Universiteit Leiden

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Thed van Leeuwen


Dr. T.N. van Leeuwen
+31 71 527 3970

Senior researcher at CWTS. Thed's research focuses on the relationships between (reforms of) research evaluation, open scholarship, and research integrity, as well as on the research assessment of scholarly activity in the social sciences, the humanities, and law. He is co-editor of the OUP journal Research Evaluation.

More information about Thed van Leeuwen

Thed van Leeuwen is a senior researcher at CWTS. His research interests are in the triangular relationship of (the reform of) research evaluation, open science, and research integrity. Thed is also interested in the evaluation of research in general, and in the social sciences, law and the humanities in particular, as well in the ways research quality is perceived in research assessment contexts. The overarching science policy context under which research assessments are organized and the role of quantitative and qualitative information is dealt with are of major concern for this research agenda. Thed is co-editor of the journal Research Evaluation, published by Oxford University Press, member of the Core Team of the Research Intelligence Network Netherlands (RINN), as well as current President of the European Network of Indicator Designers (ENID, until September 2023).

Thed is a member of the Evaluation & Culture  focal area and a member of the Information & Openness focal area.


  • Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
  • CWTS

Work address

Willem Einthoven
Kolffpad 1
2333 BN Leiden
Room number B5.16



  • Van Leeuwen T.N. (20 May 2008), Science Policy in Context. Bijdrage aan de seminar op 14 April 2008. Presentatie tijdens een interne CWTS Workshop on science policy. Leiden. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Van Leeuwen T.N. (11 February 2008), Bibliometrische analyse van de drie Nederlandse TU’s. TUD-IST presentatie van de 3TU studie voor de begeleidingscommissie van de 3 TU studie. Delft. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Van Leeuwen T.N. (11 May 2008), Bibliometrie en haar toepassingen: mogelijkheden en problemen. Presentatie aan het MT van de faculteit TBM van de TUD van de resultaten van een bibliometrische studie in opdracht van de faculteit TBM. Delft. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Van Leeuwen T.N. & Bordons M. (17 September 2008), Considering self citations: different methodologies of calculation and their effect at micro-level. S&T conferentie 2008. Wenen. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Van Leeuwen T.N. (18 November 2008), Bibliometric analysis on the University College Dublin 1998-2007. Presentatie van de resultaten en methoden & technieken voor de UCD PRE Steering Group. Dublin. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Van Leeuwen T.N. (15 October 2008), Application of bibliometric analysis. METIS Seminar. Utrecht. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Van Leeuwen T.N. (12 November 2008), Application of bibliometric analysis. Workshop voor de beroepsvereniging DAIR. Zeist. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Van Leeuwen T.N. (20 June 2007), Bibliometrische analyse van de LUMC afdeling Pathologie 1997-2006. Presentatie voor de wetenschappelijke staf van de afdeling Pathologie van het LUMC. Oegstgeest. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Van Leeuwen T.N. (27 June 2007), Research cooperation within Europe: bibliometric views of geographical trends and integration processes. ISSI Conference 2007. Madrid. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Van Leeuwen T.N. (10 December 2007), New approaches in journal network analysis. presentatie tijdens de jaarlijkse ES-CWTS meeting. Amsterdam. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Van Leeuwen T.N. (27 November 2007), Delineating medical fields and their application in science policy A bibliometric analysis combining SCI and Medline data. presentatie voor een delegatie van de Universiteit van Lund. Leiden. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Van Leeuwen T.N. (25 June 2007), Strength and weakness of national science systems. A bibliometric analysis through cooperation patterns. ISSI Conference 2007. Madrid. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • No relevant ancillary activities
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