Universiteit Leiden

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Ursula Kilkelly

Visiting professor

Prof.dr. U. Kilkelly
+31 71 527 2727

Ursula is an established professor of law at University College Cork, Ireland, with expertise in international children’s rights law. In 2022-2023, Ursula will hold the Rotating Chair Enforcement of Children’s Rights at Leiden Law School.

More information about Ursula Kilkelly

Dr Ursula Kilkelly is a professor of law at University College Cork and in 2022-2023 she holds the Rotating Chair Enforcement of Children’s Rights in Leiden Law School.  Ursula has published widely on the legal implementation of children’s rights, in academic journals, monographs and edited collections. Her expertise covers areas of youth justice and detention, healthcare and participation of children in decision-making and she has undertaken funded research for national and international bodies over many years.

Visiting professor

  • Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
  • Instituut voor Privaatrecht
  • Jeugdrecht en Gezondheidsrecht
  • No relevant ancillary activities
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