Vadim Cheianov
Associate professor
- Name
- Dr. V. Cheianov
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 5935

Associate professor
- Science
- Leiden Instituut Onderzoek Natuurkunde
- LION - Theoretical Physics
- Malikis S. & Cheianov V. (2024), Integrability and chaos in the quantum brachistochrone problem, Physical Review A 110: 022205.
- Tan Z.Y. & Cheianov V. (2024), Importance of the X-ray edge singularity for the detection of relic neutrinos in the PTOLEMY project, SciPost Physics 17: 022.
- Mikulenko O., Cheipesh Y., Cheianov V. & Boiarskyi O. (2023), Can we use heavy nuclei to detect relic neutrinos?, The European Physical Journal A 59(9): 216.
- Malikis S. & Cheianov V. (2022), An ideal rapid-cycle Thouless pump, SciPost Physics 12(6): 203.
- Chen J.H. & Cheianov V. (2022), Bounds on quantum adiabaticity in driven many-body systems from generalized orthogonality catastrophe and quantum speed limit, Physical Review Research 4(4): 043055.
- Apponi A., Betti M.G., Borghesi M., Boyarsky A., Canci N., Cavoto G., Chang C., Cheianov V., Cheipesh Y., Chung W., Cocco A.G., Colijn A.P., D'Ambrosio N., Groot N. de, Esposito A., Faverzani M., Ferella A., Ferri E., Ficcadenti L., Frederico T., Gariazzo S., Gatti F., Gentile C., Giachero A., Hochberg Y., Kahn Y., Lisanti M., Mangano G., Marcucci L.E., Mariani C., Marques M., Menichetti G., Messina M., Mikulenko O., Monticone E., Nucciotti A., Orlandi D., Pandolfi F., Parlati S., Pepe C., los Heros C.P. de, Pisanti O., Polini M., Polosa A.D., Puiu A., Rago I., Raitses Y., Rajteri M., Rossi N., Rozwadowska K., Rucandio I., Ruocco A., Strid C.F., Tan A., Teles L.K., Tozzini V., Tully C.G., Viviani M., Zeitler U. & Zhao F. (2022), Heisenberg's uncertainty principle in the PTOLEMY project: a theory update, Physical Review D 106(5): 053002.
- Boiarskyi O., Cheianov V., Ruchayskiy O. & Sobol O. (2021), Equilibration of the chiral asymmetry due to finite electron mass in electron-positron plasma, Physical Review D 103(1): 013003.
- Boiarskyi O., Cheianov V., Ruchayskiy O. & Sobol O. (2021), Evolution of the primordial axial charge across cosmic times, Physical Review Letters 126(2): 021801.
- Cheipesh Y., Cheianov V. & Boiarskyi O. (2021), Navigating the pitfalls of relic neutrino detection, Physical Review D 104(11): 116004.
- Buijsman W., Cheianov V. & Gritsev V. (2020), Sensitivity of the spectral form factor to short-range level statistics, Physical Review E 102(4): 042216.
- Buijsman W., Cheianov V. & Gritsev V. (2019), Random matrix ensemble for the level statistics of many-body localization, Physical Review Letters 122(18): 180601.
- Buijsman W., Gritsev V. & Cheianov V. (2019), Gumbel statistics for entanglement spectra of many-body localized eigenstates, Physical Review B 100(20): 205110.
- Buijsman W., Gritsev V. & Cheianov V. (2018), Many-body localization in the Fock space of natural orbitals, SciPost Physics 4(6): 038.
- Chudnovskiy A.L. & Cheianov V. (2018), Symmetry-restoring quantum phase transition in a two-dimensional spinor condensate, Scientific Reports 8: 12468.
- Lychkovskiy O., Gamayun O. & Cheianov V. (2018), Necessary and sufficient condition for quantum adiabaticity in a driven one-dimensional impurity-fluid system, Physical Review B 98(2): 024307.
- Matsyshyn O.I., Yakimenko A.I., Gorbar E.V., Vilchinskii S.I. & Cheianov V. (2018), p-wave superfluidity in mixtures of ultracold Fermi and spinor Bose gases, Physical Review A 98(4): 043620.
- Fruchart M.S., Jeon S-Y., Hur K., Cheianov V., Wiesner U. & Vitelli V. (2018), Soft self-assembly of Weyl materials for light and sound, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115(16): E3655-E3664.
- Gamayun O., Lychkovskiy O., Burovski E., Malcomson M., Cheianov V. & Zvonarev M. (2018), Impact of the Injection Protocol on an Impurity’s Stationary State, Physical Review Letters 120(22): 220605.
- Gamayun O., Hutasoit J.A. & Cheianov V. (2017), Two-terminal transport along a proximity-induced superconducting quantum Hall edge, Physical Review B: Condensed Matter 96: 241104.
- Hutasoit J.A., Balram A.C., Mukherjee S., Wu Y.H., Mandal S.S., Wojs A., Cheianov V. & Jain J.K. (2017), The enigma of the v=2+3/8 fractional quantum Hall effect, Physical Review B: Condensed Matter 95: 125302.
- Lychkovskiy O., Gamayun O. & Cheianov V. (2017), Time scale for adiabaticity breakdown in driven many-body systems and orthogonality catastrophe, Physical Review Letters 119: 200401.
- Gamayun O., Bezvershenko Y.V. & Cheianov V. (2015), Fate of a gray soliton in a quenched Bose-Einstein condensate, Physical Review A 91: 031605.
- Gamayun O., Lychkovskiy O. & Cheianov V. (2015), Reply to "comment on 'Kinetic theory for a mobile impurity in a degenerate Tonks-Girardeau gas'", Physical Review E 92(1): 016102.
- Scientific Advisor