Universiteit Leiden

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Valerio Gentile

PhD candidate / guest

Dr. V. Gentile MPhil
+31 71 527 2727

Valerio Gentile is a guest researcher at the Faculty Archaeology. He studies weapon depositions in Late European Prehistory.

More information about Valerio Gentile


Valerio Gentile is a researcher specialized in the Bronze Age and Iron Age of Europe and in material culture studies approaches.

His main research interest is armed conflict in ancient societies, both in its practical aspects as well as in its broader ideological and social implications.  He is also interested in metalwork circulation and deposition during the Bronze Age, and he is very active in the efforts to establish a methodology for the application of microscopic analysis and experimental archaeology to the study of metallic items.

In his past research, he crossed skeletal data with grave goods to gain insights on the social identity and practices of Iron Age ‘warrior burials’ in Central Italy. Successively, he investigated the phenomenon of Bronze Age weapon depositions in the Low Countries with a combined approach of microscopic wear analysis and experimental archaeology. He defended his PhD at the faculty of Archaeology of Leiden University in 2024.

Currently he is researching the patterns of use on swords and spears from Bronze Age Germany and Central Europe at Göttingen University, focusing on the changes in the ways these items were used and regarded through time and space.

Curriculum vitae

Cum Laude Bachelor of Arts in History and Preservation of Artistic and Archaeological Heritage at the University of RomaTre (Rome) - 2013

Cum Laude Research Master in Archaeology at Leiden University, Faculty of Archaeology – European Prehistory department (Leiden) – 2017

PhD in Archaeology at Leiden University, Faculty of Archaeology – Material Culture studies department (Leiden).  NWO (Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research) grant - 2024

Postdoctoral researcher at Seminar für Ur- und Frühgeschichte, Universität Göttingen (Göttingen). DFG (German Research Foundation) grant – current position

Prizes and awards


Best research presentation at the Symposium Onderzoek Jonge Archeologen (SOJA) - 2015

W.A. van Es Prize for ‘the best Master thesis in Archaeology of the last two years’ by the  Dutch Cultural Heritage Agency – 2017

PhD candidate / guest

  • Faculteit Archeologie
  • Archaeological Sciences
  • Material Culture Studies


  • No relevant ancillary activities
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