Wahyu Widodo
PhD candidate
- Name
- W. Widodo
- Telephone
- 071 5272727
- w.widodo@hum.leidenuniv.nl

Wahyu Widodo is a PhD candidate at the Institute for Area Studies.
More information about Wahyu Widodo
Research Project
Wahyu Widodo earned his BA degree from Faculty of Letters, State University of Malang in 2007, and his master’s degree in descriptive linguistics from Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta 2012. In the same period, he was selected as a fellow in Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore (ARI-NUS) by that chance he completes his master thesis and enhances his academic skills in the global network. His master-thesis has been published by UB Press (2018) in a monograph under the title Mantra Kidung Jawa:Mengurai yang Lingual hingga yang Transendental (Javanese Incantatory Poems: An Explorations of Linguistic Elements and Transcendental Aspects). Since 2011 he joined as a member staff of teaching in linguistic courses at Indonesian Language Department, Faculty of Cultural Science, Brawijaya University, Malang.
His research interest falls into four categories: (1) ethnolinguistics with Javanese and Indonesian languages as core area, (2) philology in the context of Java and Malay writing manuscripts, (3) verbal art performance with focusing on variant performance of Javanese style, (4) Islam and Pesantren tradition in the context of Java and the Malay world. His earlier writings on these four major interests were published in professional journals (i.e, Linguistik Indonesia and Widyaparwa) and chapter books (i.e., Membaca Ulang Max Havelaar, Tumpeng Akademik untuk Pak Effendi Kadarisman).
He is currently doing PhD project at LIAS Leiden University under the project title “Javanese Incantatory Poems in Two Traditions: A Comparative Study on Ritual Art Performance of Javanese Incantatory Poetry (Mantra Kidung Jawa) and Islamic Spells (Ḥizb)” with prof. Ben Arps as a supervisor.
Key Publication
2020 |
Puitika Diakronik: Penggunaan Bahasa Kawi dalam Ragam Panggung Bahasa Jawa (Diachronic Poetic: Using of Old Javanese Language in Performance variant of Javanese style) festschrift for honouring Prof. Effendi Kadarisman |
2019 | Yang Terampas dan Yang Luput: Max Havelaar dalam Lintasan Perjalanan Kesusasteraan Indonesia (Max Havelaar: A Trajectory of Indonesian Modern Literature) [Book Chapter: Membaca Ulang Max Havelaar] |
2018 | Mantra Kidung Jawa: Mengurai yang Lingual hingga Yang Transendental (Javanese Incantatory Poems: An Explorations of Linguistic Elements and Transcendental Aspects) [Monograph] |
2017a | Hal yang Rumpang dan Timpang dalam Kebijakan Perencanaan Bahasa Jawa (An Obstacles on Language Policy and Planning) [articles in Linguistik Indonesia] |
2017b | Bunyi Cempala yang Kehilangan Gaung: Tingkat Pemahaman Generasi Muda Jawa atas Ragam Panggung Bahasa Jawa (The Lost of Cempala Reverberation: Understanding Young Javanese Speakers in a Performance Variant of Javanese style [article in Widyaparwa] |
PhD candidate
- Faculty of Humanities
- Leiden Institute for Area Studies
- SAS Indonesie