Universiteit Leiden

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Vincent Brussee

PhD candidate

V.W.D. Brussee MA
+31 71 527 2542

Vincent Brussee’s research focus is on the application of data science for contemporary China Studies, looking specifically at domestic policy and governance. In addition, he is interested in surveillance and censorship in China and worldwide. He has been a regular media commentator, having appeared on BBC World News, in Foreign Policy, South China Morning Post, and multiple national outlets in Europe.

More information about Vincent Brussee

Fields of interest

Domestic governance and policy of contemporary China; Social Credit System, surveillance and censorship; text as data and data science.


My current research is titled “New challenges, new tools, new opportunities: A data-smart methodological framework to study China’s changing policy-making process under Xi Jinping in the 14th Five-Year Plan”, and focuses on web scraping and text-as-data techniques for the analysis of PRC policy. For this project I have received the NWO PhD in the Humanities grant. 


2023-present: PhD Candidate, Leiden University
2020-2023: Analyst, Mercator Institute for China Studies (MERICS, Berlin)
2018-2020: MA in Asian Studies (Research), Leiden University, summa cum laude
2015-2018: BA in International Studies, Leiden University, cum laude

Selected publications

My new book, "Social Credit: The Warring States of China's Emerging Data Empire" (Palgrave Macmillan, 2023) presents one of the first comprehensive, empirical assessments of China's Social Credit System.

PhD candidate

  • Faculty of Humanities
  • Leiden Institute for Area Studies
  • SAS China
  • US Department of State Author research paper - changing information access in the PRC
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