Theo Krispijn
- Name
- Drs. T.J.H. Krispijn
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 2171
- 0000-0002-8088-6862

Mr. Theo Krispijn is retired and doesn't have a desk at the university anymore. Please send him an email if you want to contact him. The mentioned telephone number is the number of the secretariat. Occasionally he gives courses on the Elamite language and ancient Near Eastern Music for interested MA students.
Fields of interest
- Sumerian language
- Ancient Music
- Early script
- Lexical tradition of Mesopotamia
- Semitische Talen (Doctoraal examen): Assyriology – Hebrew Language
- Theology (Candidaatsexamen)
University Teacher Sumerian Language
Teaching activities and supervision
Occasionally he gives courses on the Elamite language and ancient Near Eastern Music for interested MA students.
Key publications
- Th.J.H. Krispijn, "Beiträge zur altorientalische Musikforschung 1: Šulgi und die Musik", Akkadica 70 (1990), 1-27.
- Theo J.H. Krispijn, "Musik in Keilschrift. Beiträge zur altorientalischen Musikforschung 2", in Hickmann, E. - Killmer, A.D. - Eichmann, R. (ed.) Orient Archäologie Band 10, Studien zur Musikarchäologie III, Rahden (2002), 465-479.
- Th.J.H. Krispijn, "The Early Mesopotamian Lexical Lists and the Dawn of Linguistics", JEOL 32 (published 1993), 12-22.
- Th.J.H. Krispijn, “The change of official Sumerian in the City-State of Lagash,” in Maekawa, K. (ed) ASJ 22 (Special Volume in Honor of Professor Mamuro Yoshikawa), Hiroshima (2005), 153-175.
Administration and service to the profession
BA Tutor for OCMW students.
Promotional Activities:
- Faculty of Humanities
- Leiden Institute for Area Studies
- SMES Assyriologie