Wido la Heij
- Name
- Dr. W. la Heij
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 2727
- laheij@fsw.leidenuniv.nl
- 0000-0003-3549-1893

I studied Geology (Bachelor degree) and Psychology at Leiden University and obtained my degree in Cognitive Psychology in 1982. I was employed for one year at the Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics in Nijmegen before returning to Leiden as a PhD candidate. In 1988 I obtained my PhD degree on the thesis Lexical context effects in reading and naming (supervisor: Prof. G. B. Flores d’Arcais). In 1985 I was appointed Assistant Professor and in 2005 Associate Professor in the Unit of Cognitive Psychology. I was secretary of the Dutch Psychonomic Society (1995-2000) and was a member of the Executive Committee of the unit of Cognitive Psychology and of the Board of Examiners of the Institute of Psychology.
My main interest is language production, with an emphasis on models of single-word production. My thesis examined the semantic relatedness paradox: the observation that a semantic relation between a to-be-named object or word and its context facilitates performance in priming paradigms, but hampers performance in Stroop-like paradigms. Later research focused on semantic and phonological context effects in language production tasks like picture naming, definition naming and word translation (e.g. La Heij, Starreveld & Steehouwer, 1993; Starreveld & La Heij, 1996) and examined three related issues: (1) nonverbal context effects in word production (resulting in the “Conceptual Selection Model”; Bloem & La Heij, 2003), (2) the modelling of different levels of categorization in object naming: basic level naming, category naming and function naming (Kuipers & La Heij, 2008) and (3) lexical selection processes in bilinguals (e.g., La Heij et al. 1996; La Heij, 2005; Costa, La Heij & Navarrete, 2006). In addition, I am interested in the development of executive functions involved in word production in children (e.g., La Heij & Boelens, 2010) and in word production in non-alphabetic languages (e.g., Verdonschot, La Heij & Schiller, 2010).
Teaching (coordinator)
Introduction to Psychology (2003-2015)
Tutorial Academic Skills (2003-2015)
Cognitive Psychology (1991-2016)
Bachelor Project (Thesis; 2004-2016)
Cognitive Neuroscience of Language (2008-2013)
PhD candidates (co -supervisor)
Peter A. Starreveld (1997) - The Time it Takes to Name a Cat.
Ineke Jonkersz (2004) - Semantic Interference and Facilitation in Word Production.
Jan-Rouke Kuipers (2008) - Semantic Context Effects in Word Production.
Rinus G. Verdonschot (2011) - Word Processing in Languages using Non-alphabetic Scripts.
- Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
- Instituut Psychologie
- Cognitieve Psychologie
- Starreveld P.A. & La Heij W. (2017), Picture-word interference is a Stroop effect: A theoretical analysis and new empirical findings, Psychonomic Bulletin & Review 24(3): 721-733.
- Boelens H. & La Heij W. (2017), The development of semantic blocking in children, British Journal of Developmental Psychology 35(2): 310-315.
- Christoffels I., Timmer K., Ganushchak L. & La Heij W. (2016), On the production of interlingual homophones: Delayed naming and increased N400, Language, Cognition and Neuroscience 31(5): 628-638.
- Christoffels I., Ganushchak L. & La Heij W. (2016), When L1 suffers: Sustained, global slowing and the reversed language effect in mixed language context. In: Schwieter J.W. (Ed.), Cognitive Control and Consequences of Multilingualism. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company. 171-192.
- Heij W. la, Boelens H.H. & Akerboom S.P. (2013), Color-picture interference in childeren: Effects of spatial and temporal segregation of color and form, Perceptual and Motor Skills 116(1): 78-90.
- Starreveld P.A., La Heij W. & Verdonschot R.G. (2013), Time course analysis of the effects of distractor frequency and categorical relatedness in picture naming; An evaluation of the response exclusion account, Language and Cognitive Processes 28(5): 633-654.
- Verdonschot R.G., La Heij W., Tamaoka K., Kiyama S., You W.P. & Schiller N.O. (2013), The multiple pronunciations of Japanese kanji: A masked priming investigation. , The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 66(10): 2023-2038.
- Kuipers J.R. & La Heij W. (2012), Congruency effects in conceptualizing for speech, Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology : Human Experimental Psychology 65(11): 2155-2168.
- Zhao H., La Heij W. & Schiller N.O. (2012), Orthographic and phonological facilitation in speech production: New evidence from picture naming in Chinese, Acta Psychologica 139: 272-280.
- Verdonschot R.G., Kiyama S., Tamaoka K., Kinoshita S., La Heij W. & Schiller N.O. (2011), The functional unit of Japanese word naming: evidence from masked priming, Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 37(6): 1458-1473.
- La Heij W. & Boelens H.H. (2011), Color-object interference: Further tests of an executive control account, Journal of Experimental Child Psychology 108(1): 156-169.
- Verdonschot R.G., La Heij W., Paolieri D., Zhang Q. & Schiller N.O. (2011), Homophonic context effects when naming Japanese kanji: evidence for processing costs?, Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology : Human Experimental Psychology 64: 1836-1849.
- Kuipers J.R. & La Heij W. (2009), The limitations of cascading in the speech production system, Language and Cognitive Processes 24: 120-135.
- Kuipers J.R. & La Heij W. (2008), Semantic facilitation in category and action naming: Testing the message-congruency account, Journal of Memory and Language 58: 123-139.
- Colzato L.S., Bajo M.T., Wildenberg W. van den, Paolieri D., Nieuwenhuis S., La Heij W. & Hommel B. (2008), How does bilingualism improve executive control? A comparison of active and reactive inhibition mechanisms, Estética 34(2): 302-312.
- La Heij W., Starreveld P.A. & Kuipers J.R. (2007), Structural complexity in not the (big) issue: A reply to Roelofs, Language and Cognitive Processes 22: 1261-1280.
- La Heij W. & Akerboom S.P. (2007), Word comprehension in a second language: A direct or indirect route to meaning?, Psychological Reports 100: 838-846.
- Kuipers J.R., La Heij W. & Costa A. (2006), A further look at semantic context affect in language production: The role of response congruency, Language and Cognitive Processes 21(7-8): 892-919.
- La Heij W., Kuipers J.R. & Starreveld P.A. (2006), In defense of the lexial-selection account of picture-word interference.A comment on Finkbeiner and Caramazza, Cortex 42(7): 1028-1031.
- Costa A., La Heij W. & Navarette A. (2006), The dynamics of bilingual lexical access, Bilingualism: Language and Cognition 9: 137-151.
- La Heij W. (2005), Selection processes in monolingual and bilingual lexical access. In: Kroll J.F. & Groot A.M.B. de (Eds.), Handbook of bilingualism:Psycholinguistic approaches. New York: Oxford University Press. 289-307.
- Starreveld P.A. & La Heij W. (2004), Phonological facilitation of grammatical gender retrieval, Language and Cognitive Processes 19: 677-711.
- Bloem I., Van den Boogaard S. & La Heij W. (2004), Semantic facilitation and semantic interference in language production: Further evidence for the conceptual selection model of lexical access, Journal of Memory and Language 51: 307-323.
- Jonkersz I. & La Heij W. (2003), Semantic facilitation and semantic interference in word translation. Implications for models of lexical access in language production, Journal of Memory and Language 48: 468-488.
- La Heij W., Heikoop K.W., Akerboom S.P. & Jonkersz I. (2003), Picture naming in picture context: Semantic interference of semantic facilitation?, Psychological Science 45: 49-62.
- Mitterer H., La Heij W. & Van der Heijden A.H.C. (2003), Stroop Dilution but not Word-Processing Dilution: Evidence for Attention Capture, Psychological Research 67: 30-42.
- La Heij W., Plooij P. & Van der Heijden A.H.C. (2001), A paradoxical exposure-duration effect in the Stroop task: Temporal segregation between stimulus attributes facilitates selection, Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 27: 622-632.
- La Heij W., Van der Heijden A.H.C., Shiffrin R.M. & Wienese M. (2000), Perceptual inertia: spatial attention and warning foreperiod, Psychological Research 64: 93-105.
- Jonkersz I. & La Heij W. (2000), Semantic facilitation and semantic interference in word translation: implications for models of lexical access. [other].
- Jonkersz I. & La Heij W. (2000), Semantic facilitation and semantic interference in word translation: implications for models of lexical access. [other].
- Starreveld P.A. & La Heij W. (1999), Word substitution errors in a speeded picture-word task, American Journal of Psychology 112: 521-553.
- La Heij W., Mak P., Sander J. & Willeboordse E. (1998), The gender-congruency effect in picture-word task, Psychological Research 61(3): 209-219.