Tuna Kalaycı
Assistant professor
- Name
- Dr. T. Kalaycı
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 2727
- t.kalayci@arch.leidenuniv.nl
- 0000-0002-9134-8242

Tuna Kalaycı is an Assistant Professor at the department of Archaeological Sciences.
More information about Tuna Kalaycı
Office days
Monday to Friday
Tuna Kalaycı is an assistant professor of computational archaeology. His main quantitative interests are remote sensing, data analysis, and modelling. He also tackles questions of landscape archaeology and (ancient) cities. In particular, he focuses on productive landscapes, landscapes of movement, walking/walkability and neighbourhoods. His work also aims to positively challenge modern concepts, such as digitalisation, machine automation and smart cities. He is affiliated with the SAILS Initiative. He is a member of the Kerkenes Project, working on Iron Age urban dynamics.
Teaching activities
Tuna teaches courses on quantitative methods, computer science (Python/R), landscape archaeology, and urbanism.
Curriculum vitae
Tuna holds degrees in Statistics (BSc), Settlement Archaeology (MSc), and Anthropology (PhD).
His dissertation work at the University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, focused on the stability of urban systems during environmental crises. Next, he held a post-doctoral researcher position at the IMS-FORTH (Greece), specialising in remote sensing approaches to archaeology. Before joining Leiden University, he was a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellow at the ISPC-CNR (Italy) and Durham University (UK). His “Modern Geospatial Technologies for Ancient Movement Praxis” project produced computational tools to understand Bronze Age traffic in Upper Mesopotamia.
Assistant professor
- Faculteit Archeologie
- Archaeological Sciences
- Digital Archaeology
- Vadineanu S., Kalayci T., Pelt D.M. & Batenburg K.J. (2024), Convolutional neural networks and their activations: an exploratory case study on mounded settlements, Journal of Computer Applications in Archaeology 7(1): 262-282.
- Kalaycı T., Turgut A.E., Branting S., Saranlı U. & Cüneyitoğlu M. (2024), Swarm Robotics and Archaeology: A Concepts Paper. Secchi C & Marconi L. (Eds.), Springer Proceedings in Advanced Robotics. no. 33.
- Amarasinghe P., Kalaycı T. & Aerde M. van (2023), All roads lead to Beijing: politics, power, and profits of the roads. In: Kalayci T. (Ed.), Archaeologies of roads. Grand Forks, ND: The Digital Press at The University of North Dakota. 369-392.
- Kalayci T. (Ed.) (2023), Archaeologies of roads . Grand Forks: The Digital Press at the University of North Dakota.
- Kalayci T. (2023), Archaeologies of roads: an introduction. In: Kalayci T. (Ed.), Archaeologies of roads. Grand Forks: The Digital Press at the University of North Dakota. 1-29.
- Kalayci T., Lambers K. & Klinkenberg V. (Eds.) (2023), Digital Archaeology: Promises and Impasses. Analecta Praehistorica Leidensia no. 51. Leiden: Sidestone Press.
- Kalayci T. & Haciguzeller P. (2023), Metaphors, Myths, and Transformations in Digital Archaeology. In: Kalayci T., Lambers K. & Klinkenberg V. (Eds.), Digital Archaeology: Promises and Impasses. Analecta Praehistorica Leidensia no. 51. Leiden: Sidestone Press. 17-31.
- Branting S., Lehner J.W., Langis-Barsetti D., Kalaycı T. Baturayoglu Yöney N., Özarslan Y., Siver N., Atalan Çayırezmez N. & Coockson B.C. (2023), Exploration of the metropolis at Kerkenes Dağı. In: Draycott C.M., Branting S., Lehner J.W. & Özarslan Y. (Eds.), From Midas to Cyrus and Other Stories: Papers on Iron Age Anatolia in Honour of Geoffrey and Françoise Summers no. 57: British Institute at Ankara.
- Katsianis M., Kalayci T. & Sarris A. (2022), Bridging digital approaches and legacy in archaeology, Digital 2(4): 538-545.
- Kalaycı T. & Wainwright. J. (2021), An abstract Agent-Based Model (ABM) for herd movement in the Khabur Basin, the Jazira. In: Recht L. & Tsouparopoulou C. (Eds.) Fierce lions, angry mice and fat-tailed sheep. Cambridge, UK: McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research.
- Atalan Çayırezmez N., Hacıgüzeller P. & Kalayci T. (2021), Archaeological digital archiving in Turkey, Internet Archaeology 58: .
- Kalayci T. (2020), Processing and Analysing Satellite Data. In: Gillings M., Hacıgüzeller P. & Lock G. (Eds.), Archaeological Spatial Analysis: A Methodological Guide: Routledge.
- Sarris A., Kalayci T., Papadopoulos N., Argyriou N., Donati J., Kakoulaki G., Manataki M., Papadakis M., Nikas N., Scotton P. & Kissas K. (2020), Geophysical explorations of the classical coastal settlement of Lechaion, Peloponnese (Greece). Dabas M., Campana S. & Sarris A. (Eds.), Mapping the Past From sampling sites and landscapes to exploring the ‘archaeological continuum’. UISPP 4 June 2018 - 9 June 2018 no. 8. Oxford: Archaeopress Archaeology. 43-52.
- Seifried R. M. Kalaycı T. (2019), An Exploratory Spatial Analysis of the Churches in the Southern Mani Peninsula, Greece, Open Archaeology 5: 519-539.
- Kalayci T., Lasaponara R., Wainwright J. & Masini N. (2019), Multispectral contrast of archaeological features: a quantitative evaluation, Remote Sensing 11(8): 913.
- Erb-Satullo N.L., Jachvliani D., Kalayci T., Puturidze M. & Simon K. (2019), Investigating the spatial organisation of Bronze and Iron Age fortress complexes in the South Caucasus, Antiquity 93(368): 412-431.
- Branting S., Lehner J.W., Baltali-Tirpan S., Langis-Barsetti D., Kalayci T., Graff S.R., Proctor L., Baturayoglu-Yoney N., Asiliskender B., Cakirlar-Oddens C. & Marston J.M. (2019), The Kerkenes Project, 2017–2018. In: Steadman S.R. & McMahon G. (Eds.), The archaeology of Anatolia: volume III: recent discoveries (2017–2018). The Archaeology of Anatolia: Recent Discoveries no. 3: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. 99-111.
- Schloen D., Herrmann V. & Kalayci T. (2019), Zincirli Hoyuk Kazilari 2018, 41. Kazi Sonuclari Toplantisi: 1. Cilt. 41. Uluslararası Kazı, Araştırma ve Arkeometri Sempozyumu 17 June 2019 - 21 June 2019: T.C. Kultur ve Turizm Bakanligi. 525-532.
- Branting S., Baltali-Tirpan S., Lehner J., Langis-Barsetti D., Kalayci T., Yoney N., Asiliskender B., Graff S.R. & Proctor L. (2019), Kerkenes 2018, 41. Kazi Sonuclari Toplantisi: 4. Cilt. 41. Uluslararası Kazı, Araştırma ve Arkeometri Sempozyumu 17 June 2019 - 21 June 2019: T.C. Kultur ve Turizm Bakanligi. 99-115.
- Sarris A., Kalogiropoulou E., Kalayci T. & Karimali E. (Eds.) (2018), Communities, landscapes, and interaction in Neolithic Greece. International Monographs in Prehistory no. 20: Berghahn Books.
- Sarris A., Kalayci T., Moffat I. & Manataki M. (2018), An introduction to geophysical and geochemical methods in digital geoarchaeology. In: Siart C., Forbriger M. & Bubenzer O. (Eds.), Digital geoarchaeology: new techniques for interdisciplinary human-environmental research. Natural Science in Archaeology. Cham: Springer. 215-236.
- Kalayci T. (2018), Arkeolojide Mekansal Teknolojiler: Uzaktan Algılama ve Coğrafi Bilgi Sistemleri. In: Unlusoy S., Cakirlar C. & Çilingiroglu C. (Eds.), Arkeolojide Temel Yöntemler. Istanbul: Ege Yayınlari. 69-108.
- Sarris A., Kalayci T., Simon F-X., Donati J., Cuenca-Garcia C., Manataki M., Cantoro G., Moffat I., Kalogiropoulou E., Karampatsou G., Armstrong K., Argyriou N., Dederix S., Manzetti K, Nikas N., Vouzaxakis K., Rondiri V., Arachoviti P., Almatzi K., Efstathiou D. & Stamelou E. (2018), Opening a new frontier in the Neolithic settlement patterns of Eastern Thessaly, Greece. Sarris A., Kalogiropoulou E., Kalayci T. & Karimali E. (Eds.), Communities, landscapes, and interaction in Neolithic Greece: proceedings of the International Conference, Rethymno 29-30 May, 2015. International Conference 29 May 2015 - 30 May 2015. Archaeological Series no. 20: Berghahn Books. 27-48.
- Alram-Stern E., Sarris A., Vouzaxakis K., Almatzi K., Arxchoviti P., Rondiri V., Efstathiou D., Stamelou E., Cuenca-Garcia C., Kalayci T., Simon F-X., Cantoro G., Donati J.C. & Manataki M. (2018), Visviki Magoula revisited: comparing past excavations' data to recent geophysical research. Sarris A., Kalogiropoulou E., Kalayci T. & Karimali E. (Eds.), Communities, landscapes, and interaction in Neolithic Greece: proceedings of the International Conference, Rethymno 29-30 May, 2015. International Conference 29 May 2015 - 30 May 2015. Archaeological Series no. 20: Berghahn Books. 137-148.
- Branting S., Baltali-Tirpan S., Lehner J., Langis-Barsetti D., Kalayci T., Ozarslan Y., Yoney N., Asiliskender B., Graff S.R., Proctor L. & Paulsen P. (2018), Kerkenes 2017, Kazi Sonuclari Toplantisi: 3. Cilt . 40. Uluslararası Kazı, Araştırma ve Arkeometri Sempozyumu 7 May 2018 - 11 May 2018: T.C. Kultur ve Turizm Bakanligi. 333-350.
- Kalayci T., Simon F.X. & Sarris A. (2017), A manifold approach for the investigation of Early and Middle Neolithic settlements in Thessaly, Greece, Geosciences 7(3): 79.
- Donati J.C., Sarris A., Papadopoulos N., Kalayci T., Simon F-X., Manataki M., Moffat I. & Cuenca-Garcia C. (2017), A regional approach to ancient urban studies in Greece through multi-settlement geophysical survey, Journal of Field Archaeology 42(5): 450-467.
- Branting S., Baltali-Tirpan S., Lehner J.W., Ozarslan Y., Langis-Barsetti D., Kalayci T., Baturayoglu Yoney N., Graff S.R., Proctor L. & Asiliskender B. (2017), Kerkenes 2015, 38. Kazi Sonuclari Toplantisi: 2. Cilt. Kazi Sonuclari Toplantisi 23 May 2016 - 27 May 2016: T.C. Kultur ve Turizm Bakanligi. 179-190.
- Sarris A., Kalayci T., Papadakis M., Nikas N., Mori M., Farinetti E., Slapsak B. & Bintliff J.L. (2017), Exploring the urban fabric of Ancient Haliartos, Boeotia (Greece) through remote sensing techniques. Jennings B., Gaffney C., Sparrow T. & Gaffney S. (Eds.), 12th International Conference of Archaeological Prospection. International Conference on Archaeological Prospection 12 September 2017 - 16 September 2017: Archaeopress. 203-205.
- Papadopoulos N., Beck J., Simyrdanis K., Cantoro G., Argyriou N., Nikas N., Kalayci T. & Koutsoumpa D. (2017), Ultra shallow marine geophysical prospection in the prehistoric site of Lambayanna. Jennings B., Gaffney C., Sparrow T. & Gaffney S. (Eds.), AP2017: 12th International Conference of Archaeological Prospection. International Conference on Archaeological Prospection 12 September 2017 - 16 September 2017. Oxford: Archaeopress. 172-174.
- Kalayci T. (2016), Settlement sizes and agricultural production territiories: a remote sensing case study for the Early Bronze Age in Upper Mesopotamia, Science and Technology of Archaeological Research 2(2): 217-234.
- Kalayci T. & Sarris A. (2016), Multi-sensor geomagnetic prospection: a case study from Neolithic Thessaly, Greece, Remote Sensing 8(11): 966.
- Kalayci T. (2015), A Remote Sensing Approach for Exploring Ancient Traffic, International Journal of Heritage in the Digital Era (IJHDE) 4(3): 257-274.
- Agapiou A., Alexakis D., Simon F-X., Kalayci T., Papadopoulos N., Sarris A. & Hadjimitsis D. (2015), Extraction of Archaeological Information Using High Resolution FormoSAT-2 Data, International Journal of Heritage in the Digital Era (IJHDE) 4(3-4): 241-255.
- Simon F-X., Kalayci T., Donati J.C., Cuenca-Garcia C., Manataki M. & Sarris A. (2015), How efficient is an integrative approach in archaeological geophysics? Comparative case studies from Neolithic settlements in Thessaly (Central Greece), Near Surface Geophysics 13(6): 633-643.
- Armstrong K.L. & Kalayci T. (2015), Images of the Past: Magnetic Prospection in Archaeology. In: Sarris A. (Ed.), Best Practices of GeoInformatic Technologies for the Mapping of Archaeolandscapes: Archaeopress. 1-11.
- Kalayci T. (2015), Data Integration in Archaeological Prospection. In: Sarris A. (Ed.), Best Practices of GeoInformatic Technologies for the Mapping of Archaeolandscapes: Archaeopress. 71-83.
- Manataki M., Sarris A., Donati J.C., Cuenca-Garcia C. & Kalayci T. (2015), GPR: Theory and Practice in Archaeological Prospection. In: Sarris A. (Ed.), Best Practices of GeoInformatic Technologies for the Mapping of Archaeolandscapes: Archaeopress. 13-24.
- Kalayci T. (2015), A Review on the Potential Use of CORONA Images of Greece. Papadopoulos C., Paliou E., Chrysanthi A., Kotoula E. & Sarris A. (Eds.), Archaeological Research in the Digital Age: Proceedings of the 1st Conference on Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology Greek Chapter. 55-63.
- Cantoro G., Papadopoulos N., Argyriou N., Armstrong K., Cuenca-Garcia C., Donati J.C., Kalayci T., Moffat I., Sarris A. & Simon F-X. (2015), A Satellite, Aerial and Low-Altitude Approach for Ancient Greek Cities, ISAP News 42: 3-6.
- Kalayci T. (2014) High Resolution Optical Satellite Imagery. Review of: Dowman I., Jacobsen K., Konecny G. & Sandau R., High Resolution Optical Satellite Imagery. Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing 80(3): 213.
- Sarris A., Kalayci T. & Papadopoulos N. (2013), Geophysical Prospection on the Volcanic Environs of Therasia Island, Cyclades, Greece, ISAP News 37: 2-4.
- Casana J., Cothren J. & Kalayci T. (2012), Swords into Ploughshares: Archaeological Applications of CORONA Satellite Imagery in the Near East, Internet Archaeology 32: .
- Kalayci T. (2009), Predictive Modeling of Settlement Mounds (9000-5500 B.C.) in the Lake District and its Immediate Environs. Aygun C.O. (Ed.), SOMA 2007: Proceedings of the XI Symposium on Mediterranean Archaeology. : Archaeopress. 171-178.
- Erciyas D.B., Sokmen E. & Kalayci T. (2008), Tokat İli Komana Antik Kenti Yuzey Arastirmasi 2006, 25. Arastirma Sonuclari Toplantisi 2. Cilt . : T.C. Kultur ve Turizm Bakanligi. 197-212.