Suzanne Adema
University lecturer
- Name
- Dr. S.M. Adema
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 4148
Suzanne Adema is an Assistant Professor of Latin at the Leiden University Centre for the Arts in Society.
More information about Suzanne Adema
Suzanne Adema is an Assistant Professor of Latin at the Leiden University Centre for the Arts in Society and a research fellow within the NWO Zwaartekracht research program of Anchoring Innovation. Her fields of interests are Latin narrative, cognitive linguistics, narratology and the pedagogy of Latin and Greek Languages and Cultures in secondary schools.
In her research, Suzanne Adema takes a cognitive linguistic and narratological approach to Latin narrative texts, focusing on processes of narrative comprehension and experience. She has published a monograph on speech and thought in Latin war narratives and, most recently, on tense usage in Vergil’s Aeneid.
Suzanne Adema is a supervisor (co-promotor) of several PhD projects within the research field of the learning and instruction of the Greek and Latin Languages and Cultures. She has developed this line of research during her time as one of the coordinators of Meesterschap in de vakdidactiek, a national program fostering research of the learning and instruction of the Humanities school subjects.
Key publications
- Adema, S.M. (2019). Tenses in Vergil. Narrative Style and Structure. Leiden, Boston: Brill. [Reviewed in The Classical Review 70.1 (2020), Gnomon 93.2 (2021), Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2021.10.21.]
- Adema, S.M. (2017). Speech and thought in Latin war narratives. Words of Warriors. Leiden, Boston: Brill. [Reviewed in The Classical Review 68.2 (2018); Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2019.01.60.]
- Adema, S.M. (2019) Latin Learning and Instruction as a Research Field. Journal of Latin Linguistics 18.1-2, 35-59.
- Adema, S.M. (2018). Words when it’s time for action. Representations of speech and thought in the battles of Cannae and Zama, in: Van Gils, de Jong & Kroon (eds), Thermopylae, Cannae and beyond. Textual Strategies in War Narrative. Amsterdam Studies in Classical Philology. Leiden: Brill, 293-315.
- Adema, S.M. (2016). Encouraging Troops, Persuading Narratees: Pre-Battle Exhortations in Caesar’s Bellum Gallicum as a Narrative Device, in: V. Liotsakis and S. Farrrington (eds.) The Art of History. Literary Perspectives on Greek and Roman Historiography. Berlin: De Gruyter, 219-240.
University lecturer
- Faculty of Humanities
- Centre for the Arts in Society
- Latijnse T&C