Universiteit Leiden

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Vivian Kraaij

Associate professor

Dr. V. Kraaij
+31 71 527 3736

Vivian Kraaij is Associate Professor in Psychology at the Department of Clinical Psychology at Leiden University, The Netherlands. Her work at the University consists of a combination of research, course development, teaching and management tasks.

More information about Vivian Kraaij

Academic Career

2017–present Associate Professor (UHD) Clinical Psychology, Leiden University 
2011-2016 Assistant Professor (UD) Clinical and Health Psychology at Leiden University
2005–2011 Senior Researcher / Assistant Professor Medical Psychology, Leiden University Medical Center
2002–2005 Assistant Professor (UD) Clinical and Health Psychology at Leiden University
2000-2002 Postdoc Clinical and Health Psychology at Leiden University
2000 PhD Clinical and Health Psychology at Leiden University 
Project: Depressive symptoms in the elderly: Negative life events and buffering factors
1995-2000 PhD student Clinical and Health Psychology at Leiden University. Research School: Psychology & Health
1993-1995 Research and Teacher Assistant Clinical and Health Psychology at Leiden University
1992-1993 Researcher at the Family Research Laboratory at the University of New Hampshire (USA)
1988-1994 MA (Cum Laude) Clinical and Health Psychology, Leiden University
1987-1988 State University of New York at Stony Brook (USA)

For more information:  Curriculum vitae Kraaij



My main research interest concerns the coping and goal adjustment strategies that people use to handle their chronic disease/medical condition or stressful life events and its relationship with psychological well-being. With these components we develop evidence-based low-demanding and cost-effective self-help intervention programs to improve psychological well-being. We develop both self-help programs in booklet format and online self-help programs (e-health). In addition, I am one of the developers of the Cognitive Emotion Regulation Questionnaire, which can be used to measure people’s cognitive coping strategies.



Development of several courses (Motivational Interviewing for Medical Doctors; Psychodiagnostics; E-health); Coordination and teaching of various BA and MA courses; MA thesis supervision, PhD student supervision.



Member of committees, such as Board of Examiners (chair), advisory committees (“Instituutsraad Psychologie”) and work groups in and outside the faculty. Member of the board of Clinical and Health Psychology (2009-2011: representative of Medical Psychology).



For a complete list of journal and book publications click on the tab Published work at the top of this page or visit the CERQ website

Associate professor

  • Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
  • Instituut Psychologie
  • Klinische Psychologie

Work address

Pieter de la Court
Wassenaarseweg 52
2333 AK Leiden



  • Verhoeven C.J.M., Kraaij V. & Joekes K.J. (31 August 1998), The teaching job and its correlates. poster presented at the 12th Conference of the European Health Psychology Society. Wenen. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Kraaij V. & Wilde E.J. de (26 May 1998), Negative life events and depression in the elderly. Second Dutch Conference on Psychology & Health. Kerkrade. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Kraaij V. & Wilde E.J. de (23 November 1998), Traumatic events and depression in the elderly. 14th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies. Washington. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Kraaij V., Kremers I.P., Arensman E. & Kerkhof A.J.F.M. (26 March 1997), Life events and depression in late life over the life cycle. XIX Congress of the International Association for Suicide Prevention. Adelaïde Australia. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Boon uitgeverij Uitgeven zelfhulpboek
  • DATEC Uitgeven en ontwikkelen van psychologische vragenlijsten
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