Tomás Dodds
Assistant professor
- Name
- Dr. T. Dodds
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 6254
- 0000-0003-4724-5307

Tomás Dodds is an Assistant Professor in Journalism and New Media at Leiden University and a Faculty Associate at the Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University. He is also a researcher in the AI, Media & Democracy Lab in the Netherlands and the Artificial Intelligence and Society Hub [IA+SIC] in Chile.
More information about Tomás Dodds
Fields of interest
Tomás’ current research interests focus on artificial intelligence and automation in the media sector, immersive technologies, civic data science, and governance of technologies and the Internet.
As a journalist, Tomás has worked in the Press Office of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) in Washington D.C. and the Regional Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights in Santiago, Chile. He also worked as a correspondent for the EFE News Agency, the most prominent Spanish multimedia news agency. As a correspondent, he covered political and economic news, with some of his articles published or translated into Spanish, Portuguese, and English.
Assistant professor
- Faculty of Humanities
- Leiden Univ Centre for Linguistics
- LUCL Journalistiek en Nieuwe Media
- Mellado C., Cruz A. & Dodds T. (2024), Inteligencia artificial y audiencias en Chile. Valparaíso, Chile: Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso.
- Dodds T. (Ed.) (2024), Immersive journalism: virtual reality and the future of the news industry. London, U.K. : Lexington Books.
- Baftiu D. & Dodds Rojas T. (2023), Adapting to Twitter: the entanglement of journalistic values and online personas, Journalism Studies 24(10): 1295-1315.
- Dodds T., Vreese C. de, Helberger N., Reséndez V. & Seipp T. (2023), Popularity-driven metrics: audience analytics and shifting opinion power to digital platforms, Journalism Studies 24(3): 403-421.
- Dodds Rojas T. (9 February 2022), Newsroom dissonance: how new digital technologies are changing professional roles in contemporary newsrooms (PhD thesis. Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology, Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences, Leiden University). Supervisor(s): Maeckelbergh M. & Westmoreland M.
- Dodds T. (2022), Etnografía de medios en Chile: estrategias y consideraciones éticas. In: Faure A. & Lagos C. (Eds.), Campo en obras: postales y apuntes sobre los estudios de periodismo en Chile. Santiago de Chile: Editorial Universidad de Santiago de Chile. 101-122.
- Dodds T. (2021), Structures of resistance: citizen-generated reporting in times of social unrest. In: Lopez G., Masip P., Palau D., Campos E. & Palomo B. (Eds.), Politics of disinformation: the influence of fake news on public sphere: Wiley-Blackwell. 119-131.
- Dodds T. , Algorithmic-based technologies’ impact on journalistic identities. Leiden Anthropology Blog. Leiden: Leiden University. [blog entry].
- Reséndez V., Seipp T., Dodds T., Helberger N., De Vreese C., Borchardt A., Hueck H., Deuze M. & Baron G. , What would happen if Facebook and Google left your country tomorrow?. Media@LSE. London. [blog entry].
- Dodds T. , How Chilean activists used citizen-generated data to fight disinformation. DATACTIVE. [blog entry].
- Dodds T. (2019), Reporting with WhatsApp: mobile chat applications’ impact on journalistic practices, Digital Journalism 7(6): .
- Brossi L., Dodds T. & Passerón E. (Eds.) (2019), Inteligencia artificial y bienestar de las juventudes en América Latina. Santiago de Chile: LOM Ediciones.
- Brossi L. & Dodds T. (Eds.) (2019), Visualización de datos: Periodismo y comunicación en la era de la información visual. Santiago de Chile: Editorial Universitaria.
- Dodds T. (2019), Aproximaciones a los procesos editoriales y encuadres en la producción de información visual en la prensa chilena. In: Brossi L. & Dodds T. (Eds.), Visualización de datos: periodismo y comunicación en la era de la información visual . Santiago de Chile: Editorial Universitaria.
- Brossi L. & Dodds T. (2019), Inteligencia artificial y dinámicas de inclusión/exclusión de las juventudes. In: Brossi L., Dodds T. & Passerón E. (Eds.), Inteligencia artificial y bienestar de las juventudes en América Latina. Santiago de Chile: LOM Ediciones. 61-69.
- Dodds T. (2018), Review of: Mozaffari M. (2017), Islamism: a new totalitarianism. Boulder: Lynne Rienner Publishers. Democratization 25(8): 1551-1553.
- Dodds T. (2018) Democracy and Its Discontents in Latin America. Review of: Foweraker J. & Trevizo D. (2016), Democracy and Its Discontents in Latin America. Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner Publishers. Latin American Policy 9(1): 176-177.
- Dodds T. (2018) A Global Political Morality. Review of: Perry M. (2017), A Global Political Morality. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Human Rights Review 19(3): 415-416.
- Dodds T. (2018) Crisis of Journalism Reconsidered: Democratic Culture, Professional Codes, Digital Future. Review of: Alexander J.C., Butler Breese E. & Luengo M. (2016), Crisis of Journalism Reconsidered: Democratic Culture, Professional Codes, Digital Future. New York: Cambridge University Press. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly 95(3): 842-844.
- Dodds T. & Garcia del Rio F. (2017), Evaluando la relación entre el consumo televisivo y las actitudes hacia personas viviendo con VIH/sida en Chile, Investigación & Desarrollo 25(1): 6-22.
- Dodds T. (2017), Efecto del postmaterialismo y nivel sociocultural en el comportamiento de voto chileno, Ciencia Política 12(24): 205-235.
- Dodds T. & Brossi L. (Eds.) (2017), Medios y diversidades sexuales: Política, cuerpo e identidad. Santiago de Chile: Ediciones Radio Universidad de Chile.
- Rivas S. & Dodds T. (17 December 2017), Viaje a las "comunas inciertas" de cara al balotaje. La Tercera: 8-9.
- Dodds T. (18 October 2017), Ni una menos: los orígenes y desafíos del movimiento a un año de su marcha más masiva. T13.
- Dodds T. (15 November 2017), Falla del Minsal en entrega de medicamentos complica tratamiento de pacientes con VIH/Sida. T13.
- Dodds T. & Amor I.M. (2016), Posicionamiento de las mujeres como locutoras en las transmisiones de programas radiales en Santiago de Chile, Estudios sobre el Mensaje Periodístico 22(2): 981-993.