Steven Truxal
Professor Air and Space Law
- Name
- Prof.dr. S.J. Truxal
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 7725
- 0000-0001-8282-2080

Steven Truxal is Professor of Air and Space Law and Director of the International Institute of Air and Space Law.
Steven Truxal holds a BA in International Affairs with concentrations in international law and economics from the George Washington University in Washington DC, an LLM in International Commercial Law with focus on international transport and a PhD in Air Law from the University of Westminster in London.
Truxal has a track record of research excellence in air law. His PhD dissertation was later published as Competition and Regulation in the Airline Industry: Puppets in Chaos (Routledge 2012). Truxal’s second monograph is entitled Economic and Environmental Regulation of International Aviation: From Inter-National to Global Governance (Routledge 2017).
Truxal joined Leiden from the City Law School, University of London, where he was Reader in Air Law and Associate Dean (International). Previously, he served as Visiting Professor of Law and Dean of Studies at the Centre for British Studies, Humboldt University in Berlin. Truxal has also spent time as a visiting researcher at the McGill Institute of Air and Space Law in Montreal.
Prior to his academic career, Truxal gained experience through working in the aviation industry with Deutsche Lufthansa AG and in government administration at the US Department of Commerce.
Professor Air and Space Law
- Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
- Instituut voor Publiekrecht
- Lucht- en Ruimterecht
- Adler M., Behrens C., Kieffer M. & Truxal S.J. (2025), Impact of a CO2 ceiling on airline market access at Schiphol. SEO note no. 25. Amsterdam: SEO Amsterdam Economics.
- Truxal S.J. & Aras T. (2025), Charting a ‘Green’ Flight Path for European Consumers?: Allegations of Greenwashing in the Airline Industry, Journal of European Consumer and Market Law 14(1): 15-20.
- Truxal S.J., Aras T., Kurtpinar E.O. & Scott B.I. (2025), Third Transformation Support Strategy (TSS) Workshop: 'Flagship for Air Traffic Management Transformation: Continuing the Journey'. Research in Aerospace Law & Policy no. 2025/01. Leiden: International Institute of Air and Space Law.
- Choi J. & Truxal S.J. (2024), Accessibility of investigation records from the aircraft accident at Bijlmermeer: a comparative legal analysis. The Hague: Adviescollege Openbaarheid en Informatiehuishouding.
- Özgür N. & Truxal S.J. (2024), On increasing commercial space operations and global integrated airspace safety governance, Journal of Space Law 47(1 (for 2023)): 1-35.
- Truxal S.J. (2024), State subsidies and aircraft financing in the EU, USA, and China: a balancing act, Uniform Law Review 29(1): 17-29.
- Hartmann J., Scott B.I., Truxal S., Bertolini A. & Masutti A. (Eds.) (2024), Civil Regulation of Autonomous Unmanned Aircraft Systems in Europe. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
- Truxal S. & Scott B.I. (2024), The regulation of unmanned aircraft systems in the European Union. In: Hartmann J., Scott B.I., Truxal S., Bertolini A. & Masutti A. (Eds.), Civil Regulation Of Autonomous Unmanned Aircraft Systems In Europe. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. 31-63.
- Truxal S.J. (2024), Three decades of European air transport liberalisation: a reflection, Issues in Aviation Law and Policy 24(1): 29-55.
- Behrens C., Adler M., Groskamp P., Lieshout R. & Truxal S. (2024), Slotmobiliteit op Schiphol: Een rol voor slothandel?. SEO-rapport no. 145. Amsterdam: SEO Economisch Onderzoek.
- Truxal S. (2024), The Chicago system: A steadfast legal blueprint for world civil aviation?, ECAC News 82(Winter 2024): 3-5.
- Hartmann J., Scott B.I., Truxal S., Bertolini A. & Masutti A. (2024), Conclusion to the legal evolution and regulatory challenges of unmanned aircraft systems in Europe. In: Hartmann J., Scott B.I., Truxal S., Bertolini A. & Masutti A. (Eds.), Civil Regulation Of Autonomous Unmanned Aircraft Systems In Europe. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. 312-316.
- Truxal S. & Aras T. (2023), Airport slots and environmental protection: future 'green' slots for Europe?, Zeitschrift für Luft- und Weltraumrecht 72(3): 428-447.
- Truxal S.J. (2023), Air transport: [last updated: November 2023]. In: , Oxford Encyclopedia of EU Law (OEEUL). The Oxford Encyclopedia of EU Law. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Truxal S.J. & Drew S. (2022), Consumers, air carriers and workers in the European Union: two sides of the triangle, Air and Space Law 47(1): 111-134.
- Truxal S.J. (2022), Charting a sustainable flight path for the EU aviation sector: a comment. In: Montero-Pascual J.J., Finger M. & Serafimova T. (Eds.), Towards resilient and sustainable aviation: implications for competition and competitiveness. Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies: Policy Briefs no. 2022/58. Florence: EUI Florence School of Regulation. 15-16.
- Truxal S.J. (2022), Slots. In: Garben S. & Gormley L. (Eds.), The Oxford Encyclopedia of EU Law: Transport. The Oxford Encyclopedia of EU Law. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Truxal S.J. (2022), Review of: Pavliha M. (ed.) (2021) Transport Law on Passenger Rights, IMLI Studies in International Maritime Law, Aerospace 2022(6): 47.
- Truxal S. (2021), The EU–UK Competition and State Aid Regulatory Environment for Airlines: Post-Brexit, Post-Transition, Air and Space Law 46(Special Issue): 29-44.
- Truxal S.J. (2020), State Aid and Air Transport in the Shadow of COVID-19, Air & Space Law 45(special issue): 61-82.
- Truxal S.J. (6 April 2020), COVID-19 airport slot rules: what’s changed and what’s next for European airlines?. LSE – British Politics and Policy. London: London School of Economics. [blog entry].
- Truxal S.J. (2020), Agents and agency in the face of austerity and Brexit uncertainty: the case of legal aid. In: Guderjan M., Mackay H. & Stedman G. (Eds.), Contested Britain: Brexit, Austerity and Agency. Bristol: Policy Press-Bristol University Press. 73-86.
- Truxal S.J. (2019), Airspace Sovereignty in the Chicago Regime: A Reality Check. In: Mendes de Leon P. & Buissing N. (Eds.), Behind and Beyond the Chicago Convention: The Evolution of Aerial Sovereignty. Aerospace law and policy series no. 16. Deventer: Wolters Kluwer. 291-303.
- Truxal S.J. (2018), Mergers, acquisitions and “fair” competition in the airline industry. In: Dynia E. & Marcisz-Dynia A. (Eds.), Prawne i techniczne aspekty wykorzystania przestrzeni powietrznej i kosmicznej. Rzeszow: Uniwersytet Rzeszowski. 122-129.
- Truxal S.J. (2017), Economic and Environmental Regulation of International Aviation: From Inter-national to Global Governance. Routledge Research in International Commercial Law. London: Routledge.
- Truxal S.J. (2017), Air Carrier Liability and Air Passenger Rights: A Game of Tug of War?, Journal of International and Comparative Law 4(1): 103-122.
- Truxal S.J. (4 November 2015), Distance Learning: LLM International Business Law. Educational Vignettes. London: City University London. [blog entry].
- Truxal S.J. (2014), Consumer protections and limited liability: Global order for air transport?, Journal of International and Comparative Law 1(1): 133-140.
- Truxal S.J. (2014), Risk of abuse of dominance in airport slots for "better" European airports?, European Competition Law Review 35(6): 299-309.
- Truxal S.J. (2014), Encouraging student participation with formative assessment and engagement in grading criteria: hybrid peer/self-assessment activity, Learning at City Journal 4(2): 18-24.
- Truxal S.J. & Harris S. (2013), Airfreight: regulatory environment encourages or imposes price co-ordination?, Journal of Air Law and Commerce 78(3): 541-582.
- Truxal S.J. (2012), Competition and Regulation in the Airline Industry: Puppets in Chaos. Routledge Research in Competition Law. London: Routledge.
- Truxal S.J. & Dunbar R. (2012), Evaluating Three Levels of Environmental Taxation in Aviation: Global limitation, EU determination and UK self-interest. In: Yábar Sterling A. & et al. (Eds.), Market instruments and sustainable economy. Madrid: Ministerio de Hacienda y Administraciones Públicas-Instituto de Estudios Fiscales. 275-289.
- Truxal S.J. (2011), The ICAO Assembly Resolutions on International Aviation and Climate Change: An Historic Agreement, a Breakthrough Deal, and the Cancun Effect, Air & Space Law 36(3): 217-242.
- Truxal S.J. (2010), At the sidelines of implementing the EU ETS: objections to ‘validity’, International Trade Law and Regulation 16(4): 28-36.
- Truxal S.J. (2008), EU transport emissions compliance catch-up, International Trade Law and Regulation 14(6): 117-121.
- Truxal S.J. (2008), Competitive distortions, carbon emissions efficiencies or the green ultimatum?, International Trade Law and Regulation 14(4): 77-79.
- Scientific Advisor
- Advisory Board Member
- General Editor
- Advisory Board Member
- Advisory Board Member
- Advisory Board Member