Universiteit Leiden

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Valentin Vandendaele

External PhD candidate

V.E.P. Vandendaele
+31 71 527 2727

Valentin Vandendaele graduated from the Faculty of Law at the KU Leuven (2016). He also studied at the Faculty of Law of the Université catholique de Louvain within the framework of the Erasmus Belgica Program. He obtained an LL.M. at Harvard Law School as well (2017). During his studies, he received the Harvard Law School Boas Scholarship.

More information about Valentin Vandendaele

He then worked as a teaching/research staff member at the Europa Institute of Leiden University (2017-2018).

With a grant from the Fonds de la recherche scientifique (F.R.S. – FNRS), Valentin Vandendaele is currently writing a PhD dissertation on price regulation in EU digital commerce at the University of Liège and Leiden University.

External PhD candidate

  • Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
  • Instituut voor Publiekrecht
  • Europees Recht

Work address

Kamerlingh Onnes Building
Steenschuur 25
2311 ES Leiden
Room number B1.41


  • No relevant ancillary activities
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