Universiteit Leiden

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Victor Halberstadt

Professor emeritus Public Sector Economics

Prof.drs. V. Halberstadt
+31 71 527 7756

Victor Halberstadt is Professor of Public Sector Economics at the Department of Economics.

More information about Victor Halberstadt


Economic Policy in the EU

Professor emeritus Public Sector Economics

  • Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
  • Instituut Fiscale en Economische vakken
  • Economie


  • Halberstadt V. (5 February 1998), Update on EMU. Referaat, Xerox Seminar. Londen. [lecture].
  • Halberstadt V. (22 November 1998), World Economic Trends. Referaat, DC Conference, Washington, 22-23 november 1998. Washington DC. [lecture].
  • Halberstadt V. (27 April 1998), World Economic Trends. Referaat, DBZ Conference, Stuttgart, 27 april 1998. Stuttgart. [lecture].
  • Halberstadt V. (8 November 1998), Globality and the Asian crises. Referaat, World Economic Forum, 8-9 november 1998. Istanbul. [lecture].
  • Halberstadt V. (4 September 1998), The EU taxation dilemma. Referaat, Conference Villa d'Este, 4-6 september 1998. Arnotio, Italië. [lecture].
  • Halberstadt V. (7 June 1998), EMU as a condition for EU. Referaat, Fuji Research Institute, 7-8 juni 1998. New York. [lecture].
  • Halberstadt V. (6 July 1998), EMU and Enlargement. Referaat, Koc University, 6 juli 1998. Istanbul. [lecture].
  • Halberstadt V. (20 August 1998), European Labour Markets. Referaat, Aspen Insitute, 20-22 augustus 1998. Aspen Colorado. [lecture].
  • Bilderberg Lid Steering Committee Bilderberg Meetings
  • Boekman Stichting Voorzitter Raad van Toezicht
  • Chugai Ltd Lid International Advisory Board
  • De Nederlandse Opera en Muziektheater Lid Raad van Toezicht
  • NIOD (KNAW) Lid Raad van Advies
  • The Goldman Sachs Group Lid Raad van Advies
  • W.F. Duisenberg Fellowship Stichting (NIAS/KNAW) Voorzitter Bestuur
  • World Economic Forum Lid Faculty World Economic Forum
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