Vincent van Heuven
Professor emeritus of Experimental Linguistics and phonetics
- Name
- Prof.dr. V.J.J.P. van Heuven
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 2125
- 0000-0003-3631-5699

I was professor of Experimental Linguistics and Phonetics (personal chair) and director of the Leiden University Phonetics Laboratory in the Arts Faculty. My research interests are predominantly in Phonetics, i.e. the study of the production, transmission (=acoustics) and perception of speech (by humans and/or machines). I take a linguistic (rather than an engineering) orientation to phonetics. During the last decade our research has been mainly cross-linguistic, i.e. comparing the sounds, melodies and rhythms of a variety of (typologically different) languages.
Professor emeritus of Experimental Linguistics and phonetics
- Faculty of Humanities
- Leiden Univ Centre for Linguistics
- LUCL diversen
- Lid redactieraad tijdschrift Nederlandse Taalkunde
- Redactie wetenschappelijk tijdschrift Phonetica
- Honorary (onbezoldigd) professor
- Lid redactieraad wetenschappelijk tijdschrift Journal of Phonetics
- Bestuurslid Stichting Spraaktechnologie