Swantje Völler
Assistant professor
- Name
- Dr. S. Völler
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 2727
- s.voller@lacdr.leidenuniv.nl
- 0000-0003-0587-2775
Swantje Völler is assistant professor at the Division of Systems Biomedicine and Pharmacology and the Division of BioTherapeutics
More information about Swantje Völler
PhD Candidates
Swantje Völler obtained her pharmacy degree from the University of Münster (Germany). During her practical year of the degree she did a 6-month placement in the pharmaceutical industry at Boehringer Ingelheim and a 6-month internship in a local pharmacy. After getting registered as a pharmacist, she continued to pursue the PhD degree in Clinical Pharmacy at the University of Münster under supervision of Prof. Georg Hempel. Her PhD project was a close cooperation between the pediatric oncology department of the University Clinic Münster and the Clinical Pharmacy department focusing on the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of doxorubicin in children. Besides gaining experience in PKPD modelling, the project also included work on the ward and insight into the design and evaluation of clinical trials in children. In addition to completing her PhD she was also involved in the further education of pharmacists by giving lectures on oncologic topics for the pharmacy chamber.
Description of the current project:
The current project focusses on the population PKPD analysis of routinely used off-label drugs in premature neonates. Data originates from the “DINO-Trial” which was initiated by Radboud University Medical Center and is currently recruiting in four Dutch Neonatal Intensive Care Units. The analysis ultimately aims for evidence based dosing guidelines, improving quality of care for this vulnerable population.
- Second section of the Pharmaceutical exams (2010), awarded by the “Apothekerstiftung Westfalen-Lippe” (pharmacy chamber) for exceptional performance during the studies
- Award for the best young investigator presentation, EORTC PAMM Winter Meeting (2014)
- Hans Günter Schäfer Award (2016) for outstanding contributions by young scientists to the PKPD field
Assistant professor
- Science
- Leiden Academic Centre for Drug Research
- LACDR/Pharmacology
- Tan Z., Völler S., Yin A., Rieborn A., Gelderblom A.J., Hulle T. van der, Knibbe C.A.J. & Moes D.J.A.R. (2024), Population pharmacokinetics of cabozantinib in metastatic renal cell carcinoma patients: towards drug expenses saving regimens, Clinical Pharmacokinetics 63(6): 857-869.
- Wu Y., Allegaert K., Flint R.B., Goulooze S.C., Valitalo P.A.J., Hoog M. de, Mulla H., Sherwin C.M.T., Simons S.H. P., Krekels E.H.J., Knibbe C.A.J. & Völler S. (2024), When will the glomerular filtration rate in former preterm neonates catch up with their term peers?, Pharmaceutical Research 41(4): 637-649.
- Wu Y., Völler S., Krekels E.H.J., Roofthooft D.W.E., Simons S.H.P., Tibboel D., Flint R.B. & Knibbe C.A.J. (2023), Maturation of paracetamol elimination routes in preterm neonates born below 32 weeks of gestation, Pharmaceutical Research 40(9): 2155-2166.
- Wu Y., Völler S., Flint R.B., Simons S.H.P., Allegaert K., Fellman V. & Knibbe C.A.J. (2022), Pre- and postnatal maturation are important for fentanyl exposure in preterm and term newborns: a pooled population pharmacokinetic study, Clinical Pharmacokinetics 61: 401-412.
- Engbers A.G.J., Flint R.B., Völler S., Reiss I., Liem K.D., Alffenaar J.W.C., Tibboel D., Simons S., Knibbe C.A.J. & Bruggemann R.J. (2022), Optimisation of fluconazole therapy for the treatment of invasive candidiasis in preterm infants, Archives of disease in childhood 107(4): 400-406.
- Wu Y.J., Allegaert K., Flint R.B., Simons S.H.P., Krekels E.H.J., Knibbe C.A.J. & Völler S. (2022), Prediction of glomerular filtration rate maturation across preterm and term neonates and young infants using inulin as marker, AAPS Journal 24(2): 38.
- Engbers A.G.J., Völler S., Flint R.B., Goulooze S.C., Klerk J. de, Krekels E.H.J., Dijk M. van, Willemsen S.P., Reiss I.K.M., Knibbe C.A.J. & Simons S.H.P. (2022), The effect of ibuprofen exposure and patient characteristics on the closure of the patent Ductus Arteriosus in preterm infants, Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics 112(2): 307-315.
- Flint R.B., Simons S.H.P., Andriessen P., Liem K.D., Degraeuwe P.L.J., Reiss I.K.M., Ter Heine R., Engbers A.G.J., Koch B.C.P., Groot R. de, Burger D.M., Knibbe C.A..J. & Völler S. (2021), The bioavailability and maturing clearance of doxapram in preterm infants, Pediatric Research 89: 1268-1277.
- Engbers A.G.J., Voller S., Poets C.F., Knibbe C.A.J., Reiss I.K.M., Koch B.C.P., Flint R.B. & Simons S.H.P. (2021), The pharmacokinetics of caffeine in preterm newborns: no influence of doxapram but important maturation with age, Neonatology 118(1): 106-113.
- Voller S., Flint R.B., Simons S.H.P. & Knibbe C.A.J. (2021), Comment on: "Preterm Physiologically Based Pharmacokinetic Model, Part I and Part II", Clinical Pharmacokinetics 60: 677-679.
- Aulin L.B.S., Lange D.W. de, Saleh M.A.A., Graaf P.H. van der, Völler S. & Hasselt J.G.C. (2021), Biomarker-guided individualization of antibiotic therapy, Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics 110(2): 346-360.
- Kurul S., Fiebig K., Flint R.B., Reiss I.K.M., Kuster H., Simons S.H.P., Völler S. & Taal H.R. (2021), Knowledge gaps in late-onset neonatal sepsis in preterm neonates: a roadmap for future research, Pediatric Research 91: 368-379.
- Engbers A.G.J., Flint R.B., Voller S., Klerk J.C.A., Reiss I.K.M., Andriessen P., Liem K.D., Degraeuwe P.L.J., Croubels S., Millecam J., Allegaert K., Simons S.H.P. & Knibbe C.A.J. (2020), Enantiomer specific pharmacokinetics of ibuprofen in preterm neonates with patent ductus arteriosus, British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 86(10): 2028-2039.
- Völler S., Flint R.B., Andriessen P., Allegaert K., Zimmermann L.J.I., Liem K.D., Koch B.C.P., Simons S.H.P. & Knibbe C.A.J. (2019), Rapidly maturing fentanyl clearance in preterm neonates, Archives of Disease in Childhood. Fetal and Neonatal Edition 104(6): F598-F603.
- Voller S., Flint R.B., Beggah F., Reiss I., Andriessen P., Zimmermann L.J.I., Anker J.N. van den, Liem K.D., Koch B.C.P., Wildt S. de, Knibbe C.A.J. & Simons S.H.P. (2019), Recently Registered Midazolam Doses for Preterm Neonates Do Not Lead to Equal Exposure: A Population Pharmacokinetic Model, The Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 59(10): 1300-1308.
- Goulooze S.C., Völler S., Valitalo P.A.J., Calvier E.A.M., Aarons L., Krekels E.H.J. & Knibbe C.A.J. (2019), The Influence of Normalization Weight in Population Pharmacokinetic Covariate Models, Clinical Pharmacokinetics 58(1): 131-138.
- Völler S., Pichlmeier U., Zens A. & Hempel G. (2018), Pharmacokinetics of recombinant asparaginase in children with acute lymphoblastic leukemi, Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology 81(2): 305-314.
- Völler S., Flint R.B., Stolk L.M., Degraeuwe P.L.J., Simons S.H.P., Pokorna P., Burger D.M., Groot R. de, Tibboel D. & Knibbe C.A.J. (2017), Model-based clinical dose optimization for phenobarbital in neonates: an illustration of the importance of data sharing and external validation, European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 109: S90-S97.
- Flint R., Weteringen W.V., Völler S., Poppe J.A., Koch B.C., Groot R., Tibboel D., Knibbe C.A., Reiss I.K. & Simons S.H. (2017), Big data analyses for continuous evaluation of pharmacotherapy: A proof of principle with doxapram in preterm infants, Current Pharmaceutical Design 23(38): 5919-5927.
- Völler S., Hempel G., Würthwein G., Boddy A.V., Krischke M., André N., D'Incalci M., Bisogno G. & Boos J. (2017), Towards a Model-Based Dose Recommendation for Doxorubicin in Children, Clinical Pharmacokinetics 56(3): 215-223.
- Krischke M., Hempel G., Völler S., André N., D'Incalci M., Bisogno G., Köpcke W., Borowski M., Herold R., Boddy A.V. & Boos J. (2016), Pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic study of doxorubicin in children with cancer: results of a "European Pediatric Oncology Off-patents Medicines Consortium" trial, Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology 78(6): 1175-1184.
- Lanckohr C., Horn D., Völler S., Hempel G., Fobker M., Welp H., Koeck R. & Ellger B. (2016), Pharmacokinetic characteristics and microbiologic appropriateness of cefazolin for perioperative antibiotic prophylaxis in elective cardiac surgery, Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 152(2): 603-610.
- Völler S., Boos J., Krischke M., Würthwein G., Kontny N.E., Boddy A.V. & Hempel G. (2015), Age-Dependent Pharmacokinetics of Doxorubicin in Children with Cancer, Clinical Pharmacokinetics 54(11): 1139-1149.