W.B. (2003), This vale of tears - the best of all possible worlds? / (and introductions to part I-IV). In: Drees W.D. (Ed.), Is Nature Ever Evil? Religion, Science and Value. London: Routledge. 1-8, 9-10, 65-66, 147-148, 245-246. Boekdeel
  • Drees W.B. (2003), Naturalism. In: , Encyclopedia of Science and Religion. New-York: Macmillan. Boekdeel
  • Drees W.B. (Ed.) (2003), Is Nature Ever Evil? Religion, Science and Value. London: Routledge. Boekredactie
  • Drees W.B. (2003) Review of William A. Stahl et al., Webs of Reality: Social Perspectives on Science and Religion. Review of: , Review of William A. Stahl et al., Webs of Reality: Social Perspectives on Science and Religion. Interdisciplinary Science Reviews 28. Boekbespreking
  • Drees W.B. (2003) More critical voices would make 'Quest' more valid: review of W. Mark Richardson et al., Science and the Spiritual Quest: New Essays by Leading Scientists. Review of: , More critical voices would make 'Quest' more valid: review of W. Mark Richardson et al., Science and the Spiritual Quest: New Essays by Leading Scientists. Research News & Opportunities in Science and Theology 3. Boekbespreking
  • Drees W.B. (2003) Het waarom van religies, recensie van Ikka Pyysiäinen, How Religion Works: Toward a New Cognitive Science of Religion. Review of: , Het waarom van religies, recensie van Ikka Pyysiäinen, How Religion Works: Toward a New Cognitive Science of Religion. Leids Universitair Weekblad Mare . Boekbespreking
  • Drees W.B. (2003) Review of Alister E. McGrath, A Scientific Theology, Volume 2: Reality. Review of: McGrath A.E. (2002), A Scientific Theology, Volume 2: Reality: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company. Ars Disputandi 3. Boekbespreking
  • Drees W.B. (2003) Review of Hans Schwarz, Creation. Review of: Schwarz Hans, Creation. Ars Disputandi 3. Boekbespreking
  • Drees W.B. & Jonge H.J. de (5 July 2003), 'Theologie, wetenschap'. NRC Handelsblad: p.36. 'Non-refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Drees W.B. (27 December 2003), Een concert is meer dan geluidsgolven, geld meer dan muntjes - over God en de donder. NRC Handelsblad. 'Non-refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Drees W.B. (2003), Voorbij de dondergod, AMC Magazine 1: . 'Non-refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Drees W.B. (2002), Over wijsbegeerte van de godsdienst en haar object: Twee formules. Leiden: Universiteit Leiden. Boek
  • Drees W.B. (2002), Creation: From Nothing until Now. London: Routledge. Boek
  • Drees W.B. (2002), Disorder and the Ambitions of 'Science and Theology' . In: , Design and Disorder: Perspectives from Science and Teology. Edinburgh: T&T. 203-223. Boekdeel
  • Drees W.B. (2002) Russell's vision continues to drive 'Action' series (review of R.J. Russell et al., Quantum Mechanics: Scientific Perspectives on Divine Action. Review of: , Russell's vision continues to drive 'Action' series (review of R.J. Russell et al., Quantum Mechanics: Scientific Perspectives on Divine Action. Research News & Opportunities in Science and Theology 3. Boekbespreking
  • Drees W.B. (2002) A scientific theology, Vol. 1, by Alister E. McGrath, review. Review of: , A scientific theology, Vol. 1, by Alister E. McGrath, review. Ars Disputandi 2. Boekbespreking
  • Drees W.B. (2002) Why Gods Persist: A Scientific Approach to Religion, by Robert A. Hinde, review. Review of: , Why God persist: A scientific approach to Religion. The American Anthropologist 102. Boekbespreking
  • Drees W.B. (2002), Schepping: snijvlak van theologie en tegenwoordige tijd, Algemeen Doopsgezind Weekblad 57: . 'Non-refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Drees W.B. (2002), Vrijzinnige religiositeit als alternatief voor fundamentalisme?, 41: . 'Non-refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Drees W.B. (2002), Poetic story and academic argument, Research News & Opportunities in Science and Theology 29: . 'Non-refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Drees W.B. (2002), Religion in an Age of Technology, Zygon 37: 597-604. 'Refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Drees W.B. (2002), Can we reclaim one of the 'stolen words'?, Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith 54(1): 24-25. 'Non-refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Drees W.B. (2002) Sleuthing the Divine, by Kevin Sharpe, review. Review of: , Sleuthing the Divine, by Kevin Sharpe, review. Interpretation: Journal of Bible and Theology 56. Boekbespreking
  • Drees W.B. (2002), Playing God? Yes!' Religion in the Light of Technology, Zygon 37: 643-654. 'Non-refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Drees W.B. (24 December 2001), Kerst is een rommeltje, maar het is wel ons rommeltje. Utrechts Nieuwsblad. 'Non-refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Drees W.B. (2001), Naturalism need not be 'made safe': A response to William Rottschaeffer's Misunderstandings, Zygon 36: 455-465. 'Non-refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Drees W.B. (2001), Explanatory Pluralism: Comfort or Threat for Theologians, Theory and Psychology 11: 808-817. 'Refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Zygon: Journal of Religion and Science Editor-in-chief of Zygon: Journal of Religion and Science
  • Uitgeverij Peeters, Leuven Editor of the series, Studies in Philosophical Theology
  • Van den Hoeck und Ruprecht Editorial committee series Religion, Theologie und Naturwissenschaft
  • Stichting Willem Dreeslezing Lid bestuur
  • Vrijzinnige Fondsen (Nicolette Bruining Fonds, Spelberg-Stokmann Fonds, Iets voor Niets, VCJC Fonds Bestuurslid
  • Legatum Stolpianum curator-beheerder
  • Beheerstichting Theologische Fondsen bestuurslid/ beheerder
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