Tjerk Oosterkamp
Professor of Experimental physics
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- T.H. Oosterkamp
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- 071 5275424
- 0000-0001-6855-5190

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Oosterkamp Lab page (Microscopy and Quantum Mechanics at milliKelvin temperatures)
Professor of Experimental physics
- Science
- Leiden Instituut Onderzoek Natuurkunde
- LION - Quantum Matter & Optics
- Heck B. van, Fuchs T.M., Plugge J., Bosch W.A. & Oosterkamp T.H. (2023), Magnetic cooling and vibration iIsolation of a sub‑kHz mechanical resonator, Journal of Low Temperature Physics 210: 588-609.
- Reep T.H.A. van der, Rademaker L., Le Large X.G.A., Guis R.H. & Oosterkamp T.H. (2021), An experimental proposal to study collapse of the wave function in traveling-wave parametric amplifiers, Physica Status Solidi. B: Basic Research 258(4): 2000576.
- Wit M. de, Welker G., Wagenaar J.J.T., Hoekstra F.G. & Oosterkamp T.H. (2019), Feasibility of imaging in nuclear magnetic resonance force microscopy using Boltzmann polarization, Journal of Applied Physics 125(8): 083901.
- Oosterkamp T.H., Boudewijn T. & Leeuwen J.M.J. van (2019), Skating on slippery ice, Europhysics News 50(1): 28-32.
- Wit M. de, Welker G., Hoekstra F.G. & Oosterkamp T.H. (2019), Flux compensation for SQUID-detected Magnetic Resonance Force Microscopy, Cryogenics 98: 67-70.
- Wit M. de, Welker G., Heeck K., Buters F.M., Eerkens H.J., Koning G., Meer H. van der, Bouwmeester D. & Oosterkamp T.H. (2019), Vibration isolation with high thermal conductance for a cryogen-free dilution refrigerator, Review of Scientific Instruments 90: 015112.
- Wit M. de, Welker G., Voogd J.M. de & Oosterkamp T.H. (2018), Density and T1 of surface and bulk spins in diamond in high magnetic field gradients, Physical Review Applied 10(6): 064045.
- Oosterkamp T.H. & Leeuwen J.M.J. van (9 February 2018), Eigenlijk is schaatsen nog steeds een fundamenteel raadsel. De Volkskrant, Sport.
- Bulk M., Weerd L. van der, Breimer W., Lebedev N., Webb A., Goeman J.J., Ward R.J., Huber M.I., Oosterkamp T.H. & Bossoni L. (2018), Quantitative comparison of different iron forms in the temporal cortex of Alzheimer patients and control subjects, Scientific Reports 8: 6898.
- Voogd J.M. de, Spronsen M.A. van, Kalff F.E., Bryant B., Ostojic O., Haan A.M.J. den, Groot I.M.N., Oosterkamp T.H., Otte A.F. & Rost M.J. (2017), Fast and reliable pre-approach for scanning probe microscopes based on tip-sample capacitance, Ultramicroscopy 181: 61-69.
- Bossoni L., Grand Moursel L., Bulk M., Simon B.G., Webb A., Weerd L. van der, Huber M.I., Carretta P., Lascialfari A. & Oosterkamp T.H. (2017), Human-brain ferritin studied by muon spin rotation: a pilot study, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 29(41): 415801.
- Verbiest G.J., Oosterkamp T.H. & Rost M.J. (2017), Subsurface contrast due to friction in heterodyne force microscopy, Nanotechnology 28(6): 085704.
- Wagenaar J.J.T., Haan A.M.J. den, Donkersloot R.J., Marsman F., Wit M. de, Bossoni L. & Oosterkamp T.H. (2017), Mechanical generation of radio-frequency fields in nuclear-magnetic-resonance force microscopy, Physical Review Applied 7(2): 024019.
- Waarde B. van, Benningshof O.W.B. & Oosterkamp T.H. (2016), A magnetic persistent current switch at milliKelvin temperatures, Cryogenics 78: 74-77.
- Kumar P., Bulk M., Webb A., Weerd L. van der, Oosterkamp T.H., Huber M.I. & Bossoni L. (2016), A novel approach to quantify different iron forms in ex-vivo human brain tissue, Scientific Reports 6: 38916.
- Vinante A., Bahrami M., Usenko O., Wijts G.H.C.J. & Oosterkamp T.H. (2016), Upper bounds on spontaneous wave-function collapse models using millikelvin-cooled nanocantilevers, Physical Review Letters 116: 090402.
- Wagenaar J.J.T., Haan A.M.J. den, Voogd J.M. de, Bossoni L., Jong T.A. de, Wit M. de, Bastiaans K.M., Thoen D.J., Endo A., Klapwijk T.M., Zaanen J. & Oosterkamp T.H. (2016), Probing the Nuclear Spin-Lattice Relaxation Time at the Nanoscale, Physical Review Applied 6(1): 014007.
- Benningshof O.W.B., Nguyen D.H., Dadema M.R., Beker A.F., Oosterkamp T.H. & Jochemsen R. (2015), Characterization of the channel walls roughness in photonic crystal fibers, Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures 66: 33-39.
- Overweg H.C., Haan A.M.J. den, Eerkens H.J., Alkemade P.F.A., Bossoni L. & Oosterkamp T.H. (2015), Probing the magnetic moment of FePt micromagnets prepared by Focus Ion Beam milling, Applied Physics Letters 107: 072402.
- Haan A.M.J. den, Wagenaar J.J.T., Voogd J.M. de, Koning G. & Oosterkamp T.H. (2015), Spin-mediated dissipation and frequency shifts of a cantilever at milliKelvin temperatures, Physical Review B: Condensed Matter 92: 235441.
- Verbiest G.J., Zalm D.J. van der, Oosterkamp T.H. & Rost M.J. (2015), A subsurface add-on for standard atomic force microscopes, Review of Scientific Instruments 86: 033704.
- Oosterkamp T.H. (24 October 2015), Beeld van de week. De Volkskrant.
- Martens A.A., Bus M., Thüne P.C., Oosterkamp T.H. & Smet L.C.P.M. de (2014), Detailed AFM Force Spectroscopy of the Interaction Between CD44–IgG Fusion Protein and Hyaluronan, BioNanoScience 4: 232-239.
- Haan A.M.J. den, Wijts G.H.C.J., Galli F., Usenko O., Baarle D.W. van, Zalm D.J. van der & Oosterkamp T.H. (2014), Atomic resolution scanning tunneling microscopy in a cryogen free dilution refrigerator at 15 mK, Review of Scientific Instruments 85: 035112.
- Verbiest G.J., Oosterkamp T.H. & Rost M.J. (2013), Subsurface-AFM: sensitivity to the heterodyne signal, Nanotechnology 24(365701): 1-6.
- Verbiest G.J., Oosterkamp T.H. & Rost M.J. (2013), Cantilever dynamics in heterodyne force microscopy, Ultramicroscopy 135: 113-120.
- Broek B. van den, Ashcroft B.A., Oosterkamp T.H. & Noort S.J.T. van (2013), Parallel nanometric 3D tracking of intracellular gold nanorods using multifocal two-photon microscopy, Nano Letters 13(3): 980-986.
- Wezel J. van & Oosterkamp T.H. (2012), A nanoscale experiment measuring gravity's role in breaking the unitarity of quantum dynamics, Proceedings of the royal society A 468: 35-57.
- Sar T. van der, Hagemeier J., Pfaff W., Heeres E.C., Thon S.M., Kim H., Petroff P.M., Oosterkamp T.H., Bouwmeester D. & Hanson R. (2012), Effect of a nanoparticle on the optical properties of a photonic crystal cavity: theory and experiment, Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics 29(4): 698-703.
- Yuana Y., Kuil M.E., Oosterkamp T.H., Bertina R.M. & Osanto S. (2012), Atomic Force Microscopy and the Detection of Nanosized Blood Microparticles. In: Hunter R.J. & Preedy V.R. (Eds.), Nanomedicine and the Cardiovascular System: CRC Press.
- Liu Z., Galli F., Waterreus W.J., Meulenbroek E.M., Koning R.I., Lamers G.E.M., Olsthoorn R.C.L., Pannu N.S., Oosterkamp T.H., Koster A.J., Dame R.T. & Abrahams J.P. (2012), Single-walled carbon nanotubes as scaffolds to concentrate DNA for the study of DNA-protein interactions, ChemPhysChem 13(6): 1569-1575.
- Oosterkamp T.H. (2 February 2012), Wat niet kan (en toch wel). De grenzen van de quantummechanica. Leids Universitair Weekblad Mare: 7-7.
- Verbiest G.J., Simon J.N., Oosterkamp T.H. & Rost M.J. (2012), Subsurface Atomic Force Microscopy: Towards a quantitative understanding, Nanotechnology 23(14): .
- Riet J. te, Katan A.J., Rankl C., Stahl S.W., Buul A.M. van, Phang I.Y., Gomez-Casado A., Schön P., Gerritsen J.W., Cambi A., Rowan A.E., Vancso G.J., Jonkheijm P., Huskens J., Oosterkamp T.H., Gaub H., Hinterdorfer P., Figor C.G. & Speller S. (2012), Interlaboratory round robin on cantilever calibration for AFM force spectroscopy, Ultramicroscopy 111: 1659-1669.
- Vinante A., Kirste A., Haan A.M.J. den, Usenko O., Wijts G.H.C.J., Jeffrey E.R., Sonin P., Bouwmeester D. & Oosterkamp T.H. (2012), High sensitivity SQUID-detection and feedback-cooling of an ultrasoft microcantilever, Applied Physics Letters 101(12): 123101.
- Ashcroft B.A., Sonneville J. de, Yuana Y., Osanto S., Bertina R., Kuil M.E. & Oosterkamp T.H. (2012), Determination of the size distribution of blood microparticles directly in plasma using atomic force microscopy and microfluids, Biomedical Microdevices : .
- Beenakker J.W.M., Ashcroft B.A., Lindeman J.H.N. & Oosterkamp T.H. (2012), Mechanical properties of the extra cellular matrix of the aorta studied by enzymatic treatments, Biophysical Journal 102: 1731-1737.
- Heeres E.C., Oosterkamp T.H. & Jonge N. de (2012), Size of the localized electron emission sites on a closed multiwalled carbon nanotube, Physical Review Letters 108(3): 036804.
- Oosterkamp T.H. (2011), Wetenschappers gaan de markt op. [other].
- Oosterkamp T.H. (2011), Natuurkundetheorieën tastbaar maken. [other].
- Oosterkamp T.H. (2011), De prof als ondernemer. [other].
- Usenko O., Vinante A., Wijts G.H.C.J. & Oosterkamp T.H. (2011), A superconducting quantum interference device based read-out of a subattonewton force sensor operating at millikelvin temperatures, Applied Physics Letters 98(13): .
- Vinante A., Wijts G.H.C.J., Usenko O., Schinkelshoek L.J. & Oosterkamp T.H. (2011), Magnetic resonance force microscopy of paramagnetic electron spins at millikelvin temperatures, 2: .
- Sar T. van der, Hagemeier J., Pfaff W., Heeres E.C., Thon S.M., Kim H., Petroff P.M., Oosterkamp T.H., Bouwmeester D. & Hanson R. (2011), Deterministic nanoassembly of a coupled quantum emitter-photonic crystal cavity system, Applied Physics Letters 98(19): 193103.
- Gavan K.B., Rector J.H., Heeck K., Chavan D., Gruca G., Oosterkamp T.H. & Iannuzzi D. (2011), Top-down approach to fiber-top cantilevers, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 36(15): 2898-2900.
- Heeres E.C., Oosterkamp T.H. & Jonge N. de (2011), Making carbon nanotube electron sources of defined lengths and with closed caps, Nanotechnology 22(23): .
- Lindeman J.H.N., Ashcroft B.A., Beenakker J.W.M., Es M.H. van, Koekkoek N.B.R., Prins F.A., Tielemans J.F., Abdul-Hussien H., Bank R.A. & Oosterkamp T.H. (2010), Distinct defects in collagen micro-architecture cause vessel wall failure in the aortic abdominal aneurysm and Marfan syndrome, PNAS 107(2): 862-865.
- Yuana Y., Oosterkamp T.H., Bahatyrova S., Ashcroft B.A., Garcia Rodriguez P., Bertina R.M. & Osanto S. (2010), Atomic Force Microscopy: a novel approach to the detection of nanosized blood microparticles, Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis 8: 315-323.
- Tabak F.C., Disseldorp E.C.M., Wortel G.H., Katan A.J., Hesselberth M.B.S., Oosterkamp T.H., Frenken J.W.M. & Spengen W.M. van (2010), MEMS-based fast scanning probe microscopes, Ultramicroscopy 110: 599-604.
- Beenakker J.W.M., Lindeman J.H.N., Ashcroft B.A., Es M.H. van, Koekkoek N.B.R., Prins F.A., Tielemans J.F., Abdul-Hussien H., Bank R.A. & Oosterkamp T.H. (2010), Distinct defects in collagen micro-architecture underlie vessel wall failure in growing aortic abdominal aneurysms and aneurysms in Marfan syndrome, Atherosclerosis 11(2): 101.
- Disseldorp E.C.M., Tabak F.C., Wortel G.H., Katan A.J., Hesselberth M.B.S., Oosterkamp T.H., Frenken J.W.M. & Spengen W.M. van (2010), MEMS-based high speed scanning probe microscopy, Review of Scientific Instruments 81(4): 043702.
- Heeres E.C., Katan A.J., Es M.H. van, Beker A.F., Hesselberth M.B.S., Zalm D.J. van der & Oosterkamp T.H. (2010), A compact multipurpose nanomanipulator for use inside a scanning electron microscope, Review of Scientific Instruments 81: 023704.
- Patil A.V., Beker A.F., Wiertz F.G.M., Heering H.A., Coslovich G., Vlijm R. & Oosterkamp T.H. (2010), Fabrication and characterization of polymer insulated carbon nanotube modified electrochemical nanoprobes, Nanoscale 2(5): 734-738.
- Liu Z., Jiang L., Galli F., Nederlof I., Olsthoorn R.C.L., Lamers G.E.M., Oosterkamp T.H. & Abrahams J.P. (2010), A graphene oxide center dot streptavidin complex for biorecognition - towards affinity purification, Advanced Functional Materials 20(17): 2857-2865.
- Liu Z., Galli F., Janssen K.G.H., Jiang L., Linden H.J. van der, Geus D.C. de, Voskamp P., Kuil M.E., Olsthoorn R.C.L., Oosterkamp T.H., Hankemeier T. & Abrahams J.P. (2010), Stable single-walled carbon nanotube-streptavidin complex for biorecognition, The Journal of Physical Chemistry Part C 114(10): 4345-4352.
- Oosterkamp T.H. (1 April 2010), Op tast naar eiwitten. Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Koninklijke Nederlands Academie voor Wetenschappen. [web article].
- Sar T. van der, Heeres E.C., Oosterkamp T.H. & Hanson R. (2010), Quantumcircuitjes bouwen in een electronenmicroscoop, Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Natuurkunde 75: 408-410.
- Frenken J.W.M. & Oosterkamp T.H. (2010), When mica and water meet, 464: 38-39.
- Spengen W.M. van, Roobol S.B., Klaassen W. & Oosterkamp T.H. (2010), The MEMSamp: using (RF-)MEMS switches for the micromechanical amplification of electronic signals, Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering 20: 125011.
- Oosterkamp T.H., Poggio M., Degen C.L., Mamin H.J. & Rugar D. (2010), Frequency domain multiplexing of force signals with application to magnetic resonance force microscopy, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 96: 083107.
- Disseldorp E.C.M., Tabak F.C., Katan A.J., Hesselberth M.B.S., Oosterkamp T.H., Frenken J.W.M. & Spengen W.M. van (2010), Response to "Comment on 'MEMS-based high speed scanning probe microscopy", Review of Scientific Instruments 81(11): 117102.
- Ashcroft B.A. & Oosterkamp T.H. (2010), AutoMicromanager: A microscopy scripting toolkit for LABVIEW and other programming environments, Review of Scientific Instruments 81: 113708.
- Jensenius T.M.H., Klein D.C.G., Hecke M.L. van, Oosterkamp T.H., Schmidt T. & Jensenius J.C. (2009), Mannan-binding lectin: Structure, oligomerization, and flexibility studied by Atomic Force Microscopy, Journal of Molecular Biology/JMB Online 391(1): 246-259.
- Rost M.J., Baarle G.J.C. van, Katan A.J., Spengen W.M. van, Schakel P., Loo W.A. van, Oosterkamp T.H. & Frenken J.W.M. (2009), Video-rate scanning probe control challenges: setting the stage for a microscopy revolution, Asian Journal of Control 11(2): 110-129.
- Van der Sar T., Heeres E.C., Dmochowski G.M., De Lange G., Robledo L., Oosterkamp T.H. & Hanson R. (2009), Nanopositioning of a diamond nanocrystal containing a single nitrogen-vacancy defect center, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 94: 173104.
- Mamin H.J., Oosterkamp T.H., Poggio M., Degen C.L., Rettner C.T. & Rugar D. (2009), Isotope-selective detection and imaging of organic nanolayers, Nano Letters 9: 3020-3024.
- Oosterkamp T.H. (2009), Het nanobuisje: een wondermolecuul, Technisch Weekblad : .
- Katan A.J., Van Es M.H. & Oosterkamp T.H. (2009), Quantitative force versus distance measurements in amplitude modulation AFM: a novel force inversion technique, Nanotechnology 20: 165703.
- Katan A.J. & Oosterkamp T.H. (2008), Measuring hydrophobic interactions with three-dimensional nanometer resolution, J. Phys. Chem. C 112: 9769.
- Schlaman W.R.M., Schmidt K.A., Ottenhof D., Es M.H. van, Oosterkamp T.H. & Spaink H.P. (2008), Analysis of Interactions of Signaling Proteins with Phage-Displayed Ligands by Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy, Slas Discovery 13(8): 766-776.
- Wezel J. van, Oosterkamp T.H. & Zaanen J. (2008), Towards an experimental test of gravity-induced quantum state reduction, Philosophical Magazine 88(7): 1005-1026.
- Shiota T., Hulea A.I., Valkering A.M.C., Oosterkamp T.H. & Ruitenbeek J.M. van (2008), Mechanical properties of Pt monatomic chains, Physical Review B 77(12): 125411.
- Spengen W.M. van & Oosterkamp T.H. (2007), A sensitive electronic capacitance measurement system to measure the comb drive motion of surface micromachined MEMS devices, Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering 17: 828-834.
- Georgieva D.G., Kuil M.E., Oosterkamp T.H., Zandbergen H.W. & Abrahams J.P. (2007), Heterogeneous nucleation of three-dimensional protein nanocrystals, Acta Crystallographica Section D Structural Biology D63: 564-570.
- Heeres E.C., Bakkers E.P.A.M., Roest A.L., Kaiser M., Oosterkamp T.H. & Jonge N. de (2007), Electron emission from individual indium arsenide semiconductor nanowires, Nano Letters 7: 536-540.
- Rost M.J., Crama L., Schakel P., Tol E.H. van, Velzen-Williams G.B.E.M., Overgauw C.F., Horst H. ter, Dekker H., Okhuijsen B., Seynen M., Vijftigschild A., Han P., Katan A.J., Schoots K., Schumm R., Loo W.A., Oosterkamp T.H. & Frenken J.W.M. (2005), Scanning probe microscopes go video rate and beyond, Review of Scientific Instruments 76(18): 053710.
- Frenken J.W.M., Oosterkamp T.H., Hendriksen B.L.M. & Rost M.J. (2005), Pushing the limits of SPM, Materials Today 8(5): 20-25.
- Valkering A.M.C., Hulea A.I., Untiedt C., Babaei Gavan K., Oosterkamp T.H. & Ruitenbeek J.M. van (2005), A force sensor for atomic point contacts, Review of Scientific Instruments 76: 103903.
- Stamouli A., Frenken J.W.M., Oosterkamp T.H., Cogdel T.J. & Aartsma T.J. (2004), The electron conduction of photosynthetic protein complexes embedded in a membrane, FEBS Letters 560(1-3): 109-114.
- Klein D.C.G., Stroh C.M., Jensenius T.M.H., Es M. van, Kamruzzahan A.S.M., Stamouli A., Gruber H.J., Oosterkamp T.H. & Hinterdorfer P. (2003), Covalent immobilization of single proteins on mica for molecular recognition force microscopy, Chemical Physics 4(12): 1367-1371.
- Klein D.C.G., Jensenius M.T.H., Stamouli A., Clausen M., Kijne J., Diaz C., Sliedregt-Bol K., Marel G. van der Aartsma T., Frenken J.W.M. & Oosterkamp T.H. (2003), Towards submolecular resolution of Pisum sativum lectin by Atomic Force Microscopy with chemically functionalized tips, Biophysical Journal 84: 168A-168A.
- Klein D.C.G., Stroh C.M., Es M. van, Kamruzzahan A.S.M., Stamouli A., Gruber H.J., Oosterkamp T.H. & Hinterdorfer P. (2003), Covalent immobilization of single proteins on mica for molecular recognition forc microscopy, ChemPhysChem 4: 1371-1375.
- Stamouli A., Kafi S.T., Klein D.C.G., Oosterkamp T.H., Frenken J.W.M. & Aartsma T.J. (2003), The ring structure and organization of light harvesting 2 complexes in a reconstituted lipid bilayer, resolved by atomic force microscopy, Biophysical Journal 84: 2483-2494.
- Kageshima M., Jensenius T.M.H., Dienwiebel M., Nakayama Y., Tokumoto H., Jarvis S.P. & Oosterkamp T.H. (2002), Noncontact atomic force microscopy in liquid environment with quartz tuning fork and carbon nanotube probe, Applied Surface Science 188: 440-444.
- Jonge N. de, Lamy Y., Schoots K. & Oosterkamp T.H. (2002), High brightness electron beam from a multi-walled carbon nanotube, 420: 393-395.
- Hemert M.J. van, Lamers G.E.M., Klein D.C.G., Oosterkamp T.H., Steensma H.Y. & Heusden G.P.H. van (2002), The Saccharomyces cerevisiae Fin 1 protein forms cell cycle-specific filaments between yeast spindle pole bodies, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 99(8): 5390-5393.
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