Victor Gijsbers
University Lecturer Metaphysics and Philosophy of Science
- Name
- Dr. V.A. Gijsbers
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 1250

Victor Gijsbers is a University Lecturer at the Institute for Philosophy.
More information about Victor Gijsbers
PhD candidates
My main research interests are in metaphysics, where I study the topics of time, causation, and modality. I see these topics as intimately connected: it is only through a robust (non-Humean) understanding of causality that we can understand the (dynamic) nature of time and the (inner-worldly) nature of modality. These metaphysical topics also lead me into epistemology, where I am interested in how the causal structure of the world mirrors the dynamic, reason-seeking structure of finite knowledge. Over the past decade, I have become more and more enamoured by the theoretical philosophy of Kant, and one of my aims is to develop transcendental idealism into a philosophy that is worth defending in contemporary philosophy.
Fields of interest
I used to do a lot of work on topics in the epistemology of explanation and understanding, such as the relation between explanation, understanding and unification, the contrastive nature of explanation, and the nature of mathematical explanation. While this is no longer my core research topic, I remain interested in it.
My tastes in philosophy are wide. I am passionate about the history philosophy, especially modern European philosophy from the 17th century onwards, since that is the area I know most about. Much of my current research is inspired by Kant; and I have translated Wittgenstein's Tractatus into Dutch. I'm also very willing to engage with continental philosophy, as well as with figures that sit uneasily between traditions, such as Collingwood and Rorty.
YouTube channel with philosophy videos
Website with occasional philosophy posts
University Lecturer Metaphysics and Philosophy of Science
- Faculty of Humanities
- Instituut voor Wijsbegeerte
- Gijsbers V.A. (2013), "Entropie en tijdsasymmetrie", Studentenvereniging Symposion, Leiden, February 7, 2013. (Popular). [lecture].
- Gijsbers V.A. (2013), Discussion presentation on Jody Azzouni's Knowledge and Reference in Empirical Science, Erasmus University Rotterdam, January 23, 2013. [lecture].
- Gijsbers V.A. (2013), Spoken column "Vampiers", Raamsteeg2 Science Late Night Show, Leiden, October 31, 2013. (Popular). [lecture].
- Gijsbers V.A. (2013), "Een spel met de dood", Filosofisch café Den Bosch, March 11, 2013. [lecture].
- Gijsbers V.A. (2013), "Wat was er cool aan Copernicus? Psychologie van het heliocentrisme", Pindaconcert, Utrecht, January 19, 2013. (Popular talk.). [lecture].
- Gijsbers V.A. (2013), Interview about "Walging", including a declamation of Wordsworth's 12th Sonnet upon the Punishment of Death, Raamsteeg2, Leiden, March 22, 2013. (Popular). [lecture].
- Gijsbers V.A. (2013), Spoken column "De horizon", Raamsteeg2 Science Late Night Show, Leiden, September 20, 2013. (Popular). [lecture].
- Gijsbers V.A. (2013), Spoken column "Alchemie", Raamsteeg2 Science Late Night Show, Leiden, November 8, 2013. (Popular.). [lecture].
- Gijsbers V.A. (2013), Philosophical introduction to the movie La cinquième saison, Filmtheater 't Hoogt, Utrecht, February 22, 2013. (Popular). [lecture].
- Gijsbers V.A. (2013), "Vampiers", Pindaconcert, Utrecht, December 14, 2013. (Popular.). [lecture].
- Gijsbers V.A. (2013), "How Agency Can Solve Interventionism's Problem of Circularity", Philosophy of Science in a Forest, May 24, 2013. [lecture].
- Gijsbers V.A. (2013), "Reduction", Leiden Honours Community, Leiden, March 1, 2013. (Popular). [lecture].
- Gijsbers V.A. & Bruin L. de (2013), "Agency and Woodward’s Interventionism" (with Leon de Bruin). Causality and Experimentation in the Sciences, Paris, July 3, 2013. [lecture].
- Gijsbers V.A. (2011), Tijdasymmetrie. Symposium "Tijd, heeft u even?", organised by studievereniging Complex. Tilburg. [lecture].
- Gijsbers V.A. (2011), Asymmetrie van de tijd. Studium Generale. Wageningen. [lecture].
- Gijsbers V.A. (2011), Pynchons paranoia. Summer symposium "Wetenschapsfilosofie & Litteratuur" of the Nederlandse Vereniging voor Wetenschapsfilosofie. Leiden. [lecture].
- Gijsbers V.A. (2011), Filosofie van de tijd. Studium Generale. Utrecht. [lecture].
- Gijsbers V.A. (2011), Mathematical Explanation. Causality and Explanation in the Sciences. Gent. [lecture].
- Gijsbers V.A. (2011), Unification and Causation: Two Different Kinds of Understanding?. Explanation, Causality and Unification. Düsseldorf. [lecture].
- Gijsbers V.A. (2011), Tijdasymmetrie. KNSM Sociëteit. Amsterdam. [lecture].
- Gijsbers V.A. (2011), Het essentiële kenmerk van de moderne wetenschap. Pindaconcert. Utrecht. [lecture].
- Gijsbers V.A. (19 January 2007), Verklaren: Determinatie en/of unificatie?. Stafcolloquium Wijsbegeerte Vrije Universiteit van Amsterdam. Amsterdam. [lecture].
- Gijsbers V.A. (13 August 2007), Explanation as Determination. 13th International Conference on Logic, Methodology, and Philosophy of Science. Beijing. [lecture].
- Gijsbers V.A. (25 November 2006), Autonomie in de 21e eeuw. 28e Vlaams-Nederlandse Filosofiedag. Brussel. [lecture].
- Run a YouTube philosophy channel