Vincent Bakker
PhD candidate
- Name
- V.B. Bakker MSc
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 4981
- 0000-0003-1494-374X

Vincent Bakker is a PhD candidate at the department of Economics.
More information about Vincent Bakker
Vincent Bakker is a PhD candidate at the department of Economics. His PhD-research is conducted within the programme ‘Zelfredzaamheid en sociale bescherming over de levenscyclus’ (self-reliance and social protection over the lifecycle) financed by Instituut Gak. In his dissertation (Title: Welfare States in Flux) he investigates how changes in social expenditures and social security programmes across countries and over time affect labour market outcomes.
Vincent Bakker completed his BSc in Public Administration (cum laude) and MSc (Research) in Political Science and Public Administration (cum laude) at Leiden University. For his master thesis he examined to what extent expenditures on social investment policies affect employment and labour market participation in European welfare states. Having won the price for Best Research Master Thesis of 2017 by the Institute of Political Science, his thesis was also awarded the price for Best Research Master Thesis of 2017 by the Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences, and subsequently elected runner-up in the contest for the Leiden University Thesis Award.
During both his bachelor and master programmes, Vincent followed extracurricular programmes at the Honours Academy of Leiden University through the Honours College and Leiden Leadership Programme. As a part of the Leiden Leadership Programme he spent half a year working on the implementation of a new working method concerned with the implementation of policy at the Association of Netherlands Municipalities.
My full CV can be downloaded here (version from September 2018).
- Caminada, C.L.J., K.P. Goudswaard, O.P. van Vliet and V.B. Bakker. Verschillen in niveau en ontwikkeling van de inkomensongelijkheid, -herverdeling en –armoede in Nederland en België sinds 1995. Leiden University, Department of Economics Research Memorandum 2018.02 (in Dutch).
- LLP-tutor
- Fiscal-Economic Policy
- Socio-Economic Policy: Theory and Institutions
- Socio-Economic Policy: Empirical Analyses
- Bachelortheses EBM
- P.m. theses
- Information activities Public Administration
PhD candidate
- Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
- Instituut Fiscale en Economische vakken
- Economie
- Been J., Bakker V.B. & Vliet O.P. van (2024), Unemployment and households' food consumption: a cross-country panel data analysis across OECD countries, Kyklos 77(3): 776-811.
- Bakker V.B. & Vliet O.P. van (2022), Social investment, employment and policy and institutional complementarities: a comparative analysis across 26 OECD countries, Journal of Social Policy 51(4): 728-750.
- Bakker V.B. & Vliet O.P. van (4 November 2022), Can social investment policies increase labour market participation? Analysing policy interplay. The Social Policy Blog. [blog entry].
- Bakker V.B. (2022), Social investment and job quality across European knowledge economies: only more or also better jobs?. Department of Economics Research Memorandum no. 2022.02. Leiden: Department of Economics, Faculty of Law, Leiden University.
- Vliet O.P. van, Bakker V.B. & Doorn L.M.J. van (2021), From social protection to social investment: european responses to globalization, technological change, labour market flexibilization, and migration. In: Fisher G. & Strauss R. (Eds.), Europe’s income, wealth, consumption, and inequality. International Policy Exchange Series. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 343-394.
- Groeneveld S.M., Bakker V. & Schmidt J.E.T. (2020), Breaking the Glass Ceiling, but Facing a Glass Cliff? The Role of Organizational Decline in Women's Representation in Leadership Positions in Dutch Civil Service Organizations, Public Administration 98(2): 441-464.
- Caminada C.L.J.., Goudswaard K.P., Vliet O.P. van & Bakker V.B. (2020), Inkomensherverdeling en armoedereductie door sociale uitkeringen en belastingen in België en Nederland, Belgisch Tijdschrift voor Sociale Zekerheid 61(2019/2): 285-315.
- Caminada C.L.J., Goudswaard K.P., Vliet O.P. van & Bakker V.B. (2020), Redistribution des revenus et réduction de la pauvreté par les allocations sociales et les impôts en Belgique et aux Pays-Bas, Revue Belge de Sécurité Sociale 61(2019/2): 285-315.
- Bakker V.B. & Vliet O.P. van (2019), Social Investment, Employment Outcomes and Policy and Institutional Complementarities: A Comparative Analysis across 26 OECD countries. Department of Economics Research Memorandum no. 2019.01. Leiden: Leiden University.
- Caminada C.L.J., Goudswaard K.P., Vliet O.P. van & Bakker V.B. (2018), Verschillen in niveau en ontwikkeling van de inkomensongelijkheid, -herverdeling en -armoede in Nederland en België sinds 1995. Department of Economics Research Memorandum no. 2018.02. Leiden: Leiden University.
- Voorzitter