Tim Mickler
Senior assistant professor
- Name
- Dr. T.A. Mickler
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 6199
- t.a.mickler@fsw.leidenuniv.nl
- 0000-0002-2727-5173

Tim Mickler is a senior assistant professor at the Institute of Political Science.
Tim Alexander Mickler is a senior assistant professor at the Institute of Political Science. In 2017 he defended his PhD-thesis, a study of the selection criteria and reporting requirements of standing committee members in the Dutch Tweede Kamer, the German Bundestag and the Irish Dáil Éireann (Parliamentary Committees in a Party-Centred Context - Structure, Composition, Functioning; cum laude). Before his appointment he obtained a Diploma in Social Sciences from the Ruhr-University Bochum (Germany) and a MSc in Social Research from the Free University Amsterdam.
His research interests include inner-party structures and parliaments (in particular legislative organisation and decision-making procedures) from a comparative perspective.
In addition, he serves as book reviews editor for Acta Politica.
› Curriculum vitae Tim Mickler
PhD supervision
Tim Mickler is available to supervise PhD students and invites PhD research proposals in the areas of:
- determinants and consequences of legislative organisation
- structural and behavioural roots of legislative behaviour
See for more information on PhD positions:
Senior assistant professor
- Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
- Instituut Politieke Wetenschap
- Mickler T.A. (2024), De weg naar eerlijke beloningen: de rol van onafhankelijke vergoedingsinstellingen in Australië, Nieuw-Zeeland, Zweden en het Verenigd Koninkrijk. Den Haag: Adviescollege Rechtspositie Politieke Ambtsdragers.
- Kopecky P., Louwerse T.: Mickler T., Nagtzaam M., Otjes S. & Vonno C. van , Rudy Andeweg: een veelzijdig en betrokken politicoloog. Stuk Rood Vlees. [blog entry].
- Otjes S.P. & Mickler T.A. (2024), Cincinnatus in de polder. Progressieve, statische en regressieve ambitie van Nederlandse lokale politici. Den Haag: Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties.
- Kleef C. van, Mickler T.A. & Otjes S.P. (2023), The partisan foundations of parliamentary speech: how parliamentary party groups decide who gets to speak for them, Party Politics : .
- Mickler T.A. (16 February 2023), Bestrijd mogelijke belangenverstrengeling door oud-politici met een gedragscode. NRC.nl.
- Vollaard H., Binnema H., Blok L. de, Kolk H. van der, Mickler T. & Otjes S. (2023), Burgers en boeren in beweging: het kiezersonderzoek in provincies en waterschappen van 2023. Utrecht: Universiteit Utrecht.
- Mickler T.A. & Otjes S.P. (2023), De partijkeuze in provincie en waterschap. In: Vollaard H., Binnema H., Blok L. de, Kolk H. van der, Mickler T. & Otjes S. (Eds.), Burgers en boeren in beweging : het kiezersonderzoek in provincies en waterschappen van 2023. Den Haag: Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties.
- Mickler T.A., Otjes S.P. & Willumsen D.W.M. (2022), Who gets to speak for the party?: How parliamentary party groups assign spokespersonships. ECPR General Conference 22 August 2022 - 26 August 2022.
- Mickler T.A. (2022), Parliamentary committees in a party-centred context: looking behind the scenes. Library of Legislative Studies. Abingdon, Oxon/New York, NY: Routledge.
- Mickler T.A. (9 March 2021), Moeten er regels komen voor post-parlementaire carrières?. StukRoodVlees. [blog entry].
- Mickler T.A. (28 September 2021), Deutschland hat gewählt – en nu?. StukRoodVlees. [blog entry].
- Mickler T.A. & Otjes S. (3 November 2021), Formeren bij de buren. StukRoodVlees. [blog entry].
- Mickler T.A. (2021), The Determinants of Committee Membership in Belgium and the Netherlands, Politics of the Low Countries 3(3): 225-257.
- Mickler T.A. (14 November 2021), Schande roepen over 'draaideurpolitici' volstaat niet . NRC Handelsblad.
- Mickler T.A., Otjes S.P. & Willumsen D.M. (2021), Who gets to speak for the party?: How parliamentary party groups assign spokespersonships. ÖGPW Tag der Politikwissenschaft 26 November 2021 - 26 November 2021.
- Mickler T.A., Otjes S. & Willumsen D.M. (2021), Who gets to speak for the party?: How parliamentary party groups assign spokespersonships. 2021 EPSA Virtual Annual Meeting 24 June 2021 - 25 June 2021.
- Otjes S. & Mickler T.A. (5 November 2019), Werkwijze Tweede Kamer moet steviger op de schop. StukRoodVlees. [blog entry].
- Mickler T.A. (Ed.) (2019), Editor Book Reviews Section Acta Politica: Palgrave.
- Mickler T.A. (2019), What Happens after Assignments? The Room for Manoeuvre of Committee Members in the Bundestag and the Tweede Kamer, Parliamentary Affairs 72(2): 445-463.
- Martin S. & Mickler T.A. (2019), Committee Assignments: Theories, Causes and Consequences, Parliamentary Affairs 72(1): 77-98.
- Mickler T.A. (Ed.) (2018), Editor Book Reviews Section Acta Politica: Palgrave.
- Mickler T.A. (2018), Not So Random After All? - Revisiting Committee Assignments in Dáil Éireann, Irish Political Studies 33(1): 112-135.
- Mickler T.A. (2018), Who Gets What and Why? Committee Assignments in the German Bundestag, West European Politics 41(2): 517-539.
- Mickler T.A. (2018), Who Goes Where? Committee Assignments in the Tweede Kamer, Parliamentary Affairs 72(1): 99-118.
- Mickler T.A. & Otjes S. (6 September 2018), Door sterkere commissies een sterker parlement. Stuk Rood Vlees. [blog entry].
- Mickler T.A. (22 February 2017), Parliamentary committees in a party-centred context : structure, composition, functioning (Dissertatie. Institute of Political Science, Social and Behavioural Sciences, Leiden University). Supervisor(s): Andeweg Rudy B. & Koole Ruud A.
- Mickler T.A. (2017), Committee autonomy in parliamentary systems - coalition logic or congressional rationales?, Journal of Legislative Studies 23(3): 367-391.
- Mickler T.A. (Ed.) (2017), Editor Book Reviews Section Acta Politica: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Mickler T.A. (2013), Standing committee assignments in the German Bundestag – Who gets what in within-party negotiations?, German Politics 22(4): 421-440.
- Mickler T.A. (2011), Der Europaausschuss des dänischen Folketing. Eine Analyse der Verhandlungsmandate, Zeitschrift für Parlamentsfragen 42(3): 632-647.