Tim Meijers
University Lecturer Moral and Political Philosophy
- Name
- Dr. T. Meijers MSc
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 3553
- t.meijers@hum.leidenuniv.nl
- 0000-0002-0457-2044

Tim Meijers is a University Lecturer at the Institute for Philosophy.
More information about Tim Meijers
Tim's research is in political and moral philosophy. He is interested in justice between generations, sustainability, ethics of the family and procreative rights. He is also more and more interested in fundamental questions in moral and political philosophy, for example in the nature of value and the grounds of (equal) moral status. As a side project he is interested in transitional justice and the moral justification of punishment, particularly in the context of international criminal courts.
Teaching activities
In the academic year 2016/2017 Tim teaches courses on a diverse set of questions in moral and political philosophy, for example global justice, truth in moral theory and cultural diversity. He teaches in both the BA and MA program at the Institute for Philosophy and in the International Studies BA.
Curriculum vitae
Tim has been teaching at the Institute for Philosophy for a number of years now. He recently (dec. 2016) defended his doctoral thesis University of Louvain, entitled Justice in Procreation. In Louvain-la-Neuve he was based at the Hoover Chair for economic and social ethics. His PhD-project focused on the question what egalitarian theories of justice imply for reproductive rights and demographic policies. His project was funded by the 'Fonds Pour la Recherche en Sciences Humaines' (FSR-FNRS). Before starting his PhD, he studied political science at the University of Amsterdam and Philosophy at Leiden University. His thesis in political science was awarded the J.C. Baakprize in 2012 by the Royal Holland Academy of the Sciences (KHMW). Over the last few years Tim has been on research stays at Oxford University (UK), Aarhus University (DK) and Utrecht University (NL).
University Lecturer Moral and Political Philosophy
- Faculty of Humanities
- Instituut voor Wijsbegeerte
- Belic J., Meijers T. & Wewerinke-Singh M. (2024), Human rights and climate change: evolving intersections and critical perspectives, Global Justice: Theory, Practice, Rhetoric 14(2): .
- Meijers T. (2023), Zipper arguments and duties regarding future generations, Politics, Philosophy & Economics : .
- Meijers T. (2023), Limitarianism and future generations. In: Robeyns I. (Ed.), Having too much : philosophical essays on limitarianism: Open Book . 361–390.
- Meijers T. (2023), Rechtvaardigheid voorbij het hier en nu: geen rechtvaardigheid tussen generaties zonder wereldwijde rechtvaardigheid?. In: Ravenzwaaij A. van & Fajgenblat O. (Eds.), Reflecteren op rechtvaardigheid: over de betekenis van rechtvaardigheid in de relatie tussen overheid, ambtenaar en samenleving. Amsterdam: Boom Bestuurskunde. 99-115.
- Meijers T. (2023), Climate change and intergenerational justice. In: PellegrinoG. & Di Paola M. (Eds.), Handbook of philosophy of climate change. Springer Handbooks. Dordrecht: Springer.
- Meijers T. (2022), Migrants by plane and migrants by stork: can we refuse citizenship to one, but not the other?, Ethics & Global Politics 15: 69-90.
- Gosseries A. & Meijers T. (2021), Animal Population Ethics. In: Arrhenius G., Bykvist K., Campbell T. & Finneron-Burns E. (Eds.), Oxford Handbook of Population Ethics. Oxford Handbooks Series. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Hickey C., Meijers T., Robeyns I. & Timmer D. (2021), The agents of justice, Philosophy Compass 16(10): e12770.
- Meijers T. (2020), The value in procreation: a pro‑tanto case for a limited and conditional right to procreate, Journal of Value Inquiry 54: 627-647.
- Glasius M. & Meijers T. (2020), Inequality of arms reversed?: defendants in the battle for political legitimacy. In: Heller K., Mégret F., Nouwen S., Ohlin J. & Robinson D. (Eds.), Oxford Handbook of International Criminal Law. Oxford Handbooks Series. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 678-696.
- Meijers T. & Wolters A. (2020) Samuel Scheffler, why worry about future generations? (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018), pp. viii + 146. Review of: Scheffer S. (2020), Why worry about future generations. Leiden: Cambridge university press. Utilitas 32(4): 496-499.
- Meijers T. & Vandamme P.-E. (2019), Equality, value pluralism and relevance: Is luck egalitarianism in one way good, but not all things considered?, Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 22(3): 318-334.
- Meijers T. (2019), Mogen we nog kinderen krijgen?, Wijsgerig Perspectief 59(3): 23-33.
- Axelsen D.V., Bidadanure J. & Meijers T. (Eds.) (2019), Luck Egalitarianism: Kasper Lippert-Rasmussen and his Critics. London: Routledge.
- Axelsen D.V., Bidadanure J. & Meijers T. (2019), Equality, Responsibility and Justice. In: Axelsen D.V., Bidadanure J. & Meijers T. (Eds.), Luck Egalitarianism. London: Routledge.
- Meijers T. & Vandamme P.E. (2019), Equality, Moral Pluralism and Relevance. In: Axelsen D.V., Bidadanure J. & Meijers T. (Eds.), Luck Egalitarianism. London: Routledge.
- Meijers T., Bidadanure J. & Axelsen D. (2019), Equality, responsibility, and justice, Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 22(3): 237-244.
- Axelsen D.V., Bidadanure J. & Meijers T. (Eds.) (2019), Special Issue: Luck Egalitarianism. Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy: Routledge.
- Meijers T. & Blanc S. (2019), Firms and parental justice: should firms contribute to the cost of parenthood and procreation?, Economics and Philosophy 36(1): 1-27.
- Meijers T. (2018), Justice Between Generations. In: , Oxford research encyclopedia of politics. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Meijers T. (2018), Citizens in Appropriate Numbers. In: Kumar R. (Ed.), Ethics and Future Generations. London: Routledge.
- Meijers T. & Robeyns R. (2018), Filantropie: conceptuele en ethische reflecties. In: Goede P., Schrijvers E. & Visser M. de (Eds.), Filantropie op de grens van overheid en markt. Den Haag: Wetenschappelijke Raad voor Regeringsbeleid. 173-195.
- Meijers T. (2017), Citizens in Appropriate Numbers, Canadian Journal of Philosophy : 246-268.
- Meijers T. (1 December 2016), Justice in Procreation (Dissertatie. Hoover Chair for economic and social ethics, Philosophy, Université Catholique de Louvain): Université Catholique de Louvain. Supervisor(s): Gosseries Axel.
- Meijers T. (2016), Climate Change and the Right to One Child. In: Bos G. & Düwell M. (Eds.), Human Rights and Sustainability: Moral responsibilities for the future. London: Routledge.
- Meijers T. & Glasius M. (2016), Trials as Messages of Justice: What Should be Expected of International Criminal Courts, Ethics & International Affairs 30(4): .
- Meijers T. (2014) Review of: Creation Ethics. Review of: DeGrazia David (2012), Creation Ethics: Oxford University Press 20(2): 636-642.
- Meijers T. (2014) Review of: Global Population Policies. Review of: May John (2012), Global Population Policies: Springer 12(1): 134.
- Meijers T. & Glasius M. (2013), Expression of Justice or Political Trail? Discursive Battles in the Karadzic Case, Human Rights Quarterly 35(3): 720-752.
- Meijers T. (2013) Review of: Ageing in Post-Industrial Democracies. Review of: Vanhuysse P. & Goerres A., Ageing Populations in Post-industrial Democracies: Comparative Studies of Policies and Politics. London: Routledge 11(1): 111.
- Meijers T. (2013) Review of: Unfit for the Future. Review of: Persson I. & Savulescu J. (2012), Unfit for the Future. Oxford: Oxford University Press 20(3): 506-5010.
- Meijers T. (2013), Le bourgmestre et la limitation des naissances, (68): 80-88.
- Glasius M.E. & Meijers T. (2012), Constructions of Legitimacy: The Charles Taylor Trial, International Journal of Transitional Justice 6(2): 229-252.