Vanessa Mak
Scientific Director / Professor of Civil Law
- Name
- V. Mak
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 7435
- 0000-0002-8016-7948

Vanessa Mak has been Professor of Civil Law at the Institute of Private law since 1 October 2020.
Vanessa Mak holds a chair in Civil Law at Leiden University. From 2008 she was affiliated with Tilburg University, where she was appointed Professor of Dutch and European Contract Law in 2014. From 2017-2020 she was Vice-Dean for Research at Tilburg Law School. She had previously worked as a postdoc at the Max Planck Institut für ausländisches und internationales Privatrecht in Hamburg and as a lecturer at Oriel College, Oxford. She obtained her PhD at the University of Oxford in 2006 having conducted comparative research on performance-oriented remedies in European Sale of Goods Law.
Vanessa's research focuses on lawmaking in European private law, particularly in the area of contract law. Key questions are: who makes the rules to facilitate transactions between companies and consumers? What level of legislation, national or European, is the most appropriate in certain cases? And how can rules under public law be aligned with private regulation? These questions are examined in more detail in relation to consumer markets in Europe. Specific focus areas are the regulation of the platform economy, issues concerning regulation with regard to data and technology, and financial services provided to consumers. Vanessa Mak has published widely on these topics in leading national and international journals. Her monograph entitled Legal Pluralism in European Contract Law (OUP) was published in 2020.
In 2022 Vanessa Mak obtained a 1.5 million euro Vici grant from the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) for the research project 'These Shoes Don't Fit! - How can consumer interests be protected when consumer identities are increasingly diffuse?'. For further information, see the project website.
Vanessa Mak was elected as a member of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW) in 2024.
Scientific Director / Professor of Civil Law
- Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
- Instituut voor Privaatrecht
- Civiel recht
- Geiregat S., Mak V. & Op Heij D.J.B. (2024), Nieuwe regels voor consumentenkoop en digitale inhoud en digitale diensten: analyse van de implementatie van Europees recht in Nederland en België, Rechtsgeleerd Magazijn Themis 2024(1): 24-39 (2024/3).
- Mak V. & Toepoel I.S. (2024), Het ‘communitybeleid’ van Airbnb: de verbintenisrechtelijke binding aan servicenormen, Tijdschrift voor consumentenrecht & handelspraktijken 2024(3): 115-123 (2024/15).
- Mak V. (2024), Consumer Contract Law and Data-Driven Technologies. In: Mak V., Tjong Tjin Tai T.F.E. & Berlee A. (Eds.), Research Handbook in Data Science and Law. Research Handbooks in Information Law. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. 17-39.
- Mak V., Tjong Tjin Tai T.F.E. & Berlee A. (Eds.) (2024), Research handbook in data science and law. Research Handbooks in Information Law. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
- Mak V., Tjong Tjin Tai T.F.E. & Berlee A. (2024), Introduction to the Research Handbook in Data Science and Law (Second Edition). In: Mak V., Tjong Tjin Tai T.F.E. & Berlee A. (Eds.), Research Handbook in Data Science and Law. Research Handbooks in Information Law. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. 1-15.
- Mak V., Tjong Tjin Tai T.F.E. & Berlee A. (2024), Conclusions on data science and law. In: Mak V., Tjong Tjin Tai T.F.E. & Berlee A. (Eds.), Research handbook in data science and law. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. 388-400.
- Mak V. (2024), A tale of two systems: Europa en het Nederlandse vermogensrecht in tijden van (r)evolutie. In: Drijber B.J. & Mak V. (Eds.), Het spanningsveld tussen nationaal en Europees privaatrecht: preadviezen 2024. Preadviezen / Vereniging voor Burgerlijk Recht. Zutphen: Uitgeverij Paris. 71-117.
- Mak V. (2024), Redefining equality in European contract law: protecting consumer interests in a post-consumer society, European Law Open 3(3): 561-586.
- Kremers L. & Mak V. (2023), Verkopen op Vinted: pakketten, plichten en kopersbescherming, Ars Aequi 72(9): 614-616 (AA20230614).
- Mak V. (2023), Geschilbeslechting voor consumenten onder de Digital Services Act: Online dispute resolution 3.0, Tijdschrift voor consumentenrecht & handelspraktijken 2023(1): 2-4.
- Mak V. (31 August 2023), The consumer ID project: in search of shoes that fit. ConsumerID blog. Leiden: Leiden University (Leiden University). [blog entry].
- Mak V. (19 May 2023), The contractual rights and obligations of prosumers on social media platforms. Verfassungsblog. [blog entry].
- Mak V. (2023), How can consumer interests be protected when consumer identities are increasingly diffuse?. In: Micklitz H.-W. & Twigg-Flesner C. (Eds.), The transformation of Consumer Law and Policy in Europe. Oxford: Hart Publishing. 43-63.
- Castermans A.G., Haentjens M., Jansen K.J.O., Keirse A.L.M., Krans H.B., Mak V. & Verheij A.J. (2023), Recht, plicht, remedie: bespreking van het proefschrift van mr. W. Th. Nuninga, Maandblad voor Vermogensrecht 2023(1): 1-6.
- Mak V. (2022), De ‘prosument’ in de platformeconomie: startpunt voor herijking van het privaatrecht, Nederlands Juristenblad 97(25): 1978-1984 (NJB 2022/1663).
- Busch C., Goanta C., Kryla-Cudna K., Leszczynska M. & Mak V. (2022), Should Data Shape Private Law?, Technology and Regulation 2022(special issue: Should data drive private law?): 81-87.
- Mak V. (2022), Mindy Chen-Wishart: van contractenrechtheldin naar voorbeeld van academisch leiderschap, Ars Aequi 71(3): 172-173 (AA20220172).
- Mak V. (2022), A Primavera for European consumer law: re-birth of the consumer image in the light of digitalisation and sustainability, Journal of European Consumer and Market Law 11(3): 77-80.
- Keirse A.L.M. & Mak V. (2022), Op de schommel tussen autonomie en repressie: een privaatrechtelijk perspectief op de repressieve samenleving. In: Barkhuysen T., Bijlsma J., Emmerik M.L. van, Franken A.A., Kampen P.T.C. van, Keirse A.L.M. & Mak V. (Eds.), De repressieve samenleving: vanuit civiel-, bestuurs- en strafrechtelijk perspectief. Preadviezen. Handelingen Nederlandse Juristen-Vereniging no. 151. Deventer: Wolters Kluwer. 9-93.
- Mak V., Veldt G.M. & Heidary K. (2022), European Consumer Protection 2.0 [organizer of panel] (International Conference for Empirical Legal Studies). [other].
- Mak V. (2022), Vriest het of dooit het?: Herijking van het consumentenrecht en marktpraktijkenrecht, Tijdschrift voor consumentenrecht & handelspraktijken 2022(1): 2-5.
- Mak V. (2021), Contracteren in de platformeconomie. De derde-aanbieder als zwakke partij, Maandblad voor Vermogensrecht 2021(2): 57-63.
- Mak V. & Schemkes F. (2021), ‘With great power comes great responsibility’. De Digital Services Act en de Digital Markets Act mogen wel wat strenger zijn voor Big Tech, Nederlands Juristenblad 96(10): 746-754 (NJB 2021/716).
- Mak V. & Op Heij D.J.B. (2021), De implementatie van de nieuwe Richtlijn consumentenkoop en de Richtlijn digitale inhoud in het BW: de implicaties voor het bestaande hiërarchische systeem van remedies, Tijdschrift voor consumentenrecht & handelspraktijken 2021(5): 272-280.
- Mak V. & Zwenne G.J. (2021), Onderzoek over betalen met persoonsgegevens en consumentenbescherming: onderzoek in opdracht van het Ministerie van Economische Zaken en Klimaat (EZK). Den Haag: Ministerie van Economische Zaken en Klimaat (EZK).
- Busch C. & Mak V. (2021), Putting the Digital Services Act in Context: Bridging the Gap Between EU Consumer Law and Platform Regulation, Journal of European Consumer and Market Law 10(3): 109-114.
- Mak V. & Terryn E. (2020), Circular Economy and Consumer Protection: The Consumer as a Citizen and the Limits of Empowerment Through Consumer Law, Journal of Consumer Policy 43(1): 227-248.
- Mak V. (2020), Legal Pluralism in European Contract Law. Oxford Studies in European Law. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Mak V. (2020), Challenges of digitalisation for consumer contracts, Annuario di diritto comparato e di studi legislativi 11: 63-84.
- Hondius E.H. & Mak V. (Eds.) (2020), Handboek Consumentenrecht [Vijfde druk]. Zutphen: Uitgeverij Paris.
- Mak V. (2019), Consumentenbescherming bij servitisation. In: , Preadviezen 2019: De verschuiving van een goederen- naar een diensteneconomie; De kroongetuige; Gewapend bestuur. Vereniging voor de vergelijkende studie van het recht van België en Nederland - Preadviezen. Den Haag: Boom juridisch. 69-98.
- Mak V. (2019), Review of: Elizalde F. de (2018), Uniform Rules for European Contract Law? A Critical Assessment. Oxford: Hart Publishing. Modern Law Review 82(5): 966-969.
- Mak V. & Lujinovic E. (2019), Towards a Circular Economy in EU Consumer Markets – Legal Possibilities and Legal Challenges and the Dutch Example, Journal of European Consumer and Market Law 8(1): 4-12.
- Golen T.J.A. van & Mak V. (2018), Bemiddelingskosten bij woninghuur via Airbnb. Betaalt de huurder de rekening?, Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Burgerlijk Recht 2018(9/10): 280-288 (NTBR 2018/38).
- Mak V. (2018), Contract and consumer law. In: Mak V., Tjong Tjin Tai E. & Berlee A. (Eds.), Research Handbook in Data Science and Law. Research Handbooks in Information Law. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. 17-38.
- Mak V., Tjong Tjin Tai E. & Berlee A. (Eds.) (2018), Research Handbook in Data Science and Law. Research Handbooks in Information Law. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
- Mak V., Tjong Tjin Tai E. & Berlee A. (2018), Introduction. In: Mak V., Tjong Tjin Tai E. & Berlee A. (Eds.), Research Handbook in Data Science and Law. Research Handbooks in Information Law. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. 1-15.
- Mak V., Tjong Tjin Tai E. & Berlee A. (2018), Conclusion. In: Mak V., Tjong Tjin Tai E. & Berlee A. (Eds.), Research Handbook in Data Science and Law. Research Handbooks in Information Law. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. 448-462.
- Braspenning J.J.A. & Mak V. (2018), De gevolgen van de EU-richtlijn hypothecaire leningen voor consumenten, WPNR: Weekblad voor privaatrecht, notariaat en registratie 2018(7179): 79-84.
- Mak V. (2018), Enforcement and Effectiveness of Consumer Law: The Netherlands. In: Micklitz H.-W. & Saumier G. (Eds.), Enforcement and Effectiveness of Consumer Law. Ius Comparatum - Global Studies in Comparative Law no. 27. Cham: Springer. 391-414.
- Mak V. (2018), Gedachten bij een ‘gepersonaliseerd’ consumentenrecht, Tijdschrift voor consumentenrecht & handelspraktijken 2018(6): 274-276.
- Mak V. (2018), Pluralism in European Private Law, Cambridge Yearbook of European Legal Studies 20: 202-232.
- Mak V. (2018), Regulating Online Platforms – The Case of Airbnb. In: Grundmann S. (Ed.), European Contract Law in the Digital Age. European Contract Law and Theory no. 3. Cambridge: Intersentia. 87-102.
- Mak V. (2018), Social considerations in EU consumer law: The legislator, the court and a rhapsody in blue. In: Ferri D. & Cortese F. (Eds.), The EU Social Market Economy and the Law: Theoretical Perspectives and Practical Challenges for the EU. Routledge research in European Union law. London: Routledge. 213-230.
- Mak V. (2018), Van ownership naar access. Is toegang de nieuwe eigendom?, Ars Aequi 67(7/8): 664-671.
- Mak V., annotation: HvJ EU 9 November 2016, no. C-149/15, ECLI:EU:C:2016:840. TvC 2017(2) (Wathelet).
- Mak V. (2017), Review of: Spierings C. (2016), De eenzijdige rechtshandeling (diss. Nijmegen). Deventer: Wolters Kluwer. Maandblad voor Vermogensrecht 2017(1): 35-39.
- Mak V. (2017), De ‘gemiddelde consument’: van fictie naar feit?, Ars Aequi 66(7/8): 592-599.
- Mak C., Mak E. & Mak V. (2017), De verwijzende rechter: Rechtspolitieke verandering via prejudiciële vragen van lagere rechters aan het Europese Hof van Justitie, Nederlands Juristenblad 92(25): 1724-1732 (NJB 2017/1329).
- Mak V. & Loos M.B.M. (2017), Geschillencommissie, wees transparant!, Tijdschrift voor consumentenrecht & handelspraktijken 2017(2): 72-77.
- Mak V., annotation: Rb. Amsterdam 8 July 2016, ECLI:NL:RBAMS:2016:4197. TvC 2017(4) (ECLI:NL:RBAMS:2016:4197).
- Mak V. (2017), ‘Nous avons été de grands juges’: Hoe het Europese consumentenrecht en activistische rechters hebben bijgedragen aan de bescherming van kwetsbare gezinnen. In: Smits V.M., Jong R. de & Linden A.P. van der (Eds.), In verbondenheid: Opstellen aangeboden aan Professor mr. Paul Vlaardingerbroek tergelegenheid van zijn emeritaat. Deventer: Wolters Kluwer. 521-534.
- Mak V. (2017), ‘Nous avons été de grands juges’. Rechterlijk activisme via het Europese consumenten(krediet)recht, Tijdschrift voor consumentenrecht & handelspraktijken 2017(5): 201-206.
- Mak C., Mak E. & Mak V. (2017), Rechterlijk activisme – what’s in a name?, Nederlands Juristenblad 92(34): 2464 (NJB 2017/1857).
- Mak V. (2017), Who Does What in European Private Law – and How Is It Done? An Experimentalist Perspective. Tilburg Law School Legal Studies Research Paper Series no. 08/2017. Tilburg: Tilburg Law School. [working paper].
- Mak V. (2016), Art. 67: Contract Interpretation and the Role of ‘Trade Usage’ in a Common European Sales Law. In: Colombi Ciacchi A. (Ed.), Contents and Effects of Contracts: Lessons to Learn From The Common European Sales Law. Studies in European Economic Law and Regulation no. 7. Cham: Springer. 115-132.
- Mak V., annotation: HvJ EU 18 December 2014, no. C-449/13 (CA Consumer Finance SA v. Bakkaus en Bonato), ECLI:EU:C:2014:2464. AV&S 2016(2): 77-79 (AV&S 2016/13 AV&S 2016/13 Verplichtingen van kredietgevers jegens consumenten in de precontractuele fase nader bepaald).
- Mak V. (2016), Financial services and consumer protection. In: Twigg-Flesner C. (Ed.), Research Handbook on EU Consumer and Contract Law. Research Handbooks in European Law. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. 314-335.
- Mak V. (2016), Op weg naar een Europese ‘Digital Single Market’: Twee nieuwe richtlijnvoorstellen voor het Europees contractenrecht, Nederlands Juristenblad 91(8): 518-524 (NJB 2016/397).
- Gestel R. van, Loth M. & Mak V. (2016), Privaatrechtelijke rechtsvorming, regulering en wetenschap 0.13, Nederlands Juristenblad 91(28): 1962-1969 (NJB 2016/1392).
- Mak V. (2016), Private Actors as Norm-Setters through Choice-of-Law: The Limits of Regulatory Competition. In: Cauffman C. & Smits J.M. (Eds.), The Citizen in European Private Law: Norm-setting, Enforcement and Choice. Ius commune europaeum no. 146. Cambridge: Intersentia. 99-120.
- Mak V. (2016), Private Law Perspectives on Platform Services. Airbnb: home rentals between AYOR and NIMBY, Journal of European Consumer and Market Law 5(1): 19-25.
- Mak V. (2016), Review of: Dannemann G. & Vogenauer S. (2013), The Common European Sales Law in Context: Interactions with English and German Law. Oxford: Oxford University Press. European Law Review 41(2): 296-298.
- Mak V. (2016), The Consumer in European Regulatory Private Law. In: Leczykiewicz D. & Weatherill S. (Eds.), The Images of the Consumer in EU Law: Legislation, Free Movement and Competition Law. Studies of the Oxford Institute of European and Comparative Law. Oxford: Hart Publishing. 381-400.
- Mak V. (2016), The new proposal for harmonised rules on certain aspects concerning contracts for the supply of digital content ((COM)2015 634 final). Brussels: Policy Department C: Citizens' Rights and Constitutional Affairs, European Parliament.
- Mak V. (2015) Estoppel vanuit civil law perspectief: Proefschrift van mr. J.H. Ermers. Review of: Ermers J.H. (2014), Estoppel vanuit civil law perspectief (diss. Heerlen). Zutphen: Uitgeverij Paris. Maandblad voor Vermogensrecht 2015(1): 3-7.
- Mak V. (2015), Unfair Commercial Practices and Dutch Private Law, Journal of European Consumer and Market Law 4(6): 246-250.
- Mak V. (2015), UBER in the Netherlands (EuCML Report), Journal of European Consumer and Market Law 4(4): 154-155.
- Mak V. (2015), Globalization, Private Law and New Legal Pluralism. Jean Monnet Working Paper no. 14/2015. New York: NYU School of Law. [working paper].
- Mak V. (2015), Review of: Comparato G. (2014), Nationalism and Private Law in Europe. Oxford: Hart Publishing. Common Market Law Review 52(2): 593-595.
- Braspenning J.J.A. & Mak V. (2015), Nieuwe regels voor hypothecaire kredietverstrekking aan consumenten:over leren en bezweren, Tijdschrift voor consumentenrecht & handelspraktijken 2015(2): 73-81.
- Mak V., annotation: HvJ EU 10 September 2014, no. C-34/13, ECLI:EU:C:2014:2189. EHRC 2015(2) (2015/22 EHRC 2015/22).
- Mak V., annotation: Rb. Midden-Nederland 10 September 2014, ECLI:NL:RBMNE:2014:5091. TvC 2015(2) (ECLI:NL:RBMNE:2014:5091 (X/Business Lease Nederland) & Rb. Noord-Holland 17 december 2014, ECLI:NL:RBNHO:2014:12122 (X/Exclusive Sportcars)).
- Mak V. (2015), Privaatrecht Actueel - The Consumer Rights Act 2015. Modernisering van consumentenrecht in het Verenigd Koninkrijk, WPNR: Weekblad voor privaatrecht, notariaat en registratie 2015(7082): 923.
- Mak V. (2015), Private Actors as Norm-Setters through Choice-of-Law: the Limits of Regulatory Competition. Tilburg Private Law Working Paper Series no. 02/2015. Tilburg: Tilburg University, Faculty of Law. [working paper].
- Mak V. (2015), What is Responsible Lending? The EU Consumer Mortgage Credit Directive in the UK and the Netherlands, Journal of Consumer Policy 38(4): 411-430.
- Mak V. (2014), According to Custom ...? The Role of ‘Trade Usage’ in the Proposed Common European Sales Law (CESL), European Review of Contract Law 10(1): 64-84.
- Luzak J.A. & Mak V. (2014), The Consumer Rights Directive. In: Hartkamp A.S., Sieburgh C.H., Keus L.A.D., Kortmann J.S. & Wissink M.H. (Eds.), De invloed van het Europese recht op het Nederlandse privaatrecht. Serie Onderneming en Recht no. 81-II. Deventer: Kluwer. 67-92.
- Luzak J. & Mak V. (2014), Transposition of the consumer rights directive: The Netherlands, Zeitschrift für Europäisches Unternehmens- und Verbraucherrecht 3(2): 127-129.
- Mak V. (2013), Review of: Wiewiórowska-Domagalska A. (2013), Consumer sales guarantees in the European Union. Munich: Sellier European Law Publishers. Tijdschrift voor consumentenrecht & handelspraktijken 2013(2): 97.
- Mak V., annotation: Hof van Justitie EU 12 July 2012, no. C-602/10. TvC 2013(1) (Volksbank Romania/Autoritatea Naţională pentru Protecţia Consumatorilor – Comisariatul Judeţean pentru Protecţia Consumatorilor Călăraşi (CJPC)).
- Mak V. (2013), In het verleden behaalde rendementen…bepalen nu de toekomst. Hervorming van Europees financieel consumentenrecht, Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Europees Recht 2013(5): 178-184.
- Mak V. (2013), Review of: Jansen K.J.O. (2012), Informatieplichten. Over kennis en verantwoordelijkheid in contractenrecht en buitencontractueel aansprakelijkheidsrecht. Recht en praktijk. Contracten- en aansprakelijkheidsrecht, CA5. Deventer: Kluwer. Tijdschrift voor consumentenrecht & handelspraktijken 2013(2): 97-98.
- Mak V. & Nemeth K. (2013), Plain vanilla and other flavours: Review of financial services and air passenger rights regulation in the EU (Legislation report), Zeitschrift für Europäisches Unternehmens- und Verbraucherrecht 2(2): 102-106.
- Mak V., annotation: CJEU (Fourth Chamber) 12 July 2012, no. C-602/10 (Volksbank Romania). EUVR 2(1): 37-41 (Stretching the borders of EU law? – Full harmonisation in the Consumer Credit Directive and mortgage credit).
- Mak V. (2013), The ‘Average Consumer’ of EU Law in Domestic and European Litigation. In: Leczykiewicz D. & Weatherill S. (Eds.), The Involvement of EU Law in Private Law Relationships. Studies of the Oxford Institute of European and Comparative Law. Oxford: Hart Publishing. 333-356.
- Mak V. (2013), Volgens lokaal gebruik... Over "trade usage" en zelfregulering bij het voorstel voor een Gemeenschappelijk Europees Kooprecht, Nederlands Juristenblad 88(1): 4-9.
- Mak V. (2012), Review of: Pavillon C.M.D.S. (2011), Open normen in het Europees consumentenrecht. De oneerlijkheidsnorm in vergelijkend perspectief. Deventer: Kluwer. Tijdschrift voor consumentenrecht & handelspraktijken 2012(5): 245.
- Mak V. (2012), Een financieel geletterde consument telt voor twee – wat te doen met de anderen?, Tijdschrift voor consumentenrecht & handelspraktijken 2012(3): 96-97.
- Mak V. & Braspenning J. (2012), Errare humanum est: Financial Literacy in European Consumer Credit Law, Journal of Consumer Policy 35(3): 307-332.
- Mak V. (2012), Europees recht op krediet. Over het lenen van Europese wetgeving in nationaal recht en de grenzen van maximumharmonisatie, Bank- en Financieel Recht = Droit bancaire et financier 2012(5): 330-335.
- Mak V. (2012), Full Harmonization in European Private Law: A Two-Track Concept, European Review of Private Law 20(1): 213-235.
- Mak V. & Nemeth K. (2012), The EU’s Digital Agenda: new proposals for online and offline consumer disputes, e-commerce and card, internet and mobile payments (Legislation report), Zeitschrift für Europäisches Unternehmens- und Verbraucherrecht 1(2): 112-117.
- Mak V., annotation: Hof Den Bosch 29 May 2012, no. HD 200.080.411 en HD 200.089.618. TvC 2012(6): 291-295 (Obvion).
- Mak V. (2012), Review of: S. Grundmann &Y.M. Atamer (eds) (2011), Financial Services, Financial Crisis and General European Contract Law: Failure and Challenges of Contracting. Alphen aan den Rijn: Kluwer Law International. Yearbook of European Law 31: 524-526.
- Mak V. (2012), The Myth of the 'Empowered Consumer': Lessons from Financial Literacy Studies, Zeitschrift für Europäisches Unternehmens- und Verbraucherrecht 1(4): 254-263.
- Mak V. (2012), Two levels, one standard? The multi-level regulation of consumer protection in Europe. In: Devenney J. & Kenny M. (Eds.), European Consumer Protection: Theory and Practice. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 21-42.
- Mak V. (2011), De grenzen van maximumharmonisatie in het Europese consumentenrecht, Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Burgerlijk Recht 2011(10): 558-564.
- Mak V. (2011), Policy Choices in European Consumer law: Regulation through ‘Targeted Differentiation’, European Review of Contract Law 7(2): 257-274.
- Mak V. (2011), A Shift in Focus: Systematisation in European Private Law through EU Law, European Law Journal 17(3): 403-428.
- Hoon M.W. de & Mak V. (2011), Consumer empowerment strategies: A rights oriented approach versus a needs-oriented approach, Zeitschrift für Europäisches Privatrecht 19(3): 518-534.
- Mak V. (2011), Hoe meer keus, hoe beter?. In: Hesselink M.W., Hoek A.A.H. van, Loos M.B.M. & Salomons A.F. (Eds.), Het groenboek Europees contractenrecht: naar een optioneel instrument?. Den Haag: Boom Juridische Uitgevers. 95-104.
- Mak V. (2011), Hoe meer keus, hoe beter?, Tijdschrift voor consumentenrecht & handelspraktijken 2011(6): 249-250.
- Mak V. (2011), Hoe meer keus, hoe beter?, Contracteren. Tijdschrift voor de contractspraktijk 2011(1): 23-28.
- Mak V., annotation: Hof Amsterdam 16 March 2010, no. 200.033.602/01. TvC 2011(3): 103-107 (Direktbank/Geïntimeerde).
- Mak V., annotation: Geschillencommissie Thuiswinkel 8 November 2010, no. THU 44267. TvC 2011(4): 168-170.
- Mak V., Bosters T. & Tzankova I. (2011), Response to the consultation: Towards a coherent European approach to collective redress (European Commission). [other].
- Mak V. (2011), Scharnierpunt tussen Europees en nationaal consumentenrecht: De ‘gemiddelde consument’ als gemeenschappelijke standaard?, Maandblad voor Vermogensrecht 2011(7/8): 185-190.
- Mak V. (2011), Standards of Protection: In Search of the ‘Average Consumer’ of EU Law in the Proposal for a Consumer Rights Directive, European Review of Private Law 19(1): 25-42.
- Smits J.M. & Mak V. (2010), DCFR – Book VII: Unjustified Enrichment. In: Antoniolli L. & Fiorentini F. (Eds.), A Factual Assessment of the Draft Common Frame of Reference. Munchen: Sellier-Verlag Dr. Otto Schmidt. 249-268.
- Mak V. (19 July 2010), 'Gemiddelde consument' verdient bescherming. NRC Handelsblad: 7.
- Mak V. (2010), Harmonisation through "directive-related" case law: The role of the ECJ in the development of European consumer law, Zeitschrift für Europäisches Privatrecht 18(1): 129-146.
- Mak V., annotation: HvJ 15 April 2010, no. C-511/08. TvC 2010(4): 188-192 (Handelsgesellschaft Heinrich Heine/Verbraucherzentrale Nordrhein-Westfalen).
- Mak V. (2010), Review of: Acquis Group (2009), Contract II: General Provisions, Delivery of Goods, Package Travel and Payment Services. Principles of the Existing EC Contract Law (Acquis Principles), 2. Munchen: Sellier European Law Publishers. European Law Review 35(5): 736-738.
- Mak V. (2009), Performance-Oriented Remedies in European Sale of Goods Law. Studies of the Oxford Institute of European and Comparative Law no. 9. Oxford: Hart Publishing.
- Mak V. (2009), Review of the Consumer Acquis: Towards Maximum Harmonization?, European Review of Private Law 17(1): 55-73.
- Mak V. (2009), The Degree of Harmonisation in the Proposed Consumer Rights Directive: A Review in Light of Liability for Products. In: Howells G. & Schulze R. (Eds.), Modernising and Harmonising Consumer Contract Law. Munich: Sellier European Law Publishers. 305-322.
- Mak V. (2009), ‘Kosteloze’ vervanging bij non-conformiteit: is de consument een vergoeding verschuldigd voor het genoten gebruik van een gebrekkige zaak?, Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Europees Recht 15(1): 34-40.
- Smits J.M. & Mak V. (Eds.) (2008), European Private Law 2008/2010. Ars Aequi Wetseditie. Nijmegen: Ars Aequi Libri.
- Mak V. (2008), Review of: R. Bradgate & C. Twigg-Flesner (2004), Blackstone's Guide to Consumer Sales and Associated Guarantees. Blackstone's Guides. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Lloyd's Maritime and Commercial Law Quarterly 2008: 539-541.
- Mak V. (2008), Review of: B. Zeller (2007), CISG and the unification of international trade law. Abingdon, Oxon-New York, NY: Routledge-Cavendish. Lloyd's Maritime and Commercial Law Quarterly 2008: 578-580.
- Mak V. (2008), Review of: I. Schwenzer & C. Fountoulakis (2006), International sales law: Routledge-Cavendish. Lloyd's Maritime and Commercial Law Quarterly 2008: 417-419.
- Mak V. (2008), Review of: R. Christou (2007), Sale and supply of goods and services. London: Sweet & Maxwell. Lloyd's Maritime and Commercial Law Quarterly 2008: 246-248.
- Mak V. (2008), Review of: P. Huber & A. Mullis (2007), The CISG: A new textbook for students and practitioners. München: Sellier. Lloyd's Maritime and Commercial Law Quarterly 2008: 417-419.
- Mak V. (2008), Specific Performance in English Consumer Sales Law. In: Smits J., Haas D. & Hesen G. (Eds.), Specific Performance in Contract Law: National and Other Perspectives. Antwerpen: Intersentia. 121-131.
- Mak V. (2007), Contracten op afstand. In: Hartkamp A.S., Sieburgh C.H. & Keus L.A.D. (Eds.), De invloed van het Europese recht op het Nederlandse privaatrecht. Serie Onderneming en Recht no. 42-II. Deventer: Kluwer. 235-250.
- Mak V. (2007), Missing Bearings – Information Duties of the Seller under Section 35 of the Sale of Goods Act 1979, Modern Law Review 70(6): 1002-1007.
- Mak V. (2007), Repair and loss of the right to reject: A remedial dilemma in Sale of Goods Law, Lloyd's Maritime and Commercial Law Quarterly 2007: 163-166.
- Mak V. (2007), Satisfaction guaranteed: The (non-)significance of a warranty for the assessment of conformity, Lloyd's Maritime and Commercial Law Quarterly 2007: 449-453.
- Mak V. (2007), The seller’s right to cure defective performance: A reappraisal, Lloyd's Maritime and Commercial Law Quarterly 2007: 409-424.
- Mak V. (2002), Retentierecht op zeeschepen. De positie van de retentor van een zeeschip, Ars Aequi 51(9): 596-603.
- Mak V. (2001), Wraking van de rechter, Tijdschrift voor civiele rechtspleging 2001: 11-15.
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