Vincent Traag
Senior researcher
- Name
- Dr. V.A. Traag
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 3943
- 0000-0003-3170-3879

Senior researcher and bibliometric consultant. Vincent's research focuses on complex networks and social dynamics. He holds a Master in sociology and a PhD in applied mathematics, and tries to combine the two in his work.
Vincent Traag is a senior researcher at the Centre for Science and Technology Studies (CWTS) of Leiden University in the Netherlands. He obtained his Master in sociology (cum laude) from the University of Amsterdam (2008). Coming from a computer science background, and taking up mathematics during his studies in sociology, he went on to obtain a PhD in applied mathematics in Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium (2013). After working as a postdoctoral research fellow on an e-Humanities project on elite networks at the KITLV, he joined the CWTS in 2015.
During his PhD Traag studied methods for detecting communities in complex networks. In addition, he applied this methodology in several fields across the (social) sciences, ranging from citation networks to international relations. One particular interest is the presence of negative links in networks, representing animosity or conflict. Such networks have the tendency to become organised in mutually antagonistic groups, and Traag analysed this from several perspectives.
More information can be found on his personal website.
Senior researcher
- Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
- Colavizza G., Costas Comesana R., Traag V.A., Eck N.J.P. van, Leeuwen T.N. van & Waltman L.R. (2021), A scientometric overview of CORD-19, PLoS ONE 16(1): e0244839.
- Traag V.A. (2021), Inferring the causal effect of journals on citations, Quantitative Science Studies 2(2): 496-504.
- Boekhout H.D., Traag V.A. & Takes F.W. (2021), Investigating scientific mobility in co-authorship networks using multilayer temporal motifs, Network Science 9(3): 354-386.
- Subelj L., Waltman L., Traag V. & Eck N.J. van (2020), Intermediacy of publications, Royal Society Open Science 7(1): 190207.
- Waltman L. & Traag V.A. (2020), Use of the journal impact factor for assessing individual articles need not be statistically wrong, F1000Research 9: 366.
- Berbers A., Uitermark J., Traag V.A. & d'Haenens L. (2020), From the margin to the centre? A relational analysis of discursive contention in the minority integration debate in the Low Countries, International Communication Gazette 82(8): 705-725.
- Akbaritabar A., Traag V.A., Caimo A. & Squazzoni F. (2020), Italian sociologists: a community of disconnected groups, Scientometrics 124(3): 2361-2382.
- Traag V.A., Waltman L. & Van Eck N.J. (2019), From Louvain to Leiden: guaranteeing well-connected communities, Scientific Reports 9: e5233.
- Traag V.A. & Waltman L. (2019), Systematic analysis of agreement between metrics and peer review in the UK REF, Palgrave Communications 5: e29.
- Subelj L., Waltman L., Traag V.A. & Van Eck N.J. (2019), Intermediacy of publications, Proceedings of the 17th International Conference of the International Society for Scientometrics and Informetrics. 17th International Conference on Scientometrics and Informetrics 2 September 2019 - 5 September 2019 1288-1300.
- Traag V.A., Quax R. & Sloot P.M.A. (2017), Modelling the distance impedance of protest attendance, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 468: 171-182.
- Waltman L.R. & Traag V.A. (2017), Impact factors: Is the Nature Index at odds with DORA? (Correspondence), Nature 545(7655): 412-412.
- Traag V.A. (2016), Complex Contagion of Campaign Donations, PLoS ONE 11(4): e0153539.
- Traag V.A., Reinanda R. & Van Klinken G. (2016), Structure of a Media Co-occurrence Network. In: Battiston S., De Pellegrini F., Caldarelli G. & Merelli E. (Eds.), Proceedings of ECCS 2014: European Conference on Complex Systems. Springer Proceedings in Complexity 81-91.
- Uitermark J., Traag V.A. & Bruggeman J. (2016), Dissecting discursive contention: A relational analysis of the Dutch debate on minority integration, 1990-2006, Social Networks 47: 107-115.
- Traag V.A. (2015), Faster unfolding of communities: Speeding up the Louvain algorithm, Physical review E 92(3): 032801.
- Traag V.A., Aldecoa R. & Delvenne J.C. (2015), Detecting communities using asymptotical surprise, Physical review E 92(2): e022816.
- Traag V.A., Reinanda R. & Van Klinken G. (2015), Elite Co-Occurrence in the Media, Asian Journal of Social Science 43(5): 588-612.
- Hicks J., Traag V.A. & Reinanda R. (2015), Turning Digitised Newspapers into Networks of Political Elites, Asian Journal of Social Science 43(5): 567-587.
- Hicks J., Traag V.A. & Reinanda R. (2015), Old questions, new techniques: a research note on the computational identification of political elites, Comparative Sociology 14(3): 386-401.
- Thomas C.J., Lambrechts J., Wolanski E., Traag V.A., Blondel V.D., Deleersnijder E. & Hanert E. (2014), Numerical modelling and graph theory tools to study ecological connectivity in the Great Barrier Reef, Ecological Modelling 272: 160-174.
- Csaji B.C., Browet A., Traag V.A., Delvenne J.C., Huens E., Dooren P. van, Smoreda Z. & Blondel V.D. (2013), Exploring the mobility of mobile phone users, PHYSICA A-STATISTICAL MECHANICS AND ITS APPLICATIONS 392(6): 1459-1473.
- Traag V.A., Krings G. & Dooren P. van (2013), Significant Scales in Community Structure, Scientific Reports 3: 2930.
- Traag V.A., Van Dooren P. & De Leenheer P. (2013), Dynamical models explaining social balance and evolution of cooperation, PLoS ONE 8(4): e60063.
- Lupu Y. & Traag V.A. (2013), Trading Communities, the Networked Structure of International Relations, and the Kantian Peace, Journal of Conflict Resolution 57(6): 1011-1042.
- Bruggeman J., Traag V.A. & Uitermark J. (2012), Detecting Communities through Network Data, American Sociological Review 77(6): 1050-1063.
- Uitermark J., Traag V.A. & Bruggeman J. (2012), De strijd om discursieve macht, Sociologie 8(2): 219-247.
- Traag V.A. & Dooren P. van (2011), Narrow scope for resolution-limit-free community detection, Physical review E 84(1): 016114.
- Traag V.A., Van Dooren P. & Nesterov Y. (2011), Indirect reciprocity through gossiping can lead to cooperative clusters, 2011 IEEE Symposium on artificial life, ALIFE. IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence 2011 11 April 2011 - 15 April 2011 154-161.
- Traag V., Browet A., Calabrese F & Morlot F. (2011), Social event detection in massive mobile phone data using probabilistic location inference. 625-628.
- Traag V.A., Nesterov Y.E. & Dooren P. van (2010), Exponential ranking: taking into account negative links, Social Informatics. International Conference on Social Informatics 27 October 2010 - 29 October 2010: Springer. 192-202.
- Traag V.A. & Bruggeman J. (2009), Community detection in networks with positive and negative links, Physical review E 80(3): 036115.