Stijn Bussels
Scientific Director LUCAS/Professor Art history, expecially before 1800
- Name
- Prof.dr. S.P.M. Bussels
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 2693
- 0000-0002-0412-5930

Stijn Bussels is Academic Director of the Leiden University Centre for the Arts in Society and Professor of Art history, especially before 1800.
More information about Stijn Bussels
See also
Fields of interest
- early modern art and architectural history
- early modern theatre history
- agency and performativity
- the appropriation of ancient concepts, as the sublime and magnificence
Stijn Bussels teaches art and architectural history. He started teaching at the University of Ghent. In 2008 he became Assistant Professor at the University of Groningen. In Leiden his teaching concentrates on the early modern Low Countries.
Stijn Bussels studied art history at the University of Ghent. As nominee of the FWO Flanders, he attained his PhD in 2005. His thesis was reworked and published as 'The Antwerp Entry of Prince Philip in 1549. Rhetoric, Performance and Power' (Rodopi, 2012).
In 2005 he started working as postdoctoral researcher at the VICI-project of Caroline van Eck, 'Art, Agency and Living Presence'. As postdoc, he focused on ancient Roman writers dealing with the belief that an image lives. This research resulted in The Animated Image. Roman Theory on Naturalism, Vividness and Divine Power (Akademie Verlag/LUP, 2012).
After this project Stijn Bussels became Assistant Professor Art and Theatre History at the University of Groningen. He continued working with Caroline van Eck. This resulted in, amongst others, the special issue Theatricality in Early Modern Art and Architecture of Art History (April 2010). Next to that, he co-edited a book volume on the sublime before Nicolas Boileau (Intersections, Brill, 2012).
Between 2013 and 2018 he was the Principal Investigator of the ERC Starting Grant project 'Elevated Minds. The sublime in the public arts in seventeenth-century Paris and Amsterdam'. This research resulted in a special issue of JHNA and publications in the peer reviewed journals, as Comparative Drama and History of European Ideas.
In 2018 he became Professor Art History, especially before 1800 at the Leiden Centre for the Arts in Society and a year later the head of the Leiden Department of Art History.
Grants and awards
Between 2013 and 2018, Stijn Bussels was Principal Investigator of the ERC starting grant project 'Elevated Minds. The Sublime in the Public Arts in Seventeenth-Century Paris and Amsterdam' (1.250.000 euro).
Scientific Director LUCAS/Professor Art history, expecially before 1800
- Faculty of Humanities
- Centre for the Arts in Society
- KG Architectuurgeschiedenis
- Bussels S.P.M. (2025), How to Read a Fountain? Pietro Francavilla’s Sculpture in Piazza dei Cavalieri in Pisa. In: Melion W.S., Pieper C., Smith P. & Traninger A. (Eds.), Reading Images from the Past: In Honour of Karl A.E. Enenkel. Intersections. Interdisciplinary Studies in Early Modern Culture no. 100. Leiden: Brill. 253-276.
- Bussels S.P.M. (2025), Visibility of Events, Things, and Places. In: Visser A. (Ed.), A Cultural History of Fame in the Renaissance. London: Bloomsbury. 119-140.
- Bussels S.P.M., Enenkel K.A.E., Weemans M. & Wise E.D. (Eds.) (2024), Imago and contemplatio in the visual arts and literature (1400–1700): festschrift for Walter S. Melion. Intersections: Interdisciplinary Studies in Early Modern Culture no. 88. Leiden: Brill.
- Bussels S.P.M., Enenkel K.A.E., Weemans M. & Wise E.D. (2024), Introduction: Imago and Contemplatio in the Visual Arts and Literature (1400–1700). In: Bussels S.P.M., Enenkel K.A.E., Weemans M. & Wise E.D. (Eds.), Imago and contemplatio in the visual arts and literature (1400–1700): Festschrift for Walter Melion. Intersections: Interdisciplinary Studies in Early Modern Culture no. 88. Leiden: Brill. 1-24.
- Bussels S.P.M. & Oostveldt B.V. (2024), The importance of touch in cabinets of curiosities and the early museums. In: O'Farrel H. & Keurs P. ter (Eds.), Museums, Collections and Society: Yearbook 2023. Leiden: Museums, Collections & Society Research Group. 9-30.
- Bussels S.P.M. & Oostveldt B. van (2024), Between despair and hope: raising emotions with Dutch Seventeenth-Century marine paintings and prints. In: Enenkel K. & Melion W. (Eds.), Motus mixti et compositi: The Portrayal of mixed and compound emotions in the visual and literary arts of Europe, 1500–1700. Intersections: Interdisciplinary Studies in Early Modern Culture no. 90. Leiden: Brill. 675–693.
- Bussels S.P.M. & Van Oostveldt B. (2023), Animating the Amsterdam Town Hall. In: Oddens J., Metlica A. & Moorman G. (Eds.), Contending representations I: the Dutch Republic and the lure of monarchy: Brepols Publishers. 70-81.
- Bussels S.P.M. & Van Oostveldt B. (2023), The sublime in the visual culture of the Seventeenth-Century Dutch Republic. Routledge Research in Art History. New York: Routledge.
- Anrooij W. van, Boer W. de, Bussels S.P.M., Dlabacova A., Göttler C., Jong J.L. de, Melion W.S., Montoya A., Seidel R., Smith P.J., Thompson J., Traninger A. & Zittel C. (2023), Intersections: Interdisciplinary Studies in Early Modern Culture, 84 en 85. Leiden/Boston: Brill. [other].
- Bussels S.P.M. (2022), Feesten in de regen. In: Hoftijzer P. & Anrooij W. van (Eds.), Tot publijcque dienst der studie: boeken uit de Bibliotheca Thysiana. Hilversum: Verloren. 94-95.
- Bussels S.P.M. & Van Oostveldt B. (2021), Dressing up the past: style formation and style effect in neoclassical fashion. In: Kobi V. (Ed.), Terms of style in art history. Rome: Campisano Editore.
- Bussels S.P.M. (2021), The Importance of Being Present: The Performances of Prince Philip in Binche and Antwerp. In: McGowan M.M. & Shewring M. (Eds.), Charles V, Prince Philip, and the Politics of Succession: Imperial Festivities in Mons and Hainault, 1549. European Festival Studies: 1450-1700. Turnhout: Brepols Publishers. 157-176.
- Bussels S.P.M. (2021), Los Hermanos de Vondel y el poder de la imaginación, Criticon 140: 99-116.
- Bussels S.P.M. (2021), Monumentalising burghers of the Low Countries: living statues in the Late Medieval and Early Modern joyous entries. In: Dickenson C.P. (Ed.), Public Statues Across Time and Cultures. Routledge Research in Art History. London: Routledge. 176-193.
- Bussels S.P.M. (2021), The Wondrous Town Hall of Amsterdam: Laudatory Poems on the Impact of Art and Architecture. In: Alexander G., Gilby E. & Marr A. (Eds.), The Places of Early Modern Criticism. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 158-175.
- Bussels S.P.M., Eck C.A. van & Oostveldt B. van (Eds.) (2021), The Amsterdam Town Hall in Words and Images: Constructing Wonders. London: Bloomsbury.
- Bussels S.P.M., Eck C.A. van & Oostveldt B. van (2021), Introduction. In: Bussels S.P.M., Eck C.A. van & Oostveldt B. van (Eds.), The Amsterdam Town Hall in Words and Images. Constructing Wonders. London: Bloomsbury Publishing. 1-28.
- Bussels S.P.M., Eck C.A. van & Plezier L.M. (2021), ‘Far more to wonder, than to fathom completely’: one hundred poems devoted to the town hall. In: Bussels S.P.M., Eck C.A. van & Oostveldt B. van (Eds.) The Amsterdam Town Hall in Words and Images. Constructing Wonders. London: Bloomsbury. 83-115.
- Bussels S.P.M. (2021), The portrait of a building. In: Bussels S.P.M., Eck C.A. van & Oostveldt B. van (Eds.) The Amsterdam Town Hall in Words and Images. Constructing Wonders. London: Bloomsbury Publishing. 117-142.
- Bussels S.P.M. (2021), Het Nederlandse classicisme in Europa. In: Helmers H., Janssen G. & Noorman J. (Eds.) De zeventiende eeuw. Leiden: Leiden University Press. 398-419.
- Bussels S.P.M. & Oostveldt B. van (2020), Egypt and/as style. In: Versluys M.J. (Ed.), Beyond Egyptomania: Objects, Style and Agency. Studien aus dem Warburg-Haus no. 21. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter. 219-224.
- Bussels S.P.M., Versteegen G. & Melion W. (Eds.) (2020), Magnificence in the Seventeenth Century: Performing Splendour in Catholic and Protestant Contexts. Intersections: Interdisciplinary Studies in Early Modern Culture no. 72. Leiden: Brill.
- Bussels S.P.M. & Versteegen G. (2020), Introduction. In: Versteegen G., Bussels S. & Melion W. (Eds.), Magnificence in the Seventeenth Century. Performing Splendour in Catholic and Protestant Contexts. Intersections: Interdisciplinary Studies in Early Modern Culture no. 72. Leiden: Brill. 1-18.
- Bussels S.P.M. & Van Oostveldt B. (2020), Building Magnificence in the Dutch Golden Age: the Amsterdam Town Hall. In: Versteegen G., Bussels S. & Melion W. (Eds.), Magnificence in the Seventeenth Century. Performing Splendour in Catholic and Protestant Contexts. Intersections: Interdisciplinary Studies in Early Modern Culture no. 72. Leiden: Brill. 185-199.
- Bussels S.P.M. (2020), Landscape with landmark: Jacob van Ruisdael's Panorama of Amsterdam (1665-1670). In: Enenkel A.E. & Melion W.S. (Eds.), Landscape and the Visual Hermeneutics of Place, 1500-1700. Intersections: Interdisciplinary Studies in Early Modern Culture no. 75. Leiden: Brill. 209-233.
- Bussels S.P.M. & Darnell L. (2020), Gothic Barbarism or Golden Age? The medieval architecture of Utrecht and Paris through the eyes of Arnoldus Buchelius. In: Blanc J. (Ed.), Gouden Eeuw. New Perspectives on Dutch Seventeenth-Century Art no. 1. Turnhout: Brepols Publishers. 117-139.
- Bussels S.P.M. & Oostveldt B. van (2019), 'Le comportement rétabli' et la performance de la Pucelle de la ville dans les joyeuses entrées à Anvers. In: Dekonink R., Delbeke M., Delfosse A., Heering C. & Vermeir K. (Eds.), Cultures du spectacle baroque. Cadres, expériences et représentations des solennités religieuses entre Italie et anciens Pays-Bas no. 10. Brussels-Roma: Institut Historique Belge de Rome. 297-317.
- Bussels S.P.M. (2019), Discussions on Naturalism in the Dutch Golden Age. Junius and Vondel. In: Felfe R. & Sass M. (Eds.), Naturalismen. Kunst, Wissenshaft und Ästhetik. Naturbilder / Images of Nature no. 9. Berlin-Boston: De Gruyter. 97-114.
- Bussels S.P.M. (2019), Staging tableaux vivants in the theatre of the Dutch Golden Age, Racar 44(2): 79-91.
- Bussels S.P.M. (2018), Dutch Classicism in Europe. In: Helmers H.J. & Janssen G.H. (Eds.), Cambridge Companian to the Dutch Golden Age. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 308-330.
- Bussels S.P.M., Oostveldt B. van, Jansen W.L., Plezier L. & Knegtel F.J.L.C. (2018), Sublime. In: Sgarbi M. (Ed.), Enclyclopedia of Renaissance Philosophy: Springer International Publisher.
- Bussels S.P.M. (2018), Justice as a Storm. In: Mareel S. (Ed.), Call for Justice: Art and Law in the Low Countries, 1450-1650. Veurne: Hannibal. 204-206.
- Bussels S.P.M. (2018), Injustice as Propaganda. In: Mareel S. (Ed.), Call for Justice: Art and Law in the Low Countries, 1450-1650. Veurne: Hannibal. 165-167.
- Bussels S.P.M. & Oostveldt B. van (2018), Il 'Restored behavior' e la performance della 'Vergine' di Antverpia. In: Bortoletti F. & Sacchi A. (Eds.), La Performance della Memoria: La scena del teatro come luogo di sopravvivenze, ritorni, tracce e fantasmi'. Bologna: Baskerville. 129-160.
- Oostveldt B. van & Bussels S.P.M. (2018), Lemma 'Sublime' in LexArt. In: Heck Michèle-Caroline (Ed.), LexArt. Words for Painting (France, Germany, England, The Netherlands, 1600-1750). Montpellier: Presses universitaires de le Méditerranée. 451-458.
- Oostveldt B. van & Bussels S.P.M. (2018), Lemma Sublime in LexArt - French Version. In: Heck Michèle-Caroline (Ed.), Théorie des Arts. Montpellier: Presses universitaires de la Méditerranée. 439-445.
- Bussels S.P.M. & Plezier L.M. (2017), Amsterdam sierlijk verbonden met God. Het lofdicht op het Amsterdamse stadhuis van Constantijn Huygens, Spiegel der Letteren (Buiten het Boek): .
- Bussels S.P.M. & Oostveldt B. van (2017), 'La comportement rétabli' et la performance de la Pucelle de la ville dans les joyeuses entrées à Anvers. In: Dekoninck R., Heering C. & Delfosse A. (Eds.), Culture du spectacle baroque entre Italie et anciens Pays-Bas. Rome: Institut Historique Belge de Rome.
- Bussels S.P.M. (2017), Capitalizing the Ancients. Classicism in the Dutch Golde Age. In: Helmers H. (Ed.), Cambridge Companion to the Dutch Golden Age: Cambridge University Press.
- Bussels S.P.M. & Oostveldt B. van (2017), Il Restored Behaviour e la performance della Vergine di Antverpia. In: Bortoletti F. & Sacchi A. (Eds.), La memoria della performance. Bologna, Baskerville: UNIPress.
- Bussels S.P.M. & Oostveldt B. van (2017), "Restored Behavior” and the Performance of the City Maiden in Joyous Entries into Antwerp. In: Bruaene A. van & Kavaler A. (Eds.), Netherlandish Culture of the Sixteenth Century, Studies in European Urban History. Turnhout: Brepols.
- Bussels S.P.M. & Oostveldt B. van (2017), The Massacre of the Innocents: Infanticide and Solace in the Seventeenth-Century Low Countries. In: Macsotay Tomas, Haven Cornelis van der & Vanhaesebrouck Karel (Eds.), The Hurt(ful) Body. Performing and Beholding Pain, 1600-1800. Manchester: Manchester University Press. 49-73.
- Bussels S.P.M. (2017), Medusa's Terror in the Amsterdam Town Hall. How to Look at Sculptures in the Dutch Golden Age. In: Eck Caroline van (Ed.), Idols to Museum Pieces. The Nature of Sculpture, its Historiography and Exhibition History, 1640-1880. Berlin: De Gruyter. 85-102.
- Bussels S.P.M., Plezier L. & Van Vaeck M. (2017), Amsterdam sierlijk verbonden met God. Het lofdicht op het Amsterdamse Stadhuis van Constantijn Huygens, Spiegel der Letteren 59(2-3): 261-290.
- Bussels S.P.M. & Oostveldt B. van (2016), Introduction: The Sublime and Seventeenth-Century Netherlandish Art, Journal of Historians of Netherlandish Art 8(2 (Summer2016)): 1-16.
- Bussels S.P.M., Jansen W.L. & Oostveldt B. van (2016), Introduction. The Longinian Sublime in Early Seventeenth-Century Theories of Art and Literature, Lias : Sources and Documents relating to the Early Modern History of Ideas : .
- Bussels S.P.M. (2016), Review of: Cholcman Tama, Art on Paper, Ephemeral Art in the Low Countries. Renaissance Quarterly 69(3).
- Bussels S.P.M. & Oostveldt B. van (2016), ‘Lucifer’s Tragedy: How to Find God in the Dutch Golden Age’, Dutch Crossing : .
- Bussels S.P.M. (2016), Theories of the Sublime in the Dutch Golden Age: Franciscus Junius, Joost van den Vondel and Petrus Wittewrongel, History of European Ideas 42(7): 882-892.
- Bussels S.P.M. (2015), ‘Vondel’s Brothers and the Power of Imagination’, Comparative Drama 49/1(Spring 2015): 49-68.
- Bussels S.P.M. (2015), ‘Rubens’ Kindermoord’. In: Jong J. de, Rademaker A. & Pieper C. (Eds.), Beïnvloeden met emoties. Pathos en retorica. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. 217-223.
- Bussels S.P.M. (2015), Theater en spektakel in Rome. In: Crombez T., Koopmans J., Peeters F., Dries L. van den & Vanhaesebrouck K. (Eds.), Theater een Westerse geschiedenis. Tielt: Lannoo Campus. 31-47.
- Bussels S.P.M. & Oostveldt B. van (2015), Steden ensceneren macht. Politiek en spektakel in de vroegmoderne tijd. In: Crombez T., Koopmans J., Peeters F., Dries L. van den & Vanhaesebrouck K. (Eds.), Theater een Westerse geschiedenis. Tielt: Lannoo Campus. 156-163.
- Bussels S.P.M. (2014), Powerful Performances. Tableaux vivants in Early Modern Entries in the Netherlands. In: Ramos J. & Pouy L. (Eds.), Le tableau vivant ou l'image performée. Paris: Mare & Martin. 71-94.
- Bussels S.P.M. (2014), Da più scorreti abusata. The Venus de’ Medici and its Histroy of Sexual Responses. In: Eck C. van, Gastel J. van & Kessel E. van (Eds.), The Secret Lives of Artworks. Exploring the Boundaries betwen Art and Life. Leiden: Leiden University Press. 38-55.
- Vandommele J. & Bussels S.P.M. (2014), “Cooplieden die rechtveerdig handelen eenpaer”. Coornhert en het zestiende-eeuwse Antwerpen over handel en rijkdom. In: Gruppelaar J. & Pieters J. (Eds.), ‘Un certain Holandois’. Coornhert en de vragen van zijn tijd. Hilversum: Verloren. 143-166.
- Bussels S.P.M. (2014), Powerful Performances. Tableaux Vivants in Early Modern Joyous Entries of the Netherlands. In: Ramos J. & Pouy L. (Eds.), Les tableaux vivants ou l’image performée. Paris: Mare & Martin. 71-94.
- Oostveldt B. van & Bussels S.P.M. (2014), Re-enacting a scrutinised past at the Antwerp world exhibition of 1894, Forum modernes Theater 26(2011 (2014)): 21-42.
- Bussels S.P.M. (2013), Hoe het Paleis op de Dam Nederland heeft veranderd. In: Geels M. & Opijnen T. van (Eds.), Nederland in ideeën. 101 denkers over inzichten en innovaties die ons land verander(d)en. Amsterdam: Maven Publisher. 36-40.
- Bussels S.P.M. (2013), The Diptych of the Lentulus Letter: Building Textual and Visual Evidence for Christ's Appearance. In: Hemptinne T. de, Fraeters V. & Gongora M.E. (Eds.), Speaking to the Eye. Sight and Insight Through Text and Image (1150-1650). Turnhout: Brepols. 241-258.
- Bussels S.P.M. (2013), All about Eve: Genesis and gender in a fireworks display in the Antwerp Entry of Charles V and his son Philip. Bloemendal J., Eversmann P.G.F. & Strietman E. (Eds.), Drama, Performance and Debate: Theatre and Public Opinion in the Early Modern Period. Conference on Drama, Performance and Debate. Leiden: Brill. 143-162.
- Bussels S.P.M. (2013), Meer te verwonderen, als immer te doorgronden. Het Amsterdamse stadhuis, een overweldigende burgerspiegel, TIJDSCHRIFT VOOR GESCHIEDENIS 126(2): 234-248.
- Bussels S.P.M. & Van Oostveldt B. (2012), De Antwerpse wereldtentoonstelling van 1894 als ambigu spektakel van de moderniteit, TIJDSCHRIFT VOOR GESCHIEDENIS (1): 5-20.
- Eck C.A. van, Bussels S.P.M., Delbeke M.J.F. & Pieters J.F. (2012), Translations of the Sublime. The Early Modern Reception and Dissemination of Longinus' Peri Hupsous in Rhetoric, the Visual Arts, Architecture and the Theatre. Leiden: Brill.
- Bussels S.P.M. (2012), The Animated Image: Roman Theory on Naturalism. Berlin: Akademie Verlag.
- Bussels S.P.M. (2012), Rhetoric, Performance and Power: The Antwerp Entry of Prince Philip in 1549. Amsterdam-New York: Rodopi.
- Bussels S.P.M. (2012), Meer dan beeldende liefde: Extreme reacties op Praxiteles' Venus van Cnidus. In: Eck C. van & Bussels S. (Eds.), Levende Beelden: Kunst werken en zien. Leiden: Leiden University Press.
- Bussels S.P.M., Van Eck C.A. & Delbeke M. (2012), Translations of the Sublime: Introduction. In: Eck C. van, Bussels S., Delbeke M. & Pieters J. (Eds.), Translations of the Sublime. Leiden: Brill. 1-12.
- Bussels S.P.M. & Van Oostveldt B. (2012), One never sees monsters without experiencing emotion: Le merveilleux and the sublime in theories on French performing arts (1650-1750). In: Eck C. van, Delbeke M., Bussels S. & Pieters J. (Eds.), Translations of the Sublime. Leiden: Brill.
- Bussels S.P.M. & Van Oostveldt B. (2012), Wij zijn geen crapuul! Jacob Kats’ strijd als vroegsocialistisch theatermaker, redenaar en journalist, Brood & Rozen (4): 31-53.
- Eck C.A. van & Bussels S.P.M. (2011), Introduction: Theatre, the Arts and Theatricality, Art History 33(2): 204-222.
- Eck C.A. van & Bussels S.P.M. (2011), Levende Beelden. Kunst werken en kijken. Leiden: Leiden University Press.
- Eck C.A. van & Bussels S.P.M. (2011), Theatricality in Early Modern Art and Architecture. Malden/Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell.
- Bussels S.P.M. (2011), Theatre changes the world, but is this desirable? The earliest thoughts on mimesis and deception. In: Heteren L. van, GIelen P. & Hogen Q. van den (Eds.), A Fight for the Arts. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.
- Bussels S.P.M. (2011), To Take in a Town with Gentle Words: The Use of Loci in the Antwerp Entry of 1549. In: Bruun M. & Cowling D. (Eds.), The Role of Commonplaces in Western Europe. Leuven-Paris-Walpole: Peeters. 151-170.
- Eck C.A. van & Bussels S.P.M. (Eds.) (2011), . Art History.
- Bussels S.P.M. & Van Oostveldt B. (2011), Re-Enacting a Scrutinised Past at the Antwerp World Exhibition of 1894, Forum modernes Theater 26(1): 17-38.
- Bussels S.P.M. & Van Ooostveldt B. (2011), Vlecht den Gentschen zoon een duurzame eerekroon! De inhuldiging van Lieven Bauwens, Brood & Rozen 26(1): 17-38.
- Bussels S.P.M. (2011), Making the Most of Theatre and Painting: The Power of Tableaux Vivants in Joyous Entries from the Southern Netherlands (1485-1635), Art History 33(2): 236.
- Bussels S.P.M. (2010), Hoe vroegmoderne steden feestelijk fonkelden. In: Dijk T. van & Rynck P. de (Eds.), Belichte Stad: Over dag, licht en nacht. Tielt: Lannoo.
- Bussels S.P.M. & Van Oostveldt B. (2010), Charles-Joseph de Ligne's Lettre de Partenizza. In: Loretelli R. & O'Gorman F. (Eds.), Britain and Italy in the Long Eighteenthc Century: Literary and Art Theories. Cambridge.
- Bussels S.P.M. (2009), Vrouwe Retorica, bedrieglijke schone. De rol van retorica in de toneelstukken van Coornhert, Jaarboek De Fonteine (1999-2000) : 32-45.
- Bussels S.P.M. & Van Oostveldt B. (2008), How to Perform the Polis. The Locus of Tragical Deception. In: Crombez T., Cools A. & Taels J. (Eds.), The Locus of Tragedy. Leiden: Brill.
- Bussels S.P.M. (2008), De rol van de allegorie in Coornhert’s Comedie vande Rijckeman, Spiegel der Letteren (1): 1-40.
- Bussels S.P.M. & Mareel S. (2008), Strategieën van overtuiging in het toneel en de beeldende kunst van de vijftiende- en zestiende-eeuwse Nederlanden, Desipientia. Zin en Waan (1): 24-35.
- Bussels S.P.M. (2007), Between Decency and Desire: Verbal and Visual Discourses on Dress and Nudity in the Antwerp Entry of 1549, Queeste 14(1): 62-80.
- Oostveldt Bram van & Bussels S.P.M. (2007), Vreemde schurken op het toneel. De secularisering van het Ottomaanse schrikbeeld en het ‘gouvernementaliteitsbegrip’ in vroegmoderne spektakels uit de Zuidelijke Nederlanden, TIJDSCHRIFT VOOR GESCHIEDENIS 120(2): 192-207.
- Bussels S.P.M. (2007), De retoriek van het tableau vivant, het toernooi, de slagorde, de paradestoet en het vuurwerk in de intocht van Karel V en Filips in 1549. In: Bleeker Maaike, Heeteren Lucia van, Kattenbelt Chiel & Vuyk Kees (Eds.), Multicultureel drama?. Amsterdam: Amsterdam Universiry Press. 111-113.
- Bussels S.P.M. (2007), De macht van levende beelden: Een onderzoek naar de agency van visualiteit in literatuur, retorica, beeldende kunsten en theater aan de hand van antieke bronnen. In: Bleeker Maaike, Heeteren Lucia van, Kattenbelt Chiel & Vuyk Kees (Eds.), Ornamenten van het vergeten. Amsterdam: Amsterdam Universiry Press. 111-113.
- Bussels S.P.M. (2007), The Mask as a Token for Theatrical Deception. Takemoto M. (Ed.), The Ancient Mask. . Tokyo: JSPS.
- Bussels S.P.M., Oostveldt Bram van, Stalpaert Christel & Urmeneta Ottiker Giannina (2006), Geheugen, spreek. Jetty Roels, Alain Platel en Barbara Raes op zoek naar sporen van dans in Gent. In: Allegaert P. (Ed.), De speler en de strop. Tweehonderd jaar theater in Gent. Gent: Snoeck.
- Bussels S.P.M. (2006), Todo sobre Eva: Génesis y Género en una presentación de fuegos de artificios durante la Entrada de Carlos V y su hijo Felipe en Amberes, Revista Chilena de Literatura 68: 241-260.
- Bussels S.P.M. (2005), Jaunty Joys and Sinuous Sorrows: Rhetoric and Body Language in a Tableau Vivant of the Antwerp Entry of 1549. In: Bruaene A.L. van & Lecuppre Desjardin E. (Eds.), Emotions in the Heart of the City (14th- 16th century)/ Les émotions au coeur de la ville. Leuven: Brepols.
- Bussels S.P.M. (2005), Splendid Cruelty: The Turk in Early Modern Court Entertainment in The Netherlands and France. Kolk Mieke (Ed.), The Performance of the Comic in Arabic Theatre. Cultural Heritage, Western Models and Postcolonial Hybridity. Conferentie Tanger. Gent: Documenta. 316-330.
- Bussels S.P.M. (2005), Van macht en mensenwerken: Retorica als performatieve praktijk in de Antwerpse intocht van 1549 (Dissertatie, Leiden University). Supervisor(s): Pieters J.F. & Kolk M.H.
- Bussels S.P.M. & Steenberghe Els. van (2004), Over twee theatertalen als twee besmeurde witte laarsjes, Documenta: Tijdschrift voor theater XXII(3): 215-223.
- Bussels S.P.M. (2004), Eva ontploft! Genesis en gender in een vuurwerk over het paradijs en de zondeval in de Antwerpse intrede van Karel V en zijn zoon Filips in 1549, Verslagen van het Centrum voor Genderstudies, UGent 3-4: 31-65.
- Bussels S.P.M. (2003), Wat droeg Max Herrmann bij tot het onderzoek met betrekking tot de tableaux vivants?. In: Bussels S., Oostveldt B. van & Stalpaert C. (Eds.), Meester in vele kunsten. Gent: Studies in Performance Arts.
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