Uulke van der Heide
Professor by special appointment Radiotherapy
- Name
- Prof.dr. U.A. van der Heide
- Telephone
- +31 71 526 9111
- u.vd.heide@nki.nl
- null

Uulke van der Heide was appointed as professor of imaging technology in radiation oncology on August 1, 2015, at the department of radiation oncology at the Leiden UMC. He also holds a position as medical physicist and group leader at the department of radiation oncology of the Netherlands Cancer Institute
Uulke van der Heide was appointed as professor of imaging technology in radiation oncology on August 1, 2015, at the department of radiation oncology at the Leiden UMC. He also holds a position as medical physicist and group leader at the department of radiation oncology of the Netherlands Cancer Institute
Imaging technology in radiation oncology
As delivery techniques in radiotherapy have reached unprecedented levels of versatility and accuracy, high-quality imaging to guide such treatments is essential to realize their full potential. To date, a CT scan forms the basis for radiotherapy treatment planning. However, because of its superior soft-tissue contrast, MRI is increasingly used to facilitate tumor delineation.
In our research we address the new questions that come with these developments: how accurate can the boundaries of a tumor be visualized to define the target for treatment? What imaging techniques are best suited to identify aggressive or radioresistent parts of the tumor for dose painting? And how can we use MRI during irradiation to improve the accuracy of dose delivery?
Academic career
Uulke van der Heide started his scientific carreer at the Utrecht University. He received his PhD on June 10, 1993 at the department of molecular biophysics. The title of this thesis is: : ‘A fluorescence polarization study of myosin in skeletal muscle’. After post-docs in Utrecht and the University of Pennsylvania, he made the move to medical physics and did a residency at the UMC Utrecht. In 2003 he was registered as medical physicist. He stayed in Utrecht and started a research group on the field of MRI and radiotherapy, with a focus on prostate cancer. He initiated the FLAME trial, a multicenter phase III study on focal dose escalation in prostate cancer. In 2011 he started as medical physicist and group leader at the Netherlands Cancer Institute. His research continues there on the use of MRI in radiation oncology. He leads the MR-Linac project at the department.
At August 1, 2015, he was appointed professor at the department of radiation oncology of the Leiden UMC, in the field of imaging technology in radiation oncology. He held his inaugural address on June 10, 2016, with the title ‘what we see, what we don’t see, and what we do with that’.
Van der Heide is active as teacher in the ESTRO school and he is editor of ‘Radiotherapy and Oncology’.
Professor by special appointment Radiotherapy
- Faculteit Geneeskunde
- Divisie 4
- Radiotherapie
- Salamanca, M.F.; Hompland, T.; Deregowska-Cylke, M.; Poel, H. van der; Bekers, E.; Guimaraes, M.A.S.; Lyng, H.; Heide, U.A. van der; Schoots, I.G. & Houdt, P.J. van (2024), A DWI-based hypoxia model shows robustness in an external prostatectomy cohort, Frontiers in Oncology 14.
- Kensen, C.M.; Simoes, R.; Betgen, A.; Wiersema, L.; Lambregts, D.M.J.; Peters, F.P.; Marijnen, C.A.M.; Heide, U.A. van der & Janssen, T.M. (2024), Incorporating patient-specific information for the development of rectal tumor auto-segmentation models for online adaptive magnetic resonance Image-guided radiotherapy, PHYSICS & IMAGING IN RADIATION ONCOLOGY 32.
- Patel, K.R.; Heide, U.A. van der; Kerkmeijer, L.G.W.; Schoots, I.G.; Turkbey, B.; Citrin, D.E. & Hall, W.A. (2024), Target Volume Optimization for Localized Prostate Cancer, Practical Radiation Oncology 14(6): 522-540.
- Guricová, K.M.; Pos, F.J.; Schoots, I.G.; Vogel, W.V.; Kerkmeijer, L.G.W.; Monninkhof, E.M.; Boer, J.C.J. de; Zyp, J.R.N.V. van; Kunze-Busch, M.; Smeenk, R.J.; Draulans, C.; Haustermans, K.; Houdt, P.J. van & Heide, U.A. van der (2024), Intra-prostatic recurrences after radiotherapy with focal boost: Location and dose mapping in the FLAME trial, Radiotherapy & Oncology 201.
- Outeiral, R.R.; Silvério, N.F.; González, P.J.; Schaake, E.E.; Janssen, T.; Heide, U.A. van der & Simoes, R. (2024), Response letter to Wahid et al. regarding our publication "A network score-based metric to optimize the quality assurance of automatic radiotherapy target segmentations", PHYSICS & IMAGING IN RADIATION ONCOLOGY 29.
- Guerreiro, F.; Houdt, P.J. van; Navest, R.J.M.; Hoekstra, N.; Jong, M. de; Heijnen, B.J.; Zijlema, S.E.; Verbist, B.; Heide, U.A. van der & Astreinidou, E. (2024), Validation of quantitative magnetic resonance imaging techniques in head and neck healthy structures involved in the salivary and swallowing function, PHYSICS & IMAGING IN RADIATION ONCOLOGY 31.
- Baumann, M.; Bacchus, C.; Aznar, M.C.; Coppes, R.P.; Deutsch, E.; Georg, D.; Haustermans, K.; Hoskin, P.; Krause, M.; Lartigau, E.F.; Lee, A.W.M.; Löck, S.; Offersen, B.V.; Thwaites, D.I.; Heide, U.A. van der; Valentini, V. & Overgaard, J. (2024), Clinical research for global needs of radiation oncology, Radiotherapy & Oncology 190.
- McNair, H.A.; Milosevic, M.F.; Parikh, P.J. & Heide, U.A. van der (2024), Future of Multidisciplinary Team in the Context of Adaptive Therapy, Seminars in Radiation Oncology 34(4): 418-425.
- Zhong, A.Y.; Lui, A.J.; Kuznetsova, S.; Kallis, K.; Conlin, C.; , D.D. do; Domingo, M.R.; Manger, R.; Hua, P.T.C.; Karunamuni, R.; Kuperman, J.; Dale, A.M.; Rakow-Penner, R.; Hahn, M.E.; Heide, U.A. van der; Ray, X. & Seibert, T.M. (2024), Clinical impact of contouring variability for prostate cancer tumor boost, International Journal of Radiation Oncology - Biology - Physics 120(4): 1024-1031.
- Kirby, A.M.; Guckenberger, M.; Slotman, B.J.; Clark, C.H.; Eriksen, J.G.; Heide, U. van der; Ioanna, S. de; Gasparotto, C.; Cortese, A.J. & ESTRO Board Directors (2024), European Society of Radiotherapy and Oncology (ESTRO) strategy 2024-2026, Radiotherapy & Oncology 196.
- Silvério, N.F.; Wollenberg, W. van den; Betgen, A.; Wiersema, L.; Marijnen, C.; Peters, F.; Heide, U.A. van der; Simoes, R. & Janssen, T. (2024), Evaluation of deep learning clinical target volumes auto-contouring for magnetic resonance imaging-guided online adaptive treatment of rectal cancer, Advances in Radiation Oncology 9(6).
- Corbeau, A.; Gastel, P. van; Wielopolski, P.A.; Jong, N. de; Creutzberg, C.L.; Heide, U.A. van der; Boer, S.M. de & Astreinidou, E. (2024), Accuracy, repeatability, and reproducibility of water-fat magnetic resonance imaging in a phantom and healthy volunteer, PHYSICS & IMAGING IN RADIATION ONCOLOGY 32.
- Draulans, C.; Haustermans, K.; Pos, F.J.; Heide, U.A. van der; Cock, L. de; Zyp, J.V. van; Boer, H. de; Smeenk, R.J.; Kunze-Busch, M.; Monninkhof, E.M.; Roover, R. de; Isebaert, S. & Kerkmeijer, L.G.W. (2024), Stereotactic body radiotherapy with a focal boost to the intraprostatic tumor for intermediate and high risk prostate cancer: 5-year efficacy and toxicity in the hypo-FLAME trial, Radiotherapy & Oncology 201.
- Westerhoff, J.M.; Daamen, L.A.; Christodouleas, J.P.; Blezer, E.L.A.; Choudhury, A.; Westley, R.L.; Erickson, B.A.; Fuller, C.D.; Hafeez, S.; Heide, U.A. van der; Intven, M.P.W.; Kirby, A.M.; Lalondrelle, S.; Minsky, B.D.; Mook, S.; Nowee, M.E.; Marijnen, C.A.M.; Orrling, K.M.; Sahgal, A.; Schultz, C.J.; Faivre-Finn, C.; Tersteeg, R.J.H.A.; Tree, A.C.; Tseng, C.L.; Schytte, T.; Silk, D.M.; Eggert, D.; Luzzara, M.; Zyp, J.R.N.V. van; Verkooijen, H.M. & Hall, W.A. (2024), Safety and Tolerability of Online Adaptive High-Field Magnetic Resonance-Guided Radiotherapy, Jama Network Open 7(5).
- Houdt, P.J. van; Li, S.L.; Yang, Y.L. & Heide, U.A. van der (2024), Quantitative MRI on MR-Linacs: Towards Biological Image-Guided Adaptive Radiotherapy, Seminars in Radiation Oncology 34(1): 107-119.
- Baumann, M.; Bacchus, C.; Aznar, M.C.; Coppes, R.P.; Deutsch, E.; Georg, D.; Haustermans, K.; Hoskin, P.; Krause, M.; Lartigau, E.F.; Lee, A.W.M.; Löck, S.; Offersen, B.; Overgaard, J.; Thwaites, D.I.; Kogel, A.J. van der; Heide, U.A. van der & Valentini, V. (2023), Are hybrid conferences the new standard?, Radiotherapy & Oncology 184.
- Dassen, M.G.; Janssen, T.; Kusters, M.; Pos, F.; Kerkmeijer, L.G.W.; Heide, U.A. van der & Bijl, E. van der (2023), Comparing adaptation strategies in MRI-guided online adaptive radiotherapy for prostate cancer, Radiotherapy & Oncology 186.
- Cock, L. de; Draulans, C.; Pos, F.J.; Isebaert, S.; Roover, R. de; Heide, U.A. van der; Smeenk, R.J.; Kunze-Busch, M.; Zyp, J.V. van; Boer, H. de; Kerkmeijer, L.G.W. & Haustermans, K. (2023), From once-weekly to semi-weekly whole prostate gland stereotactic radiotherapy with focal boosting, Radiotherapy & Oncology 185.
- Couwenberg, A.; Heide, U. van der; Janssen, T.; Triest, B. van; Remeijer, P.; Marijnen, C.; Sonke, J.J. & Nowee, M. (2023), Master protocol trial design for technical feasibility of MR-guided radiotherapy (vol 166, pg 33, 2022), Radiotherapy & Oncology 184.
- Kensen, C.M.; Betgen, A.; Wiersema, L.; Peters, F.P.; Kayembe, M.T.; Marijnen, C.A.M.; Heide, U.A. van der & Janssen, T.M. (2023), Online adaptive MRI-guided radiotherapy for primary tumor and lymph node boosting in rectal cancer, Cancers 15(4).
- Fernandes, C.D.; Schaap, A.; Kant, J.; Houdt, P. van; Wijkstra, H.; Bekers, E.; Linder, S.; Bergman, A.M.; Heide, U. van der; Mischi, M.; Zwart, W.; Eduati, F. & Turco, S. (2023), Radiogenomics analysis linking multiparametric MRI and transcriptomics in prostate cancer, Cancers 15(12).
- Georg, D.; Aznar, M.C.; Heide, U. van der & Thwaites, D. (2023), Radiotherapy dosimetry at multiple levels to improve precision, development and understanding of treatment, Radiotherapy & Oncology 182.
- Bisgaard, A.L.H.; Keesman, R.; Lier, A.L.H.M.W. van; Coolens, C.; Houdt, P.J. van; Tree, A.; Wetscherek, A.; Romesser, P.B.; Tyagi, N.; Russo, M. lo; Habrich, J.; Vesprini, D.; Lau, A.Z.; Mook, S.; Chung, P.; Kerkmeijer, L.G.W.; Gouw, Z.A.R.; Lorenzen, E.L.; Heide, U.A. van der; Schytte, T.; Brink, C. & Mahmood, F. (2023), Recommendations for improved reproducibility of ADC derivation on behalf of the Elekta MRI-linac consortium image analysis working group, Radiotherapy & Oncology 186.
- Offersen, B.V.; Aznar, M.C.; Bacchus, C.; Coppes, R.P.; Deutsch, E.; Georg, D.; Haustermans, K.; Hoskin, P.; Krause, M.; Lartigau, E.F.; Lee, A.W.M.; Löck, S.; Thwaites, D.I.; Kogel, A.J. van der; Heide, U. van der; Valentini, V.; Overgaard, J. & Baumann, M. (2023), The role of ESTRO guidelines in achieving consistency and quality in clinical radiation oncology practice, Radiotherapy & Oncology 179.
- Verweij, M.E.; Tanaka, M.D.; Kensen, C.M.; Heide, U.A. van der; Marijnen, C.A.M.; Janssen, T.; Vijlbrief, T.; Grevenstein, W.M.U. van; Moons, L.M.G.; Koopman, M.; Lacle, M.M.; Braat, M.N.G.J.A.; Chalabi, M.; Maas, M.; Huibregtse, I.L.; Snaebjornsson, P.; Grotenhuis, B.A.; Fijneman, R.; Consten, E.; Pronk, A.; Smits, A.B.; Heikens, J.T.; Eijkelenkamp, H.; Elias, S.G.; Verkooijen, H.M.; Schoenmakers, M.M.C.; Meijer, G.J.; Intven, M. & Peters, F.P. (2023), Towards Response ADAptive Radiotherapy for organ preservation for intermediate-risk rectal cancer (preRADAR), BMJ Open 13(6).
- Corbeau, A.; Nout, R.; Kuipers, S.; Astreinidou, E.; Mens, J.W.; Harderwijk, E.; Nielen, B.; Wielopolski, P.; Sharfo, A.; Horeweg, N.; Godart, J.; Heide, U. van der; Creutzberg, C. & Boer, S. de (2023), Feasibility of bone marrow sparing VMAT and Dixon MRI for the PROTECT study, Radiotherapy & Oncology 182: S1150-S1150.
- Outeiral, R.R.; Silvério, N.F.; Gonzáleza, P.J.; Schaake, E.E.; Janssen, T.; Heide, U.A. van der & Simoes, R. (2023), A network score-based metric to optimize the quality assurance of automatic radiotherapy target segmentations, Physics and Imaging in Radiation Oncology.
- Astreinidou, E.; Guerreiro, F.; Houdt, P.J. van; Navest, R.; Verbist, B.M.; Jong, M.A. de; Hoekstra, N.; Zijlema, S. & Heide, U.A. van der (2023), Quantitative 3T MRI assessment of radiation-induced damage to healthy tissues in H&N cancer patients, Radiotherapy & Oncology 182: S647-S648.
- Kooreman, E.S.; Tanaka, M.; Beek, L.C. ter; Peters, F.P.; Marijnen, C.A.M.; Heide, U.A. van der & Houdt, P.J. van (2022), T1ρ for radiotherapy treatment response monitoring in rectal cancer patients, Journal of Clinical Medicine 11(7).
- Bijl, E. van der; Remeijer, P.; Sonke, J.J.; Heide, U.A. van der & Janssen, T. (2022), Adaptive margins for online adaptive radiotherapy, Physics in Medicine & Biology 67(19).
- Kensen, C.M.; Janssen, T.M.; Betgen, A.; Wiersema, L.; Peters, F.P.; Remeijer, P.; Marijnen, C.A.M. & Heide, U.A. van der (2022), Effect of intrafraction adaptation on PTV margins for MRI guided online adaptive radiotherapy for rectal cancer, Radiation Oncology 17(1).
- Keall, P.J.; Brighi, C.; Glide-Hurst, C.; Liney, G.; Liu, P.Z.Y.; Lydiard, S.; Paganelli, C.; Pham, T.; Shan, S.S.; Tree, A.C.; Heide, U.A. van der; Waddington, D.E.J. & Whelan, B. (2022), Integrated MRI-guided radiotherapy - opportunities and challenges, Nature Reviews Clinical Oncology 19(7): 458-470.
- Overgaard, J.; Aznar, M.C.; Bacchus, C.; Coppes, R.P.; Deutsch, E.; Georg, D.; Haustermans, K.; Hoskin, P.; Krause, M.; Lartigau, E.F.; Lee, A.W.M.; Lock, S.; Offersen, B.V.; Thwaites, D.I.; Kogel, A.J. van der; Heide, U.A. van der; Valentini, V. & Baumann, M. (2022), Personalised radiation therapy taking both the tumour and patient into consideration, Radiotherapy & Oncology 166: A1-A5.
- Kerkmeijer, L.G.W.; Pos, F.J.; Heide, U.A. van der; Israel, B.; Draulans, C. & Haustermans, K. (2022), Reply to Kamal Kant Sahu's Letter to the Editor re: Veerle H. Groen, Karin Haustermans, Floris J. Pos, et al. Patterns of Failure Following External Beam Radiotherapy With or Without an Additional Focal Boost in the Randomized Controlled FLAME Trial for Localized Prostate Cancer. Eur Urol. In press. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eururo.2021.12.012.
- Outeiral, R.R.; Bos, P.; Hulst, H.J. van der; Al-Mamgani, A.; Jasperse, B.; Simoes, R. & Heide, U.A. van der (2022), Strategies for tackling the class imbalance problem of oropharyngeal primary tumor segmentation on magnetic resonance imaging, PHYSICS & IMAGING IN RADIATION ONCOLOGY 23: 144-149.
- Kooreman, E.S.; Tanaka, M.; Beek, L.C. ter; Peters, F.P.; Marijnen, C.A.M.; Heide, U.A. van der & Houdt, P.J. van (2022), T1-rho for radiotherapy treatment response monitoring in rectal cancer patients, Journal of Clinical Medicine 11(7).
- Groen, V.H.; Schie, M. van; Zuithoff, N.P.A.; Monninkhof, E.M.; Kunze-Busch, M.; Boer, J.C.J. de; Zijp, J.V. van; Pos, F.J.; Smeenk, R.J.; Haustermans, K.; Isebaert, S.; Draulans, C.; Depuydt, T.; Verkooijen, H.M.; Heide, U.A. van der & Kerkmeijer, L.G.W. (2022), Urethral and bladder dose-effect relations for late genitourinary toxicity following external beam radiotherapy for prostate cancer in the FLAME trial, Radiotherapy & Oncology 167: 127-132.
- Guricova, K.; Heide, U.A. van der; Kerkmeijer, L.G.W.; Pos, F.; Monninkhof, E. & Haustermans, K. (2022), Who needs a mean dose if you can FLAME?
- Kooreman, E.S.; Pelt, V. van; Nowee, M.E.; Pos, F.; Heide, U.A. van der & Houdt, P.J. van (2022), Longitudinal correlations between intravoxel incoherent motion (IVIM) and dynamic contrast-enhanced (DCE) MRI during radiotherapy in prostate cancer patients, Frontiers in Oncology 12.
- Couwenberg, A.; Heide, U. van der; Janssen, T.; Triest, B. van; Remeijer, P.; Marijnen, C.; Sonke, J.J. & Nowee, M. (2022), Master protocol trial design for technical feasibility of MR-guided radiotherapy, Radiotherapy & Oncology 166: 33-36.
- Hall, W.A.; Kishan, A.U.; Hall, E.; Nagar, H.; Vesprini, D.; Paulson, E.; Heide, U. van der; Lawton, C.A.F.; Kerkmeijer, L.G.W. & Tree, A.C. (2022), Adaptive magnetic resonance image guided radiation for intact localized prostate cancer how to optimally test a rapidly emerging technology, Frontiers in Oncology 12.
- Janssen, T.M.; Heide, U.A. van der; Remeijer, P.; Sonke, J.J. & Bijl, E. van der (2022), A margin recipe for the management of intra-fraction target motion in radiotherapy, PHYSICS & IMAGING IN RADIATION ONCOLOGY 24: 159-166.
- Alley, S.; Jackson, E.; Olivié, D.; Heide, U.A. van der; Ménard, C. & Kadoury, S. (2022), Effect of magnetic resonance imaging pre-processing on the performance of model-based prostate tumor probability mapping, Physics in Medicine & Biology 67(24).
- Heide, U. van der & Thwaites, D.I. (2022), Integrated MRI-linac systems: The new paradigm for precision adaptive radiotherapy and biological image-guidance?, Radiotherapy & Oncology 176: 249-250.
- Waqar, M.; Houdt, P.J. van; Hessen, E.; Li, K.L.; Zhu, X.P.; Jackson, A.; Iqbal, M.; O'Connor, J.; Djoukhadar, I.; Heide, U.A. van der; Coope, D.J. & Borst, G.R. (2022), Visualising spatial heterogeneity in glioblastoma using imaging habitats, Frontiers in Oncology 12.
- Eriksen, J.G.; Boldrini, L.; Gershkevitsh, E.; Guckenberger, M.; Heide, U. van der; Heijmen, B.; Joiner, M.; Nout, R.; Pruschy, M.; Rasch, C.; Tan, L.T.; Verellen, D.; Vozenin, M.C.; Palmu, M.; Porta, L. la; Gasparotto, C. & ESTRO Sch (2022), Postgraduate education in radiation oncology during the COVID-19 pandemic - What did we learn?, TECHNICAL INNOVATIONS & PATIENT SUPPORT IN RADIATION ONCOLOGY 24: 73-77.
- Kooreman, E.S.; Houdt, P.J. van; Keesman, R.; Pelt, V.W.J. van; Nowee, M.E.; Pos, F.; Sikorska, K.; Wetscherek, A.; Muller, A.C.; Thorwarth, D.; Tree, A.C. & Heide, U.A. van der (2021), Daily Intravoxel Incoherent Motion (IVIM) in prostate cancer patients during MR-guided radiotherapy, Frontiers in Oncology 11.
- Corbeau, A.; Nout, R.A.; Mens, J.W.M.; Horeweg, N.; Godart, J.; Kerkhof, E.M.; Kuipers, S.C.; Poelgeest, M.I.E. van; Kroep, J.R.; Boere, I.A.; Doorn, H.C. van; Hoogeman, M.S.; Heide, U.A. van der; Putter, H.; Welters, M.J.P.; Burg, S.H. van der; Creutzberg, C.L. & Boer, S.M. de (2021), PROTECT: prospective phase-II-trial evaluating adaptive proton therapy for cervical cancer to reduce the impact on morbidity and the immune system, Cancers 13(20).
- Kerkhof, E.; Ende, R. van den; Ercan, E.; Keesman, R.; Marijnen, C. & Heide, U. van der (2021), Applicator visualization using ultrashort echo time MRI for HDR endorectal brachytherapy, Radiotherapy & Oncology 158: S89-S90.
- Jaarsma-Coes, M.G.; Ferreira, T.A.; Houdt, P.J. van; Heide, U.A. van der; Luyten, G.P.M. & Beenakker, J.W.M. (2021), Eye-specific quantitative dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI analysis for patients with intraocular masses, Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine.
- Frans, W.; Frantzen-Steneker, M.; Osinga, J.; Heide, U.A. van der & Navest, R. (2021), Head Coil Head Support: in support of the head and the head coil, Radiotherapy and Oncology 161: S66-S67.
- Elmahdy, M.S.; Beljaards, L.; Yousefi, S.; Sokooti, H.; Verbeek, F.; Heide, U.A. van der & Staring, M. (2021), Joint registration and segmentation via multi-task learning for adaptive radiotherapy of prostate cancer, IEEE Access 9: 95551-95568.
- Draulans, C.; Pos, F.; Smeenk, R.J.; Kerkmeijer, L.; Vogel, W.V.; Nagarajah, J.; Janssen, M.; Mai, C.; Heijmink, S.; Leest, M. van der; Zámecnik, P.; Oyen, R.; Isebaert, S.; Maes, F.; Joniau, S.; Kunze-Busch, M.; Roover, R. de; Defraene, G.; Heide, U.A. van der; Goffin, K. & Haustermans, K. (2021), 68Ga-PSMA-11 PET, 18F-PSMA-1007 PET, and MRI for gross tumor volume delineation in primary prostate cancer , Practical Radiation Oncology 11(3): 202-211.
- Klawer EME, Houdt PJ, Simonis FFJ, den Berg CAT, Pos FJ, Heijmink SWTPJ, Isebaert S, Haustermans K & Heide UA (2021), Erratum to: improved repeatability of dynamic contrast‐enhanced MRI using the complex MRI signal to derive arterial input functions, Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 85(4): 2334--2336.
- Ferjancic, P.; Heide, U.A. van der; Ménard, C. & Jeraj, R. (2021), Probabilistic target definition and planning in patients with prostate cancer, Physics in Medicine {&} Biology 66(21).
- Otterloo, S.R.D. van; Christodouleas, J.P.; Blezer, E.L.A.; Akhiat, H.; Brown, K.; Choudhury, A.; Eggert, D.; Erickson, B.A.; Daamen, L.A.; Faivre-Finn, C.; Fuller, C.D.; Goldwein, J.; Hafeez, S.; Hall, E.; Harrington, K.J.; Heide, U.A. van der; Huddart, R.A.; Intven, M.P.W.; Kirby, A.M.; Lalondrelle, S.; McCann, C.; Minsky, B.D.; Mook, S.; Nowee, M.E.; Oelfke, U.; Orrling, K.; Philippens, M.E.P.; Sahgal, A.; Schultz, C.J.; Tersteeg, R.J.H.A.; Tijssen, R.H.N.; Tree, A.C.; Triest, B. van; Tseng, C.L.; Hall, W.A. & Verkooijen, H.M. (2021), Patterns of care, tolerability, and safety of the first cohort of patients treated on a novel high-field MR-Linac within the MOMENTUM study, International Journal of Radiation Oncology - Biology - Physics 111(4): 867-875.
- Kerkmeijer, L.G.W.; Pos, F.J.; Haustermans, K. & Heide, U.A. van der (2021), Radiation dose escalation for early prostate cancer: reigniting the FLAME? Reply.
- Ende, R.P.J. van den; Peters, F.P.; Harderwijk, E.; Rutten, H.; Bouwmans, L.; Berbee, M.; Canters, R.A.M.; Stoian, G.; Compagner, K.; Rozema, T.; Smet, M. de; Intven, M.P.W.; Tijssen, R.H.N.; Theuws, J.; Haaren, P. van; Triest, B. van; Eekhout, D.; Marijnen, C.A.M.; Heide, U.A. van der & Kerkhof, E.M. (2020), Radiotherapy quality assurance for mesorectum treatment planning within the multi-center phase II STAR-TReC trial, Radiation Oncology 15(1).
- Schie, M.A. van & Heide, U.A. van der (2020), Knowledge-based assessment of focal dose escalation treatment plans in prostate cancer, International Journal of Radiation Oncology - Biology - Physics 108(4).
- Ende, R.P.J. van den; Ercan, E.; Keesman, R.; Kerkhof, E.M.; Marijnen, C.A.M. & Heide, U.A. van der (2020), Applicator visualization using ultrashort echo time MRI for high-dose-rate endorectal brachytherapy, Brachytherapy 19(5): 618-623.
- Jaarsma-Coes, M.; Houdt, P.J. van; Heide, U.A. van der; Luyten, G.P.M. & Beenakker, J.W.M. (2020), Quantifying perfusion of intraocular tumours, Acta Ophthalmologica 98: 12-13.
- Kooreman, E.S.; Houdt, P.J. van; Keesman, R.; Pos, F.J.; Pelt, V.W.J. van; Nowee, M.E.; Wetscherek, A.; Tijssen, R.H.N.; Philippens, M.E.P.; Thorwarth, D.; Wang, J.H.; Shukla-Dave, A.; Hall, W.A.; Paulson, E.S. & Heide, U.A. van der (2020), ADC measurements on the Unity MR-linac , Radiotherapy & Oncology 153.
- Fiorino, C.; Guckemberger, M.; Schwarz, M.; Heide, U.A. van der & Heijmen, B. (2020), Technology-driven research for radiotherapy innovation, Molecular Oncology 14(7).
- Boer, A.H.; Weide, H.L. van der; Coremans, I.E.M.; Eekers, D.B.; Groot, C. de; Heide, H. van der; Jonkman, A.; Sande, M.A.E. van de; Swaak, A.; Toorn, P.P. van der; Verhoeff, J.; Vlasman, R.; Wester, G.; Wiggenraad, R.; Langendijk, J.A.; Brouwer, C.L. & Kramer, M. (2020), Inter-center Planning Variation Of Low-grade Glioma In The Netherlands, International Journal of Radiation Oncology - Biology - Physics 108(3): E669-E670.
- Boer, A.H.; Weide, H.L. van der; Bongers, E.M.; Coremans, I.E.M.; Eekers, D.B.; Groot, C. de; Heide, H. van der; Niel, C.; Sande, M.A.E. van de; Smeenk, R.J.; Swaak, A.; Toorn, P.P. van der; Verhoeff, J.; Vlasman, R.; Wiggenraad, R.; Boukerroui, D.; Langendijk, J.A.; Kramer, M. & Brouwer, C.L. (2020), Inter-Observer Variation In Tumor Volume Delineation Of Low Grade Gliomas, A Multi-Institutional Contouring Study, International Journal of Radiation Oncology - Biology - Physics 108(3): E710-E710.
- Houdt, P.J. van; Kallehauge, J.F.; Tanderup, K.; Nout, R.; Zaletelj, M.; Tadic, T.; Kesteren, Z.J. van; Berg, C.A.T. van den; Georg, D.; Cote, J.C.; Levesque, I.R.; Swamidas, J.; Malinen, E.; Telliskivi, S.; Brynolfsson, P.; Mahmood, F.; Heide, U.A. van der & Embrace Collaborative Grp (2020), Phantom-based quality assurance for multicenter quantitative MRI in locally advanced cervical cancer, Radiotherapy & Oncology 153: 114-121.
- Ende, R.P.J. van den; Kerkhof, E.M.; Rigter, L.S.; Leerdam, M.E. van; Peters, F.P.; Triest, B. van; Staring, M.; Marijnen, C.A.M. & Heide, U.A. van der (2019), Feasibility of Gold Fiducial Markers as a Surrogate for Gross Tumor Volume Position in Image-Guided Radiation Therapy of Rectal Cancer, International Journal of Radiation Oncology - Biology - Physics 105(5): 1151-1159.
- Torres-Xirau, I.; Olaciregui-Ruiz, I.; Heide, U.A. van der & Mans, A. (2019), 2D EPID dosimetry for an MR-linac, Medical Physics 46(9).
- Heide, U.A. van der; Frantzen-Steneker, M.; Astreinidou, E.; Nowee, M.E. & Houdt, P.J. van (2019), MRI basics for radiation oncologists.
- Ende, R.P.J. van den; Rigter, L.S.; Kerkhof, E.M.; Meerten, E.L.V. van; Rijkmans, E.C.; Lambregts, D.M.J.; Triest, B. van; Leerdam, M.E. van; Staring, M.; Marijnen, C.A.M. & Heide, U.A. van der (2019), MRI visibility of gold fiducial markers for image-guided radiotherapy of rectal cancer, Radiotherapy and Oncology 132: 93-99.
- Ende, R.P.J. van den; Kerkhof, E.M.; Rigter, L.S.; Leerdam, M.E. van; Peters, F.P.; Triest, B. van; Staring, M.; Marijnen, C.A.M. & Heide, U.A. van der (2019), Feasibility of Gold Fiducial Markers as a Surrogate for GTV Position in Image-Guided Radiotherapy of Rectal Cancer, Medical Physics 46(6): E322-E322.
- Ghadjar, P.; Fiorino, C.; Rosenschold, P.M. af; Pinkawa, M.; Zilli, T. & Heide, U.A. van der (2019), ESTRO ACROP consensus guideline on the use of image guided radiation therapy for localized prostate cancer, Radiotherapy and Oncology 141: 5-13.
- Rigter, L.S.; Rijkmans, E.C.; Inderson, A.; Ende, R.P.J. van den; Kerkhof, E.M.; Ketelaars, M.; Dieren, J. van; Veenendaal, R.A.; Triest, B. van; Marijnen, C.A.M.; Heide, U.A. van der & Leerdam, M.E. van (2019), EUS-guided fiducial marker placement for radiotherapy in rectal cancer: feasibility of two placement strategies and four fiducial types, Endoscopy International Open 7(11): E1357-E1364.
- Kooreman, E.S.; Houdt, P.J. van; Nowee, M.E.; Pelt, V.W.J. van; Tijssen, R.H.N.; Paulson, E.S.; Gurney-Champion, O.J.; Wang, J.; Koetsveld, F.; Buuren, L.D. van; Beek, L.C. ter & Heide, U.A. van der (2019), Feasibility and accuracy of quantitative imaging on a 1.5 T MR-linear accelerator, Radiotherapy & Oncology 133: 156-162.
- Schie, M.A. van; Houdt, P.J. van; Ghobadi, G.; Pos, F.J.; Walraven, I.; Boer, H.C.J. de; Berge, C.A.T. van den; Smeenk, R.J.; Kerkmeijer, L.G.W. & Heide, U.A. van der (2019), Quantitative MRI changes during weekly ultra-hypofractionated prostate cancer radiotherapy with integrated boost, Frontiers in Oncology 9.
- Peters F. P., Kerkhof E. M., Rutten H., Intven M., Berbee M., Theuws J., Van Triest B., Reerink O., Rozema T., Van Leeuwen R. H. G., Tijssen R. N. H., Van den Boogaard J., Murrer L., Van Haaren P., Van der Heide U. A., Stoian G., Jansen R., Raaijmakers E., Van Weerd E. & Marijnen C. A. M. (2018), Radiotherapy quality assurance program for the STAR-TReC trial; planning results of Dutch centers, Radiotherapy and Oncology 127: S320-S321.
- Van den Ende R. P. J., Rigter L. S., Kerkhof E. M., van Meerten E. L. Van Persijn, Rijkmans E. C., Lambregts D. M. J., Van Triest B., Van Leerdam M. E., Staring M., Marijnen C. A. M. & Van der Heide U. A. (2018), MRI visibility of gold fiducial markers for image-guided radiotherapy for rectal cancer, Radiotherapy and Oncology 127: S1163-S1164.
- Potter, R.; Tanderup, K.; Kirisits, C.; Leeuw, A. de; Kirchheiner, K.; Nout, R.; Tan, L.T.; Haie-Meder, C.; Mahantshetty, U.; Segedin, B.; Hoskin, P.; Bruheim, K.; Rai, B.; Huang, F.; Limbergen, E. van; Schmid, M.; Nesvacil, N.; Sturdza, A.; Fokdal, L.; Jensen, N.B.K.; Georg, D.; Assenholt, M.; Seppenwoolde, Y.; Nomden, C.; Fortin, I.; Chopra, S.; Heide, U. van der; Rumpold, T.; Lindegaard, J.C.; Jurgenliemk-Schulz, I.; Dumas, I.; Chargari, C.; Swamidas, J.; Shrivastava, S.K.; Lowe, G.; Hudej, R.; Hellebust, T.P.; Menon, G.; Oinam, A.S.; Cooper, R.; Bownes, P.; Banasik, E.V.; Sundset, M.; Pieters, B.; Lutgens, L.C.H.W.; Villafranca, E.; Hadjiev, J.; Bachand, F.; Erickson, B.; Jacobson, G.; Anttila, M. & EMBRACE Collaborative Grp (2018), The EMBRACE II study, Clinical and Translational Radiation Oncology 9: 48-60.
- Klawer, E.M.E.; Houdt, P.J. van; Pos, F.J.; Heijmink, S.W.T.P.J.; Osch, M.J.P. van & Heide, U.A. van der (2018), Impact of contrast agent injection duration on dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI quantification in prostate cancer, NMR in Biomedicine 31(9).
- Schie, M.A. van; Dinh, C.V.; Houdt, P.J. van; Pos, F.J.; Heijmink, S.W.T.J.P.; Kerkmeijer, L.G.W.; Kotte, A.N.T.J.; Oyen, R.; Haustermans, K. & Heide, U.A. van der (2018), Contouring of prostate tumors on multiparametric MRI: Evaluation of clinical delineations in a multicenter radiotherapy trial, Radiotherapy and Oncology 128(2): 321-326.
- Ende, R.P.J. van den; Rijkmans, E.C.; Kerkhof, E.M.; Nout, R.A.; Ketelaars, M.; Laman, M.S.; Marijnen, C.A.M. & Heide, U.A. van der (2018), Benefit of adaptive CT-based treatment planning in high-dose-rate endorectal brachytherapy for rectal cancer, Brachytherapy 17(1): 78-85.
- Torres-Xirau, I.; Olaciregui-Ruiz, I.; Baldvinsson, G.; Mijnheer, B.J.; Heide, U.A. van der & Mans, A. (2018), Characterization of the a-Si EPID in the unity MR-linac for dosimetric applications, Physics in Medicine & Biology 63(2).
- Fernandes, C.D.; Dinh, C.V.; Walraven, I.; Heijmink, S.W.; Smolic, M.; Griethuysen, J.J.M. van; Simoes, R.; Losnegard, A.; Poel, H.G. van der; Pos, F.J. & Heide, U.A. van der (2018), Biochemical recurrence prediction after radiotherapy for prostate cancer with T2w magnetic resonance imaging radiomic features, Physics and Imaging in Radiation Oncology 7: 9-15-15.
- Fernandes, C.D.; Houdt, P.J. van; Heijmink, S.W.T.P.J.; Walraven, I.; Keesman, R.; Smolic, M.; Ghobadi, G.; Poel, H.G. van der; Schoots, I.G.; Pos, F.J. & Heide, U.A. van der (2018), Quantitative 3T multiparametric MRI of benign and malignant prostatic tissue in patients with and without local recurrent prostate cancer after external-beam radiation therapy, Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging 50(1).
- Fernandes, C.D.; Ghobadi, G.; Poel, H.G. van der; Jong, J. de; Heijmink, S.W.T.P.J.; Schoots, I.; Walraven, I.; Houdt, P.J. van; Smolic, M.; Pos, F.J. & Heide, U.A. van der (2018), Quantitative 3-T multi-parametric MRI and step-section pathology of recurrent prostate cancer patients after radiation therapy, European Radiology 29.
- Torres-Xirau, I.; Olaciregui-Ruiz, I.; Rozendaal, R.A.; Gonzalez, P.; Mijnheer, B.J.; Sonke, J.J.; Heide, U.A. van der & Mans, A. (2017), A back-projection algorithm in the presence of an extra attenuating medium: towards EPID dosimetry for the MR-Linac, Physics in Medicine and Biology 62(15).
- Ende, R.P.J. van den; Rijkmans, E.C.; Kerkhof, E.M.; Nout, R.A.; Ketelaars, M.; Laman, M.S.; Marijnen, C.A.M. & Heide, U.A. van der (2017), Benefit of repeat CT in high-dose rate brachytherapy as radical treatment for rectal cancer, Radiotherapy and Oncology 123: S145-S146.
- Schie, M.A. van; Steenbergen, P.; Dinh, C.V.; Ghobadi, G.; Houdt, P.J. van; Pos, F.J.; Heijmink, S.W.T.J.P.; Poel, H.G. van der; Renisch, S.; Vik, T. & Heide, U.A. van der (2017), Repeatability of dose painting by numbers treatment planning in prostate cancer radiotherapy based on multiparametric magnetic resonance imaging, Physics in Medicine and Biology 62(14): 5575-5588.
- Fernandes, C.D.; Dinh, C.V.; Steggerda, M.J.; Beek, L.C. ter; Smolic, M.; Buuren, L.D. van; Pos, F.J. & Heide, U.A. van der (2017), Prostate fiducial marker detection with the use of multi-parametric magnetic resonance imaging, Physics and Imaging in Radiation Oncology 1: 14-20-20.
- Fernandes, C.D.; Dinh, C.V.; Steggerda, M.J.; Beek, L.C. ter; Smolic, M.; Buuren, L.D. van; Pos, F.J. & Heide, U.A. van der (2017), Prostate fiducial marker detection with the use of multi-parametric magnetic resonance imaging, Physics and Imaging in Radiation Oncology 1: 14 - 20.
- Fernandes, C.D.; Dinh, C.V.; Steggerda, M.J.; Beek, L.C. ter; Smolic, M.; Buuren, L.D. van; Pos, F.J. & Heide, U.A. van der (2017), Prostate fiducial marker detection with the use of multi-parametric magnetic resonance imaging, Physics and Imaging in Radiation Oncology 1: 14-20-20.
- Fernandes, C.D.; Dinh, C.V.; Steggerda, M.J.; Beek, L.C. ter; Smolic, M.; Buuren, L.D. van; Pos, F.J. & Heide, U.A. van der (2017), Prostate fiducial marker detection with the use of multi-parametric magnetic resonance imaging, Physics and Imaging in Radiation Oncology 1: 14-20-20.
- Fernandes, C.D.; Dinh, C.V.; Steggerda, M.J.; Beek, L.C. ter; Smolic, M.; Buuren, L.D. van; Pos, F.J. & Heide, U.A. van der (2017), Prostate fiducial marker detection with the use of multi-parametric magnetic resonance imaging, Physics and Imaging in Radiation Oncology 1: 14-20-20.
- Fernandes, C.D.; Dinh, C.V.; Steggerda, M.J.; Beek, L.C. ter; Smolic, M.; Buuren, L.D. van; Pos, F.J. & Heide, U.A. van der (2017), Prostate fiducial marker detection with the use of multi-parametric magnetic resonance imaging, Physics and Imaging in Radiation Oncology 1: 14-20-20.
- Buckle, T.; KleinJan, G.H.; Engelen, T.; Berg, N.S. van den; DeRuiter, M.C.; Heide, U. van der; Olmos, R.A.V.; Webb, A.; Buchem, M.A. van; Balm, A.J. & Leeuwen, F.W.B. van (2016), Diffusion-weighted-preparation (D-prep) MRI as a future extension of SPECT/CT based surgical planning for sentinel node procedures in the head and neck area?, Oral Oncology 60: 48-54.
- Lips, I.M.; Gils, C.H. van; Kotte, A.N.T.J.; Leerdam, M.E. van; Franken, S.P.G.; Heide, U.A. van der & Vulpen, M. van (2012), A Double-Blind Placebo-Controlled Randomized Clinical Trial With Magnesium Oxide to Reduce Intrafraction Prostate Motion for Prostate Cancer Radiotherapy, International Journal of Radiation Oncology - Biology - Physics 83(2): 653-660.
- Lips, I.M.; Heide, U.A. van der; Haustermans, K.; Lin, E.N.J.T. van; Pos, F.; Franken, S.P.G.; Kotte, A.N.T.J.; Gils, C.H. van & Vulpen, M. van (2011), Single blind randomized Phase III trial to investigate the benefit of a focal lesion ablative microboost in prostate cancer (FLAME-trial): study protocol for a randomized controlled trial, Trials 12.
- Lips, I.; Gils, C. van; Kotte, A.; Leerdam, M. van; Heide, U. van der & Vulpen, M. van (2011), A DOUBLE-BLIND PLACEBO-CONTROLLED RANDOMIZED CLINICAL TRIAL WITH MAGNESIUM OXIDE TO REDUCE PROSTATE MOTION FOR PROSTATE CANCER RADIOTHERAPY, Radiotherapy and Oncology 99: S201-S201.
- Lips, I.M.; Kotte, A.N.T.J.; Gils, C.H. van; Leerdam, M.E. van; Heide, U.A. van der & Vulpen, M. van (2011), INFLUENCE OF ANTIFLATULENT DIETARY ADVICE ON INTRAFRACTION MOTION FOR PROSTATE CANCER RADIOTHERAPY, International Journal of Radiation Oncology - Biology - Physics 81(4): E401-E406.
- Lips, I.; Moman, M.; Kotte, A.; Heide, U. van der & Vulpen, M. van (2010), THE INFLUENCE OF A DIET ON THE INTRAFRACTION MOTION DURING IMRT FOR PROSTATE CANCER, Radiotherapy and Oncology 96: S87-S87.
- Lips, I.M.; Gils, C.H. van; Heide, U.A. van der; Kruger, A.E.B. & Vulpen, M. van (2009), Health-related quality of life 3 years after high-dose intensity-modulated radiotherapy with gold fiducial marker-based position verification, BJU International 103(6): 762-767.
- Lips, I.M.; Heide, U.A. van der; Kotte, A.N.T.J.; Vulpen, M. van & Bel, A. (2009), EFFECT OF TRANSLATIONAL AND ROTATIONAL ERRORS ON COMPLEX DOSE DISTRIBUTIONS WITH OFF-LINE AND ON-LINE POSITION VERIFICATION, International Journal of Radiation Oncology - Biology - Physics 74(5): 1600-1608.
- Lips, I.; Heide, U. van der; Kruger, A.B.; Gils, C. van & Vulpen, M. van (2008), HIGH-DOSE IMRT FOR PROSTATE CANCER WITHOUT CLINICALLY RELEVANT DETERIORATION IN LONG-TERM QUALITY OF LIFE, Radiotherapy and Oncology 88: S326-S326.
- Bosch, M.R. van den; Lips, I.M.; Lagerburg, V.; Vulpen, M. van; Lagendijk, J.J.W. & Moertand, M.A. (2008), Feasibility of adequate dose coverage in permanent prostate brachytherapy using divergent needle insertion methods, Radiotherapy and Oncology 86(1): 120-125.
- Klein, S.; Heide, U.A. van der; Lips, I.M.; Vulpen, M. van; Staring, M. & Pluim, J.P.W. (2008), Automatic segmentation of the prostate in 3D MR images by atlas matching using localized mutual information, Medical Physics 35(4): 1407-1417.
- Lips, I.M.; Dehnad, H.; Gils, C.H. van; Kruger, A.E.B.; Heide, U.A. van der & Vulpen, M. van (2008), High-dose intensity-modulated radiotherapy for prostate cancer using daily fiducial marker-based position verification: acute and late toxicity in 331 patients, Radiotherapy and Oncology 3.
- Lips, I.; Kotte, A.N.T.; Heide, U. van; Vulpen, M. van & Bel, A. (2007), Impact of random position variations on complex dose distributions for prostate IMRT using different margins, Radiotherapy and Oncology 84: S302-S303.
- Lips, I.; Dehnad, H.; Kruger, A.B.; Moorselaar, J. van; Heide, U. van der; Battermann, J. & Vulpen, M. van (2007), Health-related quality of life in patients with locally advanced prostate cancer after 76 GY intensity-modulated radiotherapy vs. 70 GY conformal radiotherapy in a prospective and longitudinal study, International Journal of Radiation Oncology - Biology - Physics 69(3): 656-661.
- Vulpen, M. van; Lips, I.; Jeukens, C.; Hofman, P.; Raaymakers, B.W.; Battermann, J.J.; Lagendijk, J.J.W. & Heide, U.A. van der (2006), Prostate dose escalation: Blind versus GTV-assured boost., Radiotherapy and Oncology 81: S378-S379.
- Terhaard, C.H.J.; Hobbelink, M.G.G.; Heide, U.A. van der; Verduijn, G.M.; Kotte, A.N.T.J.; Astreinidou, E. & Rijk, P.P. van (2004), Clinical relevance of FDG-PET scanning for image guided RT in head and neck cancer, Radiotherapy & Oncology 73: S226-S227.
- Editor Radiotherapy and oncology