Universiteit Leiden

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Tim Lubbers

PhD candidate

Mr. T. Lubbers
+31 71 527 4727

Tim Lubbers is a Meijers PhD Candidate at the Legal History department of the Institute for the Interdisciplinary Study of the Law. As a PhD Representative, he attends the monthly meetings of the Research Board of the Law Faculty.

More information about Tim Lubbers

Tim Lubbers is a Meijers PhD Candidate at the Legal History department of the Institute for the Interdisciplinary Study of the Law. As a PhD Representative, he attends the monthly meetings of the Research Board of the Law Faculty.

Curriculum vitae

T. (Tim) Lubbers (1996) studied Private Law at Leiden University, and graduated cum laude in 2021. He was awarded the degree of Magister Juris (merit) by the University of Oxford in 2019. In Leiden, Tim also obtained a bachelor’s degree in Art History cum laude. As of January 2021, he is Meijers PhD Candidate at the department of Legal History, conducting doctoral research on the history of limitation of shipowner liability under Professor Egbert Koops and Professor Willem van Boom. Previously, he worked at the departments of Legal History and Private Law as an education and research staff member and student assistant.

In 2021, Tim received two research grants from the Mr.ir. Deisz Barendregt Fonds (LUF) and the Leiden Empowerment Fund (LUF). In 2022, he was awarded the 1st Leiden Law Faculty Thesis Prize and the 2nd Leiden University Thesis Prize for his thesis Jacob Corens Observatio 40: Over de beperkte verhaalsaansprakelijkheid van de reder voor buitencontractuele vorderingen in het Rooms-Hollandse zeerecht.

Research interests

  • Roman-Dutch law
  • Roman law
  • European legal history
  • Modern private law
  • Legal iconography

Teaching activities

  • Roman law (BA-I)
  • Leiden Law Practices (BA-I)
  • Bachelor theses (BA-III)

PhD candidate

  • Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
  • Instituut voor Metajuridica
  • Rechtsgeschiedenis

Work address

Kamerlingh Onnes Building
Steenschuur 25
2311 ES Leiden
Room number A3.12


  • Stichting Mordenate College Assistent financiën en toekenning buitenlandsubsidies
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