Tom Buitelaar
Assistant Professor
- Name
- Dr. T.J.A. Buitelaar
- Telephone
- +31 70 800 9985

Tom Buitelaar is an Assistant Professor in the War, Peace & Justice program of the Institute of Security and Global Affairs at Leiden University.
More information about Tom Buitelaar
News and media
Research output
Discourse change in international organisations: How UN peace operations respond to global normative change and shifting power distributions
Leadership Agency in UN Peace Operations
Using Agent-Level Factors to Explain Variation in Human Rights Promotion Strategies
Promoting Accountability for War Crimes: Should UN Peacekeepers be involved?
UN-ICC Cooperation: Walking A Tightrope
Criminal accountability at what cost? Norm conflict, UN peace operations and the International Criminal Court
Tom Buitelaar is an Assistant Professor in the War, Peace & Justice program of the Institute of Security and Global Affairs at Leiden University. He studies and teaches on the role of international conflict interventions in world politics. He is particularly interested in the micro-dynamics of these interventions, the role of individual agency, and how they are guided by international norms. Tom holds a PhD from the European University Institute and two Masters from Utrecht University and the University of Amsterdam.
His most recent publications include Asssisting International Justice: Cooperation Between UN Peacekeepers and the International Criminal Court in the Democratic Republic of Congo (Oxford University Press) as well as several journal articles in the European Journal of International Relations, Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding and Contemporary Security Policy.
He is also the coordinator of the Minor Global Affairs and a co-convener at the Leiden University Centre for International Relations.
Finally, Tom is the co-chair of the Dutch Peacekeeping Network which convenes NGOs, academia, and the Dutch Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Defense, to consider and improve the Dutch role in UN peacekeeping operations.
He is open for PhD proposals on the above subjects.
Personal website:
Assistant Professor
- Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
- Institute of Security and Global Affairs
- War, Peace and Justice
- Buitelaar T. (2024), Discourse change in international organizations: How UN peace operations respond to global normative change and shifting power distributions, Contemporary Security Policy : 1-28.
- Buitelaar T. (2024), Leadership Agency in UN Peace Operations, International Peacekeeping : 1-29.
- Buitelaar T. (2024), Human Security and Accountability in the Central African Republic: A Bridge Half-Crossed, Journal of International Peacekeeping 27(1): 115-149.
- Buitelaar T. (2024) Advocacy and Change in International Organizations: : Communication, Protection, and Reconstruction in UN Peacekeeping, by Kseniya Oksamytna. Review of: Kseniya Oksamytna, Advocacy and Change in International Organizations: Communication, Protection, and Reconstruction in UN Peacekeeping: Oxford University Press. Global Governance: A Review of Multilateralism and International Organizations 30: 464-467 (1).
- Buitelaar Tom (2023), Assisting international justice: cooperation between UN Peacekeepers and the International Criminal Court in the Democratic Republic of Congo . Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Buitelaar T.J.A. (2023), Just leaves in the wind? : Using agent-level factors to explain variation in human rights promotion strategies, Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding 17(3): 273-293.
- Buitelaar Tom & Wels Welmoet (4 September 2023), Opinie: laten we waken voor pessimisme en cynisme over Nederlandse missies. De Volkskrant.
- Buitelaar Tom (2023) Handbook on Peacekeeping and International Relations Handbook on Peacekeeping and International Relations , edited by Han Dorussen, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar, 2022, 408 pp., £190 (hardcover), ISBN 9781839109928: edited by Han Dorussen, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar, 2022, 408 pp., £190 (hardcover), ISBN 9781839109928. Review of: Dorussen Han (2022), Handbook on Peacekeeping and International Relations. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar. International Peacekeeping 31: 529-532.
- T.J.A. Buitelaar (2022), UN-ICC Cooperation: Walking a Tightrope. Oslo: NUPI: Norwegian Institute of International Affairs.
- Buitelaar T.J.A. & Hirschmann G.K. (2021), Criminal accountability at what cost? Norm conflict, UN peace operations and the International Criminal Court, European Journal of International Relations 27(2): 548-571.
- Buitelaar T.J.A. & Willigen N.J.G. van (2021), Vredesmissies in een geopolitieke context: welke rol voor Nederland?, Militaire Spectator 190(11): 540 (553).
- Buitelaar T. (2018), Blue Helmets and Black Robes: The Cooperation Between Peacekeepers and International Criminal Tribunals, St Anthony International Review 14(1): 53-82.
- Buitelaar T. & Daws S. (2018), The election and distribution of the non-permanent members of the Security Council. In: Fröhlich M. & Williams A. (Eds.), The UN Secretary-General and the Security Council: A Dynamic Relationship . Oxford: Oxford University Press. 232-248.
- Buitelaar T. & Ponzio R. (2018), Mobilizing Smart Coalitions and Negotiating Global Governance Reform. In: Durch W., Larik J. & Ponzio R. (Eds.), Just Security in an Undergoverned World. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 463-487.
- Buitelaar T. (2016), The ICC and the Prevention of Atrocities: Criminological Perspectives, Human Rights Review 17(3): 285-302.
- Buitelaar T. (2015), De luchtverdediging van de Koninklijke Luchtmacht, 1967-1980, Militaire Spectator : .
- Netwerk van mensen in Nederland die zich met vredesmissies bezighouden